/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.analysis; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties; import jalview.util.Comparison; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; /** * Calculates conservation values for a given set of sequences * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class Conservation { SequenceI[] sequences; int start; int end; Vector seqNums; // vector of int vectors where first is sequence checksum int maxLength = 0; // used by quality calcs boolean seqNumsChanged = false; // updated after any change via calcSeqNum; Hashtable[] total; boolean canonicaliseAa = true; // if true then conservation calculation will // map all symbols to canonical aa numbering // rather than consider conservation of that // symbol /** Stores calculated quality values */ public Vector quality; /** Stores maximum and minimum values of quality values */ public Double[] qualityRange = new Double[2]; String consString = ""; Sequence consSequence; Hashtable propHash; int threshold; String name = ""; int[][] cons2; private String[] consSymbs; /** * Creates a new Conservation object. * * @param name * Name of conservation * @param propHash * hash of properties for each symbol * @param threshold * to count the residues in residueHash(). commonly used value is 3 * @param sequences * sequences to be used in calculation * @param start * start residue position * @param end * end residue position */ public Conservation(String name, Hashtable propHash, int threshold, List sequences, int start, int end) { this.name = name; this.propHash = propHash; this.threshold = threshold; this.start = start; this.end = end; maxLength = end - start + 1; // default width includes bounds of // calculation int s, sSize = sequences.size(); SequenceI[] sarray = new SequenceI[sSize]; this.sequences = sarray; try { for (s = 0; s < sSize; s++) { sarray[s] = sequences.get(s); if (sarray[s].getLength() > maxLength) { maxLength = sarray[s].getLength(); } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { // bail - another thread has modified the sequence array, so the current // calculation is probably invalid. this.sequences = new SequenceI[0]; maxLength = 0; } } /** * Translate sequence i into a numerical representation and store it in the * i'th position of the seqNums array. * * @param i */ private void calcSeqNum(int i) { String sq = null; // for dumb jbuilder not-inited exception warning int[] sqnum = null; int sSize = sequences.length; if ((i > -1) && (i < sSize)) { sq = sequences[i].getSequenceAsString(); if (seqNums.size() <= i) { seqNums.addElement(new int[sq.length() + 1]); } if (sq.hashCode() != ((int[]) seqNums.elementAt(i))[0]) { int j; int len; seqNumsChanged = true; len = sq.length(); if (maxLength < len) { maxLength = len; } sqnum = new int[len + 1]; // better to always make a new array - // sequence can change its length sqnum[0] = sq.hashCode(); for (j = 1; j <= len; j++) { sqnum[j] = ResidueProperties.aaIndex[sq .charAt(j - 1)]; } seqNums.setElementAt(sqnum, i); } else { System.out.println("SEQUENCE HAS BEEN DELETED!!!"); } } else { // JBPNote INFO level debug System.err .println("ERROR: calcSeqNum called with out of range sequence index for Alignment\n"); } } /** * Calculates the conservation values for given set of sequences */ public void calculate() { Hashtable resultHash, ht; int thresh, j, jSize = sequences.length; int[] values; // Replaces residueHash String type, res = null; char c; Enumeration enumeration2; total = new Hashtable[maxLength]; for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { values = new int[255]; for (j = 0; j < jSize; j++) { if (sequences[j].getLength() > i) { c = sequences[j].getCharAt(i); if (canonicaliseAa) { // lookup the base aa code symbol c = (char) ResidueProperties.aaIndex[sequences[j] .getCharAt(i)]; if (c > 20) { c = '-'; } else { // recover canonical aa symbol c = ResidueProperties.aa[c].charAt(0); } } else { // original behaviour - operate on ascii symbols directly // No need to check if its a '-' if (c == '.' || c == ' ') { c = '-'; } if (!canonicaliseAa && 'a' <= c && c <= 'z') { c -= (32); // 32 = 'a' - 'A' } } values[c]++; } else { values['-']++; } } // What is the count threshold to count the residues in residueHash() thresh = (threshold * (jSize)) / 100; // loop over all the found residues resultHash = new Hashtable(); for (char v = '-'; v < 'Z'; v++) { if (values[v] > thresh) { res = String.valueOf(v); // Now loop over the properties enumeration2 = propHash.keys(); while (enumeration2.hasMoreElements()) { type = (String) enumeration2.nextElement(); ht = (Hashtable) propHash.get(type); // Have we ticked this before? if (!resultHash.containsKey(type)) { if (ht.containsKey(res)) { resultHash.put(type, ht.get(res)); } else { resultHash.put(type, ht.get("-")); } } else if (((Integer) resultHash.get(type)).equals(ht .get(res)) == false) { resultHash.put(type, new Integer(-1)); } } } } if (total.length > 0) { total[i - start] = resultHash; } } } /***************************************************************************** * count conservation for the j'th column of the alignment * * @return { gap count, conserved residue count} */ public int[] countConsNGaps(int j) { int count = 0; int cons = 0; int nres = 0; int[] r = new int[2]; char f = '$'; int i, iSize = sequences.length; char c; for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { if (j >= sequences[i].getLength()) { count++; continue; } c = sequences[i].getCharAt(j); // gaps do not have upper/lower case if (Comparison.isGap((c))) { count++; } else { nres++; if (nres == 1) { f = c; cons++; } else if (f == c) { cons++; } } } r[0] = (nres == cons) ? 1 : 0; r[1] = count; return r; } /** * Calculates the conservation sequence * * @param consflag * if true, poitiveve conservation; false calculates negative * conservation * @param percentageGaps * commonly used value is 25 */ public void verdict(boolean consflag, float percentageGaps) { StringBuffer consString = new StringBuffer(); String type; Integer result; int[] gapcons; int totGaps, count; float pgaps; Hashtable resultHash; Enumeration enumeration; // NOTE THIS SHOULD CHECK IF THE CONSEQUENCE ALREADY // EXISTS AND NOT OVERWRITE WITH '-', BUT THIS CASE // DOES NOT EXIST IN JALVIEW 2.1.2 for (int i = 0; i < start; i++) { consString.append('-'); } consSymbs = new String[end-start+1]; for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { gapcons = countConsNGaps(i); totGaps = gapcons[1]; pgaps = ((float) totGaps * 100) / sequences.length; consSymbs[i-start]=new String(); if (percentageGaps > pgaps) { resultHash = total[i - start]; // Now find the verdict count = 0; enumeration = resultHash.keys(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { type = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); result = (Integer) resultHash.get(type); // Do we want to count +ve conservation or +ve and -ve cons.? if (consflag) { if (result.intValue() == 1) { consSymbs[i-start] = type+" "+consSymbs[i-start]; count++; } } else { if (result.intValue() != -1) { { if (result.intValue()==0) { consSymbs[i-start] = consSymbs[i-start]+ " !"+type; } else { consSymbs[i-start] = type+" "+consSymbs[i-start]; } } count++; } } } if (count < 10) { consString.append(count); // Conserved props!=Identity } else { consString.append((gapcons[0] == 1) ? "*" : "+"); } } else { consString.append('-'); } } consSequence = new Sequence(name, consString.toString(), start, end); } /** * * * @return Conservation sequence */ public Sequence getConsSequence() { return consSequence; } // From Alignment.java in jalview118 public void findQuality() { findQuality(0, maxLength - 1); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! */ private void percentIdentity2() { seqNums = new Vector(); // calcSeqNum(s); int i = 0, iSize = sequences.length; // Do we need to calculate this again? for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { calcSeqNum(i); } if ((cons2 == null) || seqNumsChanged) { cons2 = new int[maxLength][24]; // Initialize the array for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++) { for (i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { cons2[i][j] = 0; } } int[] sqnum; int j = 0; while (j < sequences.length) { sqnum = (int[]) seqNums.elementAt(j); for (i = 1; i < sqnum.length; i++) { cons2[i - 1][sqnum[i]]++; } for (i = sqnum.length - 1; i < maxLength; i++) { cons2[i][23]++; // gap count } j++; } // unnecessary ? /* * for (int i=start; i <= end; i++) { int max = -1000; int maxi = -1; int * maxj = -1; * * for (int j=0;j<24;j++) { if (cons2[i][j] > max) { max = cons2[i][j]; * maxi = i; maxj = j; } } } */ } } /** * Calculates the quality of the set of sequences * * @param start * Start residue * @param end * End residue */ public void findQuality(int start, int end) { quality = new Vector(); double max = -10000; int[][] BLOSUM62 = ResidueProperties.getBLOSUM62(); // Loop over columns // JBPNote Profiling info // long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); // long te = System.currentTimeMillis(); percentIdentity2(); int size = seqNums.size(); int[] lengths = new int[size]; double tot, bigtot, sr, tmp; double[] x, xx; int l, j, i, ii, i2, k, seqNum; for (l = 0; l < size; l++) { lengths[l] = ((int[]) seqNums.elementAt(l)).length - 1; } for (j = start; j <= end; j++) { bigtot = 0; // First Xr = depends on column only x = new double[24]; for (ii = 0; ii < 24; ii++) { x[ii] = 0; for (i2 = 0; i2 < 24; i2++) { x[ii] += (((double) cons2[j][i2] * BLOSUM62[ii][i2]) + 4); } x[ii] /= size; } // Now calculate D for each position and sum for (k = 0; k < size; k++) { tot = 0; xx = new double[24]; seqNum = (j < lengths[k]) ? ((int[]) seqNums.elementAt(k))[j + 1] : 23; // Sequence, or gap at the end // This is a loop over r for (i = 0; i < 23; i++) { sr = 0; sr = (double) BLOSUM62[i][seqNum] + 4; // Calculate X with another loop over residues // System.out.println("Xi " + i + " " + x[i] + " " + sr); xx[i] = x[i] - sr; tot += (xx[i] * xx[i]); } bigtot += Math.sqrt(tot); } // This is the quality for one column if (max < bigtot) { max = bigtot; } // bigtot = bigtot * (size-cons2[j][23])/size; quality.addElement(new Double(bigtot)); // Need to normalize by gaps } double newmax = -10000; for (j = start; j <= end; j++) { tmp = ((Double) quality.elementAt(j)).doubleValue(); tmp = ((max - tmp) * (size - cons2[j][23])) / size; // System.out.println(tmp+ " " + j); quality.setElementAt(new Double(tmp), j); if (tmp > newmax) { newmax = tmp; } } // System.out.println("Quality " + s); qualityRange[0] = new Double(0); qualityRange[1] = new Double(newmax); } /** * complete the given consensus and quuality annotation rows. Note: currently * this method will enlarge the given annotation row if it is too small, * otherwise will leave its length unchanged. * * @param conservation * conservation annotation row * @param quality2 * (optional - may be null) * @param istart * first column for conservation * @param alWidth * extent of conservation */ public void completeAnnotations(AlignmentAnnotation conservation, AlignmentAnnotation quality2, int istart, int alWidth) { char[] sequence = getConsSequence().getSequence(); float minR; float minG; float minB; float maxR; float maxG; float maxB; minR = 0.3f; minG = 0.0f; minB = 0f; maxR = 1.0f - minR; maxG = 0.9f - minG; maxB = 0f - minB; // scalable range for colouring both Conservation and // Quality float min = 0f; float max = 11f; float qmin = 0f; float qmax = 0f; char c; if (conservation.annotations != null && conservation.annotations.length < alWidth) { conservation.annotations = new Annotation[alWidth]; } if (quality2 != null) { quality2.graphMax = qualityRange[1].floatValue(); if (quality2.annotations != null && quality2.annotations.length < alWidth) { quality2.annotations = new Annotation[alWidth]; } qmin = qualityRange[0].floatValue(); qmax = qualityRange[1].floatValue(); } for (int i = 0; i < alWidth; i++) { float value = 0; c = sequence[i]; if (Character.isDigit(c)) { value = c - '0'; } else if (c == '*') { value = 11; } else if (c == '+') { value = 10; } float vprop = value - min; vprop /= max; conservation.annotations[i] = new Annotation(String.valueOf(c), consSymbs[i-start], ' ', value, new Color(minR + (maxR * vprop), minG + (maxG * vprop), minB + (maxB * vprop))); // Quality calc if (quality2 != null) { value = ((Double) quality.elementAt(i)).floatValue(); vprop = value - qmin; vprop /= qmax; quality2.annotations[i] = new Annotation(" ", String.valueOf(value), ' ', value, new Color(minR + (maxR * vprop), minG + (maxG * vprop), minB + (maxB * vprop))); } } } /** * construct and call the calculation methods on a new Conservation object * * @param name * - name of conservation * @param consHash * - hash table of properties for each amino acid (normally * ResidueProperties.propHash) * @param threshold * - minimum number of conserved residues needed to indicate * conservation (typically 3) * @param seqs * @param start * first column in calculation window * @param end * last column in calculation window * @param posOrNeg * positive (true) or negative (false) conservation * @param consPercGaps * percentage of gaps tolerated in column * @param calcQuality * flag indicating if alignment quality should be calculated * @return Conservation object ready for use in visualization */ public static Conservation calculateConservation(String name, Hashtable consHash, int threshold, List seqs, int start, int end, boolean posOrNeg, int consPercGaps, boolean calcQuality) { Conservation cons = new Conservation(name, consHash, threshold, seqs, start, end); return calculateConservation(cons, posOrNeg, consPercGaps, calcQuality); } /** * @param b * positive (true) or negative (false) conservation * @param consPercGaps * percentage of gaps tolerated in column * @param calcQuality * flag indicating if alignment quality should be calculated * @return Conservation object ready for use in visualization */ public static Conservation calculateConservation(Conservation cons, boolean b, int consPercGaps, boolean calcQuality) { cons.calculate(); cons.verdict(b, consPercGaps); if (calcQuality) { cons.findQuality(); } return cons; } }