The PDB Viewer Window

This interactive structure viewing window is opened by selecting the "Sequence→View PDB entry:" entry in the sequence id pop-up menu. This can only be done for sequences which have an associated PDB structure.


The structure is rendered as an alpha-carbon trace. Moving the mouse over the structure brings up tooltips with a residue name and PDB sequence position. If a mapping exists to a residue in the associated sequence, then this will be highlighted in the associated view in its alignment window, and vice versa for viewing the coordinates associated with a particular residue in the sequence in a particular view on the alignment.

Selecting a residue highlights its associated sequence residue and alpha carbon location.

Action Windows Unix Mac/OSX
Left Click Left Click Click
Rotate View Left Click and Drag Left Click and Drag Click and Drag
Roll View Right Click and drag Right Click and Drag TODO
Move Origin Middle-Button and Drag Middle-Button and Drag TODO
Zoom In Up Arrow Up Arrow Up Arrow
Zoom Out Down Arrow Down Arrow Down Arrow

There are three menus:

Notes for PDB Viewing in the Jalview Applet

The applet can only load PDB files by copying and pasting the text into the popup window which appears when "Show PDB Structure" is selected after right clicking on a sequence name.