/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ /* * Copyright 2018-2022 Kathy Su, Kay Diederichs * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * Ported from https://doi.org/10.1107/S2059798317000699 by * @AUTHOR MorellThomas */ package jalview.analysis; import jalview.bin.Console; import jalview.math.MatrixI; import jalview.math.Matrix; import jalview.math.MiscMath; import java.lang.Math; import java.lang.System; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateVectorFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateMatrixFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LeastSquaresOptimizer; import org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LeastSquaresProblem; import org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LeastSquaresBuilder; import org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularValueDecomposition; /** * A class to model rectangular matrices of double values and operations on them */ public class ccAnalysis { private byte dim = 0; //dimensions private MatrixI scoresOld; //input scores public ccAnalysis(MatrixI scores, byte dim) { //&! round matrix to .4f to be same as in pasimap for (int i = 0; i < scores.height(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < scores.width(); j++) { if (!Double.isNaN(scores.getValue(i,j))) { scores.setValue(i, j, (double) Math.round(scores.getValue(i,j) * (int) 10000) / 10000); } } } this.scoresOld = scores; this.dim = dim; } /** TODO * DOCUMENT ME * * @param hSigns ~ hypothesis signs (+/-) for each sequence * @param scores ~ input score matrix * * @return distrustScores */ private int[] initialiseDistrusts(byte[] hSigns, MatrixI scores) { int[] distrustScores = new int[scores.width()]; // loop over symmetric matrix for (int i = 0; i < scores.width(); i++) { byte hASign = hSigns[i]; int conHypNum = 0; int proHypNum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < scores.width(); j++) { double cell = scores.getRow(i)[j]; // value at [i][j] in scores byte hBSign = hSigns[j]; if (!Double.isNaN(cell)) { byte cellSign = (byte) Math.signum(cell); //check if sign of matrix value fits hyptohesis if (cellSign == hASign * hBSign) { proHypNum++; } else { conHypNum++; } } } distrustScores[i] = conHypNum - proHypNum; //create distrust score for each sequence } return distrustScores; } /** TODO * DOCUMENT ME * * @param hSigns ~ hypothesis signs (+/-) * @param distrustScores * @param scores ~ input score matrix * * @return hSigns */ private byte[] optimiseHypothesis(byte[] hSigns, int[] distrustScores, MatrixI scores) { // get maximum distrust score int[] maxes = MiscMath.findMax(distrustScores); int maxDistrustIndex = maxes[0]; int maxDistrust = maxes[1]; // if hypothesis is not optimal yet if (maxDistrust > 0) { //toggle sign for hI with maximum distrust hSigns[maxDistrustIndex] *= -1; // update distrust at same position distrustScores[maxDistrustIndex] *= -1; // also update distrust scores for all hI that were not changed byte hASign = hSigns[maxDistrustIndex]; for (int NOTmaxDistrustIndex = 0; NOTmaxDistrustIndex < distrustScores.length; NOTmaxDistrustIndex++) { if (NOTmaxDistrustIndex != maxDistrustIndex) { byte hBSign = hSigns[NOTmaxDistrustIndex]; double cell = scores.getRow(maxDistrustIndex)[NOTmaxDistrustIndex]; // distrust only changed if not NaN if (!Double.isNaN(cell)) { byte cellSign = (byte) Math.signum(cell); // if sign of cell matches hypothesis decrease distrust by 2 because 1 more value supporting and 1 less contradicting // else increase by 2 if (cellSign == hASign * hBSign) { distrustScores[NOTmaxDistrustIndex] -= 2; } else { distrustScores[NOTmaxDistrustIndex] += 2; } } } } //further optimisation necessary return optimiseHypothesis(hSigns, distrustScores, scores); } else { return hSigns; } } /** * takes the a symmetric MatrixI as input scores which may contain Double.NaN * approximate the missing values using hypothesis optimisation * * runs analysis * * @param scores ~ score matrix * * @return */ public MatrixI run () { MatrixI eigenMatrix = scoresOld.copy(); MatrixI repMatrix = scoresOld.copy(); try { /* * Calculate correction factor for 2nd and higher eigenvalue(s). * This correction is NOT needed for the 1st eigenvalue, because the * unknown (=NaN) values of the matrix are approximated by presuming * 1-dimensional vectors as the basis of the matrix interpretation as dot * products. */ //&! debug System.out.println("input:"); eigenMatrix.print(System.out, "%1.4f "); int matrixWidth = eigenMatrix.width(); // square matrix, so width == height int matrixElementsTotal = (int) Math.pow(matrixWidth, 2); //total number of elemts float correctionFactor = (float) (matrixElementsTotal - eigenMatrix.countNaN()) / (float) matrixElementsTotal; /* * Calculate hypothetical value (1-dimensional vector) h_i for each * dataset by interpreting the given correlation coefficients as scalar * products. */ /* * Memory for current hypothesis concerning sign of each h_i. * List of signs for all h_i in the encoding: * * 1: positive * * 0: zero * * -1: negative * Initial hypothesis: all signs are positive. */ byte[] hSigns = new byte[matrixWidth]; Arrays.fill(hSigns, (byte) 1); //Estimate signs for each h_i by refining hypothesis on signs. hSigns = optimiseHypothesis(hSigns, initialiseDistrusts(hSigns, eigenMatrix), eigenMatrix); //Estimate absolute values for each h_i by determining sqrt of mean of //non-NaN absolute values for every row. //<++> hAbs = //np.sqrt(np.nanmean(np.absolute(eigenMatrix), axis=1)) MiscMath.print(eigenMatrix.absolute().meanRow(), "%1.8f"); double[] hAbs = MiscMath.sqrt(eigenMatrix.absolute().meanRow()); //np.sqrt(np.nanmean(np.absolute(eigenMatrix), axis=1)) //Combine estimated signs with absolute values in obtain total value for //each h_i. double[] hValues = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(hSigns, hAbs); //<++>hValues.reshape((1,matrixWidth)); // doesnt it already look like this /*Complement symmetric matrix by using the scalar products of estimated *values of h_i to replace NaN-cells. *Matrix positions that have estimated values *(only for diagonal and upper off-diagonal values, due to the symmetry *the positions of the lower-diagonal values can be inferred). List of tuples (row_idx, column_idx).*/ ArrayList estimatedPositions = new ArrayList(); // for off-diagonal cells for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixWidth - 1; rowIndex++) { for (int columnIndex = rowIndex + 1; columnIndex < matrixWidth; columnIndex++) { double cell = eigenMatrix.getValue(rowIndex, columnIndex); if (Double.isNaN(cell)) { //calculate scalar product as new cell value cell = hValues[rowIndex] * hValues[columnIndex]; // something is wrong with hAbs andhValues and everything!!!!!!!!!!!! //fill in new value in cell and symmetric partner eigenMatrix.setValue(rowIndex, columnIndex, cell); eigenMatrix.setValue(columnIndex, rowIndex, cell); //save positions of estimated values estimatedPositions.add(new int[]{rowIndex, columnIndex}); } } } // for diagonal cells for (int diagonalIndex = 0; diagonalIndex < matrixWidth; diagonalIndex++) { double cell = Math.pow(hValues[diagonalIndex], 2); eigenMatrix.setValue(diagonalIndex, diagonalIndex, cell); estimatedPositions.add(new int[]{diagonalIndex, diagonalIndex}); } /*Refine total values of each h_i: *Initialise h_values of the hypothetical non-existant previous iteration *with the correct format but with impossible values. Needed for exit condition of otherwise endless loop.*/ System.out.print("initial values: [ "); for (double h : hValues) { System.out.print(String.format("%1.4f, ", h)); } System.out.println(" ]"); double[] hValuesOld = new double[matrixWidth]; int iterationCount = 0; // repeat unitl values of h do not significantly change anymore while (true) { for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < matrixWidth; hIndex++) { //@python newH = np.sum(hValues * eigenMatrix[hIndex]) / np.sum(hValues ** 2) double newH = Arrays.stream(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(hValues, eigenMatrix.getRow(hIndex))).sum() / Arrays.stream(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(hValues, hValues)).sum(); hValues[hIndex] = newH; } System.out.print(String.format("iteration %d: [ ", iterationCount)); for (double h : hValues) { System.out.print(String.format("%1.4f, ", h)); } System.out.println(" ]"); //update values of estimated positions for (int[] pair : estimatedPositions) // pair ~ row, col { double newVal = hValues[pair[0]] * hValues[pair[1]]; eigenMatrix.setValue(pair[0], pair[1], newVal); eigenMatrix.setValue(pair[1], pair[0], newVal); } iterationCount++; //exit loop as soon as new values are similar to the last iteration if (MiscMath.allClose(hValues, hValuesOld, 0d, 1e-05d, false)) { break; } //save hValues for comparison in the next iteration System.arraycopy(hValues, 0, hValuesOld, 0, hValues.length); } //----------------------------- //Use complemented symmetric matrix to calculate final representative //vectors. //&! debug System.out.println("after estimating:"); eigenMatrix.print(System.out, "%1.8f "); //Eigendecomposition. eigenMatrix.tred(); System.out.println("tred"); eigenMatrix.print(System.out, "%8.2f"); eigenMatrix.tqli(); System.out.println("eigenvals"); eigenMatrix.printD(System.out, "%2.4f "); System.out.println(); System.out.println("tqli"); eigenMatrix.print(System.out, "%8.2f"); double[] eigenVals = eigenMatrix.getD(); /* TreeMap eigenPairs = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.reverseOrder()); for (int i = 0; i < eigenVals.length; i++) { eigenPairs.put(eigenVals[i], eigenMatrix.getColumn(i)); } */ TreeMap eigenPairs = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.reverseOrder()); for (int i = 0; i < eigenVals.length; i++) { eigenPairs.put(eigenVals[i], i); } // matrix of representative eigenvectors (each row is a vector) double[][] _repMatrix = new double[eigenVals.length][dim]; //last ones were dim double[][] _oldMatrix = new double[eigenVals.length][dim]; double[] correctedEigenValues = new double[dim]; //for (Entry pair : eigenPairs.entrySet()) int l = 0; for (Entry pair : eigenPairs.entrySet()) { double eigenValue = pair.getKey(); int column = pair.getValue(); double[] eigenVector = eigenMatrix.getColumn(column); //for 2nd and higher eigenvalues if (l >= 1) { eigenValue /= correctionFactor; } //l++; //correctedEigenValues[dim - l] = eigenValue; correctedEigenValues[l] = eigenValue; for (int j = 0; j < eigenVector.length; j++) { //_repMatrix[j][dim - l] = (eigenValue < 0) ? 0.0 : Math.sqrt(eigenValue) * eigenVector[j]; _repMatrix[j][l] = (eigenValue < 0) ? 0.0 : - Math.sqrt(eigenValue) * eigenVector[j]; double tmpOldScore = scoresOld.getColumn(column)[j]; _oldMatrix[j][dim - l - 1] = (Double.isNaN(tmpOldScore)) ? 0.0 : tmpOldScore; } l++; if (l >= dim) { break; } } System.out.println("correctedEigenValues"); MiscMath.print(correctedEigenValues, "%2.4f "); repMatrix = new Matrix(_repMatrix); repMatrix.setD(correctedEigenValues); MatrixI oldMatrix = new Matrix(_oldMatrix); //TODO do i even need it anymore? System.out.println("old matrix"); oldMatrix.print(System.out, "%8.2f"); System.out.println("scoresOld"); scoresOld.print(System.out, "%1.4f "); System.out.println("rep matrix"); repMatrix.print(System.out, "%1.8f "); MatrixI dotMatrix = repMatrix.postMultiply(repMatrix.transpose()); System.out.println("dot matrix"); dotMatrix.print(System.out, "%1.8f "); double rmsd = scoresOld.rmsd(dotMatrix); //TODO do i need this here? System.out.println(rmsd); System.out.println("iteration, rmsd, maxDiff, rmsdDiff"); System.out.println(String.format("0, %8.5f, -, -", rmsd)); // Refine representative vectors by minimising sum-of-squared deviates between dotMatrix and original score matrix for (int iteration = 1; iteration < 21; iteration++) // arbitrarily set to 20 { MatrixI repMatrixOLD = repMatrix.copy(); MatrixI dotMatrixOLD = dotMatrix.copy(); // for all rows/hA in the original matrix for (int hAIndex = 0; hAIndex < oldMatrix.height(); hAIndex++) { double[] row = oldMatrix.getRow(hAIndex); double[] hA = repMatrix.getRow(hAIndex); // inverted hAIndex = hAIndex; //find least-squares-solution fo rdifferences between original scores and representative vectors //--> originalToEquasionSystem(hA, hAIndex, repMatrix, row) --> double[] System.out.println(String.format("||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\nIteration: %d", iteration)); //repMatrix = new Matrix( new double[][]{{ 0.92894902, -0.25013783, -0.0051076 }, { 0.91955135, -0.25024707, -0.00516568}, { 0.90957348, -0.21717002, -0.14259899}, { 0.90298063, -0.21678816, -0.14697814}, { 0.9157065, -0.04646437, 0.10105454}, { 0.9050301, -0.04689785, 0.18964432}, { 0.92498545, 0.03881933, 0.14771523}, { 0.88008842, 0.0142395, 0.11356242}, { 0.94276528, 0.25591474, -0.07190911}, { 0.93939976, 0.23375136, -0.07530558}, { 0.93550782, 0.24635804, -0.07317563}, { 0.92497731, 0.21729928, -0.02361162}}); //scoresOld = new Matrix( new double[][]{{ Double.NaN, 0.9914, 0.8879, 0.8803, 0.8528, 0.8481, 0.8434, 0.8174, 0.8174, 0.8232, 0.8148, 0.8114}, {0.9914, Double.NaN, 0.8792, 0.8717, 0.8441, 0.8395, 0.8347, 0.8087, 0.8085, 0.8143, 0.8059, 0.8024}, {0.8879, 0.8792, Double.NaN, 0.9578, 0.8289, 0.8075, 0.8268, 0.7815, 0.8165, 0.8168, 0.8084, 0.7974}, {0.8803, 0.8717, 0.9578, Double.NaN, 0.838, 0.7974, 0.8058, 0.7798, 0.8094, 0.8098, 0.8067, 0.7905}, {0.8528, 0.8441, 0.8289, 0.838, Double.NaN, 0.8954, 0.8412, 0.7879, 0.8418, 0.8384, 0.8389, 0.8556}, {0.8481, 0.8395, 0.8075, 0.7974, 0.8954, Double.NaN, 0.8699, 0.8106, 0.8267, 0.8234, 0.8222, 0.8241}, {0.8434, 0.8347, 0.8268, 0.8058, 0.8412, 0.8699, Double.NaN, 0.869, 0.8745, 0.8583, 0.8661, 0.8593}, {0.8174, 0.8087, 0.7815, 0.7798, 0.7879, 0.8106, 0.869, Double.NaN, 0.8273, 0.8331, 0.8137, 0.8029}, {0.8174, 0.8085, 0.8165, 0.8094, 0.8418, 0.8267, 0.8745, 0.8273, Double.NaN, 0.967, 0.978, 0.9373}, {0.8232, 0.8143, 0.8168, 0.8098, 0.8384, 0.8234, 0.8583, 0.8331, 0.967, Double.NaN, 0.9561, 0.9337}, {0.8148, 0.8059, 0.8084, 0.8067, 0.8389, 0.8222, 0.8661, 0.8137, 0.978, 0.9561, Double.NaN, 0.9263}, {0.8114, 0.8024, 0.7974, 0.7905, 0.8556, 0.8241, 0.8593, 0.8029, 0.9373, 0.9337, 0.9263, Double.NaN}}); double[] hAlsm = leastSquaresOptimisation(repMatrix, scoresOld, hAIndex); // update repMatrix with new hAlsm for (int j = 0; j < repMatrix.width(); j++) { repMatrix.setValue(hAIndex, j, hAlsm[j]); } break; } // dot product of representative vecotrs yields a matrix with values approximating the correlation matrix dotMatrix = repMatrix.postMultiply(repMatrix.transpose()); // calculate rmsd between approximation and correlation matrix rmsd = scoresOld.rmsd(dotMatrix); // calculate maximum change of representative vectors of current iteration //repMatrix.subtract(repMatrixOLD).print(System.out, "%8.2f"); MatrixI diff = repMatrix.subtract(repMatrixOLD).absolute(); double maxDiff = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < diff.height(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < diff.width(); j++) { maxDiff = (diff.getValue(i, j) > maxDiff) ? diff.getValue(i, j) : maxDiff; } } System.out.println(String.format("maxDiff: %f", maxDiff)); // calculate rmsd between current and previous estimation double rmsdDiff = dotMatrix.rmsd(dotMatrixOLD); System.out.println(String.format("%d, %8.5f, %8.5f, %8.5f", iteration, rmsd, maxDiff, rmsdDiff)); if (!(Math.abs(maxDiff) > 1e-06)) { repMatrix = repMatrixOLD.copy(); break; } break; } } catch (Exception q) { Console.error("Error computing cc_analysis: " + q.getMessage()); q.printStackTrace(); } //repMatrix = repMatrix.transpose(); System.out.println("final repMatrix"); repMatrix.print(System.out, "%8.2f"); return repMatrix; } /** * Create equations system using information on originally known * pairwise correlation coefficients (parsed from infile) and the * representative result vectors * * Each equation has the format: * hA * hA - pairwiseCC = 0 * with: * hA: unknown variable * hB: known representative vector * pairwiseCC: known pairwise correlation coefficien * * The resulting equations system is overdetermined, if there are more * equations than unknown elements * * @param x ~ unknown n-dimensional column-vector * (needed for generating equations system, NOT to be specified by user). * @param hAIndex ~ index of currently optimised representative result vector. * @param h ~ matrix with row-wise listing of representative result vectors. * @param originalRow ~ matrix-row of originally parsed pairwise correlation coefficients. * * @return */ //private double[] originalToEquasionSystem(double[] x, int hAIndex, MatrixI h, MatrixI originalScores) private double[] originalToEquasionSystem(double[] hA, MatrixI repMatrix, MatrixI scoresOld, int hAIndex) { double[] originalRow = scoresOld.getRow(hAIndex); int nans = MiscMath.countNaN(originalRow); double[] result = new double[originalRow.length - nans]; //for all pairwiseCC in originalRow int resultIndex = 0; for (int hBIndex = 0; hBIndex < originalRow.length; hBIndex++) { double pairwiseCC = originalRow[hBIndex]; // if not NaN -> create new equation and add it to the system if (!Double.isNaN(pairwiseCC)) { double[] hB = repMatrix.getRow(hBIndex); result[resultIndex++] = MiscMath.sum(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(hA, hB)) - pairwiseCC; } else { } } return result; } /** * returns the jacobian matrix * @param repMatrix ~ matrix of representative vectors * @param hAIndex ~ current row index * * @return */ private MatrixI approximateDerivative(MatrixI repMatrix, MatrixI scoresOld, int hAIndex) { //hA = x0 double[] hA = repMatrix.getRow(hAIndex); double[] f0 = originalToEquasionSystem(hA, repMatrix, scoresOld, hAIndex); System.out.println("Approximate derivative with "); System.out.print("hA (x): "); MiscMath.print(hA, "%1.8f"); System.out.print("f0: "); MiscMath.print(f0, "%1.8f"); double[] signX0 = new double[hA.length]; double[] xAbs = new double[hA.length]; for (int i = 0; i < hA.length; i++) { signX0[i] = (hA[i] >= 0) ? 1 : -1; xAbs[i] = (Math.abs(hA[i]) >= 1.0) ? Math.abs(hA[i]) : 1.0; } double rstep = Math.pow(Math.ulp(1.0), 0.5); double[] h = new double [hA.length]; for (int i = 0; i < hA.length; i++) { h[i] = rstep * signX0[i] * xAbs[i]; } int m = f0.length; int n = hA.length; double[][] jTransposed = new double[n][m]; for (int i = 0; i < h.length; i++) { double[] x = new double[h.length]; System.arraycopy(hA, 0, x, 0, h.length); x[i] += h[i]; double dx = x[i] - hA[i]; double[] df = originalToEquasionSystem(x, repMatrix, scoresOld, hAIndex); for (int j = 0; j < df.length; j++) { df[j] -= f0[j]; jTransposed[i][j] = df[j] / dx; } } MatrixI J = new Matrix(jTransposed).transpose(); // inverted return J; } /** * norm of regularized (by alpha) least-squares solution minus Delta * @param alpha * @param suf * @param s * @param Delta * * @return */ private double[] phiAndDerivative(double alpha, double[] suf, double[] s, double Delta) { double[] denom = MiscMath.elementwiseAdd(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(s, s), alpha); double pNorm = MiscMath.norm(MiscMath.elementwiseDivide(suf, denom)); double phi = pNorm - Delta; // - sum ( suf**2 / denom**3) / pNorm double phiPrime = - MiscMath.sum(MiscMath.elementwiseDivide(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(suf, suf), MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(denom, denom), denom))) / pNorm; return new double[]{phi, phiPrime}; } /** * class holding the result of solveLsqTrustRegion */ private class TrustRegion { private double[] step; private double alpha; private int iteration; public TrustRegion(double[] step, double alpha, int iteration) { this.step = step; this.alpha = alpha; this.iteration = iteration; } public double[] getStep() { return this.step; } public double getAlpha() { return this.alpha; } public int getIteration() { return this.iteration; } } /** * solve a trust-region problem arising in least-squares optimisation * @param n ~ number of variables * @param m ~ number of residuals * @param uf ~ <++> * @param s ~ singular values of J * @param V ~ transpose of VT * @param Delta ~ radius of a trust region * @param alpha ~ initial guess for alpha * * @return */ private TrustRegion solveLsqTrustRegion(int n, int m, double[] uf, double[] s, MatrixI V, double Delta, double alpha) { double[] suf = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(s, uf); //check if J has full rank and tr Gauss-Newton step boolean fullRank = false; if (m >= n) { double threshold = s[0] * Math.ulp(1.0) * m; fullRank = s[s.length - 1] > threshold; } if (fullRank) { double[] p = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(V.sumProduct(MiscMath.elementwiseDivide(uf, s)), -1); // inverted and roughly fine if (MiscMath.norm(p) <= Delta) { TrustRegion result = new TrustRegion(p, 0.0, 0); return result; } } double alphaUpper = MiscMath.norm(suf) / Delta; double alphaLower = 0.0; if (fullRank) { double[] phiAndPrime = phiAndDerivative(0.0, suf, s, Delta); alphaLower = - phiAndPrime[0] / phiAndPrime[1]; } alpha = (!fullRank && alpha == 0.0) ? alpha = Math.max(0.001 * alphaUpper, Math.pow(alphaLower * alphaUpper, 0.5)) : alpha; int iteration = 0; while (iteration < 10) // 10 is default max_iter { alpha = (alpha < alphaLower || alpha > alphaUpper) ? alpha = Math.max(0.001 * alphaUpper, Math.pow(alphaLower * alphaUpper, 0.5)) : alpha; double[] phiAndPrime = phiAndDerivative(alpha, suf, s, Delta); double phi = phiAndPrime[0]; double phiPrime = phiAndPrime[1]; alphaUpper = (phi < 0) ? alpha : alphaUpper; double ratio = phi / phiPrime; alphaLower = Math.max(alphaLower, alpha - ratio); alpha -= (phi + Delta) * ratio / Delta; if (Math.abs(phi) < 0.01 * Delta) // default rtol set to 0.01 { break; } iteration++; } // p = - V.dot( suf / (s**2 + alpha)) double[] tmp = MiscMath.elementwiseDivide(suf, MiscMath.elementwiseAdd(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(s, s), alpha)); double[] p = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(V.sumProduct(tmp), -1); // Make the norm of p equal to Delta, p is changed only slightly during this. // It is done to prevent p lie outside of the trust region p = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(p, Delta / MiscMath.norm(p)); TrustRegion result = new TrustRegion(p, alpha, iteration + 1); return result; } /** * compute values of a quadratic function arising in least squares * function: 0.5 * s.T * (J.T * J + diag) * s + g.T * s * * @param J ~ jacobian matrix * @param g ~ gradient * @param s ~ steps and rows * * @return */ private double evaluateQuadratic(MatrixI J, double[] g, double[] s) { //TODO s (-> stepH) is slightly different double[] Js = J.sumProduct(s); //TODO completely wromg double q = MiscMath.dot(Js, Js); double l = MiscMath.dot(s, g); /* System.out.println("doing evaluateQuadratic"); System.out.println("inputs"); System.out.print("J"); J.print(System.out, "%f "); System.out.print("g"); MiscMath.print(g, "%f"); System.out.print("s"); MiscMath.print(s, "%f"); System.out.print("\nJs"); MiscMath.print(Js, "%f"); System.out.println(String.format("0.5 * %f + %f", q, l)); */ return 0.5 * q + l; } /** * update the radius of a trust region based on the cost reduction * * @param Delta * @param actualReduction * @param predictedReduction * @param stepNorm * @param boundHit * * @return */ private double[] updateTrustRegionRadius(double Delta, double actualReduction, double predictedReduction, double stepNorm, boolean boundHit) { double ratio = 0; if (predictedReduction > 0) { ratio = actualReduction / predictedReduction; } else if (predictedReduction == 0 && actualReduction == 0) { ratio = 1; } else { ratio = 0; } if (ratio < 0.25) { Delta = 0.25 * stepNorm; } else if (ratio > 0.75 && boundHit) { Delta *= 2.0; } return new double[]{Delta, ratio}; } /** * check the termination condition for nonlinear least squares * TODO can be removed and added just as one line in trf (: terminationStatus = (ftolSatisfied condition || xtolSatisfied condition) ? 1 : 0;) doesnt matter as long as distinguished between 0 and rest * * @param actualReduction * @param cost * @param stepNorm * @param xNorm * @param ratio * * @return */ private byte checkTermination(double actualReduction, double cost, double stepNorm, double xNorm, double ratio) { // default ftol and xtol = 1e-8 boolean ftolSatisfied = actualReduction < (1e-8 * cost) && ratio > 0.25; boolean xtolSatisfied = stepNorm < (1e-8 * (1e-8 + xNorm)); if (ftolSatisfied && xtolSatisfied) { return (byte) 4; } else if (ftolSatisfied) { return (byte) 2; } else if (xtolSatisfied) { return (byte) 3; } else { return (byte) 0; } } /** * TODO DOCUMENT ME! * @param repMatrix ~ Matrix containing representative vectors * @param scoresOld ~ Matrix containing initial observations * @param index ~ current row index * @param J ~ jacobian matrix * * @return */ private double[] trf(MatrixI repMatrix, MatrixI scoresOld, int index, MatrixI J) { System.out.println("-----------------\nStart of trf"); //hA = x0 double[] hA = repMatrix.getRow(index); //inverted double[] f0 = originalToEquasionSystem(hA, repMatrix, scoresOld, index); int nfev = 1; // ?? int njev = 1; // ?? int m = J.height(); int n = J.width(); double cost = 0.5 * MiscMath.dot(f0, f0); double[] g = J.transpose().sumProduct(f0); // inverted double[] scale = new double[hA.length]; Arrays.fill(scale, 1); // ?? double Delta = MiscMath.norm(hA); int maxNfev = hA.length * 100; // ?? double alpha = 0.0; // ?? "Levenberg-Marquardt" parameter System.out.println("Checking initial values:"); System.out.print("hA (x): "); MiscMath.print(hA, "%1.8f"); System.out.print("f0: "); MiscMath.print(f0, "%1.8f"); //System.out.println(String.format("nfev: %d, njev: %d, maxNfev: %d", nfev, njev, maxNfev)); //System.out.println(String.format("m: %d, n: %d", m, n)); System.out.println(String.format("cost: %1.8f, Delta: %1.8f, alpha: %1.8f", cost, Delta, alpha)); System.out.print("g: "); MiscMath.print(g, "%1.8f"); double gNorm = 0; byte terminationStatus = 0; int iteration = 0; System.out.println("outer while loop starts"); while (true) { System.out.println(String.format("iteration: %d", iteration)); gNorm = MiscMath.norm(g); if (terminationStatus != 0 || nfev == maxNfev) { System.out.println(String.format("outer loop broken with terminationStatus: %d and nfev: %d", terminationStatus, nfev)); break; } // d = scale SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(new Array2DRowRealMatrix(J.asArray())); // svd not 100% correct -> origin of problems MatrixI U = new Matrix(svd.getU().getData()); // inverted double[] s = svd.getSingularValues(); // ?? MatrixI V = new Matrix(svd.getV().getData()).transpose(); //TODO inverted origin of probelm double[] uf = U.transpose().sumProduct(f0); System.out.println("After SVD"); System.out.println(String.format("gNorm: %1.8f", gNorm)); System.out.print("U: "); U.print(System.out, "%1.8f "); System.out.print("s: "); MiscMath.print(s, "%1.8f"); System.out.print("V: "); V.print(System.out, "%1.8f "); System.out.print("uf: "); MiscMath.print(uf, "%1.8f"); double actualReduction = -1; double[] xNew = new double[hA.length]; double[] fNew = new double[f0.length]; double costNew = 0; double stepHnorm = 0; System.out.println("Inner while loop starts"); while (actualReduction <= 0 && nfev < maxNfev) { TrustRegion trustRegion = solveLsqTrustRegion(n, m, uf, s, V, Delta, alpha); double[] stepH = trustRegion.getStep(); alpha = trustRegion.getAlpha(); int nIterations = trustRegion.getIteration(); double predictedReduction = - (evaluateQuadratic(J, g, stepH)); xNew = MiscMath.elementwiseAdd(hA, stepH); fNew = originalToEquasionSystem(xNew, repMatrix, scoresOld, index); nfev++; stepHnorm = MiscMath.norm(stepH); System.out.println("After TrustRegion"); System.out.print("stepH: "); MiscMath.print(stepH, "%1.8f "); System.out.println(String.format("alpha: %1.8f, nIterations: %d, predictedReduction: %1.8f, nfev: %d, stepHnorm: %1.8f", alpha, nIterations, predictedReduction, nfev, stepHnorm)); System.out.print("xNew: "); MiscMath.print(xNew, "%1.8f "); System.out.print("fNew: "); MiscMath.print(fNew, "%1.8f "); if (MiscMath.countNaN(fNew) > 0) { Delta = 0.25 * stepHnorm; System.out.println(String.format("Loop continued with %d NaNs and Delta: %1.8f", MiscMath.countNaN(fNew), Delta)); continue; } // usual trust-region step quality estimation costNew = 0.5 * MiscMath.dot(fNew, fNew); actualReduction = cost - costNew; double[] updatedTrustRegion = updateTrustRegionRadius(Delta, actualReduction, predictedReduction, stepHnorm, stepHnorm > (0.95 * Delta)); double DeltaNew = updatedTrustRegion[0]; double ratio = updatedTrustRegion[1]; terminationStatus = checkTermination(actualReduction, cost, stepHnorm, MiscMath.norm(hA), ratio); if (terminationStatus != 0) { break; } alpha *= Delta / DeltaNew; Delta = DeltaNew; System.out.println(String.format("actualReduction: %1.8f, alpha: %1.8f, Delta: %1.8f, termination_status: %d, cost_new: %1.8f", actualReduction, alpha, Delta, terminationStatus, costNew)); //break; } System.out.println(String.format("actualReduction before check: %1.8f", actualReduction)); if (actualReduction > 0) { hA = xNew; f0 = fNew; cost = costNew; J = approximateDerivative(repMatrix, scoresOld, index); System.out.println("J in the end"); J.print(System.out, "%1.8f "); njev++; g = J.transpose().sumProduct(f0); } else { stepHnorm = 0; actualReduction = 0; } iteration++; } System.out.println("into OptimizeResult"); System.out.println("x (hA)"); MiscMath.print(hA, "%1.8f"); System.out.println(String.format("cost: %1.8f", cost)); System.out.println("f0"); MiscMath.print(f0, "%1.8f"); System.out.println("J"); J.print(System.out, "%1.8f "); System.out.println("g"); MiscMath.print(g, "%1.8f"); System.out.println(String.format("gNorm: %1.8f", gNorm)); System.out.println(String.format("nfev: %d", nfev)); System.out.println(String.format("njev: %d", njev)); System.out.println(String.format("terminationStatus: %d", terminationStatus)); // OptimizeResult(x, cost, f0, J, g, gNorm, 0 in shape x, nfev, njev, terminationStatus) return hA; } /** * TODO DOCUMENT ME! * @param repMatrix ~ Matrix containing representative vectors * @param scoresOld ~ Matrix containing initial observations * @param index ~ current row index * * @return */ private double[] leastSquaresOptimisation(MatrixI repMatrix, MatrixI scoresOld, int index) { System.out.println("lsq starts!!!"); MatrixI J = approximateDerivative(repMatrix, scoresOld, index); System.out.println("J"); J.print(System.out, "%1.8f "); double[] result = trf(repMatrix, scoresOld, index, J); return result; } }