What's new in Jalview 2.10.1 ?

Jalview 2.10.1 was released on 24th November 2016. Full details are in the Jalview 2.10.1 Release Notes, but the highlights are below. This is also the first release to include contributions from Kira Mourão, who joined Jalview's core development team in October 2016.

Warning dialog about updating your configured URL links
In the desktop prior to Jalview 2.10.1, the only way to configure custom links for a particular database cross-reference for a sequence was to give it a name that exactly matched the database source, and a regular expression for filtering out any spurious matches generated when the custom linked was tested against the Sequence's ID string. Since the introduction of the $DB_ACCESSION$ token, however, $SEQUENCE_ID$ will not be used for database cross-reference accession strings, and if you have custom links configured, Jalview will raise a warning message so let you know that you may need to update your links to use $DB_ACCESSION$.