Checkstyle for Jalview ---------------------- GNU LGPL To get the Eclipse Checkstyle plugin ------------------------------------ - Help | Eclipse Marketplace - search for checkstyle - install eclipse-cs checkstyle plugin The current version is 6.19.1 (August 2016). Config ------ File Jalview/.checkstyle holds configuration for the "JalviewCheckstyle" ruleset. This includes confining its scope to src/*.java and resources/*.properties. This can be modified interactively through the checkstyle properties editor. Checkstyle config files in resources/checkstyle: checkstyle.xml : main configuration file with selected checkstyle modules checkstyle-suppress.xml : rules to exclude certain checks / files import-control.xml : package import rules Checkstyle error messages can be customised. I've done this for TypeName as an example. How to use checkstyle --------------------- Option 1: enable it for the Jalview project - right-click on project | Checkstyle | Activate Checkstyle - notice CheckstyleNature gets added to the .project file - don't commit this file unless we all agree to! - Checkstyle will run as you recompile changed code - checking the whole project can be slow and may hang - not recommended for now Option 2: on selected code - right-click on a class or package and Checkstyle | Check code with checkstyle Checkstyle rules ---------------- Documented at Should be self-documenting in checkstyle.xml Open for discussion: - which rules to use - what naming and layout standards to apply - settings for complexity metrics - whether any rules should report error instead of warning Gotchas ------- Sometimes checkstyle needs a kick before it will refresh its findings. A whitespace edit in checkstyle.xml usually does this. There may be better ways. Invalid configuration files may result in checkstyle failing with an error reported in the Eclipse log file. Help | Installation Details | Configuration takes you to a screen with a 'View Error Log' button. Sometimes checkstyle can fail silently. Try 'touching' (editing) config files, failing that, carefully check / back out / redo any recent changes to its config. Putting inside a checkstyle causes it to be ignored!