* Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
* Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
* This file is part of Jalview.
* Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Jalview. If not, see .
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
package jalview.analysis;
import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation;
import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI;
import jalview.renderer.AnnotationRenderer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class AlignmentAnnotationUtils
* Helper method to populate lists of annotation types for the Show/Hide
* Annotations menus. If sequenceGroup is not null, this is restricted to
* annotations which are associated with sequences in the selection group.
* If an annotation row is currently visible, its type (label) is added (once
* only per type), to the shownTypes list. If it is currently hidden, it is
* added to the hiddenTypesList.
* For rows that belong to a line graph group, so are always rendered
* together:
* - Treat all rows in the group as visible, if at least one of them is
* - Build a list of all the annotation types that belong to the group
* @param shownTypes
* a map, keyed by calcId (annotation source), whose entries are the
* lists of annotation types found for the calcId; each annotation
* type in turn may be a list (in the case of grouped annotations)
* @param hiddenTypes
* a map, similar to shownTypes, but for hidden annotation types
* @param annotations
* the annotations on the alignment to scan
* @param forSequences
* the sequences to restrict search to
public static void getShownHiddenTypes(
Map>> shownTypes,
Map>> hiddenTypes,
List annotations,
List forSequences)
BitSet visibleGraphGroups = AlignmentAnnotationUtils
* Build a lookup, by calcId (annotation source), of all annotation types in
* each graph group.
Map>> groupLabels = new HashMap>>();
// trackers for which calcId!label combinations we have dealt with
List addedToShown = new ArrayList();
List addedToHidden = new ArrayList();
for (AlignmentAnnotation aa : annotations)
* Ignore non-positional annotations, can't render these against an
* alignment
if (aa.annotations == null)
if (forSequences != null && (aa.sequenceRef != null
&& forSequences.contains(aa.sequenceRef)))
String calcId = aa.getCalcId();
* Build a 'composite label' for types in line graph groups.
final List labelAsList = new ArrayList();
final String displayLabel = aa.label;
if (aa.graph == AlignmentAnnotation.LINE_GRAPH
&& aa.graphGroup > -1)
if (!groupLabels.containsKey(calcId))
groupLabels.put(calcId, new HashMap>());
Map> groupLabelsForCalcId = groupLabels
if (groupLabelsForCalcId.containsKey(aa.graphGroup))
if (!groupLabelsForCalcId.get(aa.graphGroup)
groupLabelsForCalcId.put(aa.graphGroup, labelAsList);
* 'Simple case' - not a grouped annotation type - list of one label
* only
String rememberAs = calcId + "!" + displayLabel;
if (aa.visible && !addedToShown.contains(rememberAs))
if (!shownTypes.containsKey(calcId))
shownTypes.put(calcId, new ArrayList>());
if (!aa.visible && !addedToHidden.contains(rememberAs))
if (!hiddenTypes.containsKey(calcId))
hiddenTypes.put(calcId, new ArrayList>());
* Finally add the 'composite group labels' to the appropriate lists,
* depending on whether the group is identified as visible or hidden. Don't
* add the same label more than once (there may be many graph groups that
* generate it).
for (String calcId : groupLabels.keySet())
for (int group : groupLabels.get(calcId).keySet())
final List groupLabel = groupLabels.get(calcId).get(group);
// don't want to duplicate 'same types in different order'
if (visibleGraphGroups.get(group))
if (!shownTypes.containsKey(calcId))
shownTypes.put(calcId, new ArrayList>());
if (!shownTypes.get(calcId).contains(groupLabel))
if (!hiddenTypes.containsKey(calcId))
hiddenTypes.put(calcId, new ArrayList>());
if (!hiddenTypes.get(calcId).contains(groupLabel))
* Returns a BitSet (possibly empty) of those graphGroups for line graph
* annotations, which have at least one member annotation row marked visible.
* Only one row in each visible group is marked visible, but when it is drawn,
* so are all the other rows in the same group.
* This lookup set allows us to check whether rows apparently marked not
* visible are in fact shown.
* @see AnnotationRenderer#drawComponent
* @param annotations
* @return
public static BitSet getVisibleLineGraphGroups(
List annotations)
BitSet result = new BitSet();
for (AlignmentAnnotation ann : annotations)
if (ann.graph == AlignmentAnnotation.LINE_GRAPH && ann.visible)
int gg = ann.graphGroup;
if (gg > -1)
return result;
* Converts an array of AlignmentAnnotation into a List of
* AlignmentAnnotation. A null array is converted to an empty list.
* @param anns
* @return
public static List asList(AlignmentAnnotation[] anns)
// TODO use AlignmentAnnotationI instead when it exists
return (anns == null ? Collections. emptyList()
: Arrays.asList(anns));