Split Frame Views

Coding DNA (cDNA) and its protein product can be displayed in a split view, with cDNA above and protein below. The two alignments are linked, with these features supported:

An alignment annotation row on the protein alignment shows the cDNA consensus for each peptide column.
This consensus may reveal variation in nucleotides coding for conserved protein residues.

Opening a Split Frame View

A Split Frame View can be opened in one of the following ways:

Add Sequences

If you add (coding) DNA sequences to an open peptide alignment, or vice versa, and at least one DNA sequence translates to one of the peptide sequences, then the option to open in a split window is offered. The DNA may include start and/or stop codons, but no non-coding (intron) sequence.
If more than one cDNA variant is present in the alignment, Jalview will first try to match these to protein sequences based on any retrieved cross-references, and failing that, pairwise as they are ordered in the alignments.

This option is available in Jalview Desktop (when adding sequences by any supported method), and Jalview applet (adding from textbox). The additional options below apply to Jalview Desktop only.

Translate as cDNA

Menu option "Calculate→Translate as cDNA" is available for a nucleotide alignment. Selecting this option shows the DNA and its calculated protein product in a Split Frame view.

Get Cross-References

Menu option "Calculate→Get Cross-References" is available for fetched sequences which have cross-references to other databases. On selecting protein cross-references (for a cDNA alignment), or DNA xrefs (for peptide), a Split Frame view is opened showing cDNA and peptide.

Realign a Split View

If you invoke a web service to realign either half of a Split Frame, then the resulting realignment is displayed in a new Split Frame.


To see a split frame view in the Jalview applet, provide these applet parameters:
filepath to an alignment filea cDNA (or protein) alignment
filepath to an alignment filea protein (or cDNA) alignment
enableSplitFrametrueto enable the Split Frame feature

If compatible sequences are present in the input alignments, Jalview will open a Split Frame view.
If not, only the first alignment will be opened (an error message is written to the Java console).

Split Frame Views were introduced in Jalview 2.9

Example files for cDNA/Protein: estrogenReceptorProtein.fa and estrogenReceptorCdna.fa taken from xxx.