additional identifier which properly disambiguates the structure view from any other view with the same attributes. This is not an ID, because it is possible to have many references to the same physical structure view from different sequences in an alignment. A structureState element citing the same viewId will appear for each instance. Flag set if the alignment panel containing this JSeq should be included in those used to perform a structure superposition (since Jalview 2.7). Flag set if the alignment panel containing this JSeq should be included in those used to colour its associated sequences in this structureState(since Jalview 2.7). Optional sequence group ID (only needs to be unique for this alignment) unique id used by jalview to synchronize between stored and instantiated views Tree ID added for binding tree visualization settings to vamsas document trees in jalview 2.4.1 Optional minimum colour for graduated feature colour threshold value for graduated feature colour threshold type for graduated feature colour