Jalview 2.10.2b2 bugfix release

This is patch release for 2.10.2. See the release notes for full details about the bugs addressed. This second patch release fixes problems with the Uniprot sequence fetcher and introduces secure SSL connections for access to EMBL-EBI resources. The previous patch release introduced additional improvements to the overview panel, and patches for several minor issues including the ability to correctly recover cross-references for Uniprot protein sequences from Ensembl.

What's new in Jalview 2.10.2 ?

Version 2.10.2 was released in August 2017, and introduced new user interface features, improved and more extensible tree and PCA analysis, more robust 3D structure viewing with UCSF Chimera and an updated service client for JABAWS. The full list of bug fixes and new features can be found in the 2.10.2 Release Notes, but the highlights are below.

New groovy examples demonstrate Jalview 2.10.2 APIs for creation of data-driven colourschemes, and custom alignment file handlers. The FeatureAnnotationWorker introduced in Jalview 2.10 has also been refactored to allow efficient counting across multiple feature types. Please be aware that feature counter scripts created for earlier versions will not execute in Jalview 2.10.2.

Experimental Features

This release of Jalview introduces an Experimental Features option in the Jalview Desktop's Tools menu that allows you to try out features that are still in development. To access the experimental features below - first enable the Tools→Enable Experimental Features option, and then restart Jalview.