Release History

New Features
Issues Resolved
Not Yet Released
  • Fetch DB References capabilities and UI expanded to support retrieval from DAS sequence sources
  • Local DAS Sequence sources can be added via the command line or via the Add local source dialog box.
  • Enable or disable non-positional feature and database references in sequence ID tooltip from View menu in application.
  • URL links generated from description line for regular-expression based URL links (applet and application)
  • Non-positional features displayed in sequence ID tooltip on applet
  • Non-positional feature URL links are shown in link menu (applet and application)
  • Automatic Scrolling option in View menu to display the currently highlighted region of an alignment.
  • Improved VAMSAS synchronization (jalview archive used to preserve views, structures, and tree display settings)
  • Sharing of selected regions between views and with other VAMSAS applications (Experimental feature!)
  • New hidden columns and rows and representatives capabilities in annotations file (in progress - not yet fully implemented)
  • Order an alignment in order of average feature score or total feature count
  • Better handling of exceptions during sequence retrieval
  • URL links generated for all feature links (bugfix)
  • Dasobert generated non-positional feature URL link text excludes the start_end suffix (application)
  • Added URL embedding instructions to features file documentation.
  • Sequences are now validated against EMBL database (broken in Version 2.4.0)
  • Codons containing ambiguous nucleotides translated as 'X' in peptide product
  • Sequence description lines properly shared via VAMSAS
  • Match case switch in find dialog box works for both sequence ID and sequence string and query strings do not have to be in upper case to match case-insensitively.
  • Sequence fetcher fetches multiple records for all data sources
  • Experimental support for google analytics usage tracking.
  • Fixed race condition in applet preventing startup in jre1.6.0u12+.
2.4 bugfixes
  • Sequences are now validated against EMBL database
  • Sequence fetcher fetches multiple records for all data sources
User Interface
  • Linked highlighting of codon and amino acid from translation and protein products
  • Linked highlighting of structure associated with residue mapping to codon position
  • Sequence Fetcher provides example accession numbers and 'clear' button
  • MemoryMonitor added as an option under Desktop's Tools menu
  • Extract score function to parse whitespace separated numeric data in description line
  • Column labels in alignment annotation can be centred.
  • Tooltip for sequence associated annotation give name of sequence
Web Services and URL fetching
  • JPred3 web service
  • Prototype sequence search client (no public services available yet)
  • Fetch either seed alignment or full alignment from PFAM
  • URL Links created for matching database cross references as well as sequence ID
  • URL Links can be created using regular-expressions
Sequence Database Connectivity
  • Retrieval of cross-referenced sequences from other databases
  • Generalised database reference retrieval and validation to all fetchable databases
  • Fetch sequences from DAS sources supporting the sequence command
Import and Export
  • export annotation rows as CSV for spreadsheet import
  • Jalview projects record alignment dataset associations, EMBL products, and cDNA sequence mappings
  • Sequence Group colour can be specified in Annotation File
  • Ad-hoc colouring of group in Annotation File using RGB triplet as name of colourscheme
  • VAMSAS Client capabilities (Experimental)
    • treenode binding for VAMSAS tree exchange
    • local editing and update of sequences in VAMSAS alignments (experimental)
    • Create new or select existing session to join
    • load and save of vamsas documents
    Application command line
    • -tree parameter to open trees (introduced for passing from applet)
    • -fetchfrom command line argument to specify nicknames of DAS servers to query for alignment features
    • -dasserver command line argument to add new servers that are also automatically queried for features
    • -groovy command line argument executes a given groovy script after all input data has been loaded and parsed
    Applet-Application data exchange
    • Trees passed as applet parameters can be passed to application (when using "View in full application")
    Applet Parameters
    • feature group display control parameter
    • debug parameter
    • showbutton parameter
    Applet API methods
    • newView public method
    • Window (current view) specific get/set public methods
    • Feature display control methods
    • get list of currently selected sequences
    New Jalview distribution features
    • InstallAnywhere Installer upgraded to IA 2008 VP1
    • RELEASE file gives build properties for the latest Jalview release.
    • Java 1.1 Applet build made easier and donotobfuscate property controls execution of obfuscator
    • Build target for generating source distribution
    • Debug flag for javacc
    • .jalview_properties file is documented (slightly) in jalview.bin.Cache
    • Continuous Build Integration for stable and development version of Application, Applet and source distribution
    • selected region output includes visible annotations (for certain formats)
    • edit label/displaychar contains existing label/char for editing
    • update PDBEntries when DBRefEntries change (vamsas)
    • shorter peptide product names from EMBL records
    • Newick string generator makes compact representations
    • bootstrap values parsed correctly for tree files with comments
    • pathological filechooser bug avoided by not allowing filenames containing a ':'
    • Fixed exception when parsing GFF files containing global sequence features
    • Alignment datasets are finalized only when number of references from alignment sequences goes to zero
    • Close of tree branch colour box without colour selection causes cascading exceptions
    • occasional negative imgwidth exceptions
    • better reporting of non-fatal warnings to user when file parsing fails.
    • Save works when Jalview project is default format
    • Save as dialog opened if current alignment format is not a valid output format
    • Uniprot canonical names introduced for both das and vamsas
    • Histidine should be midblue (not pink!) in Zappo
    • error messages passed up and output when data read fails
    • edit undo recovers previous dataset sequence when sequence is edited
    • allow PDB files without pdb ID HEADER lines (like those generated by MODELLER) to be read in properly
    • allow reading of JPred concise files as a normal filetype
    • Stockholm annotation parsing and alignment properties import fixed for PFAM records
    • Structure view windows have correct name in Desktop window list
    • annotation consisting of sequence associated scores can be read and written correctly to annotation file
    • Aligned cDNA translation to aligned peptide works correctly
    • Fixed display of hidden sequence markers and non-italic font for representatives in Applet
    • Applet Menus are always embedded in applet window on Macs.
    • Newly shown features appear at top of stack (in Applet)
    • Annotations added via parameter not drawn properly due to null pointer exceptions
    • Secondary structure lines are drawn starting from first column of alignment
    • Uniprot XML import updated for new schema release in July 2008
    • Sequence feature to sequence ID match for Features file is case-insensitive
    • Sequence features read from Features file appended to all sequences with matching IDs
    • PDB structure coloured correctly for associated views containing a sub-sequence
    • PDB files can be retrieved by applet from Jar files
    • feature and annotation file applet parameters referring to different directories are retrieved correctly
    • Fixed application hang whilst waiting for splash-screen version check to complete
    • Applet properly URLencodes input parameter values when passing them to the launchApp service
    • display name and local features preserved in results retrieved from web service
    • Visual delay indication for sequence retrieval and sequence fetcher initialisation
    • updated Application to use DAS 1.53e version of dasobert DAS client
    • Re-instated Full AMSA support and .amsa file association
    • Fixed parsing of JNet Concise annotation sans sequences
    • Jmol 11.0.2 integration
    • PDB views stored in Jalview XML files
    • Slide sequences
    • Edit sequence in place
    • EMBL CDS features
    • DAS Feature mapping
    • Feature ordering
    • Alignment Properties
    • Annotation Scores
    • Sort by scores
    • Feature/annotation editing in applet
    • Headless state operation in 2.2.1
    • Incorrect and unstable DNA pairwise alignment
    • Cut and paste of sequences with annotation
    • Feature group display state in XML
    • Feature ordering in XML
    • blc file iteration selection using filename # suffix
    • Stockholm alignment properties
    • Stockhom alignment secondary structure annotation
    • 2.2.1 applet had no feature transparency
    • Number pad keys can be used in cursor mode
    • Structure Viewer mirror image resolved
    • Non standard characters can be read and displayed
    • Annotations/Features can be imported/exported to the applet via textbox
    • Applet allows editing of sequence/annotation/group name & description
    • Preference setting to display sequence name in italics
    • Annotation file format extended to allow Sequence_groups to be defined
    • Default opening of alignment overview panel can be specified in preferences
    • PDB residue numbering annotation added to associated sequences
    • Applet crash under certain Linux OS with Java 1.6 installed
    • Annotation file export / import bugs fixed
    • PNG / EPS image output bugs fixed
    • Multiple views on alignment
    • Sequence feature editing
    • "Reload" alignment
    • "Save" to current filename
    • Background dependent text colour
    • Right align sequence ids
    • User-defined lower case residue colours
    • Format Menu
    • Select Menu
    • Menu item accelerator keys
    • Control-V pastes to current alignment
    • Cancel button for DAS Feature Fetching
    • PCA and PDB Viewers zoom via mouse roller
    • User-defined sub-tree colours and sub-tree selection
    • 'New Window' button on the 'Output to Text box'
    • New memory efficient Undo/Redo System
    • Optimised symbol lookups and conservation/consensus calculations
    • Region Conservation/Consensus recalculated after edits
    • Fixed Remove Empty Columns Bug (empty columns at end of alignment)
    • Slowed DAS Feature Fetching for increased robustness.
    • Made angle brackets in ASCII feature descriptions display correctly
    • Re-instated Zoom function for PCA
    • Sequence descriptions conserved in web service analysis results
    • Uniprot ID discoverer uses any word separated by ∣
    • WsDbFetch query/result association resolved
    • Tree leaf to sequence mapping improved
    • Smooth fonts switch moved to FontChooser dialog box.
    • Copy consensus sequence to clipboard
    • Image output - rightmost residues are rendered if sequence id panel has been resized
    • Image output - all offscreen group boundaries are rendered
    • Annotation files with sequence references - all elements in file are relative to sequence position
    • Mac Applet users can use Alt key for group editing
    • MAFFT Multiple Alignment in default Web Service list
    • DAS Feature fetching
    • Hide sequences and columns
    • Export Annotations and Features
    • GFF file reading / writing
    • Associate structures with sequences from local PDB files
    • Add sequences to exisiting alignment
    • Recently opened files / URL lists
    • Applet can launch the full application
    • Applet has transparency for features (Java 1.2 required)
    • Applet has user defined colours parameter
    • Applet can load sequences from parameter "sequencex"
    • Redundancy Panel reinstalled in the Applet
    • Monospaced font - EPS / rescaling bug fixed
    • Annotation files with sequence references bug fixed
    • Change case of selected region from Popup menu
    • Choose to match case when searching
    • Middle mouse button and mouse movement can compress / expand the visible width and height of the alignment
    • Annotation Panel displays complete JNet results
    • Java 1.5 bug - InternalMessageDialog fix for threads
    • Righthand label on wrapped alignments shows correct value
    • Editing can be locked to the selection area
    • Keyboard editing
    • Create sequence features from searches
    • Precalculated annotations can be loaded onto alignments
    • Features file allows grouping of features
    • Annotation Colouring scheme added
    • Smooth fonts off by default - Faster rendering
    • Choose to toggle Autocalculate Consensus On/Off
    • Drag & Drop fixed on Linux
    • Jalview Archive file faster to load/save, sequence descriptions saved.
    • PDB Structure Viewer enhanced
    • Sequence Feature retrieval and display enhanced
    • Choose to output sequence start-end after sequence name for file output
    • Sequence Fetcher WSDBFetch@EBI
    • Applet can read feature files, PDB files and can be used for HTML form input
    • HTML output writes groups and features
    • Group editing is Control and mouse click
    • File IO bugs
    • View annotations in wrapped mode
    • More options for PCA viewer
    • GUI bugs resolved
    • Runs with -nodisplay from command line
    • Choose EPS export as lineart or text
    • Jar files are executable
    • Can read in Uracil - maps to unknown residue
    • Known OutOfMemory errors give warning message
    • Overview window calculated more efficiently
    • Several GUI bugs resolved
    • Edit and annotate in "Wrapped" view
    • Several GUI bugs resolved
    • Hold down mouse wheel & scroll to change font size
    • Improved JPred client reliability
    • Improved loading of Jalview files
    • Set Proxy server name and port in preferences
    • Multiple URL links from sequence ids
    • User Defined Colours can have a scheme name and added to Colour Menu
    • Choose to ignore gaps in consensus calculation
    • Unix users can set default web browser
    • Runs without GUI for batch processing
    • Dynamically generated Web Service Menus
    • InstallAnywhere download for Sparc Solaris
    • Copy & Paste order of sequences maintains alignment order.
    • Use delete key for deleting selection.
    • Use Mouse wheel to scroll sequences.
    • Help file updated to describe how to add alignment annotations.
    • Version and build date written to build properties file.
    • InstallAnywhere installation will check for updates at launch of Jalview.
    • Delete gaps bug fixed.
    • FileChooser sorts columns.
    • Can remove groups one by one.
    • Filechooser icons installed.
    • Finder ignores return character when searching. Return key will initiate a search.
    • New codebase