Sequence Fetcher

The Sequence Fetcher can be started from the main desktop "File" menu or from a particular alignment window.

Select which database to fetch your sequence from and enter the sequence id. If you are retrieving sequences from PDB database and you know which chain you would like to retrieve, append the chain id after colon to the PDB id. eg 1GAQ:A

The Sequence Fetcher uses WSDBFetch provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute. If you use this service please quote:

Pillai S., Silventoinen V., Kallio K., Senger M., Sobhany S., Tate J., Velankar S., Golovin A., Henrick K., Rice P., Stoehr P., Lopez R.
SOAP-based services provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute.
Nucleic Acids Res. 33(1):W25-W28 (2005)