# # = lib/evo/apps/phylogeny_factory - PhylogenyFactory class # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek # License:: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) # # $Id: phylogeny_factory.rb,v 1.32 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $ require 'lib/evo/util/constants' require 'lib/evo/util/util' require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments' require 'set' require 'date' module Evoruby class PhylogenyFactory PRG_NAME = "phylogeny_factory" PRG_DATE = "1301111" PRG_DESC = "automated phylogeny reconstruction using queing system" PRG_VERSION = "1.100" COPYRIGHT = "2013 Christian M Zmasek" CONTACT = "phylosoft@gmail.com" WWW = "www.phylosoft.org" USE_JOB_SUBMISSION_SYSTEM_OPTION = 's' BS_OPTION = 'b' LOG_FILE = '00_phylogeny_factory.log' TEMPLATE_FILE = '00_phylogeny_factory.template' PBS_O_WORKDIR = '$PBS_O_WORKDIR/' MIN_LENGTH_DEFAULT = 40 PFAM_HHMS = "/home/czmasek/DATA/PFAM/PFAM270X/PFAM_A_HMMs/" WALLTIME = '100:00:00' QUEUE = 'default' TMP_CMD_FILE_SUFFIX = '_QSUB' RSL = 'RSL' HMM = 'HMM' PHYLO_PL = 'PHYLO_PL' OPTION_OPEN = '%[' OPTION_CLOSE = ']%' WAIT = 1.0 NL = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER def run Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME, PRG_VERSION, PRG_DESC, PRG_DATE, COPYRIGHT, CONTACT, WWW, STDOUT ) begin cla = CommandLineArguments.new( ARGV ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end allowed_opts = Array.new allowed_opts.push( USE_JOB_SUBMISSION_SYSTEM_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( BS_OPTION ) disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts ) if ( disallowed.length > 0 ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + disallowed, STDOUT ) end if File.exists?( LOG_FILE ) puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > log file [' + LOG_FILE + '] already exists' ) exit( -1 ) end if !File.exists?( TEMPLATE_FILE ) puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > template file [' + TEMPLATE_FILE + '] not found' ) exit( -1 ) end use_job_submission_system = false if cla.is_option_set?( USE_JOB_SUBMISSION_SYSTEM_OPTION ) use_job_submission_system = true end bootstraps = 1 if cla.is_option_set?( BS_OPTION ) bootstraps = cla.get_option_value_as_int( BS_OPTION ) end if bootstraps < 0 puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > negative bootstrap value' ) exit( -1 ) end if bootstraps == 0 bootstraps = 1 end log = String.new now = DateTime.now log << "Program : " + PRG_NAME + NL log << "Version : " + PRG_VERSION + NL log << "Program date: " + PRG_DATE + NL + NL log << "Bootstraps : " + bootstraps.to_s + NL log << "Date/time : " + now.to_s + NL log << "Directory : " + Dir.getwd + NL + NL puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > reading ' + TEMPLATE_FILE ) paths = Hash.new # path placeholder -> full path min_lengths = Hash.new # alignment id -> minimal length options = Hash.new # option placeholder -> option commands = Array.new log << "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #{NL}" log << "Template file [" + TEMPLATE_FILE + "]:#{NL}" command = String.new open( TEMPLATE_FILE ).each { | line | log << line if ( line =~ /^#/ ) elsif ( line =~ /^\$\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/ ) paths[ $1 ] = $2 puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > paths : ' + $1 + ' => ' + $2 ) elsif ( line =~ /^%\s*#{RSL}\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/ ) min_lengths[ $1 ] = $2 puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > min lengths: ' + $1 + ' => ' + $2 ) elsif ( line =~ /^%\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/ ) key = $1 value = $2 if key == PHYLO_PL value = update_phylo_pl_options( value, bootstraps ) end options[ key ] = value puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > options : ' + key + ' => ' + value ) elsif ( line =~ /^>\s*(.+)/ ) command = command + $1 + ";#{NL}" elsif ( line =~ /^-/ ) commands << prepare( command, paths ) command = String.new end } log << "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #{NL}#{NL}" files = Dir.entries( "." ) files.each { | file | if ( !File.directory?( file ) && file !~ /^\./ && file !~ /#{TEMPLATE_FILE}/ && file !~ /.bck$/ && file !~ /.log$/ && file !~ /nohup/ && file !~ /^00/ ) aln_name = file.to_str id = get_id( aln_name ) if id != nil && id.length > 0 puts puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > file [id] : ' + aln_name + ' [' + id + ']' ) else puts puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > file [id] : ' + aln_name + ' [WARNING: could not get id!]' ) end commands.each do | cmd | cmd = subst_hmm( cmd, id ) cmd = subst_min_length( cmd, id, min_lengths ) cmd = subst_options( cmd, options ) if use_job_submission_system cmd = subst_aln_name( cmd, PBS_O_WORKDIR + aln_name ) else cmd = subst_aln_name( cmd, aln_name ) end if ( cmd =~ /%/ ) cmd =~ /(%.*?%)/ problem = $1 puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > WARNING : command still contains placeholder: ' + problem ) log << "WARNING: command still contains placeholder: " + cmd + NL else tmp_cmd_file = file.to_str[ 0..4 ] + TMP_CMD_FILE_SUFFIX if ( File.exists?( tmp_cmd_file ) ) File.delete( tmp_cmd_file ) end if use_job_submission_system open( tmp_cmd_file, 'w' ) do |f| f.write( cmd ) end end log << cmd + NL if use_job_submission_system IO.popen( 'qsub -q ' + QUEUE + ' -l walltime=' + WALLTIME + ' ' + tmp_cmd_file , 'r+' ) do | pipe | pipe.close_write end else spawn( 'nohup ' + cmd + ' &', STDERR => "/dev/null" ) end sleep( WAIT ) if ( File.exists?( tmp_cmd_file ) ) File.delete( tmp_cmd_file ) end end end end } open( LOG_FILE, 'w' ) do | f | f.write( log ) end puts() puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > OK' ) puts() end # def run def prepare( command, paths ) paths.each_pair{ | name, full | command = command.gsub( name, full ) } command end def subst_options( command, options ) opt_placeholders = command.scan( /%\[\S+\]%/ ) opt_placeholders.each { | opt_placeholder | opt_placeholder = opt_placeholder.gsub( OPTION_OPEN , '' ) opt_placeholder = opt_placeholder.gsub( OPTION_CLOSE, '' ) opt_value = options[ opt_placeholder ] if ( opt_value != nil && opt_value.size > 0 ) command = command.gsub( OPTION_OPEN + opt_placeholder + OPTION_CLOSE, opt_value ) end } command end def subst_aln_name( command, aln_name ) command = command.gsub( '$', aln_name ) command end def subst_hmm( command, id ) if id != nil && id.length > 0 hmm = PFAM_HHMS + id + ".hmm" command = command.gsub( OPTION_OPEN + HMM + OPTION_CLOSE, hmm ) end command end def update_phylo_pl_options( phylo_pl_options, bootstraps ) unless phylo_pl_options =~ /B\d/ phylo_pl_options = 'B' + bootstraps.to_s + phylo_pl_options end phylo_pl_options = '-' + phylo_pl_options phylo_pl_options end def subst_min_length( command, id, min_lengths ) min_length = nil if id != nil && id.length > 0 min_length = min_lengths[ id ] end if min_length != nil && min_length.size > 0 command = command.gsub( OPTION_OPEN + RSL + OPTION_CLOSE, min_length ) else command = command.gsub( OPTION_OPEN + RSL + OPTION_CLOSE, MIN_LENGTH_DEFAULT.to_s ) end command end def get_id( aln_name ) if aln_name =~ /_{2}(.+)_{2}/ return $1 end nil end end # class PhylogenyFactory end # module Evoruby =begin # Name convention if alignment specific parameters # are to be used: # the substring between the first two double underscores is a # unique identifier and needs to match the identifiers # in '% =' statements # Example: # alignment name : 'x__bcl2__e1' # parameter statments: '% RSL bcl2=60' $ PROBCONS=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/PROBCONS/probcons_v1_12/probcons $ DIALIGN_TX=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/DIALIGNTX/DIALIGN-TX_1.0.2/source/dialign-tx $ DIALIGN_CONF=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/DIALIGNTX/DIALIGN-TX_1.0.2/conf $ MAFFT=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/MAFFT/mafft-7.017-without-extensions/scripts/mafft $ MUSCLE=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/MUSCLE/muscle3.8.31/src/muscle $ CLUSTALO=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/CLUSTAL_OMEGA/clustal-omega-1.1.0/src/clustalo $ KALIGN=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/KALIGN/kalign203/kalign $ HMMALIGN=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/HMMER/hmmer-3.0/src/hmmalign $ MSA_PRO=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/FORESTER/DEV/forester/forester/ruby/evoruby/exe/msa_pro.rb $ PHYLO_PL=/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/FORESTER/DEV/forester/forester/archive/perl/phylo_pl.pl % RSL Hormone_recep=60 % % RSL Y_phosphatase=100 % RSL Y_phosphatase2=75 % RSL Y_phosphatase3=50 % RSL Y_phosphatase3C=40 % PHYLO_OPT=B100q@1r4j2IGS21X % TMP_DIR = /home/czmasek/tmp/ > KALIGN $ > $_kalign > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.5 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_kalign $_kalign_05_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_kalign_05_%[RSL]%.aln $_kalign_05_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > KALIGN $ > $_kalign_ > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.9 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_kalign_ $_kalign_09_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_kalign_09_%[RSL]%.aln $_kalign_09_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > HMMALIGN --amino --trim --outformat Pfam -o $_hmmalign %[HMM]% $ > /dev/null > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.5 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_hmmalign $_hmmalign_05_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_hmmalign_05_%[RSL]%.aln $_hmmalign_05_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > HMMALIGN --amino --trim --outformat Pfam -o $_hmmalign_ %[HMM]% $ > /dev/null > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.9 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_hmmalign_ $_hmmalign_09_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_hmmalign_09_%[RSL]%.aln $_hmmalign_09_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > MAFFT --maxiterate 1000 --localpair $ > $_mafft > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.5 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_mafft $_mafft_05_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_mafft_05_%[RSL]%.aln $_mafft_05_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > MAFFT --maxiterate 1000 --localpair $ > $_mafft_ > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.9 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_mafft_ $_mafft_09_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_mafft_09_%[RSL]%.aln $_mafft_09_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > MUSCLE -maxiters 1000 -maxtrees 100 -in $ -out $_muscle > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.5 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_muscle $_muscle_05_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_muscle_05_%[RSL]%.aln $_muscle_05_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > MUSCLE -maxiters 1000 -maxtrees 100 -in $ -out $_muscle_ > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.9 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_muscle_ $_muscle_09_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_muscle_09_%[RSL]%.aln $_muscle_09_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > CLUSTALO --full --full-iter --iter=5 -i $ -o $_clustalo > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.5 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_clustalo $_clustalo_05_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_clustalo_05_%[RSL]%.aln $_clustalo_05_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > CLUSTALO --full --full-iter --iter=5 -i $ -o $_clustalo_ > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rr=0.9 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_clustalo_ $_clustalo_09_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_clustalo_09_%[RSL]%.aln $_clustalo_09_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > PROBCONS $ > $_probcons > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rem_red -rr=0.5 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_probcons $_probcons_05_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_probcons_05_%[RSL]%.aln $_probcons_05_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > PROBCONS $ > $_probcons_ > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rem_red -rr=0.9 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_probcons_ $_probcons_09_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_probcons_09_%[RSL]%.aln $_probcons_09_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > DIALIGN_TX DIALIGN_CONF $ $_dialigntx > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rem_red -rr=0.5 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_dialigntx $_dialigntx_05_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_dialigntx_05_%[RSL]%.aln $_dialigntx_05_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - > DIALIGN_TX DIALIGN_CONF $ $_dialigntx_ > MSA_PRO -o=p -n=10 -d -rem_red -rr=0.9 -c -rsl=%[RSL]% $_dialigntx_ $_dialigntx_09_%[RSL]%.aln > PHYLO_PL %[PHYLO_OPT]% $_dialigntx_09_%[RSL]%.aln $_dialigntx_09_%[RSL]% %[TMP_DIR]% - =end