The Alignment Annotations File

Alignment annotations can be imported onto an alignment since version 2.08 of Jalview, via an annotations file. It is a simple ASCII text file consisting of tab delimited records similar to the Sequence Features File, and introduced primarily for use with the Jalview applet.

Alignment annotations files are imported into Jalview in the following ways:

Annotations File Format

The File consists of lines containing an instruction followed by tab delimited fields, and any lines starting with "#" are ignored. The first non-commented out line of a valid Annotations file must begin with :


A row of annotation is added with a line like

GRAPH_TYPE	Label	Values

The GRAPH_TYPE field, which appears first, defines the appearance of the annotation row when rendered by Jalview. The next field is the row label for the annotation. The final Values field contains a series of "|" separated value fields. Each value field is itself a comma separated list of fields of a particular type defined by the annotation row's GRAPH_TYPE. The allowed values of GRAPH_TYPE and the format of their respective value fields (with the trailing "|" symbol) are shown below:

Any or all value fields may be left empty, as well as the BAR_GRAPH's text character field, and either or both of the text-label and secondary structure symbol fields of the NO_GRAPH type annotation rows.

You can associate an annotation with a sequence by preceding its definition with the line:

SEQUENCE_REF	seq_name	[startIndex]
All Annotations defined after a SEQUENCE_REF command will then be associated with that sequence, and the first field in the Value field list will (optionally) be placed at the startIndex'th column.

Sequence associations are turned off for subsequent annotation definitions by:


LINE_GRAPH type annotations can be given a colour (specified as 24 bit RGB triplet in hexadecimal or comma separated values), combined onto the same vertical axis, and have ordinate lines (horizontal lines at a particular vertical axis value) using the following commands (respectively):

COLOUR	graph_name	colour
COMBINE	graph_1_name	graph_2_name
GRAPHLINE	graph_name	value	label	colour

An example Annotation file is given below:

#Comment lines follow the hash symbol
BAR_GRAPH	Bar Graph 1	||-100,-|-200,-|-300,-|-400,-|200,+|300,+|150,+
LINE_GRAPH	Green Values	1.1|2.2|1.3|3.4|0.7|1.4|3.3|2.2|2.1|-1.1|3.2
LINE_GRAPH	Red Values	2.1|3.2|1.3|-1.4|5.5|1.4|1.3|4.2|-1.1|1.1|3.2
BAR_GRAPH	Bar Graph	2 1,.|2,*|3,:|4,.|5,*|4,:|3,.|2|1|1|2|3|4|5|4
NO_GRAPH	Icons 	||||E,Sheet1|E|E||||H,Sheet 2|H|H|H||||||
NO_GRAPH	Purple Letters	m|y|p|r|o|t|e|i|n
COLOUR	Bar Graph 2	blue
COLOUR	Red Values	255,0,0
COLOUR	Green Values	green
COLOUR	Purple Letters	151,52,228
COMBINE	Green Values	Red Values
GRAPHLINE	Red Values	2.6	threshold	black