// // Getdown - application installer, patcher and launcher // Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Getdown authors // https://github.com/threerings/getdown/blob/master/LICENSE package com.threerings.getdown.data; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.security.cert.Certificate; import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.util.*; import com.threerings.getdown.util.StringUtil; import jalview.util.HttpUtils; import com.threerings.getdown.data.Application; /** Configuration that comes from our "environment" (command line args, sys props, etc.). */ public final class EnvConfig { /** Used to report problems or feedback by {@link #create}. */ public static final class Note { public static enum Level { INFO, WARN, ERROR }; public static Note info (String msg) { return new Note(Level.INFO, msg); } public static Note warn (String msg) { return new Note(Level.WARN, msg); } public static Note error (String msg) { return new Note(Level.ERROR, msg); } public final Level level; public final String message; public Note (Level level, String message) { this.level = level; this.message = message; } } /** * Creates an environment config, obtaining information (in order) from the following sources: * * * * If a later source supplies a configuration already provided by a prior source, a warning * message will be logged to indicate the conflict, and the prior source will be used. * * @param notes a list into which notes are added, to be logged after the logging system has * been initialized (which cannot happen until the appdir is known). If any {@code ERROR} notes * are included, the app should terminate after reporting them. * @return an env config instance, or {@code null} if no appdir could be located via any * configuration source. */ public static EnvConfig create (String[] argv, List notes) { String appDir = null, appDirProv = null; String appId = null, appIdProv = null; String appBase = null, appBaseProv = null; // start with bootstrap.properties config, if avaialble try { ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("bootstrap"); if (bundle.containsKey("appdir")) { appDir = bundle.getString("appdir"); appDir = appDir.replace(USER_HOME_KEY, System.getProperty("user.home")); appDirProv = "bootstrap.properties"; } if (bundle.containsKey("appid")) { appId = bundle.getString("appid"); appIdProv = "bootstrap.properties"; } if (bundle.containsKey("appbase")) { appBase = bundle.getString("appbase"); appBaseProv = "bootstrap.properties"; } // if any system properties are specified (keys prefixed with sys.), set those up for (String key : bundle.keySet()) { if (key.startsWith("sys.")) { String skey = key.substring(4); String svalue = bundle.getString(key); notes.add(Note.info("Setting system property from bundle: " + skey + "='" + svalue + "'")); System.setProperty(skey, svalue); } } } catch (MissingResourceException e) { // bootstrap.properties is optional; no need for a warning } // next seek config from system properties String spropsAppDir = SysProps.appDir(); if (!StringUtil.isBlank(spropsAppDir)) { if (appDir == null) { appDir = spropsAppDir; appDirProv = "system property"; } else { notes.add(Note.warn("Ignoring 'appdir' system property, have appdir via '" + appDirProv + "'")); } } String spropsAppId = SysProps.appId(); if (!StringUtil.isBlank(spropsAppId)) { if (appId == null) { appId = spropsAppId; appIdProv = "system property"; } else { notes.add(Note.warn("Ignoring 'appid' system property, have appid via '" + appIdProv + "'")); } } String spropsAppBase = SysProps.appBase(); if (!StringUtil.isBlank(spropsAppBase)) { if (appBase == null) { appBase = spropsAppBase; appBaseProv = "system property"; } else { notes.add(Note.warn("Ignoring 'appbase' system property, have appbase via '" + appBaseProv + "'")); } } // finally obtain config from command line arguments String argvAppDir = argv.length > 0 ? argv[0] : null; if (!StringUtil.isBlank(argvAppDir)) { if (appDir == null) { appDir = argvAppDir; appDirProv = "command line"; } else { notes.add(Note.warn("Ignoring 'appdir' command line arg, have appdir via '" + appDirProv + "'")); } } String argvAppId = argv.length > 1 ? argv[1] : null; if (!StringUtil.isBlank(argvAppId)) { if (appId == null) { appId = argvAppId; appIdProv = "command line"; } else { notes.add(Note.warn("Ignoring 'appid' command line arg, have appid via '" + appIdProv + "'")); } } int skipArgs = 2; // Look for locator file, pass to Application and remove from appArgs String argvLocatorFilename = argv.length > 2 ? argv[2] : null; if (!StringUtil.isBlank(argvLocatorFilename) && argvLocatorFilename.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith("."+Application.LOCATOR_FILE_EXTENSION)) { if (HttpUtils.isJalviewSchemeUri(argvLocatorFilename)) { argvLocatorFilename = HttpUtils.equivalentJalviewUrl(argvLocatorFilename); } notes.add(Note.info("locatorFilename in args: '"+argv[2]+"'")); Application.setLocatorFile(argvLocatorFilename); skipArgs++; } // ensure that we were able to find an app dir if (appDir == null) { return null; // caller will report problem to user } notes.add(Note.info("Using appdir from " + appDirProv + ": " + appDir)); if (appId != null) notes.add(Note.info("Using appid from " + appIdProv + ": " + appId)); if (appBase != null) notes.add( Note.info("Using appbase from " + appBaseProv + ": " + appBase)); // ensure that the appdir refers to a directory that exists File appDirFile = new File(appDir); if (!appDirFile.exists()) { // if we have a bootstrap URL then we auto-create the app dir; this enables an // installer to simply place a getdown.jar file somewhere and create an OS shortcut // that runs getdown with an appdir and appbase specified, and have getdown create the // appdir and download the app into it if (!StringUtil.isBlank(appBase)) { if (appDirFile.mkdirs()) { notes.add(Note.info("Auto-created app directory '" + appDir + "'")); } else { notes.add(Note.warn("Unable to auto-create app dir: '" + appDir + "'")); } } else { notes.add(Note.error("Invalid appdir '" + appDir + "': directory does not exist")); return null; } } else if (!appDirFile.isDirectory()) { notes.add(Note.error("Invalid appdir '" + appDir + "': refers to non-directory")); return null; } // pass along anything after the first two (or three) args as extra app args List appArgs = argv.length > skipArgs ? Arrays.asList(argv).subList(skipArgs, argv.length) : Collections.emptyList(); // load X.509 certificate if it exists File crtFile = new File(appDirFile, Digest.digestFile(Digest.VERSION) + ".crt"); List certs = new ArrayList<>(); if (crtFile.exists()) { try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(crtFile)) { X509Certificate certificate = (X509Certificate) CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509").generateCertificate(fis); certs.add(certificate); } catch (Exception e) { notes.add(Note.error("Certificate error: " + e.getMessage())); } } return new EnvConfig(appDirFile, appId, appBase, certs, appArgs); } /** The directory in which the application and metadata is stored. */ public final File appDir; /** Either {@code null} or an identifier for a secondary application that should be * launched. That app will use {@code appid.class} and {@code appid.apparg} to configure * itself but all other parameters will be the same as the primary app. */ public final String appId; /** Either {@code null} or fallback {@code appbase} to use if one cannot be read from a * {@code getdown.txt} file during startup. */ public final String appBase; /** Zero or more signing certificates used to verify the digest file. */ public final List certs; /** Additional arguments to pass on to launched application. These will be added after the * args in the getdown.txt file. */ public final List appArgs; public EnvConfig (File appDir) { this(appDir, null, null, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList()); } private EnvConfig (File appDir, String appId, String appBase, List certs, List appArgs) { this.appDir = appDir; this.appId = appId; this.appBase = appBase; this.certs = certs; this.appArgs = appArgs; } private static final String USER_HOME_KEY = "${user.home}"; }