/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.appletgui; import jalview.analysis.AAFrequency; import jalview.analysis.AlignmentAnnotationUtils; import jalview.analysis.AlignmentUtils; import jalview.analysis.Conservation; import jalview.bin.JalviewLite; import jalview.commands.ChangeCaseCommand; import jalview.commands.EditCommand; import jalview.commands.EditCommand.Action; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.io.AppletFormatAdapter; import jalview.io.DataSourceType; import jalview.io.FileFormatI; import jalview.io.FileFormats; import jalview.io.SequenceAnnotationReport; import jalview.schemes.Blosum62ColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.BuriedColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.ClustalxColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.HelixColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.HydrophobicColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.NucleotideColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.PIDColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.StrandColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.TaylorColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.TurnColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.ZappoColourScheme; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import jalview.util.UrlLink; import java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Menu; import java.awt.MenuItem; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; public class APopupMenu extends java.awt.PopupMenu implements ActionListener, ItemListener { Menu groupMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem editGroupName = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem clustalColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem zappoColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem taylorColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem hydrophobicityColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem helixColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem strandColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem turnColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem buriedColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem userDefinedColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem PIDColour = new MenuItem(); protected MenuItem BLOSUM62Colour = new MenuItem(); MenuItem noColourmenuItem = new MenuItem(); protected CheckboxMenuItem abovePIDColour = new CheckboxMenuItem(); MenuItem modifyPID = new MenuItem(); protected CheckboxMenuItem conservationMenuItem = new CheckboxMenuItem(); MenuItem modifyConservation = new MenuItem(); final AlignmentPanel ap; MenuItem unGroupMenuItem = new MenuItem(); MenuItem createGroupMenuItem = new MenuItem(); MenuItem nucleotideMenuItem = new MenuItem(); Menu colourMenu = new Menu(); CheckboxMenuItem showBoxes = new CheckboxMenuItem(); CheckboxMenuItem showText = new CheckboxMenuItem(); CheckboxMenuItem showColourText = new CheckboxMenuItem(); CheckboxMenuItem displayNonconserved = new CheckboxMenuItem(); Menu seqShowAnnotationsMenu = new Menu( MessageManager.getString("label.show_annotations")); Menu seqHideAnnotationsMenu = new Menu( MessageManager.getString("label.hide_annotations")); MenuItem seqAddReferenceAnnotations = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.add_reference_annotations")); Menu groupShowAnnotationsMenu = new Menu( MessageManager.getString("label.show_annotations")); Menu groupHideAnnotationsMenu = new Menu( MessageManager.getString("label.hide_annotations")); MenuItem groupAddReferenceAnnotations = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.add_reference_annotations")); Menu editMenu = new Menu(MessageManager.getString("action.edit")); MenuItem copy = new MenuItem(MessageManager.getString("action.copy")); MenuItem cut = new MenuItem(MessageManager.getString("action.cut")); MenuItem toUpper = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.to_upper_case")); MenuItem toLower = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.to_lower_case")); MenuItem toggleCase = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.toggle_case")); Menu outputmenu = new Menu(); Menu seqMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem pdb = new MenuItem(); MenuItem hideSeqs = new MenuItem(); MenuItem repGroup = new MenuItem(); MenuItem sequenceName = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.edit_name_description")); MenuItem sequenceFeature = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.create_sequence_feature")); MenuItem editSequence = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.edit_sequence")); MenuItem sequenceDetails = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.sequence_details")); MenuItem selSeqDetails = new MenuItem( MessageManager.getString("label.sequence_details")); MenuItem makeReferenceSeq = new MenuItem(); SequenceI seq; MenuItem revealAll = new MenuItem(); MenuItem revealSeq = new MenuItem(); /** * index of sequence to be revealed */ int revealSeq_index = -1; Menu menu1 = new Menu(); public APopupMenu(AlignmentPanel apanel, final SequenceI seq, Vector links) { // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If this is activated from the sequence panel, the user may want to // edit or annotate a particular residue. Therefore display the residue menu // // If from the IDPanel, we must display the sequence menu // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.ap = apanel; this.seq = seq; try { jbInit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String ff : FileFormats.getInstance().getWritableFormats(true)) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(ff); item.addActionListener(this); outputmenu.add(item); } buildAnnotationSubmenus(); SequenceGroup sg = ap.av.getSelectionGroup(); if (sg != null && sg.getSize() > 0) { editGroupName.setLabel(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.name_param", new Object[] { sg.getName() })); showText.setState(sg.getDisplayText()); showColourText.setState(sg.getColourText()); showBoxes.setState(sg.getDisplayBoxes()); displayNonconserved.setState(sg.getShowNonconserved()); if (!ap.av.getAlignment().getGroups().contains(sg)) { menu1.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("action.edit_new_group")); groupMenu.remove(unGroupMenuItem); } else { menu1.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("action.edit_group")); groupMenu.remove(createGroupMenuItem); if (sg.cs != null) { abovePIDColour.setState(sg.cs.getThreshold() > 0); modifyPID.setEnabled(abovePIDColour.getState()); conservationMenuItem.setState(sg.cs.conservationApplied()); modifyConservation.setEnabled(conservationMenuItem.getState()); } } } else { remove(hideSeqs); remove(groupMenu); } if (links != null && links.size() > 0) { addFeatureLinks(seq, links); } // TODO: add group link menu entry here if (seq != null) { seqMenu.setLabel(seq.getName()); if (seq == ap.av.getAlignment().getSeqrep()) { makeReferenceSeq.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("action.unmark_as_reference"));// Unmark // representative"); } else { makeReferenceSeq.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("action.set_as_reference")); // ); } repGroup.setLabel(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.represent_group_with", new Object[] { seq.getName() })); } else { remove(seqMenu); } if (!ap.av.hasHiddenRows()) { remove(revealAll); remove(revealSeq); } else { final int index = ap.av.getAlignment().findIndex(seq); if (ap.av.adjustForHiddenSeqs(index) - ap.av.adjustForHiddenSeqs(index - 1) > 1) { revealSeq_index = index; } else { remove(revealSeq); } } } /** * Adds a 'Link' menu item with a sub-menu item for each hyperlink provided. * * @param seq * @param links */ void addFeatureLinks(final SequenceI seq, List links) { Menu linkMenu = new Menu(MessageManager.getString("action.link")); Map> linkset = new LinkedHashMap>(); for (String link : links) { UrlLink urlLink = null; try { urlLink = new UrlLink(link); } catch (Exception foo) { System.err.println("Exception for URLLink '" + link + "': " + foo.getMessage()); continue; } if (!urlLink.isValid()) { System.err.println(urlLink.getInvalidMessage()); continue; } urlLink.createLinksFromSeq(seq, linkset); } addshowLinks(linkMenu, linkset.values()); // disable link menu if there are no valid entries if (linkMenu.getItemCount() > 0) { linkMenu.setEnabled(true); } else { linkMenu.setEnabled(false); } if (seq != null) { seqMenu.add(linkMenu); } else { add(linkMenu); } } private void addshowLinks(Menu linkMenu, Collection> linkset) { for (List linkstrset : linkset) { // split linkstr into label and url addshowLink(linkMenu, linkstrset.get(1), linkstrset.get(3)); } } /** * Build menus for annotation types that may be shown or hidden, and for * 'reference annotations' that may be added to the alignment. */ private void buildAnnotationSubmenus() { /* * First for the currently selected sequence (if there is one): */ final List selectedSequence = (seq == null ? Collections . emptyList() : Arrays.asList(seq)); buildAnnotationTypesMenus(seqShowAnnotationsMenu, seqHideAnnotationsMenu, selectedSequence); configureReferenceAnnotationsMenu(seqAddReferenceAnnotations, selectedSequence); /* * and repeat for the current selection group (if there is one): */ final List selectedGroup = (ap.av.getSelectionGroup() == null ? Collections . emptyList() : ap.av.getSelectionGroup() .getSequences()); buildAnnotationTypesMenus(groupShowAnnotationsMenu, groupHideAnnotationsMenu, selectedGroup); configureReferenceAnnotationsMenu(groupAddReferenceAnnotations, selectedGroup); } /** * Determine whether or not to enable 'add reference annotations' menu item. * It is enable if there are any annotations, on any of the selected * sequences, which are not yet on the alignment (visible or not). * * @param menu * @param forSequences */ private void configureReferenceAnnotationsMenu(MenuItem menuItem, List forSequences) { menuItem.setEnabled(false); /* * Temporary store to hold distinct calcId / type pairs for the tooltip. * Using TreeMap means calcIds are shown in alphabetical order. */ Map tipEntries = new TreeMap(); final Map> candidates = new LinkedHashMap>(); AlignmentI al = this.ap.av.getAlignment(); AlignmentUtils.findAddableReferenceAnnotations(forSequences, tipEntries, candidates, al); if (!candidates.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder tooltip = new StringBuilder(64); tooltip.append(MessageManager.getString("label.add_annotations_for")); /* * Found annotations that could be added. Enable the menu item, and * configure its action. */ menuItem.setEnabled(true); menuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { addReferenceAnnotations_actionPerformed(candidates); } }); } } /** * Add annotations to the sequences and to the alignment. * * @param candidates * a map whose keys are sequences on the alignment, and values a list * of annotations to add to each sequence */ protected void addReferenceAnnotations_actionPerformed( Map> candidates) { final SequenceGroup selectionGroup = this.ap.av.getSelectionGroup(); final AlignmentI alignment = this.ap.getAlignment(); AlignmentUtils.addReferenceAnnotations(candidates, alignment, selectionGroup); refresh(); } /** * add a show URL menu item to the given linkMenu * * @param linkMenu * @param target * - menu label string * @param url * - url to open */ private void addshowLink(Menu linkMenu, final String target, final String url) { addshowLink(linkMenu, target, target, url); } /** * add a show URL menu item to the given linkMenu * * @param linkMenu * @param target * - URL target window * @param label * - menu label string * @param url * - url to open */ private void addshowLink(Menu linkMenu, final String target, final String label, final String url) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(label); item.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ap.alignFrame.showURL(url, target); } }); linkMenu.add(item); } @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt) { Object source = evt.getSource(); if (source == abovePIDColour) { abovePIDColour_itemStateChanged(); } else if (source == conservationMenuItem) { conservationMenuItem_itemStateChanged(); } else if (source == showColourText) { showColourText_itemStateChanged(); } else if (source == showText) { showText_itemStateChanged(); } else if (source == showBoxes) { showBoxes_itemStateChanged(); } else if (source == displayNonconserved) { this.showNonconserved_itemStateChanged(); } } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Object source = evt.getSource(); if (source == clustalColour) { clustalColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == zappoColour) { zappoColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == taylorColour) { taylorColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == hydrophobicityColour) { hydrophobicityColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == helixColour) { helixColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == strandColour) { strandColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == turnColour) { turnColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == buriedColour) { buriedColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == nucleotideMenuItem) { nucleotideMenuItem_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == userDefinedColour) { userDefinedColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == PIDColour) { PIDColour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == BLOSUM62Colour) { BLOSUM62Colour_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == noColourmenuItem) { noColourmenuItem_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == modifyConservation) { conservationMenuItem_itemStateChanged(); } else if (source == modifyPID) { abovePIDColour_itemStateChanged(); } else if (source == unGroupMenuItem) { unGroupMenuItem_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == createGroupMenuItem) { createGroupMenuItem_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == sequenceName) { editName(); } else if (source == makeReferenceSeq) { makeReferenceSeq_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == sequenceDetails) { showSequenceDetails(); } else if (source == selSeqDetails) { showSequenceSelectionDetails(); } else if (source == pdb) { addPDB(); } else if (source == hideSeqs) { hideSequences(false); } else if (source == repGroup) { hideSequences(true); } else if (source == revealSeq) { ap.av.showSequence(revealSeq_index); } else if (source == revealAll) { ap.av.showAllHiddenSeqs(); } else if (source == editGroupName) { EditNameDialog dialog = new EditNameDialog(getGroup().getName(), getGroup().getDescription(), " Group Name", "Group Description", ap.alignFrame, "Edit Group Name / Description", 500, 100, true); if (dialog.accept) { getGroup().setName(dialog.getName().replace(' ', '_')); getGroup().setDescription(dialog.getDescription()); } } else if (source == copy) { ap.alignFrame.copy_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == cut) { ap.alignFrame.cut_actionPerformed(); } else if (source == editSequence) { SequenceGroup sg = ap.av.getSelectionGroup(); if (sg != null) { if (seq == null) { seq = sg.getSequenceAt(0); } EditNameDialog dialog = new EditNameDialog(seq.getSequenceAsString( sg.getStartRes(), sg.getEndRes() + 1), null, "Edit Sequence ", null, ap.alignFrame, "Edit Sequence", 500, 100, true); if (dialog.accept) { EditCommand editCommand = new EditCommand( MessageManager.getString("label.edit_sequences"), Action.REPLACE, dialog.getName().replace(' ', ap.av.getGapCharacter()), sg.getSequencesAsArray(ap.av.getHiddenRepSequences()), sg.getStartRes(), sg.getEndRes() + 1, ap.av.getAlignment()); ap.alignFrame.addHistoryItem(editCommand); ap.av.firePropertyChange("alignment", null, ap.av.getAlignment() .getSequences()); } } } else if (source == toUpper || source == toLower || source == toggleCase) { SequenceGroup sg = ap.av.getSelectionGroup(); if (sg != null) { List startEnd = ap.av.getVisibleRegionBoundaries( sg.getStartRes(), sg.getEndRes() + 1); String description; int caseChange; if (source == toggleCase) { description = "Toggle Case"; caseChange = ChangeCaseCommand.TOGGLE_CASE; } else if (source == toUpper) { description = "To Upper Case"; caseChange = ChangeCaseCommand.TO_UPPER; } else { description = "To Lower Case"; caseChange = ChangeCaseCommand.TO_LOWER; } ChangeCaseCommand caseCommand = new ChangeCaseCommand(description, sg.getSequencesAsArray(ap.av.getHiddenRepSequences()), startEnd, caseChange); ap.alignFrame.addHistoryItem(caseCommand); ap.av.firePropertyChange("alignment", null, ap.av.getAlignment() .getSequences()); } } else if (source == sequenceFeature) { SequenceGroup sg = ap.av.getSelectionGroup(); if (sg == null) { return; } int rsize = 0, gSize = sg.getSize(); SequenceI[] rseqs, seqs = new SequenceI[gSize]; SequenceFeature[] tfeatures, features = new SequenceFeature[gSize]; for (int i = 0; i < gSize; i++) { int start = sg.getSequenceAt(i).findPosition(sg.getStartRes()); int end = sg.findEndRes(sg.getSequenceAt(i)); if (start <= end) { seqs[rsize] = sg.getSequenceAt(i); features[rsize] = new SequenceFeature(null, null, null, start, end, "Jalview"); rsize++; } } rseqs = new SequenceI[rsize]; tfeatures = new SequenceFeature[rsize]; System.arraycopy(seqs, 0, rseqs, 0, rsize); System.arraycopy(features, 0, tfeatures, 0, rsize); features = tfeatures; seqs = rseqs; if (ap.seqPanel.seqCanvas.getFeatureRenderer().amendFeatures(seqs, features, true, ap)) { ap.alignFrame.sequenceFeatures.setState(true); ap.av.setShowSequenceFeatures(true); ; ap.highlightSearchResults(null); } } else { outputText(evt); } } void outputText(ActionEvent e) { CutAndPasteTransfer cap = new CutAndPasteTransfer(true, ap.alignFrame); Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.add(cap); JalviewLite.addFrame(frame, MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.selection_output_command", new Object[] { e.getActionCommand() }), 600, 500); // JBPNote: getSelectionAsNewSequence behaviour has changed - this method // now returns a full copy of sequence data // TODO consider using getSequenceSelection instead here FileFormatI fileFormat = FileFormats.getInstance().forName( e.getActionCommand()); cap.setText(new AppletFormatAdapter().formatSequences(fileFormat, ap.av.getShowJVSuffix(), ap, true)); } protected void showSequenceSelectionDetails() { createSequenceDetailsReport(ap.av.getSequenceSelection()); } protected void showSequenceDetails() { createSequenceDetailsReport(new SequenceI[] { seq }); } public void createSequenceDetailsReport(SequenceI[] sequences) { CutAndPasteTransfer cap = new CutAndPasteTransfer(false, ap.alignFrame); StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder(128); for (SequenceI seq : sequences) { contents.append(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.annotation_for_displayid", new Object[] { seq.getDisplayId(true) })); new SequenceAnnotationReport(null).createSequenceAnnotationReport( contents, seq, true, true, (ap.seqPanel.seqCanvas.fr != null) ? ap.seqPanel.seqCanvas.fr .getMinMax() : null); contents.append("

"); } Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.add(cap); jalview.bin.JalviewLite.addFrame(frame, "Sequence Details for " + (sequences.length == 1 ? sequences[0].getDisplayId(true) : "Selection"), 600, 500); cap.setText(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.html_content", new Object[] { contents.toString() })); } void editName() { EditNameDialog dialog = new EditNameDialog(seq.getName(), seq.getDescription(), " Sequence Name", "Sequence Description", ap.alignFrame, "Edit Sequence Name / Description", 500, 100, true); if (dialog.accept) { seq.setName(dialog.getName()); seq.setDescription(dialog.getDescription()); ap.paintAlignment(false); } } void addPDB() { Vector pdbs = seq.getAllPDBEntries(); if (pdbs != null&& !pdbs.isEmpty()) { PDBEntry entry = pdbs.firstElement(); if (ap.av.applet.jmolAvailable) { new jalview.appletgui.AppletJmol(entry, new SequenceI[] { seq }, null, ap, DataSourceType.URL); } else { new MCview.AppletPDBViewer(entry, new SequenceI[] { seq }, null, ap, DataSourceType.URL); } } else { CutAndPasteTransfer cap = new CutAndPasteTransfer(true, ap.alignFrame); cap.setText(MessageManager.getString("label.paste_pdb_file")); cap.setPDBImport(seq); Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.add(cap); jalview.bin.JalviewLite.addFrame(frame, MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.paste_pdb_file_for_sequence", new Object[] { seq.getName() }), 400, 300); } } private void jbInit() throws Exception { groupMenu.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.selection")); sequenceFeature.addActionListener(this); editGroupName.addActionListener(this); unGroupMenuItem.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("action.remove_group")); unGroupMenuItem.addActionListener(this); createGroupMenuItem.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("action.create_group")); createGroupMenuItem.addActionListener(this); nucleotideMenuItem.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.nucleotide")); nucleotideMenuItem.addActionListener(this); conservationMenuItem.addItemListener(this); abovePIDColour.addItemListener(this); modifyPID.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.modify_identity_threshold")); modifyPID.addActionListener(this); modifyConservation.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.modify_conservation_threshold")); modifyPID.setEnabled(abovePIDColour.getState()); modifyConservation.setEnabled(conservationMenuItem.getState()); modifyConservation.addActionListener(this); colourMenu.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.group_colour")); showBoxes.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("action.boxes")); showBoxes.setState(true); showBoxes.addItemListener(this); sequenceName.addActionListener(this); sequenceDetails.addActionListener(this); selSeqDetails.addActionListener(this); displayNonconserved.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.show_non_conversed")); displayNonconserved.setState(false); displayNonconserved.addItemListener(this); showText.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("action.text")); showText.addItemListener(this); showColourText.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.colour_text")); showColourText.addItemListener(this); outputmenu.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.out_to_textbox")); seqMenu.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.sequence")); pdb.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.view_pdb_structure")); hideSeqs.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("action.hide_sequences")); repGroup.setLabel(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.represent_group_with", new Object[] { "" })); revealAll.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("action.reveal_all")); revealSeq.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("action.reveal_sequences")); menu1.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.group:")); add(groupMenu); this.add(seqMenu); this.add(hideSeqs); this.add(revealSeq); this.add(revealAll); // groupMenu.add(selSeqDetails); groupMenu.add(groupShowAnnotationsMenu); groupMenu.add(groupHideAnnotationsMenu); groupMenu.add(groupAddReferenceAnnotations); groupMenu.add(editMenu); groupMenu.add(outputmenu); groupMenu.add(sequenceFeature); groupMenu.add(createGroupMenuItem); groupMenu.add(unGroupMenuItem); groupMenu.add(menu1); colourMenu.add(noColourmenuItem); colourMenu.add(clustalColour); colourMenu.add(BLOSUM62Colour); colourMenu.add(PIDColour); colourMenu.add(zappoColour); colourMenu.add(taylorColour); colourMenu.add(hydrophobicityColour); colourMenu.add(helixColour); colourMenu.add(strandColour); colourMenu.add(turnColour); colourMenu.add(buriedColour); colourMenu.add(nucleotideMenuItem); colourMenu.add(userDefinedColour); colourMenu.addSeparator(); colourMenu.add(abovePIDColour); colourMenu.add(modifyPID); colourMenu.add(conservationMenuItem); colourMenu.add(modifyConservation); noColourmenuItem.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.none")); noColourmenuItem.addActionListener(this); clustalColour.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.clustalx_colours")); clustalColour.addActionListener(this); zappoColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.zappo")); zappoColour.addActionListener(this); taylorColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.taylor")); taylorColour.addActionListener(this); hydrophobicityColour.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.hydrophobicity")); hydrophobicityColour.addActionListener(this); helixColour .setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.helix_propensity")); helixColour.addActionListener(this); strandColour.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.strand_propensity")); strandColour.addActionListener(this); turnColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.turn_propensity")); turnColour.addActionListener(this); buriedColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.buried_index")); buriedColour.addActionListener(this); abovePIDColour.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.above_identity_percentage")); userDefinedColour.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("action.user_defined")); userDefinedColour.addActionListener(this); PIDColour.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.percentage_identity")); PIDColour.addActionListener(this); BLOSUM62Colour.setLabel("BLOSUM62"); BLOSUM62Colour.addActionListener(this); conservationMenuItem.setLabel(MessageManager .getString("label.conservation")); editMenu.add(copy); copy.addActionListener(this); editMenu.add(cut); cut.addActionListener(this); editMenu.add(editSequence); editSequence.addActionListener(this); editMenu.add(toUpper); toUpper.addActionListener(this); editMenu.add(toLower); toLower.addActionListener(this); editMenu.add(toggleCase); seqMenu.add(seqShowAnnotationsMenu); seqMenu.add(seqHideAnnotationsMenu); seqMenu.add(seqAddReferenceAnnotations); seqMenu.add(sequenceName); seqMenu.add(makeReferenceSeq); // seqMenu.add(sequenceDetails); if (!ap.av.applet.useXtrnalSviewer) { seqMenu.add(pdb); } seqMenu.add(repGroup); menu1.add(editGroupName); menu1.add(colourMenu); menu1.add(showBoxes); menu1.add(showText); menu1.add(showColourText); menu1.add(displayNonconserved); toggleCase.addActionListener(this); pdb.addActionListener(this); hideSeqs.addActionListener(this); repGroup.addActionListener(this); revealAll.addActionListener(this); revealSeq.addActionListener(this); makeReferenceSeq.addActionListener(this); } void refresh() { ap.paintAlignment(true); } protected void clustalColour_actionPerformed() { SequenceGroup sg = getGroup(); sg.cs = new ClustalxColourScheme(sg, ap.av.getHiddenRepSequences()); refresh(); } protected void zappoColour_actionPerformed() { getGroup().cs = new ZappoColourScheme(); refresh(); } protected void taylorColour_actionPerformed() { getGroup().cs = new TaylorColourScheme(); refresh(); } protected void hydrophobicityColour_actionPerformed() { getGroup().cs = new HydrophobicColourScheme(); refresh(); } protected void helixColour_actionPerformed() { getGroup().cs = new HelixColourScheme(); refresh(); } protected void strandColour_actionPerformed() { getGroup().cs = new StrandColourScheme(); refresh(); } protected void turnColour_actionPerformed() { getGroup().cs = new TurnColourScheme(); refresh(); } protected void buriedColour_actionPerformed() { getGroup().cs = new BuriedColourScheme(); refresh(); } public void nucleotideMenuItem_actionPerformed() { getGroup().cs = new NucleotideColourScheme(); refresh(); } protected void abovePIDColour_itemStateChanged() { SequenceGroup sg = getGroup(); if (sg.cs == null) { return; } if (abovePIDColour.getState()) { sg.cs.setConsensus(AAFrequency.calculate(sg.getSequences(ap.av .getHiddenRepSequences()), 0, ap.av.getAlignment().getWidth())); int threshold = SliderPanel.setPIDSliderSource(ap, sg.cs, getGroup() .getName()); sg.cs.setThreshold(threshold, ap.av.isIgnoreGapsConsensus()); SliderPanel.showPIDSlider(); } else // remove PIDColouring { SliderPanel.hidePIDSlider(); sg.cs.setThreshold(0, ap.av.isIgnoreGapsConsensus()); } modifyPID.setEnabled(abovePIDColour.getState()); refresh(); } protected void userDefinedColour_actionPerformed() { new UserDefinedColours(ap, getGroup()); } protected void PIDColour_actionPerformed() { SequenceGroup sg = getGroup(); sg.cs = new PIDColourScheme(); sg.cs.setConsensus(AAFrequency.calculate(sg.getSequences(ap.av .getHiddenRepSequences()), 0, ap.av.getAlignment().getWidth())); refresh(); } protected void BLOSUM62Colour_actionPerformed() { SequenceGroup sg = getGroup(); sg.cs = new Blosum62ColourScheme(); sg.cs.setConsensus(AAFrequency.calculate(sg.getSequences(ap.av .getHiddenRepSequences()), 0, ap.av.getAlignment().getWidth())); refresh(); } protected void noColourmenuItem_actionPerformed() { getGroup().cs = null; refresh(); } protected void conservationMenuItem_itemStateChanged() { SequenceGroup sg = getGroup(); if (sg.cs == null) { return; } if (conservationMenuItem.getState()) { sg.cs.setConservation(Conservation.calculateConservation("Group", sg .getSequences(ap.av.getHiddenRepSequences()), 0, ap.av .getAlignment().getWidth(), false, ap.av.getConsPercGaps(), false)); SliderPanel.setConservationSlider(ap, sg.cs, sg.getName()); SliderPanel.showConservationSlider(); } else // remove ConservationColouring { SliderPanel.hideConservationSlider(); sg.cs.setConservation(null); } modifyConservation.setEnabled(conservationMenuItem.getState()); refresh(); } SequenceGroup getGroup() { SequenceGroup sg = ap.av.getSelectionGroup(); // this method won't add a new group if it already exists if (sg != null) { ap.av.getAlignment().addGroup(sg); } return sg; } void unGroupMenuItem_actionPerformed() { SequenceGroup sg = ap.av.getSelectionGroup(); ap.av.getAlignment().deleteGroup(sg); ap.av.setSelectionGroup(null); ap.paintAlignment(true); } void createGroupMenuItem_actionPerformed() { getGroup(); // implicitly create group refresh(); } public void showColourText_itemStateChanged() { getGroup().setColourText(showColourText.getState()); refresh(); } public void showText_itemStateChanged() { getGroup().setDisplayText(showText.getState()); refresh(); } public void makeReferenceSeq_actionPerformed() { if (!ap.av.getAlignment().hasSeqrep()) { // initialise the display flags so the user sees something happen ap.av.setDisplayReferenceSeq(true); ap.av.setColourByReferenceSeq(true); ap.av.getAlignment().setSeqrep(seq); } else { if (ap.av.getAlignment().getSeqrep() == seq) { ap.av.getAlignment().setSeqrep(null); } else { ap.av.getAlignment().setSeqrep(seq); } } refresh(); } public void showNonconserved_itemStateChanged() { getGroup().setShowNonconserved(this.displayNonconserved.getState()); refresh(); } public void showBoxes_itemStateChanged() { getGroup().setDisplayBoxes(showBoxes.getState()); refresh(); } void hideSequences(boolean representGroup) { ap.av.hideSequences(seq, representGroup); } /** * Add annotation types to 'Show annotations' and/or 'Hide annotations' menus. * "All" is added first, followed by a separator. Then add any annotation * types associated with the current selection. Separate menus are built for * the selected sequence group (if any), and the selected sequence. *

* Some annotation rows are always rendered together - these can be identified * by a common graphGroup property > -1. Only one of each group will be marked * as visible (to avoid duplication of the display). For such groups we add a * composite type name, e.g. *

* IUPredWS (Long), IUPredWS (Short) * * @param seq */ protected void buildAnnotationTypesMenus(Menu showMenu, Menu hideMenu, List forSequences) { showMenu.removeAll(); hideMenu.removeAll(); final List all = Arrays.asList(new String[] { MessageManager .getString("label.all") }); addAnnotationTypeToShowHide(showMenu, forSequences, "", all, true, true); addAnnotationTypeToShowHide(hideMenu, forSequences, "", all, true, false); showMenu.addSeparator(); hideMenu.addSeparator(); final AlignmentAnnotation[] annotations = ap.getAlignment() .getAlignmentAnnotation(); /* * Find shown/hidden annotations types, distinguished by source (calcId), * and grouped by graphGroup. Using LinkedHashMap means we will retrieve in * the insertion order, which is the order of the annotations on the * alignment. */ Map>> shownTypes = new LinkedHashMap>>(); Map>> hiddenTypes = new LinkedHashMap>>(); AlignmentAnnotationUtils.getShownHiddenTypes(shownTypes, hiddenTypes, AlignmentAnnotationUtils.asList(annotations), forSequences); for (String calcId : hiddenTypes.keySet()) { for (List type : hiddenTypes.get(calcId)) { addAnnotationTypeToShowHide(showMenu, forSequences, calcId, type, false, true); } } // grey out 'show annotations' if none are hidden showMenu.setEnabled(!hiddenTypes.isEmpty()); for (String calcId : shownTypes.keySet()) { for (List type : shownTypes.get(calcId)) { addAnnotationTypeToShowHide(hideMenu, forSequences, calcId, type, false, false); } } // grey out 'hide annotations' if none are shown hideMenu.setEnabled(!shownTypes.isEmpty()); } /** * Add one annotation type to the 'Show Annotations' or 'Hide Annotations' * menus. * * @param showOrHideMenu * the menu to add to * @param forSequences * the sequences whose annotations may be shown or hidden * @param calcId * @param types * the label to add * @param allTypes * if true this is a special label meaning 'All' * @param actionIsShow * if true, the select menu item action is to show the annotation * type, else hide */ protected void addAnnotationTypeToShowHide(Menu showOrHideMenu, final List forSequences, String calcId, final List types, final boolean allTypes, final boolean actionIsShow) { String label = types.toString(); // [a, b, c] label = label.substring(1, label.length() - 1); final MenuItem item = new MenuItem(label); item.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { AlignmentUtils.showOrHideSequenceAnnotations(ap.getAlignment(), types, forSequences, allTypes, actionIsShow); refresh(); } }); showOrHideMenu.add(item); } }