* Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.7)
* Copyright (C) 2011 J Procter, AM Waterhouse, J Engelhardt, LM Lui, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle
* This file is part of Jalview.
* Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jalview. If not, see .
package MCview;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import jalview.analysis.*;
import jalview.datamodel.*;
import jalview.schemes.*;
import jalview.structure.StructureMapping;
public class PDBChain
* SequenceFeature group for PDB File features added to sequences
private static final String PDBFILEFEATURE = "PDBFile";
private static final String IEASTATUS = "IEA:jalview";
public String id;
public Vector bonds = new Vector();
public Vector atoms = new Vector();
public Vector residues = new Vector();
public int offset;
public Sequence sequence;
public boolean isNa = false;
public boolean isVisible = true;
public int pdbstart = 0;
public int pdbend = 0;
public int seqstart = 0;
public int seqend = 0;
public String pdbid = "";
public PDBChain(String pdbid, String id)
this.pdbid = pdbid.toLowerCase();
this.id = id;
* character used to write newlines
protected String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
public void setNewlineString(String nl)
newline = nl;
public String getNewlineString()
return newline;
public String print()
String tmp = "";
for (int i = 0; i < bonds.size(); i++)
tmp = tmp + ((Bond) bonds.elementAt(i)).at1.resName + " "
+ ((Bond) bonds.elementAt(i)).at1.resNumber + " " + offset
+ newline;
return tmp;
* Annotate the residues with their corresponding positions in s1 using the
* alignment in as
* NOTE: This clears all atom.alignmentMapping values on the structure.
* @param as
* @param s1
public void makeExactMapping(AlignSeq as, SequenceI s1)
int pdbpos = as.getSeq2Start() - 2;
int alignpos = s1.getStart() + as.getSeq1Start() - 3;
// first clear out any old alignmentMapping values:
for (Atom atom: (Vector) atoms) {
// and now trace the alignment onto the atom set.
for (int i = 0; i < as.astr1.length(); i++)
if (as.astr1.charAt(i) != '-')
if (as.astr2.charAt(i) != '-')
if (as.astr1.charAt(i) == as.astr2.charAt(i))
Residue res = (Residue) residues.elementAt(pdbpos);
Enumeration en = res.atoms.elements();
while (en.hasMoreElements())
Atom atom = (Atom) en.nextElement();
atom.alignmentMapping = alignpos;
* copy over the RESNUM seqfeatures from the internal chain sequence to the
* mapped sequence
* @param seq
* @param status
* The Status of the transferred annotation
* @return the features added to sq (or its dataset)
public SequenceFeature[] transferRESNUMFeatures(SequenceI seq,
String status)
SequenceI sq = seq;
while (sq != null && sq.getDatasetSequence() != null)
sq = sq.getDatasetSequence();
if (sq == sequence)
return null;
* Remove any existing features for this chain if they exist ?
* SequenceFeature[] seqsfeatures=seq.getSequenceFeatures(); int
* totfeat=seqsfeatures.length; // Remove any features for this exact chain
* ? for (int i=0; i 0 && ((numNa / residues.size()) > 0.99))
isNa = true;
public void makeBond(Atom at1, Atom at2)
float[] start = new float[3];
float[] end = new float[3];
start[0] = at1.x;
start[1] = at1.y;
start[2] = at1.z;
end[0] = at2.x;
end[1] = at2.y;
end[2] = at2.z;
bonds.addElement(new Bond(start, end, at1, at2));
public void makeResidueList()
int count = 0;
Object symbol;
boolean deoxyn=false;
boolean nucleotide = false;
StringBuffer seq = new StringBuffer();
Vector resFeatures = new Vector();
Vector resAnnotation = new Vector();
int i, iSize = atoms.size() - 1;
int resNumber = -1;
for (i = 0; i <= iSize; i++)
Atom tmp = (Atom) atoms.elementAt(i);
resNumber = tmp.resNumber;
int res = resNumber;
if (i == 0)
offset = resNumber;
Vector resAtoms = new Vector();
// Add atoms to a vector while the residue number
// remains the same as the first atom's resNumber (res)
while ((resNumber == res) && (i < atoms.size()))
resAtoms.addElement((Atom) atoms.elementAt(i));
if (i < atoms.size())
resNumber = ((Atom) atoms.elementAt(i)).resNumber;
// We need this to keep in step with the outer for i = loop
// Make a new Residue object with the new atoms vector
residues.addElement(new Residue(resAtoms, resNumber - 1, count));
Residue tmpres = (Residue) residues.lastElement();
Atom tmpat = (Atom) tmpres.atoms.elementAt(0);
// Make A new SequenceFeature for the current residue numbering
SequenceFeature sf = new SequenceFeature("RESNUM", tmpat.resName
+ ":" + tmpat.resNumIns + " " + pdbid + id, "", offset
+ count, offset + count, pdbid);
resAnnotation.addElement(new Annotation(tmpat.tfactor));
// Keep totting up the sequence
if ((symbol = ResidueProperties.getAA3Hash().get(tmpat.resName)) == null)
String nucname = tmpat.resName.trim();
// use the aaIndex rather than call 'toLower' - which would take a bit more time.
deoxyn=nucname.length()==2 && ResidueProperties.aaIndex[nucname.charAt(0)]==ResidueProperties.aaIndex['D'];
if (tmpat.name.equalsIgnoreCase("CA")
|| ResidueProperties.nucleotideIndex[nucname.charAt((deoxyn ? 1 : 0))] == -1)
// System.err.println("PDBReader:Null aa3Hash for " +
// tmpat.resName);
// nucleotide flag
nucleotide = true;
seq.append(nucname.charAt((deoxyn ? 1 : 0)));
if (nucleotide)
.println("Warning: mixed nucleotide and amino acid chain.. its gonna do bad things to you!");
seq.append(ResidueProperties.aa[((Integer) symbol).intValue()]);
if (id.length() < 1)
id = " ";
isNa = nucleotide;
sequence = new Sequence(id, seq.toString(), offset, resNumber - 1); // Note:
// resNumber-offset
// ~=
// seq.size()
// Add normalised feature scores to RESNUM indicating start/end of sequence
// sf.setScore(offset+count);
// System.out.println("PDB Sequence is :\nSequence = " + seq);
// System.out.println("No of residues = " + residues.size());
for (i = 0, iSize = resFeatures.size(); i < iSize; i++)
sequence.addSequenceFeature((SequenceFeature) resFeatures
resFeatures.setElementAt(null, i);
Annotation[] annots = new Annotation[resAnnotation.size()];
float max = 0;
for (i = 0, iSize = annots.length; i < iSize; i++)
annots[i] = (Annotation) resAnnotation.elementAt(i);
if (annots[i].value > max)
max = annots[i].value;
resAnnotation.setElementAt(null, i);
AlignmentAnnotation tfactorann = new AlignmentAnnotation(
"PDB.TempFactor", "Temperature Factor for "
+ sequence.getName(), annots, 0, max,
public void setChargeColours()
for (int i = 0; i < bonds.size(); i++)
Bond b = (Bond) bonds.elementAt(i);
if (b.at1.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("ASP")
|| b.at1.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("GLU"))
b.startCol = Color.red;
else if (b.at1.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("LYS")
|| b.at1.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("ARG"))
b.startCol = Color.blue;
else if (b.at1.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("CYS"))
b.startCol = Color.yellow;
b.startCol = Color.lightGray;
if (b.at2.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("ASP")
|| b.at2.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("GLU"))
b.endCol = Color.red;
else if (b.at2.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("LYS")
|| b.at2.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("ARG"))
b.endCol = Color.blue;
else if (b.at2.resName.equalsIgnoreCase("CYS"))
b.endCol = Color.yellow;
b.endCol = Color.lightGray;
} catch (Exception e)
Bond b = (Bond) bonds.elementAt(i);
b.startCol = Color.gray;
b.endCol = Color.gray;
public void setChainColours(jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeI cs)
Bond b;
int index;
for (int i = 0; i < bonds.size(); i++)
b = (Bond) bonds.elementAt(i);
index = ((Integer) ResidueProperties.aa3Hash.get(b.at1.resName))
b.startCol = cs.findColour(ResidueProperties.aa[index].charAt(0));
index = ((Integer) ResidueProperties.aa3Hash.get(b.at2.resName))
b.endCol = cs.findColour(ResidueProperties.aa[index].charAt(0));
} catch (Exception e)
b = (Bond) bonds.elementAt(i);
b.startCol = Color.gray;
b.endCol = Color.gray;
public void setChainColours(Color col)
for (int i = 0; i < bonds.size(); i++)
Bond tmp = (Bond) bonds.elementAt(i);
tmp.startCol = col;
tmp.endCol = col;
public AlignmentAnnotation[] transferResidueAnnotation(SequenceI seq,
String status)
AlignmentAnnotation[] transferred = null;
return transferred;
* copy any sequence annotation onto the sequence mapped using the provided
* StructureMapping
* @param mapping
public void transferResidueAnnotation(StructureMapping mapping)
SequenceI sq = mapping.getSequence();
if (sq != null)
if (sequence != null && sequence.getAnnotation() != null)
float min = -1, max = 0;
Annotation[] an = new Annotation[sq.getEnd() - sq.getStart() + 1];
for (int i = sq.getStart(), j = sq.getEnd(), k = 0; i <= j; i++, k++)
int prn = mapping.getPDBResNum(k + 1);
an[k] = new Annotation((float) prn);
if (min == -1)
min = k;
max = k;
if (min > k)
min = k;
else if (max < k)
max = k;
sq.addAlignmentAnnotation(new AlignmentAnnotation("PDB.RESNUM",
"PDB Residue Numbering for " + this.pdbid + ":" + this.id,
an, (float) min, (float) max, AlignmentAnnotation.LINE_GRAPH));