/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.analysis; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentView; import jalview.datamodel.BinaryNode; import jalview.datamodel.NodeTransformI; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceNode; import jalview.io.NewickFile; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; /** * A model of a tree, either computed by Jalview or loaded from a file or other * resource or service */ public class TreeModel { SequenceI[] sequences; /* * SequenceData is a string representation of what the user * sees. The display may contain hidden columns. */ private AlignmentView seqData; int noseqs; SequenceNode top; double maxDistValue; double maxheight; int ycount; Vector node; boolean hasDistances = true; // normal case for jalview trees boolean hasBootstrap = false; // normal case for jalview trees private boolean hasRootDistance = true; /** * Create a new TreeModel object with leaves associated with sequences in * seqs, and (optionally) original alignment data represented by Cigar strings * * @param seqs * SequenceI[] * @param odata * Cigar[] * @param treefile * NewickFile */ public TreeModel(SequenceI[] seqs, AlignmentView odata, NewickFile treefile) { this(seqs, treefile.getTree(), treefile.HasDistances(), treefile .HasBootstrap(), treefile.HasRootDistance()); seqData = odata; associateLeavesToSequences(seqs); } /** * Constructor given a calculated tree * * @param tree */ public TreeModel(TreeBuilder tree) { this(tree.getSequences(), tree.getTopNode(), tree.hasDistances(), tree .hasBootstrap(), tree.hasRootDistance()); seqData = tree.getOriginalData(); } /** * Constructor given sequences, root node and tree property flags * * @param seqs * @param root * @param hasDist * @param hasBoot * @param hasRootDist */ public TreeModel(SequenceI[] seqs, SequenceNode root, boolean hasDist, boolean hasBoot, boolean hasRootDist) { this.sequences = seqs; top = root; hasDistances = hasDist; hasBootstrap = hasBoot; hasRootDistance = hasRootDist; maxheight = findHeight(top); } /** * @param seqs */ public void associateLeavesToSequences(SequenceI[] seqs) { SequenceIdMatcher algnIds = new SequenceIdMatcher(seqs); Vector leaves = findLeaves(top); int i = 0; int namesleft = seqs.length; SequenceNode j; SequenceI nam; String realnam; Vector one2many = new Vector(); // int countOne2Many = 0; while (i < leaves.size()) { j = leaves.elementAt(i++); realnam = j.getName(); nam = null; if (namesleft > -1) { nam = algnIds.findIdMatch(realnam); } if (nam != null) { j.setElement(nam); if (one2many.contains(nam)) { // countOne2Many++; // if (jalview.bin.Cache.log.isDebugEnabled()) // jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("One 2 many relationship for // "+nam.getName()); } else { one2many.addElement(nam); namesleft--; } } else { j.setElement(new Sequence(realnam, "THISISAPLACEHLDER")); j.setPlaceholder(true); } } // if (jalview.bin.Cache.log.isDebugEnabled() && countOne2Many>0) { // jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("There were "+countOne2Many+" alignment // sequence ids (out of "+one2many.size()+" unique ids) linked to two or // more leaves."); // } // one2many.clear(); } /** * Generate a string representation of the Tree * * @return Newick File with all tree data available */ public String print() { NewickFile fout = new NewickFile(getTopNode()); return fout.print(hasBootstrap(), hasDistances(), hasRootDistance()); // output all data available for tree } /** * * used when the alignment associated to a tree has changed. * * @param list * Sequence set to be associated with tree nodes */ public void updatePlaceHolders(List list) { Vector leaves = findLeaves(top); int sz = leaves.size(); SequenceIdMatcher seqmatcher = null; int i = 0; while (i < sz) { SequenceNode leaf = leaves.elementAt(i++); if (list.contains(leaf.element())) { leaf.setPlaceholder(false); } else { if (seqmatcher == null) { // Only create this the first time we need it SequenceI[] seqs = new SequenceI[list.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < seqs.length; j++) { seqs[j] = list.get(j); } seqmatcher = new SequenceIdMatcher(seqs); } SequenceI nam = seqmatcher.findIdMatch(leaf.getName()); if (nam != null) { if (!leaf.isPlaceholder()) { // remapping the node to a new sequenceI - should remove any refs to // old one. // TODO - make many sequenceI to one leaf mappings possible! // (JBPNote) } leaf.setPlaceholder(false); leaf.setElement(nam); } else { if (!leaf.isPlaceholder()) { // Construct a new placeholder sequence object for this leaf leaf.setElement(new Sequence(leaf.getName(), "THISISAPLACEHLDER")); } leaf.setPlaceholder(true); } } } } /** * rename any nodes according to their associated sequence. This will modify * the tree's metadata! (ie the original NewickFile or newly generated * BinaryTree's label data) */ public void renameAssociatedNodes() { applyToNodes(new NodeTransformI() { @Override public void transform(BinaryNode nd) { Object el = nd.element(); if (el != null && el instanceof SequenceI) { nd.setName(((SequenceI) el).getName()); } } }); } /** * Search for leaf nodes below (or at) the given node * * @param nd * root node to search from * * @return */ public Vector findLeaves(SequenceNode nd) { Vector leaves = new Vector(); findLeaves(nd, leaves); return leaves; } /** * Search for leaf nodes. * * @param nd * root node to search from * @param leaves * Vector of leaves to add leaf node objects too. * * @return Vector of leaf nodes on binary tree */ Vector findLeaves(SequenceNode nd, Vector leaves) { if (nd == null) { return leaves; } if ((nd.left() == null) && (nd.right() == null)) // Interior node // detection { leaves.addElement(nd); return leaves; } else { /* * TODO: Identify internal nodes... if (node.isSequenceLabel()) { * leaves.addElement(node); } */ findLeaves((SequenceNode) nd.left(), leaves); findLeaves((SequenceNode) nd.right(), leaves); } return leaves; } /** * printNode is mainly for debugging purposes. * * @param nd * SequenceNode */ void printNode(SequenceNode nd) { if (nd == null) { return; } if ((nd.left() == null) && (nd.right() == null)) { System.out.println("Leaf = " + ((SequenceI) nd.element()).getName()); System.out.println("Dist " + nd.dist); System.out.println("Boot " + nd.getBootstrap()); } else { System.out.println("Dist " + nd.dist); printNode((SequenceNode) nd.left()); printNode((SequenceNode) nd.right()); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public double getMaxHeight() { return maxheight; } /** * Makes a list of groups, where each group is represented by a node whose * height (distance from the root node), as a fraction of the height of the * whole tree, is greater than the given threshold. This corresponds to * selecting the nodes immediately to the right of a vertical line * partitioning the tree (if the tree is drawn with root to the left). Each * such node represents a group that contains all of the sequences linked to * the child leaf nodes. * * @param threshold * @see #getGroups() */ public List groupNodes(float threshold) { List groups = new ArrayList(); _groupNodes(groups, getTopNode(), threshold); return groups; } protected void _groupNodes(List groups, SequenceNode nd, float threshold) { if (nd == null) { return; } if ((nd.height / maxheight) > threshold) { groups.add(nd); } else { _groupNodes(groups, (SequenceNode) nd.left(), threshold); _groupNodes(groups, (SequenceNode) nd.right(), threshold); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param nd * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public double findHeight(SequenceNode nd) { if (nd == null) { return maxheight; } if ((nd.left() == null) && (nd.right() == null)) { nd.height = ((SequenceNode) nd.parent()).height + nd.dist; if (nd.height > maxheight) { return nd.height; } else { return maxheight; } } else { if (nd.parent() != null) { nd.height = ((SequenceNode) nd.parent()).height + nd.dist; } else { maxheight = 0; nd.height = (float) 0.0; } maxheight = findHeight((SequenceNode) (nd.left())); maxheight = findHeight((SequenceNode) (nd.right())); } return maxheight; } /** * Returns original alignment data used for calculation - or null where not * available. * * @return null or cut'n'pasteable alignment */ public String printOriginalSequenceData(char gapChar) { if (seqData == null) { return null; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String[] seqdatas = seqData.getSequenceStrings(gapChar); for (int i = 0; i < seqdatas.length; i++) { sb.append(new jalview.util.Format("%-" + 15 + "s").form(sequences[i] .getName())); sb.append(" " + seqdatas[i] + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param nd * DOCUMENT ME! */ void printN(SequenceNode nd) { if (nd == null) { return; } if ((nd.left() != null) && (nd.right() != null)) { printN((SequenceNode) nd.left()); printN((SequenceNode) nd.right()); } else { System.out.println(" name = " + ((SequenceI) nd.element()).getName()); } System.out.println(" dist = " + nd.dist + " " + nd.count + " " + nd.height); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param nd * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void reCount(SequenceNode nd) { ycount = 0; // _lycount = 0; // _lylimit = this.node.size(); _reCount(nd); } // private long _lycount = 0, _lylimit = 0; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param nd * DOCUMENT ME! */ void _reCount(SequenceNode nd) { // if (_lycount<_lylimit) // { // System.err.println("Warning: depth of _recount greater than number of nodes."); // } if (nd == null) { return; } // _lycount++; if ((nd.left() != null) && (nd.right() != null)) { _reCount((SequenceNode) nd.left()); _reCount((SequenceNode) nd.right()); SequenceNode l = (SequenceNode) nd.left(); SequenceNode r = (SequenceNode) nd.right(); nd.count = l.count + r.count; nd.ycount = (l.ycount + r.ycount) / 2; } else { nd.count = 1; nd.ycount = ycount++; } // _lycount--; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param nd * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void swapNodes(SequenceNode nd) { if (nd == null) { return; } SequenceNode tmp = (SequenceNode) nd.left(); nd.setLeft(nd.right()); nd.setRight(tmp); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param nd * DOCUMENT ME! * @param dir * DOCUMENT ME! */ void changeDirection(SequenceNode nd, SequenceNode dir) { if (nd == null) { return; } if (nd.parent() != top) { changeDirection((SequenceNode) nd.parent(), nd); SequenceNode tmp = (SequenceNode) nd.parent(); if (dir == nd.left()) { nd.setParent(dir); nd.setLeft(tmp); } else if (dir == nd.right()) { nd.setParent(dir); nd.setRight(tmp); } } else { if (dir == nd.left()) { nd.setParent(nd.left()); if (top.left() == nd) { nd.setRight(top.right()); } else { nd.setRight(top.left()); } } else { nd.setParent(nd.right()); if (top.left() == nd) { nd.setLeft(top.right()); } else { nd.setLeft(top.left()); } } } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public SequenceNode getTopNode() { return top; } /** * * @return true if tree has real distances */ public boolean hasDistances() { return hasDistances; } /** * * @return true if tree has real bootstrap values */ public boolean hasBootstrap() { return hasBootstrap; } public boolean hasRootDistance() { return hasRootDistance; } /** * apply the given transform to all the nodes in the tree. * * @param nodeTransformI */ public void applyToNodes(NodeTransformI nodeTransformI) { for (Enumeration nodes = node.elements(); nodes .hasMoreElements(); nodeTransformI.transform(nodes .nextElement())) { ; } } public AlignmentView getOriginalData() { return seqData; } }