require 'net/ftp' EMAIL = '?' PUB_RELEASE_DIR = '/pub/release-65/fasta' PEP_DIR = '/pep' ftp ='', 'anonymous', EMAIL) ftp.passive = true # To avoid "No route to host" error. ftp.chdir( PUB_RELEASE_DIR ) files = ftp.list('*_*') # To only look at files with an underscore. count = 0 files.each do | file | species = file.split().last begin ftp.chdir(species + PEP_DIR) pepfiles = ftp.list() pepfiles.each do | pepfile | pepfile = pepfile.split().last if pepfile =~ /all.fa.gz/ # Only want the "all.fa.gz" files (and not the # "abinitio" files). ftp.getbinaryfile(pepfile) puts 'downloaded "' + pepfile + '"' count += 1 end end rescue Exception puts 'ignoring "' + species + '"' end ftp.chdir(PUB_RELEASE_DIR) # To go back to the starting directory. end ftp.close puts 'done (downloaded ' + count.to_s + ' files)'