Jalview 2.11 - new installer and new capabilities

Jalview 2.11 introduces support for loading VCF files, and new filters and shading models for sequence features. Under the hood, we've addressed many bugs, and also made some important changes in the way the Jalview desktop is installed and launched.

The full list of bugs fixed in this release can be found in the 2.11 Release Notes.

Jalview and Java 11, 13, and onwards

The Jalview application comes bundled with its own independent Java installation. Version 2.11.0 includes an AdoptOpenJDK Java 1.8 runtime which will be kept up to date. A Java 11 based installation is available from the Jalview development pages.

Saying goodbye...
Long time Jalview users will notice that this release no longer features the Vamsas desktop menu, or a Distributed Annotation System (DAS) tab on the feature settings dialog. DAS is no longer supported by major bioinformatics databases, and we decided that it was no longer feasible to maintain either JDAS or the VAMSAS client library which rely on out-dated Java XML binding technologies.

Next up...
Keep an eye on the Jalview web site for news about JalviewJS - the web based JavaScript implementation of Jalview. Whilst Jalview 2.11 has been in development, we have also been working with Prof. Bob Hanson (Jmol and JSmol) to enable Jalview to run as both a Java application and a JavaScript app in a web page. To find out more, open http://www.jalview.org/jalview-js/ in Chrome or Firefox.