Viewing PDB Structures

Jalview has a simple 3D structure viewer which can visualize polypeptide backbone structures associated with a sequence in a particular alignment view. It is accessed via the "Strucutre→View PDB entry:" entry from the sequence's pop-up menu.

Since Jalview 2.3, Jmol has been integrated into the application and will also run in the applet in all latest web browsers. For more help using Jmol, see

To associate PDB files with a sequence, right click on a sequence ID and select "Structure Associate Structure with Sequence", and one of the submenus:

Note: You can retrieve sequences from the PDB using the Sequence Fetcher. Any sequences retrieved with this service are automatically associated with their source database entry. For PDB sequences, simply select PDB as the database and enter your known PDB id (appended with ':' and a chain code, if desired).

Sequences which have PDB File associations are annotated with sequence features from the group 'PDBFile' giving the corresponding PDB Residue Number for each mapped residue in the seuqence. The display of these features is controlled through the "View→Sequence Features" menu item and the Feature Settings dialog box.

See the PDB Viewer help page for more information.