# # = lib/evo/tool/hmmscan_summary.rb - HmmscanSummary class # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2012 Christian M. Zmasek # License:: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) # # $Id: hmmscan_parser.rb,v 1.5 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $ # require 'lib/evo/util/constants' require 'lib/evo/util/util' require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments' require 'lib/evo/io/parser/hmmscan_parser' require 'lib/evo/msa/msa' require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory' require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io' require 'lib/evo/io/parser/fasta_parser' module Evoruby class HmmscanAnalysis PRG_NAME = "hsa" PRG_VERSION = "1.000" PRG_DESC = "hmmscan analysis" PRG_DATE = "130319" COPYRIGHT = "2013 Christian M Zmasek" CONTACT = "phyloxml@gmail.com" WWW = "https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester" I_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION = "ie" FS_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION = "pe" TARGET_MODELS = "m" EXTRACTION = "x" HELP_OPTION_1 = "help" HELP_OPTION_2 = "h" USE_AVOID_HMMS = true AVOID_HHMS = [ "RRM_1", "RRM_2", "RRM_3", "RRM_4", "RRM_5", "RRM_6" ] LIMIT_FOR_CLOSE_DOMAINS = 20 def run Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME, PRG_VERSION, PRG_DESC, PRG_DATE, COPYRIGHT, CONTACT, WWW, STDOUT ) begin cla = CommandLineArguments.new( ARGV ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) || cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) ) print_help exit( 0 ) end if ( cla.get_number_of_files != 1 && cla.get_number_of_files != 3 ) print_help exit( -1 ) end allowed_opts = Array.new allowed_opts.push( I_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( FS_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( TARGET_MODELS ) allowed_opts.push( EXTRACTION ) disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts ) if ( disallowed.length > 0 ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + disallowed, STDOUT ) end inpath = cla.get_file_name( 0 ) Util.check_file_for_readability( inpath ) seq_file_path = nil extraction_output = nil if ( cla.get_number_of_files == 3 ) seq_file_path = cla.get_file_name( 1 ) Util.check_file_for_readability( seq_file_path ) extraction_output = cla.get_file_name( 2 ) if File.exist?( extraction_output ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{extraction_output}] already exists" ) end end msa = nil if seq_file_path != nil msa = read_fasta_file( seq_file_path ) end i_e_value_threshold = -1 if ( cla.is_option_set?( I_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION ) ) begin i_e_value_threshold = cla.get_option_value_as_float( I_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end if ( i_e_value_threshold < 0.0 ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "attempt to use a negative i-E-value threshold", STDOUT ) end end fs_e_value_threshold = -1 if ( cla.is_option_set?( FS_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION ) ) begin fs_e_value_threshold = cla.get_option_value_as_float( FS_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end if ( fs_e_value_threshold < 0.0 ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "attempt to use a negative E-value threshold", STDOUT ) end end target_models = [] if ( cla.is_option_set?( TARGET_MODELS ) ) begin hmm_for_protein_output = cla.get_option_value( TARGET_MODELS ) target_models = hmm_for_protein_output.split( "/" ); rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end x_models = [] if ( cla.is_option_set?( EXTRACTION ) ) begin hmm_for_protein_output = cla.get_option_value( EXTRACTION ) x_models = hmm_for_protein_output.split( "~" ); rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end begin parse( inpath, i_e_value_threshold, fs_e_value_threshold, target_models, x_models, msa, extraction_output ) rescue IOError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end # def run private def read_fasta_file( input ) f = MsaFactory.new() msa = nil begin msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, FastaParser.new() ) rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end msa end # raises ArgumentError, IOError def parse( inpath, i_e_value_threshold, fs_e_value_threshold, target_models, x_models, msa, extraction_output ) extraction_output_file = nil if extraction_output != nil extraction_output_file = File.open( extraction_output, "a" ) end hmmscan_parser = HmmscanParser.new( inpath ) results = hmmscan_parser.parse hmmscan_results_per_protein = [] query = "" prev_query = "" results.each do | r | query = r.query if !prev_query.empty? && prev_query != query if !hmmscan_results_per_protein.empty? process_hmmscan_results_per_protein( hmmscan_results_per_protein, fs_e_value_threshold, target_models, x_models, i_e_value_threshold, msa, extraction_output_file ) end hmmscan_results_per_protein.clear end prev_query = query if USE_AVOID_HMMS if !AVOID_HHMS.include? r.model hmmscan_results_per_protein << r end else hmmscan_results_per_protein << r end end if !hmmscan_results_per_protein.empty? process_hmmscan_results_per_protein( hmmscan_results_per_protein, fs_e_value_threshold, target_models, x_models, i_e_value_threshold, msa, extraction_output_file ) end if extraction_output_file != nil extraction_output_file.close end end # def parse def process_hmmscan_results_per_protein( hmmscan_results_per_protein, fs_e_value_threshold, target_hmms, x_models, i_e_value_threshold, msa, extraction_output_file ) raise StandardError, "target hmms is empty" if target_hmms.length < 1 raise StandardError, "results is empty" if hmmscan_results_per_protein.length < 1 # filter according to i-Evalue threshold # abort if fs Evalue too high if fs_e_value_threshold >= 0.0 hmmscan_results_per_protein.each do | r | target_hmms.each do | hmm | if r.model == hmm && r.fs_e_value > fs_e_value_threshold return end end end end hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered = [] matched = Set.new hmmscan_results_per_protein.each do | r | if i_e_value_threshold < 0 || r.i_e_value <= i_e_value_threshold hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered << r target_hmms.each do | hmm | if r.model == hmm matched << hmm break end end end end if matched.length < target_hmms.length return end if hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered.length < 1 return end hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered.sort! { |r1,r2| r1.env_from <=> r2.env_from } owns = [] target_hmms.each do | hmm | hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered.each do | r | if r.model == hmm owns << r break end end end query = nil qlen = nil owns.each do | own | if query == nil query = own.query qlen = own.qlen else raise StandardError, "failed sanity check" if query != own.query || qlen != own.qlen raise StandardError, "failed sanity check: qlen != own.qlen" if qlen != own.qlen end end species = nil if msa != nil seq = get_sequence( query, msa ) species = get_species( seq ) raise StandardError, "could not get species" if species == nil || species.empty? if x_models != nil && x_models.length > 0 extract_linkers( hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered, x_models, seq, extraction_output_file ) end end s = query + "\t" s << species + "\t" owns.each do | own | s << own.fs_e_value.to_s + "\t" end s << qlen.to_s + "\t" s << hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered.length.to_s + "\t" hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered.each do | r | s << r.model + " " end s << "\t" s << make_overview_da( hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered ) s << "\t" s << make_detailed_da( hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered, qlen ) puts s end def extract_linkers( hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered, x_models, seq, extraction_output_file ) raise StandardError, "extraction output file is nil" if extraction_output_file == nil prev_r = nil hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered.each do | r | if prev_r != nil if ( x_models.length == 2 && prev_r.model == x_models[ 0 ] && r.model == x_models[ 1 ] ) extract_linker( prev_r.env_to, r.env_from, seq, extraction_output_file ) end end prev_r = r end end def get_sequence( query, msa ) seq = nil indices = msa.find_by_name_start( query , true ) if indices.length != 1 if query[ -1, 1 ] == "|" query.chop! end seq = msa.get_by_name_pattern( /\b#{Regexp.quote(query)}\b/ ) else seq = msa.get_sequence( indices[ 0 ] ) end seq end def get_species( seq ) species = nil if seq.get_name =~ /\[([A-Z0-9]{3,5})\]/ species = $1 end species end def extract_linker( first, last , seq, output_file ) if ( last - first >= 1 ) output_file.print( ">" + seq.get_name + " [" + first.to_s + "-" + last.to_s + "]" + "\n") output_file.print( seq.get_subsequence( first - 1 , last - 1 ).get_sequence_as_string + "\n" ) end end def make_detailed_da( hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered , qlen ) s = "" prev_r = nil hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered.each do | r | if prev_r != nil s << make_interdomain_sequence( r.env_from - prev_r.env_to - 1 ) else s << make_interdomain_sequence( r.env_from, false ) end s << r.model s << "[" s << r.env_from.to_s << "-" << r.env_to.to_s s << " " << r.i_e_value.to_s s << "]" prev_r = r end s << make_interdomain_sequence( qlen - prev_r.env_to, false ) s end def make_overview_da( hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered ) overview = "" prev_r = nil hmmscan_results_per_protein_filtered.each do | r | if prev_r == nil overview << r.model else if ( r.env_from - prev_r.env_to - 1 ) <= LIMIT_FOR_CLOSE_DOMAINS overview << "~" << r.model else overview << "----" << r.model end end prev_r = r end overview end def make_interdomain_sequence( d, mark_short = true ) s = "" d /= 20 if d >= 10 s << "----//----" elsif d >= 1 d.times do s << "-" end elsif mark_short s << "~" end s end def print_help() puts( "Usage:" ) puts() puts( " " + PRG_NAME + ".rb [options] " ) puts() puts( " options: -" + I_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION + ": i-E-value threshold, default is no threshold" ) puts( " -" + FS_E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION + ": E-value threshold for full protein sequences, only for protein summary" ) puts( " -" + TARGET_MODELS + ": target HMMs" ) puts() end end # class end # module Evoruby