# # = lib/evo/apps/multi_sequence_extractor.rb - MultiSequenceExtractor class # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Christian M. Zmasek # License:: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) # # $Id: multi_sequence_extractor.rb,v 1.10 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $ require 'lib/evo/util/constants' require 'lib/evo/util/util' require 'lib/evo/msa/msa' require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory' require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io' require 'lib/evo/io/parser/fasta_parser' require 'lib/evo/io/writer/fasta_writer' require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments' module Evoruby class MultiSequenceExtractor PRG_NAME = "mse" PRG_VERSION = "1.03" PRG_DESC = "extraction of sequences by name from multiple multi-sequence ('fasta') files" PRG_DATE = "131127" COPYRIGHT = "2008-2013 Christian M Zmasek" CONTACT = "phylosoft@gmail.com" WWW = "https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester" HELP_OPTION_1 = 'help' HELP_OPTION_2 = 'h' EXT_OPTION = 'e' EXTRACT_LINKERS_OPTION = 'l' LOG_SUFFIX = ".mse_log" LINKERS_SUFFIX = ".linkers" FASTA_SUFFIX = ".fasta" FASTA_WITH_NORMALIZED_IDS_SUFFIX = ".ni.fasta" NORMALIZED_IDS_MAP_SUFFIX = ".nim" PROTEINS_LIST_FILE_SEPARATOR = "\t" def initialize() @file_to_msa = Hash.new @seqs = 0 end def run() Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME, PRG_VERSION, PRG_DESC , PRG_DATE, COPYRIGHT, CONTACT, WWW, STDOUT ) ld = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER begin cla = CommandLineArguments.new( ARGV ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) || cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) ) print_help exit( 0 ) end if ( cla.get_number_of_files != 4 && cla.get_number_of_files != 5 ) print_help exit( -1 ) end allowed_opts = Array.new allowed_opts.push(EXT_OPTION) allowed_opts.push(EXTRACT_LINKERS_OPTION) disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts ) if ( disallowed.length > 0 ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + disallowed, STDOUT ) end seq_names_files_suffix = cla.get_file_name( 0 ) input_dir = cla.get_file_name( 1 ) out_dir = cla.get_file_name( 2 ) out_dir_doms = cla.get_file_name( 3 ) mapping_file = nil if ( cla.get_number_of_files == 5 ) mapping_file = cla.get_file_name( 4 ) begin Util.check_file_for_readability( mapping_file ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end end extension = 0 if cla.is_option_set?(EXT_OPTION) extension = cla.get_option_value_as_int(EXT_OPTION) if extension < 0 extension = 0 end end extract_linkers = false if cla.is_option_set?(EXTRACT_LINKERS_OPTION) extract_linkers = true end if !File.exist?( input_dir ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: input directory [#{input_dir}] does not exist" ) end if !File.exist?( out_dir ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: output directory [#{out_dir}] does not exist" ) end if !File.exist?( out_dir_doms ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: output directory [#{out_dir_doms}] does not exist" ) end if !File.directory?( input_dir ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{input_dir}] is not a directory" ) end if !File.directory?( out_dir ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{out_dir}] is not a directory" ) end if !File.directory?( out_dir_doms ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{out_dir_doms}] is not a directory" ) end log = String.new log << "Program : " + PRG_NAME + ld log << "Version : " + PRG_VERSION + ld log << "Program date : " + PRG_DATE + ld puts() puts( "Sequence names files suffix: " + seq_names_files_suffix ) log << "Sequence names files suffix: " + seq_names_files_suffix + ld puts( "Input dir : " + input_dir ) log << "Input dir : " + input_dir + ld puts( "Output dir : " + out_dir ) log << "Output dir : " + out_dir + ld puts( "Output dir domains : " + out_dir_doms ) log << "Output dir domains : " + out_dir_doms + ld if ( mapping_file != nil ) puts( "Mapping file : " + mapping_file ) log << "Mapping file : " + mapping_file + ld end if extension > 0 puts( "Extension : " + extension.to_s ) log << "Extension : " + extension.to_s + ld end if extract_linkers puts( "Extract linkers : true" ) log << "Extract linkers : true" + ld end log << "Date : " + Time.now.to_s + ld puts if ( mapping_file != nil ) species_codes_to_paths = extract_mappings( mapping_file ) end input_files = obtain_inputfiles( input_dir, seq_names_files_suffix ) counter = 0 input_files.each { |input_file| counter += 1 puts puts puts counter.to_s + "/" + input_files.size.to_s read_seq_family_file( input_file, seq_names_files_suffix, input_dir, species_codes_to_paths, log, out_dir, out_dir_doms, mapping_file, extension, extract_linkers ) } puts Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" ) puts end def read_seq_family_file( input_file, seq_names_files_suffix, input_dir, species_codes_to_paths, log, out_dir, out_dir_doms, mapping_file, extension, extract_linkers ) begin Util.check_file_for_readability( input_file ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end basename = File.basename( input_file, seq_names_files_suffix ) out_file_path_fasta_file = out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + FASTA_SUFFIX out_file_path_normalized_ids_fasta_file = out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + FASTA_WITH_NORMALIZED_IDS_SUFFIX out_file_path_ids_map = out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + NORMALIZED_IDS_MAP_SUFFIX doms_out_file_path_fasta_file = out_dir_doms + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + "_domains" + FASTA_SUFFIX doms_ext_out_file_path_fasta_file = nil if extension > 0 doms_ext_out_file_path_fasta_file = out_dir_doms + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + "_domains_ext_" + extension.to_s + FASTA_SUFFIX end begin Util.check_file_for_writability( out_file_path_fasta_file ) Util.check_file_for_writability( out_file_path_normalized_ids_fasta_file ) Util.check_file_for_writability( out_file_path_ids_map ) Util.check_file_for_writability( doms_out_file_path_fasta_file ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end ids_map_writer = nil begin ids_map_writer = File.open( out_file_path_ids_map, 'a' ) rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end current_species = "" current_msa = nil new_msa = Msa.new new_msa_normalized_ids = Msa.new new_msa_domains = Msa.new new_msa_domains_extended = Msa.new per_species_counter = 0 linkers = "" puts basename File.open( input_file ) do | file | species_counter = 1 while line = file.gets line.strip! if !Util.is_string_empty?( line ) && !(line =~ /\s*#/ ) values = line.split( PROTEINS_LIST_FILE_SEPARATOR ) mod_line = nil if ( values.length < 2 ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unexpected format: " + line ) end species = values[ 0 ] #if species == "BRADI" || species == "ASPNG" || species == "SCLSC" || species == "PTEVA" || species == "EIMTE" # next #end seq_name = values[ 1 ] domain_ranges = nil if ( values.length > 3 ) domain_ranges_block = values[ 3 ] domain_ranges = domain_ranges_block.split( "/" ) end if ( species != current_species ) current_species = species my_file = input_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + current_species if ( !File.exist?( my_file ) ) if species_codes_to_paths == nil Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{my_file}] not found and no mapping file provided" ) elsif ( !species_codes_to_paths.has_key?( current_species ) ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: species [#{current_species}] not found in mapping file [#{mapping_file}]" ) end my_file = species_codes_to_paths[ current_species ] end my_path = File.expand_path( my_file ) my_readlink = my_path if ( File.symlink?( my_path ) ) my_readlink = File.readlink( my_path ) end current_msa = read_fasta_file( my_file ) if ( per_species_counter > 0 ) print_counts( per_species_counter, log, Constants::LINE_DELIMITER ) per_species_counter = 0 end puts " " + species_counter.to_s + ":" + current_species + " [" + my_readlink + "]" log << species_counter.to_s + ": " + current_species + " [" + my_readlink + "]" + Constants::LINE_DELIMITER species_counter += 1 end puts " " + seq_name log << " " + seq_name + Constants::LINE_DELIMITER per_species_counter = per_species_counter + 1 seq = nil indices = current_msa.find_by_name_start( seq_name, true ) if indices.size == 1 seq = current_msa.get_sequence( indices[ 0 ] ) elsif indices.size == 0 # Not found, try finding by partial match. begin seq = current_msa.get_by_name( seq_name, true, true ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end else Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: seq name \"" + seq_name + "\" not unique" ) end normalized_id = per_species_counter.to_s( 16 ).upcase + "_" + current_species per_species_counter.to_i ids_map_writer.write( normalized_id + "\t" + seq.get_name + Constants::LINE_DELIMITER ) orig_name = nil if seq != nil orig_name = seq.get_name seq.set_name( seq.get_name + " [" + current_species + "]" ) new_msa.add_sequence( seq ) else Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unexected error: seq is nil" ) end if domain_ranges != nil first = true prev_to = -1 domain_ranges.each { |range| if range != nil && range.length > 0 s = range.split("-") from = s[ 0 ].to_i to = s[ 1 ].to_i new_msa_domains.add_sequence( Sequence.new( orig_name + " [" + from.to_s + "-" + to.to_s + "] [" + basename + "] [" + current_species + "]", seq.get_sequence_as_string[from..to] ) ) if extension > 0 from_e = from - extension if from_e < 0 from_e = 0 end to_e = to + extension if to_e > seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1 to_e = seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1 end new_msa_domains_extended.add_sequence( Sequence.new( orig_name + " [" + from.to_s + "-" + to.to_s + "] [extended by " + extension.to_s + "] [" + basename + "] [" + current_species + "]", seq.get_sequence_as_string[ from_e..to_e ] ) ) end # extension > 0 if extract_linkers if first first = false f = 0 t = from - 1 if extension > 0 f = from - extension end mod_line = line + "\t[" + get_linker_sequence( f, t, seq ) + "|" else mod_line += get_linker_sequence( prev_to + 1, from - 1, seq ) + "|" end prev_to = to end end # range != nil && range.length > 0 } if extract_linkers && prev_to > 0 f = prev_to + 1 t = seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1 if extension > 0 t = prev_to + extension end mod_line += get_linker_sequence( f, t, seq ) + "]" end end new_msa_normalized_ids.add_sequence( Sequence.new( normalized_id, seq.get_sequence_as_string ) ) if mod_line linkers << mod_line + Constants::LINE_DELIMITER end end # !Util.is_string_empty?( line ) && !(line =~ /\s*#/ ) end # while line = file.gets end ids_map_writer.close if ( per_species_counter > 0 ) print_counts( per_species_counter, log, Constants::LINE_DELIMITER ) end io = MsaIO.new() fasta_writer = FastaWriter.new() fasta_writer.remove_gap_chars fasta_writer.clean begin io.write_to_file( new_msa, out_file_path_fasta_file, fasta_writer ) rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end if new_msa_domains != nil begin io.write_to_file( new_msa_domains, doms_out_file_path_fasta_file, fasta_writer ) rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end end if extension > 0 && new_msa_domains_extended != nil begin io.write_to_file( new_msa_domains_extended, doms_ext_out_file_path_fasta_file, fasta_writer ) rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end end begin io.write_to_file( new_msa_normalized_ids, out_file_path_normalized_ids_fasta_file, fasta_writer ) rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end begin f = File.open( out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + LOG_SUFFIX , 'a' ) f.print( log ) f.close rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end if extract_linkers && linkers != nil begin f = File.open( out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + LINKERS_SUFFIX , 'a' ) f.print( linkers ) f.close rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end end end def get_linker_sequence( from, to, seq ) if from < 0 from = 0 end if to > seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1 to = seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1 end if from > to return "" else return from.to_s + "-" + to.to_s + ":" + seq.get_sequence_as_string[ from..to ] end end def obtain_inputfiles( input_dir, seq_names_files_suffix ) input_files = Array.new() Dir.foreach( input_dir ) { |file_name| if file_name.index( seq_names_files_suffix ) == ( file_name.size - seq_names_files_suffix.size ) input_files.push( input_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + file_name ) end } input_files end def extract_mappings( mapping_file ) species_code_to_path = Hash.new() File.open( mapping_file ) do | file | while line = file.gets if ( !Util.is_string_empty?( line ) && !(line =~ /\s*#/ ) ) if ( line =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ ) species = $1 path = $2 if ( species_code_to_path.has_key?( species ) ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: species code [#{species}] is not unique" ) end if ( species_code_to_path.has_value?( path ) ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: path [#{path}] is not unique" ) end if ( !File.exist?( path ) ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: file [#{path}] does not exist" ) end if ( !File.file?( path ) ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{path}] is not a regular file" ) end if ( !File.readable?( path ) ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: file [#{path}] is not readable" ) end if ( File.size( path ) < 10000 ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: file [#{path}] appears too small" ) end if ( !Util.looks_like_fasta?( path ) ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: file [#{path}] does not appear to be a fasta file" ) end species_code_to_path[ species ] = path puts species + " -> " + path end end end end species_code_to_path end def print_counts( per_species_counter, log, ld ) puts " [sum: " + per_species_counter.to_s + "]" log << " [sum: " + per_species_counter.to_s + "]" + ld end def read_fasta_file( input ) if @file_to_msa.has_key?( input ) return @file_to_msa[ input ] end f = MsaFactory.new() msa = nil begin msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, FastaParser.new() ) rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end if @seqs <= 500000 @file_to_msa[ input ] = msa @seqs += msa.get_number_of_seqs puts " total seqs in memory: " + @seqs.to_s end msa end def print_help() puts( "Usage:" ) puts() puts( " " + PRG_NAME + ".rb [mapping file for " + "genome multiple-sequence ('fasta') files not in input dir]" ) puts() puts( " option: -" + EXT_OPTION + "=: to extend extracted domains" ) puts( " -" + EXTRACT_LINKERS_OPTION + " : to extract linkers" ) puts() puts( " " + "Example: \"mse.rb .prot . protein_seqs domain_seqs ../genome_locations.txt\"" ) puts() end end # class MultiSequenceExtractor end