require 'rubygems' require 'bio' ############# # Reads in a ClustalW formatted multiple sequence alignment # from a file named "infile_clustalw.aln" and stores it in 'report'. report ='infile_clustalw.aln')) # Accesses the actual alignment. align = report.alignment # Goes through all sequences in 'align' and prints the # actual molecular sequence. align.each do |entry| puts entry.seq end ############## DEFAULT_PARSER = Bio::Alignment::MultiFastaFormat puts DEFAULT_PARSER.to_s #file = Bio::Alignment.readfiles('bcl2.fasta', Bio::Alignment::MultiFastaFormat) #file.each do |entry| # puts entry.entry_id # Gets the identifier, e.g. 'sp|O35147|BAD_RAT'. # puts entry.definition # Gets the complete fasta description line. # puts entry.seq # Gets the actual sequence. #puts entry.aaseq.composition # Gets the amino acid composition. #end #puts 'OK' #puts file ='bcl2.fasta') file.each do |entry| puts entry.entry_id # Gets the identifier, e.g. 'sp|O35147|BAD_RAT'. puts entry.definition # Gets the complete fasta description line. puts entry.seq # Gets the actual sequence. # do something on each fasta sequence entry end ############## # Creates a new file named "outfile.fasta" and writes # multiple sequence alignment 'align' to it in fasta format.'outfile.fasta', 'w') do |f| f.write(align.output(:fasta)) end # Creates a new file named "outfile.aln" and writes # multiple sequence alignment 'align' to it in clustal format.'outfile.aln', 'w') do |f| f.write(align.output(:clustal)) end ############# seq1 ="gggggg") puts seq1.output(:fasta) #seq2 ="ggggt") #seq3 ="ggt") seqs = [ "MFQIPEFEPSEQEDSSSAER", "MGTPKQPSLAPAHALGLRKS", "PKQPSLAPAHALGLRKS", "MCSTSGCDLE" ] # MAFFT options = [ '--maxiterate', '1000', '--localpair' ] mafft ='/home/zma/SOFTWARE/mafft-6.847-without-extensions/scripts/mafft', options ) report = mafft.query_align( seqs) # Accesses the actual alignment align = report.alignment # Prints each sequence to the console. align.each { |s| puts s.to_s } puts 'MAFFT OK' puts #clustalw clustalw ='/home/zma/SOFTWARE/clustalw-2.1/src/clustalw2' ) report = clustalw.query_align( seqs) #puts report.alignment.output_fasta.to_s report.alignment.each { |x| puts x.to_s } puts 'OK' puts #muscle options = [ '-quiet', '-maxiters', '64' ] muscle ='/home/zma/SOFTWARE/muscle3.8.31/src/muscle', options ) report = muscle.query_align( seqs) #puts report.alignment.output_fasta.to_s report.alignment.each { |x| puts x.to_s } puts 'OK' puts file ='bcl2.fasta') file.each do |entry| puts entry.entry_id # Gets the identifier, e.g. 'sp|O35147|BAD_RAT'. puts entry.definition # Gets the complete fasta description line. puts entry.seq # Gets the actual sequence. puts entry.aaseq.composition # Gets the amino acid composition. end puts 'OK' puts'bcl2.fasta') do |ff| ff.each do |entry| puts entry.entry_id # Gets the identifier, e.g. 'sp|O35147|BAD_RAT'. puts entry.definition # Gets the complete fasta description line. puts entry.seq # Gets the actual sequence. puts entry.aaseq.composition # Gets the amino acid composition. end end puts 'OK' puts