/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.4.0.b2) * Copyright (C) 2009 AM Waterhouse, J Procter, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package jalview.analysis; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import jalview.datamodel.AlignedCodonFrame; import jalview.datamodel.Alignment; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.ColumnSelection; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry; import jalview.datamodel.FeatureProperties; import jalview.datamodel.Mapping; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties; import jalview.util.MapList; import jalview.util.ShiftList; public class Dna { /** * * @param cdp1 * @param cdp2 * @return -1 if cdp1 aligns before cdp2, 0 if in the same column or cdp2 is * null, +1 if after cdp2 */ private static int compare_codonpos(int[] cdp1, int[] cdp2) { if (cdp2 == null || (cdp1[0] == cdp2[0] && cdp1[1] == cdp2[1] && cdp1[2] == cdp2[2])) return 0; if (cdp1[0] < cdp2[0] || cdp1[1] < cdp2[1] || cdp1[2] < cdp2[2]) return -1; // one base in cdp1 precedes the corresponding base in the // other codon return 1; // one base in cdp1 appears after the corresponding base in the // other codon. } /** * DNA->mapped protein sequence alignment translation given set of sequences * 1. id distinct coding regions within selected region for each sequence 2. * generate peptides based on inframe (or given) translation or (optionally * and where specified) out of frame translations (annotated appropriately) 3. * align peptides based on codon alignment */ /** * id potential products from dna 1. search for distinct products within * selected region for each selected sequence 2. group by associated DB type. * 3. return as form for input into above function */ /** * */ /** * create a new alignment of protein sequences by an inframe translation of * the provided NA sequences * * @param selection * @param seqstring * @param viscontigs * @param gapCharacter * @param annotations * @param aWidth * @param dataset * destination dataset for translated sequences and mappings * @return */ public static AlignmentI CdnaTranslate(SequenceI[] selection, String[] seqstring, int viscontigs[], char gapCharacter, AlignmentAnnotation[] annotations, int aWidth, Alignment dataset) { return CdnaTranslate(selection, seqstring, null, viscontigs, gapCharacter, annotations, aWidth, dataset); } /** * * @param selection * @param seqstring * @param product - * array of DbRefEntry objects from which exon map in seqstring * is derived * @param viscontigs * @param gapCharacter * @param annotations * @param aWidth * @param dataset * @return */ public static AlignmentI CdnaTranslate(SequenceI[] selection, String[] seqstring, DBRefEntry[] product, int viscontigs[], char gapCharacter, AlignmentAnnotation[] annotations, int aWidth, Alignment dataset) { AlignedCodonFrame codons = new AlignedCodonFrame(aWidth); // stores hash of // subsequent // positions for // each codon // start position // in alignment int s, sSize = selection.length; Vector pepseqs = new Vector(); for (s = 0; s < sSize; s++) { SequenceI newseq = translateCodingRegion(selection[s], seqstring[s], viscontigs, codons, gapCharacter, (product != null) ? product[s] : null); // possibly anonymous // product if (newseq != null) { pepseqs.addElement(newseq); SequenceI ds = newseq; while (ds.getDatasetSequence() != null) { ds = ds.getDatasetSequence(); } dataset.addSequence(ds); } } if (codons.aaWidth == 0) return null; SequenceI[] newseqs = new SequenceI[pepseqs.size()]; pepseqs.copyInto(newseqs); AlignmentI al = new Alignment(newseqs); al.padGaps(); // ensure we look aligned. al.setDataset(dataset); translateAlignedAnnotations(annotations, al, codons); al.addCodonFrame(codons); return al; } /** * fake the collection of DbRefs with associated exon mappings to identify if * a translation would generate distinct product in the currently selected * region. * * @param selection * @param viscontigs * @return */ public static boolean canTranslate(SequenceI[] selection, int viscontigs[]) { for (int gd = 0; gd < selection.length; gd++) { SequenceI dna = selection[gd]; jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry[] dnarefs = jalview.util.DBRefUtils .selectRefs(dna.getDBRef(), jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.DNACODINGDBS); if (dnarefs != null) { // intersect with pep // intersect with pep Vector mappedrefs = new Vector(); DBRefEntry[] refs = dna.getDBRef(); for (int d = 0; d < refs.length; d++) { if (refs[d].getMap() != null && refs[d].getMap().getMap() != null && refs[d].getMap().getMap().getFromRatio() == 3 && refs[d].getMap().getMap().getToRatio() == 1) { mappedrefs.addElement(refs[d]); // add translated protein maps } } dnarefs = new DBRefEntry[mappedrefs.size()]; mappedrefs.copyInto(dnarefs); for (int d = 0; d < dnarefs.length; d++) { Mapping mp = dnarefs[d].getMap(); if (mp != null) { for (int vc = 0; vc < viscontigs.length; vc += 2) { int[] mpr = mp.locateMappedRange(viscontigs[vc], viscontigs[vc + 1]); if (mpr != null) { return true; } } } } } } return false; } /** * generate a set of translated protein products from annotated sequenceI * * @param selection * @param viscontigs * @param gapCharacter * @param dataset * destination dataset for translated sequences * @param annotations * @param aWidth * @return */ public static AlignmentI CdnaTranslate(SequenceI[] selection, int viscontigs[], char gapCharacter, Alignment dataset) { int alwidth = 0; Vector cdnasqs = new Vector(); Vector cdnasqi = new Vector(); Vector cdnaprod = new Vector(); for (int gd = 0; gd < selection.length; gd++) { SequenceI dna = selection[gd]; jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry[] dnarefs = jalview.util.DBRefUtils .selectRefs(dna.getDBRef(), jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.DNACODINGDBS); if (dnarefs != null) { // intersect with pep Vector mappedrefs = new Vector(); DBRefEntry[] refs = dna.getDBRef(); for (int d = 0; d < refs.length; d++) { if (refs[d].getMap() != null && refs[d].getMap().getMap() != null && refs[d].getMap().getMap().getFromRatio() == 3 && refs[d].getMap().getMap().getToRatio() == 1) { mappedrefs.addElement(refs[d]); // add translated protein maps } } dnarefs = new DBRefEntry[mappedrefs.size()]; mappedrefs.copyInto(dnarefs); for (int d = 0; d < dnarefs.length; d++) { Mapping mp = dnarefs[d].getMap(); StringBuffer sqstr = new StringBuffer(); if (mp != null) { Mapping intersect = mp.intersectVisContigs(viscontigs); // generate seqstring for this sequence based on mapping if (sqstr.length() > alwidth) alwidth = sqstr.length(); cdnasqs.addElement(sqstr.toString()); cdnasqi.addElement(dna); cdnaprod.addElement(intersect); } } } SequenceI[] cdna = new SequenceI[cdnasqs.size()]; DBRefEntry[] prods = new DBRefEntry[cdnaprod.size()]; String[] xons = new String[cdnasqs.size()]; cdnasqs.copyInto(xons); cdnaprod.copyInto(prods); cdnasqi.copyInto(cdna); return CdnaTranslate(cdna, xons, prods, viscontigs, gapCharacter, null, alwidth, dataset); } return null; } /** * translate na alignment annotations onto translated amino acid alignment al * using codon mapping codons * * @param annotations * @param al * @param codons */ public static void translateAlignedAnnotations( AlignmentAnnotation[] annotations, AlignmentI al, AlignedCodonFrame codons) { // ////////////////////////////// // Copy annotations across // // Can only do this for columns with consecutive codons, or where // annotation is sequence associated. int pos, a, aSize; if (annotations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { // Skip any autogenerated annotation if (annotations[i].autoCalculated) { continue; } aSize = codons.getaaWidth(); // aa alignment width. jalview.datamodel.Annotation[] anots = (annotations[i].annotations == null) ? null : new jalview.datamodel.Annotation[aSize]; if (anots != null) { for (a = 0; a < aSize; a++) { // process through codon map. if (codons.codons[a] != null && codons.codons[a][0] == (codons.codons[a][2] - 2)) { anots[a] = getCodonAnnotation(codons.codons[a], annotations[i].annotations); } } } jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation aa = new jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation( annotations[i].label, annotations[i].description, anots); aa.graph = annotations[i].graph; aa.graphGroup = annotations[i].graphGroup; aa.graphHeight = annotations[i].graphHeight; if (annotations[i].getThreshold() != null) { aa.setThreshold(new jalview.datamodel.GraphLine(annotations[i] .getThreshold())); } if (annotations[i].hasScore) { aa.setScore(annotations[i].getScore()); } if (annotations[i].sequenceRef != null) { SequenceI aaSeq = codons .getAaForDnaSeq(annotations[i].sequenceRef); if (aaSeq != null) { // aa.compactAnnotationArray(); // throw away alignment annotation // positioning aa.setSequenceRef(aaSeq); aa.createSequenceMapping(aaSeq, aaSeq.getStart(), true); // rebuild // mapping aa.adjustForAlignment(); aaSeq.addAlignmentAnnotation(aa); } } al.addAnnotation(aa); } } } private static Annotation getCodonAnnotation(int[] is, Annotation[] annotations) { // Have a look at all the codon positions for annotation and put the first // one found into the translated annotation pos. for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) { if (annotations[is[p]] != null) { return new Annotation(annotations[is[p]]); } } return null; } /** * Translate a na sequence * * @param selection * sequence displayed under viscontigs visible columns * @param seqstring * ORF read in some global alignment reference frame * @param viscontigs * mapping from global reference frame to visible seqstring ORF * read * @param codons * Definition of global ORF alignment reference frame * @param gapCharacter * @param newSeq * @return sequence ready to be added to alignment. */ public static SequenceI translateCodingRegion(SequenceI selection, String seqstring, int[] viscontigs, AlignedCodonFrame codons, char gapCharacter, DBRefEntry product) { Vector skip = new Vector(); int skipint[] = null; ShiftList vismapping = new ShiftList(); // map from viscontigs to seqstring // intervals int vc, scontigs[] = new int[viscontigs.length]; int npos = 0; for (vc = 0; vc < viscontigs.length; vc += 2) { if (vc == 0) { vismapping.addShift(npos, viscontigs[vc]); } else { // hidden region vismapping.addShift(npos, viscontigs[vc] - viscontigs[vc - 1] + 1); } scontigs[vc] = viscontigs[vc]; scontigs[vc + 1] = viscontigs[vc + 1]; } StringBuffer protein = new StringBuffer(); String seq = seqstring.replace('U', 'T'); char codon[] = new char[3]; int cdp[] = new int[3], rf = 0, lastnpos = 0, nend; int aspos = 0; int resSize = 0; for (npos = 0, nend = seq.length(); npos < nend; npos++) { if (!jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(seq.charAt(npos))) { cdp[rf] = npos; // store position codon[rf++] = seq.charAt(npos); // store base } // filled an RF yet ? if (rf == 3) { String aa = ResidueProperties.codonTranslate(new String(codon)); rf = 0; if (aa == null) { aa = String.valueOf(gapCharacter); if (skipint == null) { skipint = new int[] { cdp[0], cdp[2] }; } skipint[1] = cdp[2]; } else { if (skipint != null) { // edit scontigs skipint[0] = vismapping.shift(skipint[0]); skipint[1] = vismapping.shift(skipint[1]); for (vc = 0; vc < scontigs.length; vc += 2) { if (scontigs[vc + 1] < skipint[0]) { continue; } if (scontigs[vc] <= skipint[0]) { if (skipint[0] == scontigs[vc]) { } else { int[] t = new int[scontigs.length + 2]; System.arraycopy(scontigs, 0, t, 0, vc - 1); // scontigs[vc]; // } } } skip.addElement(skipint); skipint = null; } if (aa.equals("STOP")) { aa = "X"; } resSize++; } // insert/delete gaps prior to this codon - if necessary boolean findpos = true; while (findpos) { // first ensure that the codons array is long enough. codons.checkCodonFrameWidth(aspos); // now check to see if we place the aa at the current aspos in the // protein alignment switch (Dna.compare_codonpos(cdp, codons.codons[aspos])) { case -1: codons.insertAAGap(aspos, gapCharacter); findpos = false; break; case +1: // this aa appears after the aligned codons at aspos, so prefix it // with a gap aa = "" + gapCharacter + aa; aspos++; // if (aspos >= codons.aaWidth) // codons.aaWidth = aspos + 1; break; // check the next position for alignment case 0: // codon aligns at aspos position. findpos = false; } } // codon aligns with all other sequence residues found at aspos protein.append(aa); lastnpos = npos; if (codons.codons[aspos] == null) { // mark this column as aligning to this aligned reading frame codons.codons[aspos] = new int[] { cdp[0], cdp[1], cdp[2] }; } aspos++; if (aspos >= codons.aaWidth) { codons.aaWidth = aspos + 1; } } } if (resSize > 0) { SequenceI newseq = new Sequence(selection.getName(), protein .toString()); if (rf != 0) { jalview.bin.Cache.log .debug("trimming contigs for incomplete terminal codon."); // map and trim contigs to ORF region vc = scontigs.length - 1; lastnpos = vismapping.shift(lastnpos); // place npos in context of // whole dna alignment (rather // than visible contigs) // incomplete ORF could be broken over one or two visible contig // intervals. while (vc >= 0 && scontigs[vc] > lastnpos) { if (vc > 0 && scontigs[vc - 1] > lastnpos) { vc -= 2; } else { // correct last interval in list. scontigs[vc] = lastnpos; } } if (vc > 0 && (vc + 1) < scontigs.length) { // truncate map list to just vc elements int t[] = new int[vc + 1]; System.arraycopy(scontigs, 0, t, 0, vc + 1); scontigs = t; } if (vc <= 0) scontigs = null; } if (scontigs != null) { npos = 0; // map scontigs to actual sequence positions on selection for (vc = 0; vc < scontigs.length; vc += 2) { scontigs[vc] = selection.findPosition(scontigs[vc]); // not from 1! scontigs[vc + 1] = selection.findPosition(scontigs[vc + 1]); // exclusive if (scontigs[vc + 1] == selection.getEnd()) break; } // trim trailing empty intervals. if ((vc + 2) < scontigs.length) { int t[] = new int[vc + 2]; System.arraycopy(scontigs, 0, t, 0, vc + 2); scontigs = t; } /* * delete intervals in scontigs which are not translated. 1. map skip * into sequence position intervals 2. truncate existing ranges and add * new ranges to exclude untranslated regions. if (skip.size()>0) { * Vector narange = new Vector(); for (vc=0; vc=skipint[0] && iv[0]<=skipint[1]) { if (iv[0]==skipint[0]) { // * delete beginning of range } else { // truncate range and create new * one if necessary iv = (int[]) narange.elementAt(vc+1); if (iv[0]<=skipint[1]) { // * truncate range iv[0] = skipint[1]; } else { * } } } else if (iv[0]