/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.8.2) * Copyright (C) 2014 The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.appletgui; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResults; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Panel; public class SeqCanvas extends Panel { FeatureRenderer fr; SequenceRenderer sr; Image img; Graphics gg; int imgWidth; int imgHeight; AlignViewport av; SearchResults searchResults = null; boolean fastPaint = false; int cursorX = 0; int cursorY = 0; public SeqCanvas(AlignViewport av) { this.av = av; fr = new FeatureRenderer(av); sr = new SequenceRenderer(av); PaintRefresher.Register(this, av.getSequenceSetId()); updateViewport(); } int avcharHeight = 0, avcharWidth = 0; private void updateViewport() { avcharHeight = av.getCharHeight(); avcharWidth = av.getCharWidth(); } public AlignViewport getViewport() { return av; } public FeatureRenderer getFeatureRenderer() { return fr; } public SequenceRenderer getSequenceRenderer() { return sr; } private void drawNorthScale(Graphics g, int startx, int endx, int ypos) { int scalestartx = startx - startx % 10 + 10; g.setColor(Color.black); // NORTH SCALE for (int i = scalestartx; i < endx; i += 10) { int value = i; if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { value = av.getColumnSelection().adjustForHiddenColumns(value); } g.drawString(String.valueOf(value), (i - startx - 1) * avcharWidth, ypos - (avcharHeight / 2)); g.drawLine(((i - startx - 1) * avcharWidth) + (avcharWidth / 2), (ypos + 2) - (avcharHeight / 2), ((i - startx - 1) * avcharWidth) + (avcharWidth / 2), ypos - 2); } } private void drawWestScale(Graphics g, int startx, int endx, int ypos) { FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(av.getFont()); ypos += avcharHeight; if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { startx = av.getColumnSelection().adjustForHiddenColumns(startx); endx = av.getColumnSelection().adjustForHiddenColumns(endx); } int maxwidth = av.getAlignment().getWidth(); if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { maxwidth = av.getColumnSelection().findColumnPosition(maxwidth) - 1; } // WEST SCALE for (int i = 0; i < av.getAlignment().getHeight(); i++) { SequenceI seq = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i); int index = startx; int value = -1; while (index < endx) { if (jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(seq.getCharAt(index))) { index++; continue; } value = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i).findPosition(index); break; } if (value != -1) { int x = LABEL_WEST - fm.stringWidth(String.valueOf(value)) - avcharWidth / 2; g.drawString(value + "", x, (ypos + (i * avcharHeight)) - (avcharHeight / 5)); } } } private void drawEastScale(Graphics g, int startx, int endx, int ypos) { ypos += avcharHeight; if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { endx = av.getColumnSelection().adjustForHiddenColumns(endx); } SequenceI seq; // EAST SCALE for (int i = 0; i < av.getAlignment().getHeight(); i++) { seq = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i); int index = endx; int value = -1; while (index > startx) { if (jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(seq.getCharAt(index))) { index--; continue; } value = seq.findPosition(index); break; } if (value != -1) { g.drawString(String.valueOf(value), 0, (ypos + (i * avcharHeight)) - (avcharHeight / 5)); } } } int lastsr = 0; void fastPaint(int horizontal, int vertical) { if (fastPaint || gg == null) { return; } updateViewport(); // Its possible on certain browsers that the call to fastpaint // is faster than it can paint, so this check here catches // this possibility if (lastsr + horizontal != av.startRes) { horizontal = av.startRes - lastsr; } lastsr = av.startRes; fastPaint = true; gg.copyArea(horizontal * avcharWidth, vertical * avcharHeight, imgWidth - horizontal * avcharWidth, imgHeight - vertical * avcharHeight, -horizontal * avcharWidth, -vertical * avcharHeight); int sr = av.startRes, er = av.endRes, ss = av.startSeq, es = av.endSeq, transX = 0, transY = 0; if (horizontal > 0) // scrollbar pulled right, image to the left { transX = (er - sr - horizontal) * avcharWidth; sr = er - horizontal; } else if (horizontal < 0) { er = sr - horizontal; } else if (vertical > 0) // scroll down { ss = es - vertical; if (ss < av.startSeq) // ie scrolling too fast, more than a page at a time { ss = av.startSeq; } else { transY = imgHeight - vertical * avcharHeight; } } else if (vertical < 0) { es = ss - vertical; if (es > av.endSeq) { es = av.endSeq; } } gg.translate(transX, transY); drawPanel(gg, sr, er, ss, es, 0); gg.translate(-transX, -transY); repaint(); } /** * Definitions of startx and endx (hopefully): SMJS This is what I'm working * towards! startx is the first residue (starting at 0) to display. endx is * the last residue to display (starting at 0). starty is the first sequence * to display (starting at 0). endy is the last sequence to display (starting * at 0). NOTE 1: The av limits are set in setFont in this class and in the * adjustment listener in SeqPanel when the scrollbars move. */ public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public void paint(Graphics g) { if (img != null && (fastPaint || (getSize().width != g.getClipBounds().width) || (getSize().height != g .getClipBounds().height))) { g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this); fastPaint = false; return; } if (fastPaint) { g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this); fastPaint = false; return; } updateViewport(); // this draws the whole of the alignment imgWidth = this.getSize().width; imgHeight = this.getSize().height; imgWidth -= imgWidth % avcharWidth; imgHeight -= imgHeight % avcharHeight; if (imgWidth < 1 || imgHeight < 1) { return; } if (img == null || imgWidth != img.getWidth(this) || imgHeight != img.getHeight(this)) { img = createImage(imgWidth, imgHeight); gg = img.getGraphics(); gg.setFont(av.getFont()); } gg.setColor(Color.white); gg.fillRect(0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight); if (av.getWrapAlignment()) { drawWrappedPanel(gg, imgWidth, imgHeight, av.startRes); } else { drawPanel(gg, av.startRes, av.endRes, av.startSeq, av.endSeq, 0); } g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this); } int LABEL_WEST, LABEL_EAST; public int getWrappedCanvasWidth(int cwidth) { cwidth -= cwidth % av.getCharWidth(); FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(av.getFont()); LABEL_EAST = 0; LABEL_WEST = 0; if (av.getScaleRightWrapped()) { LABEL_EAST = fm.stringWidth(getMask()); } if (av.getScaleLeftWrapped()) { LABEL_WEST = fm.stringWidth(getMask()); } return (cwidth - LABEL_EAST - LABEL_WEST) / av.getCharWidth(); } /** * Generates a string of zeroes. * * @return String */ String getMask() { String mask = "0"; int maxWidth = 0; int tmp; AlignmentI alignment = av.getAlignment(); for (int i = 0; i < alignment.getHeight(); i++) { tmp = alignment.getSequenceAt(i).getEnd(); if (tmp > maxWidth) { maxWidth = tmp; } } for (int i = maxWidth; i > 0; i /= 10) { mask += "0"; } return mask; } private void drawWrappedPanel(Graphics g, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight, int startRes) { AlignmentI al = av.getAlignment(); FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(av.getFont()); if (av.getScaleRightWrapped()) { LABEL_EAST = fm.stringWidth(getMask()); } if (av.getScaleLeftWrapped()) { LABEL_WEST = fm.stringWidth(getMask()); } int hgap = avcharHeight; if (av.getScaleAboveWrapped()) { hgap += avcharHeight; } int cWidth = (canvasWidth - LABEL_EAST - LABEL_WEST) / avcharWidth; int cHeight = av.getAlignment().getHeight() * avcharHeight; av.setWrappedWidth(cWidth); av.endRes = av.startRes + cWidth; int endx; int ypos = hgap; int maxwidth = av.getAlignment().getWidth() - 1; if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { maxwidth = av.getColumnSelection().findColumnPosition(maxwidth) - 1; } while ((ypos <= canvasHeight) && (startRes < maxwidth)) { endx = startRes + cWidth - 1; if (endx > maxwidth) { endx = maxwidth; } g.setColor(Color.black); if (av.getScaleLeftWrapped()) { drawWestScale(g, startRes, endx, ypos); } if (av.getScaleRightWrapped()) { g.translate(canvasWidth - LABEL_EAST, 0); drawEastScale(g, startRes, endx, ypos); g.translate(-(canvasWidth - LABEL_EAST), 0); } g.translate(LABEL_WEST, 0); if (av.getScaleAboveWrapped()) { drawNorthScale(g, startRes, endx, ypos); } if (av.hasHiddenColumns() && av.getShowHiddenMarkers()) { g.setColor(Color.blue); int res; for (int i = 0; i < av.getColumnSelection().getHiddenColumns() .size(); i++) { res = av.getColumnSelection().findHiddenRegionPosition(i) - startRes; if (res < 0 || res > endx - startRes) { continue; } gg.fillPolygon(new int[] { res * avcharWidth - avcharHeight / 4, res * avcharWidth + avcharHeight / 4, res * avcharWidth }, new int[] { ypos - (avcharHeight / 2), ypos - (avcharHeight / 2), ypos - (avcharHeight / 2) + 8 }, 3); } } if (g.getClip() == null) { g.setClip(0, 0, cWidth * avcharWidth, canvasHeight); } drawPanel(g, startRes, endx, 0, al.getHeight(), ypos); g.setClip(null); if (av.isShowAnnotation()) { g.translate(0, cHeight + ypos + 4); if (annotations == null) { annotations = new AnnotationPanel(av); } annotations.drawComponent(g, startRes, endx + 1); g.translate(0, -cHeight - ypos - 4); } g.translate(-LABEL_WEST, 0); ypos += cHeight + getAnnotationHeight() + hgap; startRes += cWidth; } } AnnotationPanel annotations; int getAnnotationHeight() { if (!av.isShowAnnotation()) { return 0; } if (annotations == null) { annotations = new AnnotationPanel(av); } return annotations.adjustPanelHeight(); } private void drawPanel(Graphics g1, int startRes, int endRes, int startSeq, int endSeq, int offset) { if (!av.hasHiddenColumns()) { draw(g1, startRes, endRes, startSeq, endSeq, offset); } else { int screenY = 0; int blockStart = startRes; int blockEnd = endRes; if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { for (int[] region : av.getColumnSelection().getHiddenColumns()) { int hideStart = region[0]; int hideEnd = region[1]; if (hideStart <= blockStart) { blockStart += (hideEnd - hideStart) + 1; continue; } blockEnd = hideStart - 1; g1.translate(screenY * avcharWidth, 0); draw(g1, blockStart, blockEnd, startSeq, endSeq, offset); if (av.getShowHiddenMarkers()) { g1.setColor(Color.blue); g1.drawLine((blockEnd - blockStart + 1) * avcharWidth - 1, 0 + offset, (blockEnd - blockStart + 1) * avcharWidth - 1, (endSeq - startSeq) * avcharHeight + offset); } g1.translate(-screenY * avcharWidth, 0); screenY += blockEnd - blockStart + 1; blockStart = hideEnd + 1; } } if (screenY <= (endRes - startRes)) { blockEnd = blockStart + (endRes - startRes) - screenY; g1.translate(screenY * avcharWidth, 0); draw(g1, blockStart, blockEnd, startSeq, endSeq, offset); g1.translate(-screenY * avcharWidth, 0); } } } // int startRes, int endRes, int startSeq, int endSeq, int x, int y, // int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int startx, int starty, void draw(Graphics g, int startRes, int endRes, int startSeq, int endSeq, int offset) { g.setFont(av.getFont()); sr.prepare(g, av.isRenderGaps()); updateViewport(); SequenceI nextSeq; // / First draw the sequences // /////////////////////////// for (int i = startSeq; i < endSeq; i++) { nextSeq = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i); if (nextSeq == null) { continue; } sr.drawSequence(nextSeq, av.getAlignment().findAllGroups(nextSeq), startRes, endRes, offset + ((i - startSeq) * avcharHeight)); if (av.isShowSequenceFeatures()) { fr.drawSequence(g, nextSeq, startRes, endRes, offset + ((i - startSeq) * avcharHeight)); } // / Highlight search Results once all sequences have been drawn // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (searchResults != null) { int[] visibleResults = searchResults.getResults(nextSeq, startRes, endRes); if (visibleResults != null) { for (int r = 0; r < visibleResults.length; r += 2) { sr.drawHighlightedText(nextSeq, visibleResults[r], visibleResults[r + 1], (visibleResults[r] - startRes) * avcharWidth, offset + ((i - startSeq) * avcharHeight)); } } } if (av.cursorMode && cursorY == i && cursorX >= startRes && cursorX <= endRes) { sr.drawCursor(nextSeq, cursorX, (cursorX - startRes) * avcharWidth, offset + ((i - startSeq) * avcharHeight)); } } if (av.getSelectionGroup() != null || av.getAlignment().getGroups().size() > 0) { drawGroupsBoundaries(g, startRes, endRes, startSeq, endSeq, offset); } } private void drawGroupsBoundaries(Graphics g, int startRes, int endRes, int startSeq, int endSeq, int offset) { // // /////////////////////////////////// // Now outline any areas if necessary // /////////////////////////////////// SequenceGroup group = av.getSelectionGroup(); int sx = -1; int sy = -1; int ex = -1; int groupIndex = -1; if ((group == null) && (av.getAlignment().getGroups().size() > 0)) { group = av.getAlignment().getGroups().get(0); groupIndex = 0; } if (group != null) { do { int oldY = -1; int i = 0; boolean inGroup = false; int top = -1; int bottom = -1; int alHeight = av.getAlignment().getHeight() - 1; for (i = startSeq; i < endSeq; i++) { sx = (group.getStartRes() - startRes) * avcharWidth; sy = offset + ((i - startSeq) * avcharHeight); ex = (((group.getEndRes() + 1) - group.getStartRes()) * avcharWidth) - 1; if (sx + ex < 0 || sx > imgWidth) { continue; } if ((sx <= (endRes - startRes) * avcharWidth) && group.getSequences(null).contains( av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i))) { if ((bottom == -1) && (i >= alHeight || !group.getSequences(null) .contains( av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i + 1)))) { bottom = sy + avcharHeight; } if (!inGroup) { if (((top == -1) && (i == 0)) || !group.getSequences(null).contains( av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i - 1))) { top = sy; } oldY = sy; inGroup = true; if (group == av.getSelectionGroup()) { g.setColor(Color.red); } else { g.setColor(group.getOutlineColour()); } } } else { if (inGroup) { if (sx >= 0 && sx < imgWidth) { g.drawLine(sx, oldY, sx, sy); } if (sx + ex < imgWidth) { g.drawLine(sx + ex, oldY, sx + ex, sy); } if (sx < 0) { ex += sx; sx = 0; } if (sx + ex > imgWidth) { ex = imgWidth; } else if (sx + ex >= (endRes - startRes + 1) * avcharWidth) { ex = (endRes - startRes + 1) * avcharWidth; } if (top != -1) { g.drawLine(sx, top, sx + ex, top); top = -1; } if (bottom != -1) { g.drawLine(sx, bottom, sx + ex, bottom); bottom = -1; } inGroup = false; } } } if (inGroup) { sy = offset + ((i - startSeq) * avcharHeight); if (sx >= 0 && sx < imgWidth) { g.drawLine(sx, oldY, sx, sy); } if (sx + ex < imgWidth) { g.drawLine(sx + ex, oldY, sx + ex, sy); } if (sx < 0) { ex += sx; sx = 0; } if (sx + ex > imgWidth) { ex = imgWidth; } else if (sx + ex >= (endRes - startRes + 1) * avcharWidth) { ex = (endRes - startRes + 1) * avcharWidth; } if (top != -1) { g.drawLine(sx, top, sx + ex, top); top = -1; } if (bottom != -1) { g.drawLine(sx, bottom - 1, sx + ex, bottom - 1); bottom = -1; } inGroup = false; } groupIndex++; if (groupIndex >= av.getAlignment().getGroups().size()) { break; } group = av.getAlignment().getGroups() .get(groupIndex); } while (groupIndex < av.getAlignment().getGroups().size()); } } public void highlightSearchResults(SearchResults results) { searchResults = results; repaint(); } }