BioJS MSA Viewer

Since Jalview 2.9, BioJS MSA HTML files can be generated from an alignment within the Jalview desktop application. BioJS MSA Viewer is a JavaScript based multiple sequence alignment visualisation system. Jalview generates BioJS HTML files by parsing a BioJS MSA export template file and embedding BioJSON data from a given alignment on the Jalview desktop application.

To ensure that the BioJS MSA export mechanism is easily extensible, the export templates are externalised from the Jalview codebase. Consequently, new versions of BioJS MSA Viewer can easily be integrated into Jalview without having to deploy a new version of Jalview.

What constitutes a BioJS MSA Template

The externalised BioJS MSA templates are available in the Github repository
Jalview processes the package.json file at to work out the available versions of BioJS MSA Viewer templates and the latest release version to use for its exports.

Creating/Updating a new BioJS MSA Template

The following steps can be taken to create or update a BioJS MSA template
  1. Add/update all BioJS MSA scripts to the template file
  2. Add/update codes for transforming BioJSON data to BioJS MSA data (this requires knowledge of both data models)
  3. Ensure that the new template created can be employed by Jalview to generate valid BioJS MSA files. This can be achieved by following the steps below to deploy the new export template to a test repository and subsequently configure Jalview to use the test repository for testing the template:
    1. Publish the template along with a valid package.json file to an online repository
    2. Configure Jalview preferences to point to the raw URL of package.json in your test repository. This is done by creating/changing the property 'biojs_template_git_repo' in the jalview_properties file
      e.g. biojs_template_git_repo=
    3. Restart Jalview and ensure that the new templates are downloaded
    4. Export an alignment to BioJS MSA
    5. Check that the exported file is valid and reflects all the incorporated changes
  4. Commit the new template to the official Jalview-BioJS Github template repository
  5. Update the package.json of the official template repository at accordingly
  6. Restore value for 'biojs_template_git_repo' in jalview_properties to point to the official template repository
  7. Repeat steps 3iii to 3v above
Note: When Jalview starts up, provided that there is an internet connection, Jalview checks if there are new updates of BioJS MSA template added to the repository and downloads them to a local user directory for subsequent offline use.