UPGMA tree

If this option is selected then all sequences are used to generate a UPGMA tree. The pairwise distances used to cluster the sequences are the percentage mismatch between two sequences. For a reliable phylogenetic tree I recommend other programs (phylowin, phylip) should be used as they have the speed to use better distance methods and bootstrapping. Again, plans are afoot for a server to do this and to be able to read in tree files generated by other programs.
When the tree has been calculated a new window is displayed showing the tree with labels on the leaves showing the sequence ids. The user can select the ids with the mouse and the selected sequences will also be selected in the alignment window and the PCA window if that analysis has been calculated.

Selecting the 'show distances' checkbox will put branch lengths on the branches. These branch lengths are the percentage mismatch between two nodes.


Neighbour Joining tree

The distances between sequences for this tree are generated in the same way as for the UPGMA tree. The method of clustering is the neighbour joining method which doesn't just pick the two closest leaves to cluster together but compensates for long edges by subtracting from the distances the average distance from each leaf to all the others.
Selection and output options are the same as for the UPGMA tree.