/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.8.2) * Copyright (C) 2014 The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.appletgui; import jalview.commands.EditCommand; import jalview.commands.EditCommand.Action; import jalview.datamodel.ColumnSelection; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResults; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties; import jalview.structure.SelectionSource; import jalview.structure.SequenceListener; import jalview.structure.StructureSelectionManager; import jalview.structure.VamsasSource; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.util.Vector; public class SeqPanel extends Panel implements MouseMotionListener, MouseListener, SequenceListener { public SeqCanvas seqCanvas; public AlignmentPanel ap; protected int lastres; protected int startseq; protected AlignViewport av; // if character is inserted or deleted, we will need to recalculate the // conservation boolean seqEditOccurred = false; ScrollThread scrollThread = null; boolean mouseDragging = false; boolean editingSeqs = false; boolean groupEditing = false; int oldSeq = -1; boolean changeEndSeq = false; boolean changeStartSeq = false; boolean changeEndRes = false; boolean changeStartRes = false; SequenceGroup stretchGroup = null; StringBuffer keyboardNo1; StringBuffer keyboardNo2; boolean mouseWheelPressed = false; Point lastMousePress; EditCommand editCommand; StructureSelectionManager ssm; public SeqPanel(AlignViewport avp, AlignmentPanel p) { this.av = avp; seqCanvas = new SeqCanvas(avp); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(seqCanvas); ap = p; seqCanvas.addMouseMotionListener(this); seqCanvas.addMouseListener(this); ssm = StructureSelectionManager.getStructureSelectionManager(av.applet); ssm.addStructureViewerListener(this); seqCanvas.repaint(); } void endEditing() { if (editCommand != null && editCommand.getSize() > 0) { ap.alignFrame.addHistoryItem(editCommand); av.firePropertyChange("alignment", null, av.getAlignment() .getSequences()); } startseq = -1; lastres = -1; editingSeqs = false; groupEditing = false; keyboardNo1 = null; keyboardNo2 = null; editCommand = null; } void setCursorRow() { seqCanvas.cursorY = getKeyboardNo1() - 1; scrollToVisible(); } void setCursorColumn() { seqCanvas.cursorX = getKeyboardNo1() - 1; scrollToVisible(); } void setCursorRowAndColumn() { if (keyboardNo2 == null) { keyboardNo2 = new StringBuffer(); } else { seqCanvas.cursorX = getKeyboardNo1() - 1; seqCanvas.cursorY = getKeyboardNo2() - 1; scrollToVisible(); } } void setCursorPosition() { SequenceI sequence = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt( seqCanvas.cursorY); seqCanvas.cursorX = sequence.findIndex(getKeyboardNo1()) - 1; scrollToVisible(); } void moveCursor(int dx, int dy) { seqCanvas.cursorX += dx; seqCanvas.cursorY += dy; if (av.hasHiddenColumns() && !av.getColumnSelection().isVisible(seqCanvas.cursorX)) { int original = seqCanvas.cursorX - dx; int maxWidth = av.getAlignment().getWidth(); while (!av.getColumnSelection().isVisible(seqCanvas.cursorX) && seqCanvas.cursorX < maxWidth && seqCanvas.cursorX > 0) { seqCanvas.cursorX += dx; } if (seqCanvas.cursorX >= maxWidth || !av.getColumnSelection().isVisible(seqCanvas.cursorX)) { seqCanvas.cursorX = original; } } scrollToVisible(); } void scrollToVisible() { if (seqCanvas.cursorX < 0) { seqCanvas.cursorX = 0; } else if (seqCanvas.cursorX > av.getAlignment().getWidth() - 1) { seqCanvas.cursorX = av.getAlignment().getWidth() - 1; } if (seqCanvas.cursorY < 0) { seqCanvas.cursorY = 0; } else if (seqCanvas.cursorY > av.getAlignment().getHeight() - 1) { seqCanvas.cursorY = av.getAlignment().getHeight() - 1; } endEditing(); if (av.wrapAlignment) { ap.scrollToWrappedVisible(seqCanvas.cursorX); } else { while (seqCanvas.cursorY < av.startSeq) { ap.scrollUp(true); } while (seqCanvas.cursorY + 1 > av.endSeq) { ap.scrollUp(false); } while (seqCanvas.cursorX < av.getColumnSelection() .adjustForHiddenColumns(av.startRes)) { if (!ap.scrollRight(false)) { break; } } while (seqCanvas.cursorX > av.getColumnSelection() .adjustForHiddenColumns(av.endRes)) { if (!ap.scrollRight(true)) { break; } } } setStatusMessage(av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(seqCanvas.cursorY), seqCanvas.cursorX, seqCanvas.cursorY); seqCanvas.repaint(); } void setSelectionAreaAtCursor(boolean topLeft) { SequenceI sequence = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt( seqCanvas.cursorY); if (av.getSelectionGroup() != null) { SequenceGroup sg = av.getSelectionGroup(); // Find the top and bottom of this group int min = av.getAlignment().getHeight(), max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sg.getSize(); i++) { int index = av.getAlignment().findIndex(sg.getSequenceAt(i)); if (index > max) { max = index; } if (index < min) { min = index; } } max++; if (topLeft) { sg.setStartRes(seqCanvas.cursorX); if (sg.getEndRes() < seqCanvas.cursorX) { sg.setEndRes(seqCanvas.cursorX); } min = seqCanvas.cursorY; } else { sg.setEndRes(seqCanvas.cursorX); if (sg.getStartRes() > seqCanvas.cursorX) { sg.setStartRes(seqCanvas.cursorX); } max = seqCanvas.cursorY + 1; } if (min > max) { // Only the user can do this av.setSelectionGroup(null); } else { // Now add any sequences between min and max sg.clear(); for (int i = min; i < max; i++) { sg.addSequence(av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i), false); } } } if (av.getSelectionGroup() == null) { SequenceGroup sg = new SequenceGroup(); sg.setStartRes(seqCanvas.cursorX); sg.setEndRes(seqCanvas.cursorX); sg.addSequence(sequence, false); av.setSelectionGroup(sg); } ap.paintAlignment(false); av.sendSelection(); } void insertGapAtCursor(boolean group) { groupEditing = group; startseq = seqCanvas.cursorY; lastres = seqCanvas.cursorX; editSequence(true, seqCanvas.cursorX + getKeyboardNo1()); endEditing(); } void deleteGapAtCursor(boolean group) { groupEditing = group; startseq = seqCanvas.cursorY; lastres = seqCanvas.cursorX + getKeyboardNo1(); editSequence(false, seqCanvas.cursorX); endEditing(); } void numberPressed(char value) { if (keyboardNo1 == null) { keyboardNo1 = new StringBuffer(); } if (keyboardNo2 != null) { keyboardNo2.append(value); } else { keyboardNo1.append(value); } } int getKeyboardNo1() { try { if (keyboardNo1 != null) { int value = Integer.parseInt(keyboardNo1.toString()); keyboardNo1 = null; return value; } } catch (Exception x) { } keyboardNo1 = null; return 1; } int getKeyboardNo2() { try { if (keyboardNo2 != null) { int value = Integer.parseInt(keyboardNo2.toString()); keyboardNo2 = null; return value; } } catch (Exception x) { } keyboardNo2 = null; return 1; } void setStatusMessage(SequenceI sequence, int res, int seq) { StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer("Sequence " + (seq + 1) + " ID: " + sequence.getName()); Object obj = null; if (av.getAlignment().isNucleotide()) { obj = ResidueProperties.nucleotideName.get(sequence.getCharAt(res) + ""); if (obj != null) { text.append(" Nucleotide: "); } } else { obj = ResidueProperties.aa2Triplet.get(sequence.getCharAt(res) + ""); if (obj != null) { text.append(" Residue: "); } } if (obj != null) { if (obj != "") { text.append(obj + " (" + sequence.findPosition(res) + ")"); } } ap.alignFrame.statusBar.setText(text.toString()); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { lastMousePress = evt.getPoint(); // For now, ignore the mouseWheel font resizing on Macs // As the Button2_mask always seems to be true if ((evt.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK && !av.MAC) { mouseWheelPressed = true; return; } if (evt.isShiftDown() || evt.isControlDown() || evt.isAltDown()) { if (evt.isControlDown() || evt.isAltDown()) { groupEditing = true; } editingSeqs = true; } else { doMousePressedDefineMode(evt); return; } int seq = findSeq(evt); int res = findRes(evt); if (seq < 0 || res < 0) { return; } if ((seq < av.getAlignment().getHeight()) && (res < av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(seq).getLength())) { startseq = seq; lastres = res; } else { startseq = -1; lastres = -1; } return; } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { SequenceI sequence = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(findSeq(evt)); if (evt.getClickCount() > 1) { if (av.getSelectionGroup() != null && av.getSelectionGroup().getSize() == 1 && av.getSelectionGroup().getEndRes() - av.getSelectionGroup().getStartRes() < 2) { av.setSelectionGroup(null); } SequenceFeature[] features = findFeaturesAtRes(sequence, sequence.findPosition(findRes(evt))); if (features != null && features.length > 0) { SearchResults highlight = new SearchResults(); highlight.addResult(sequence, features[0].getBegin(), features[0].getEnd()); seqCanvas.highlightSearchResults(highlight); } if (features != null && features.length > 0) { seqCanvas.getFeatureRenderer().amendFeatures(new SequenceI[] { sequence }, features, false, ap); seqCanvas.highlightSearchResults(null); } } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { mouseDragging = false; mouseWheelPressed = false; ap.paintAlignment(true); if (!editingSeqs) { doMouseReleasedDefineMode(evt); return; } endEditing(); } int startWrapBlock = -1; int wrappedBlock = -1; int findRes(MouseEvent evt) { int res = 0; int x = evt.getX(); if (av.wrapAlignment) { int hgap = av.charHeight; if (av.scaleAboveWrapped) { hgap += av.charHeight; } int cHeight = av.getAlignment().getHeight() * av.charHeight + hgap + seqCanvas.getAnnotationHeight(); int y = evt.getY(); y -= hgap; x -= seqCanvas.LABEL_WEST; int cwidth = seqCanvas.getWrappedCanvasWidth(getSize().width); if (cwidth < 1) { return 0; } wrappedBlock = y / cHeight; wrappedBlock += av.getStartRes() / cwidth; res = wrappedBlock * cwidth + x / av.getCharWidth(); } else { res = (x / av.getCharWidth()) + av.getStartRes(); } if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { res = av.getColumnSelection().adjustForHiddenColumns(res); } return res; } int findSeq(MouseEvent evt) { final int sqnum = findAlRow(evt); return (sqnum < 0) ? 0 : sqnum; } /** * * @param evt * @return row in alignment that was selected (or -1 for column selection) */ private int findAlRow(MouseEvent evt) { int seq = 0; int y = evt.getY(); if (av.wrapAlignment) { int hgap = av.charHeight; if (av.scaleAboveWrapped) { hgap += av.charHeight; } int cHeight = av.getAlignment().getHeight() * av.charHeight + hgap + seqCanvas.getAnnotationHeight(); y -= hgap; seq = Math.min((y % cHeight) / av.getCharHeight(), av.getAlignment() .getHeight() - 1); if (seq < 0) { seq = -1; } } else { seq = Math.min((y / av.getCharHeight()) + av.getStartSeq(), av .getAlignment().getHeight() - 1); if (seq < 0) { seq = -1; } } return seq; } public void doMousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { int seq = findSeq(evt); int res = findRes(evt); if (seq < av.getAlignment().getHeight() && res < av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(seq).getLength()) { // char resstr = align.getSequenceAt(seq).getSequence().charAt(res); // Find the residue's position in the sequence (res is the position // in the alignment startseq = seq; lastres = res; } else { startseq = -1; lastres = -1; } return; } String lastMessage; public void mouseOverSequence(SequenceI sequence, int index, int pos) { String tmp = sequence.hashCode() + index + ""; if (lastMessage == null || !lastMessage.equals(tmp)) { ssm.mouseOverSequence(sequence, index, pos, av); } lastMessage = tmp; } public void highlightSequence(SearchResults results) { if (av.followHighlight) { if (ap.scrollToPosition(results, true)) { ap.alignFrame.repaint(); } } seqCanvas.highlightSearchResults(results); } @Override public VamsasSource getVamsasSource() { return this.ap == null ? null : this.ap.av; } public void updateColours(SequenceI seq, int index) { System.out.println("update the seqPanel colours"); // repaint(); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { int res = findRes(evt); int seq = findSeq(evt); if (seq >= av.getAlignment().getHeight() || seq < 0 || res < 0) { if (tooltip != null) { tooltip.setTip(""); } return; } SequenceI sequence = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(seq); if (res > sequence.getLength()) { if (tooltip != null) { tooltip.setTip(""); } return; } int respos = sequence.findPosition(res); if (ssm != null) { mouseOverSequence(sequence, res, respos); } StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer("Sequence " + (seq + 1) + " ID: " + sequence.getName()); Object obj = null; if (av.getAlignment().isNucleotide()) { obj = ResidueProperties.nucleotideName.get(sequence.getCharAt(res) + ""); if (obj != null) { text.append(" Nucleotide: "); } } else { obj = ResidueProperties.aa2Triplet.get(sequence.getCharAt(res) + ""); if (obj != null) { text.append(" Residue: "); } } if (obj != null) { if (obj != "") { text.append(obj + " (" + respos + ")"); } } ap.alignFrame.statusBar.setText(text.toString()); StringBuffer tooltipText = new StringBuffer(); SequenceGroup[] groups = av.getAlignment().findAllGroups(sequence); if (groups != null) { for (int g = 0; g < groups.length; g++) { if (groups[g].getStartRes() <= res && groups[g].getEndRes() >= res) { if (!groups[g].getName().startsWith("JTreeGroup") && !groups[g].getName().startsWith("JGroup")) { tooltipText.append(groups[g].getName() + " "); } if (groups[g].getDescription() != null) { tooltipText.append(groups[g].getDescription()); } tooltipText.append("\n"); } } } // use aa to see if the mouse pointer is on a SequenceFeature[] allFeatures = findFeaturesAtRes(sequence, sequence.findPosition(res)); int index = 0; while (index < allFeatures.length) { SequenceFeature sf = allFeatures[index]; tooltipText.append(sf.getType() + " " + sf.begin + ":" + sf.end); if (sf.getDescription() != null) { tooltipText.append(" " + sf.getDescription()); } if (sf.getValue("status") != null) { String status = sf.getValue("status").toString(); if (status.length() > 0) { tooltipText.append(" (" + sf.getValue("status") + ")"); } } tooltipText.append("\n"); index++; } if (tooltip == null) { tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipText.toString(), seqCanvas); } else { tooltip.setTip(tooltipText.toString()); } } SequenceFeature[] findFeaturesAtRes(SequenceI sequence, int res) { Vector tmp = new Vector(); SequenceFeature[] features = sequence.getSequenceFeatures(); if (features != null) { for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { if (av.featuresDisplayed == null || !av.featuresDisplayed.containsKey(features[i].getType())) { continue; } if (features[i].featureGroup != null && seqCanvas.fr.featureGroups != null && seqCanvas.fr.featureGroups .containsKey(features[i].featureGroup) && !((Boolean) seqCanvas.fr.featureGroups .get(features[i].featureGroup)).booleanValue()) { continue; } if ((features[i].getBegin() <= res) && (features[i].getEnd() >= res)) { tmp.addElement(features[i]); } } } features = new SequenceFeature[tmp.size()]; tmp.copyInto(features); return features; } Tooltip tooltip; public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) { if (mouseWheelPressed) { int oldWidth = av.charWidth; // Which is bigger, left-right or up-down? if (Math.abs(evt.getY() - lastMousePress.y) > Math.abs(evt.getX() - lastMousePress.x)) { int fontSize = av.font.getSize(); if (evt.getY() < lastMousePress.y && av.charHeight > 1) { fontSize--; } else if (evt.getY() > lastMousePress.y) { fontSize++; } if (fontSize < 1) { fontSize = 1; } av.setFont(new Font(av.font.getName(), av.font.getStyle(), fontSize)); av.charWidth = oldWidth; } else { if (evt.getX() < lastMousePress.x && av.charWidth > 1) { av.charWidth--; } else if (evt.getX() > lastMousePress.x) { av.charWidth++; } if (av.charWidth < 1) { av.charWidth = 1; } } ap.fontChanged(); FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(av.getFont()); av.validCharWidth = fm.charWidth('M') <= av.charWidth; lastMousePress = evt.getPoint(); ap.paintAlignment(false); ap.annotationPanel.image = null; return; } if (!editingSeqs) { doMouseDraggedDefineMode(evt); return; } int res = findRes(evt); if (res < 0) { res = 0; } if ((lastres == -1) || (lastres == res)) { return; } if ((res < av.getAlignment().getWidth()) && (res < lastres)) { // dragLeft, delete gap editSequence(false, res); } else { editSequence(true, res); } mouseDragging = true; if (scrollThread != null) { scrollThread.setEvent(evt); } } synchronized void editSequence(boolean insertGap, int startres) { int fixedLeft = -1; int fixedRight = -1; boolean fixedColumns = false; SequenceGroup sg = av.getSelectionGroup(); SequenceI seq = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(startseq); if (!groupEditing && av.hasHiddenRows()) { if (av.isHiddenRepSequence(seq)) { sg = av.getRepresentedSequences(seq); groupEditing = true; } } StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); if (groupEditing) { message.append(MessageManager.getString("action.edit_group")).append(":"); if (editCommand == null) { editCommand = new EditCommand(MessageManager.getString("action.edit_group")); } } else { message.append(MessageManager.getString("label.edit_sequence")).append(" " + seq.getName()); String label = seq.getName(); if (label.length() > 10) { label = label.substring(0, 10); } if (editCommand == null) { editCommand = new EditCommand(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.edit_params", new String[]{label})); } } if (insertGap) { message.append(" insert "); } else { message.append(" delete "); } message.append(Math.abs(startres - lastres) + " gaps."); ap.alignFrame.statusBar.setText(message.toString()); // Are we editing within a selection group? if (groupEditing || (sg != null && sg.getSequences(av.getHiddenRepSequences()) .contains(seq))) { fixedColumns = true; // sg might be null as the user may only see 1 sequence, // but the sequence represents a group if (sg == null) { if (!av.isHiddenRepSequence(seq)) { endEditing(); return; } sg = av.getRepresentedSequences(seq); } fixedLeft = sg.getStartRes(); fixedRight = sg.getEndRes(); if ((startres < fixedLeft && lastres >= fixedLeft) || (startres >= fixedLeft && lastres < fixedLeft) || (startres > fixedRight && lastres <= fixedRight) || (startres <= fixedRight && lastres > fixedRight)) { endEditing(); return; } if (fixedLeft > startres) { fixedRight = fixedLeft - 1; fixedLeft = 0; } else if (fixedRight < startres) { fixedLeft = fixedRight; fixedRight = -1; } } if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { fixedColumns = true; int y1 = av.getColumnSelection().getHiddenBoundaryLeft(startres); int y2 = av.getColumnSelection().getHiddenBoundaryRight(startres); if ((insertGap && startres > y1 && lastres < y1) || (!insertGap && startres < y2 && lastres > y2)) { endEditing(); return; } // System.out.print(y1+" "+y2+" "+fixedLeft+" "+fixedRight+"~~"); // Selection spans a hidden region if (fixedLeft < y1 && (fixedRight > y2 || fixedRight == -1)) { if (startres >= y2) { fixedLeft = y2; } else { fixedRight = y2 - 1; } } } if (groupEditing) { SequenceI[] groupSeqs = sg.getSequences(av.getHiddenRepSequences()) .toArray(new SequenceI[0]); // drag to right if (insertGap) { // If the user has selected the whole sequence, and is dragging to // the right, we can still extend the alignment and selectionGroup if (sg.getStartRes() == 0 && sg.getEndRes() == fixedRight && sg.getEndRes() == av.getAlignment().getWidth() - 1) { sg.setEndRes(av.getAlignment().getWidth() + startres - lastres); fixedRight = sg.getEndRes(); } // Is it valid with fixed columns?? // Find the next gap before the end // of the visible region boundary boolean blank = false; for (fixedRight = fixedRight; fixedRight > lastres; fixedRight--) { blank = true; for (SequenceI gs : groupSeqs) { for (int j = 0; j < startres - lastres; j++) { if (!jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(gs.getCharAt(fixedRight - j))) { blank = false; break; } } } if (blank) { break; } } if (!blank) { if (sg.getSize() == av.getAlignment().getHeight()) { if ((av.hasHiddenColumns() && startres < av .getColumnSelection().getHiddenBoundaryRight(startres))) { endEditing(); return; } int alWidth = av.getAlignment().getWidth(); if (av.hasHiddenRows()) { int hwidth = av.getAlignment().getHiddenSequences() .getWidth(); if (hwidth > alWidth) { alWidth = hwidth; } } // We can still insert gaps if the selectionGroup // contains all the sequences sg.setEndRes(sg.getEndRes() + startres - lastres); fixedRight = alWidth + startres - lastres; } else { endEditing(); return; } } } // drag to left else if (!insertGap) { // / Are we able to delete? // ie are all columns blank? for (SequenceI gs : groupSeqs) { for (int j = startres; j < lastres; j++) { if (gs.getLength() <= j) { continue; } if (!jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(gs.getCharAt(j))) { // Not a gap, block edit not valid endEditing(); return; } } } } if (insertGap) { // dragging to the right if (fixedColumns && fixedRight != -1) { for (int j = lastres; j < startres; j++) { insertChar(j, groupSeqs, fixedRight); } } else { editCommand.appendEdit(Action.INSERT_GAP, groupSeqs, startres, startres - lastres, av.getAlignment(), true); } } else { // dragging to the left if (fixedColumns && fixedRight != -1) { for (int j = lastres; j > startres; j--) { deleteChar(startres, groupSeqs, fixedRight); } } else { editCommand.appendEdit(Action.DELETE_GAP, groupSeqs, startres, lastres - startres, av.getAlignment(), true); } } } else // ///Editing a single sequence/////////// { if (insertGap) { // dragging to the right if (fixedColumns && fixedRight != -1) { for (int j = lastres; j < startres; j++) { insertChar(j, new SequenceI[] { seq }, fixedRight); } } else { editCommand.appendEdit(Action.INSERT_GAP, new SequenceI[] { seq }, lastres, startres - lastres, av.getAlignment(), true); } } else { // dragging to the left if (fixedColumns && fixedRight != -1) { for (int j = lastres; j > startres; j--) { if (!jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(seq.getCharAt(startres))) { endEditing(); break; } deleteChar(startres, new SequenceI[] { seq }, fixedRight); } } else { // could be a keyboard edit trying to delete none gaps int max = 0; for (int m = startres; m < lastres; m++) { if (!jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(seq.getCharAt(m))) { break; } max++; } if (max > 0) { editCommand.appendEdit(Action.DELETE_GAP, new SequenceI[] { seq }, startres, max, av.getAlignment(), true); } } } } lastres = startres; seqCanvas.repaint(); } void insertChar(int j, SequenceI[] seq, int fixedColumn) { int blankColumn = fixedColumn; for (int s = 0; s < seq.length; s++) { // Find the next gap before the end of the visible region boundary // If lastCol > j, theres a boundary after the gap insertion for (blankColumn = fixedColumn; blankColumn > j; blankColumn--) { if (jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(seq[s].getCharAt(blankColumn))) { // Theres a space, so break and insert the gap break; } } if (blankColumn <= j) { blankColumn = fixedColumn; endEditing(); return; } } editCommand.appendEdit(Action.DELETE_GAP, seq, blankColumn, 1, av.getAlignment(), true); editCommand.appendEdit(Action.INSERT_GAP, seq, j, 1, av.getAlignment(), true); } void deleteChar(int j, SequenceI[] seq, int fixedColumn) { editCommand.appendEdit(Action.DELETE_GAP, seq, j, 1, av.getAlignment(), true); editCommand.appendEdit(Action.INSERT_GAP, seq, fixedColumn, 1, av.getAlignment(), true); } // //////////////////////////////////////// // ///Everything below this is for defining the boundary of the rubberband // //////////////////////////////////////// public void doMousePressedDefineMode(MouseEvent evt) { if (scrollThread != null) { scrollThread.running = false; scrollThread = null; } int res = findRes(evt); int seq = findSeq(evt); oldSeq = seq; startWrapBlock = wrappedBlock; if (seq == -1) { return; } SequenceI sequence = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(seq); if (sequence == null || res > sequence.getLength()) { return; } stretchGroup = av.getSelectionGroup(); if (stretchGroup == null) { stretchGroup = av.getAlignment().findGroup(sequence); if (stretchGroup != null && res > stretchGroup.getStartRes() && res < stretchGroup.getEndRes()) { av.setSelectionGroup(stretchGroup); } else { stretchGroup = null; } } else if (!stretchGroup.getSequences(null).contains(sequence) || stretchGroup.getStartRes() > res || stretchGroup.getEndRes() < res) { stretchGroup = null; SequenceGroup[] allGroups = av.getAlignment().findAllGroups(sequence); if (allGroups != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allGroups.length; i++) { if (allGroups[i].getStartRes() <= res && allGroups[i].getEndRes() >= res) { stretchGroup = allGroups[i]; break; } } } av.setSelectionGroup(stretchGroup); } // DETECT RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON IN AWT if ((evt.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) { SequenceFeature[] allFeatures = findFeaturesAtRes(sequence, sequence.findPosition(res)); Vector links = null; if (allFeatures != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allFeatures.length; i++) { if (allFeatures[i].links != null) { if (links == null) { links = new Vector(); } for (int j = 0; j < allFeatures[i].links.size(); j++) { links.addElement(allFeatures[i].links.elementAt(j)); } } } } APopupMenu popup = new APopupMenu(ap, null, links); this.add(popup); popup.show(this, evt.getX(), evt.getY()); return; } if (av.cursorMode) { seqCanvas.cursorX = findRes(evt); seqCanvas.cursorY = findSeq(evt); seqCanvas.repaint(); return; } // Only if left mouse button do we want to change group sizes if (stretchGroup == null) { // define a new group here SequenceGroup sg = new SequenceGroup(); sg.setStartRes(res); sg.setEndRes(res); sg.addSequence(sequence, false); av.setSelectionGroup(sg); stretchGroup = sg; if (av.getConservationSelected()) { SliderPanel.setConservationSlider(ap, av.getGlobalColourScheme(), "Background"); } if (av.getAbovePIDThreshold()) { SliderPanel.setPIDSliderSource(ap, av.getGlobalColourScheme(), "Background"); } } } public void doMouseReleasedDefineMode(MouseEvent evt) { if (stretchGroup == null) { return; } stretchGroup.recalcConservation(); // always do this - annotation has own // state if (stretchGroup.cs != null) { stretchGroup.cs.alignmentChanged(stretchGroup, av.getHiddenRepSequences()); if (stretchGroup.cs.conservationApplied()) { SliderPanel.setConservationSlider(ap, stretchGroup.cs, stretchGroup.getName()); } else { SliderPanel.setPIDSliderSource(ap, stretchGroup.cs, stretchGroup.getName()); } } changeEndRes = false; changeStartRes = false; stretchGroup = null; PaintRefresher.Refresh(ap, av.getSequenceSetId()); ap.paintAlignment(true); av.sendSelection(); } public void doMouseDraggedDefineMode(MouseEvent evt) { int res = findRes(evt); int y = findSeq(evt); if (wrappedBlock != startWrapBlock) { return; } if (stretchGroup == null) { return; } mouseDragging = true; if (y > av.getAlignment().getHeight()) { y = av.getAlignment().getHeight() - 1; } if (res >= av.getAlignment().getWidth()) { res = av.getAlignment().getWidth() - 1; } if (stretchGroup.getEndRes() == res) { // Edit end res position of selected group changeEndRes = true; } else if (stretchGroup.getStartRes() == res) { // Edit start res position of selected group changeStartRes = true; } if (res < 0) { res = 0; } if (changeEndRes) { if (res > (stretchGroup.getStartRes() - 1)) { stretchGroup.setEndRes(res); } } else if (changeStartRes) { if (res < (stretchGroup.getEndRes() + 1)) { stretchGroup.setStartRes(res); } } int dragDirection = 0; if (y > oldSeq) { dragDirection = 1; } else if (y < oldSeq) { dragDirection = -1; } while ((y != oldSeq) && (oldSeq > -1) && (y < av.getAlignment().getHeight())) { // This routine ensures we don't skip any sequences, as the // selection is quite slow. Sequence seq = (Sequence) av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(oldSeq); oldSeq += dragDirection; if (oldSeq < 0) { break; } Sequence nextSeq = (Sequence) av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(oldSeq); if (stretchGroup.getSequences(null).contains(nextSeq)) { stretchGroup.deleteSequence(seq, false); } else { if (seq != null) { stretchGroup.addSequence(seq, false); } stretchGroup.addSequence(nextSeq, false); } } if (oldSeq < 0) { oldSeq = -1; } if (res > av.endRes || res < av.startRes || y < av.startSeq || y > av.endSeq) { mouseExited(evt); } if (scrollThread != null) { scrollThread.setEvent(evt); } seqCanvas.repaint(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { if (oldSeq < 0) { oldSeq = 0; } if (scrollThread != null) { scrollThread.running = false; scrollThread = null; } } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { if (av.getWrapAlignment()) { return; } if (mouseDragging && scrollThread == null) { scrollThread = new ScrollThread(); } } void scrollCanvas(MouseEvent evt) { if (evt == null) { if (scrollThread != null) { scrollThread.running = false; scrollThread = null; } mouseDragging = false; } else { if (scrollThread == null) { scrollThread = new ScrollThread(); } mouseDragging = true; scrollThread.setEvent(evt); } } // this class allows scrolling off the bottom of the visible alignment class ScrollThread extends Thread { MouseEvent evt; boolean running = false; public ScrollThread() { start(); } public void setEvent(MouseEvent e) { evt = e; } public void stopScrolling() { running = false; } public void run() { running = true; while (running) { if (evt != null) { if (mouseDragging && evt.getY() < 0 && av.getStartSeq() > 0) { running = ap.scrollUp(true); } if (mouseDragging && evt.getY() >= getSize().height && av.getAlignment().getHeight() > av.getEndSeq()) { running = ap.scrollUp(false); } if (mouseDragging && evt.getX() < 0) { running = ap.scrollRight(false); } else if (mouseDragging && evt.getX() >= getSize().width) { running = ap.scrollRight(true); } } try { Thread.sleep(75); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } /** * modify current selection according to a received message. */ public void selection(SequenceGroup seqsel, ColumnSelection colsel, SelectionSource source) { // TODO: fix this hack - source of messages is align viewport, but SeqPanel // handles selection messages... // TODO: extend config options to allow user to control if selections may be // shared between viewports. if (av != null && (av == source || !av.followSelection || (source instanceof AlignViewport && ((AlignViewport) source) .getSequenceSetId().equals(av.getSequenceSetId())))) { return; } // do we want to thread this ? (contention with seqsel and colsel locks, I // suspect) // rules are: colsel is copied if there is a real intersection between // sequence selection boolean repaint = false, copycolsel = true; if (av.getSelectionGroup() == null || !av.isSelectionGroupChanged(true)) { SequenceGroup sgroup = null; if (seqsel != null && seqsel.getSize() > 0) { if (av.getAlignment() == null) { System.out .println("Selection message: alignviewport av SeqSetId=" + av.getSequenceSetId() + " ViewId=" + av.getViewId() + " 's alignment is NULL! returning immediatly."); return; } sgroup = seqsel.intersect(av.getAlignment(), (av.hasHiddenRows()) ? av.getHiddenRepSequences() : null); if ((sgroup == null || sgroup.getSize() == 0) && (colsel == null || colsel.size() == 0)) { // don't copy columns if the region didn't intersect. copycolsel = false; } } if (sgroup != null && sgroup.getSize() > 0) { av.setSelectionGroup(sgroup); } else { av.setSelectionGroup(null); } repaint = av.isSelectionGroupChanged(true); } if (copycolsel && (av.getColumnSelection() == null || !av .isColSelChanged(true))) { // the current selection is unset or from a previous message // so import the new colsel. if (colsel == null || colsel.size() == 0) { if (av.getColumnSelection() != null) { av.getColumnSelection().clear(); } } else { // TODO: shift colSel according to the intersecting sequences if (av.getColumnSelection() == null) { av.setColumnSelection(new ColumnSelection(colsel)); } else { av.getColumnSelection().setElementsFrom(colsel); } } repaint |= av.isColSelChanged(true); } if (copycolsel && av.hasHiddenColumns() && (av.getColumnSelection() == null || av.getColumnSelection() .getHiddenColumns() == null)) { System.err.println("Bad things"); } if (repaint) { ap.scalePanelHolder.repaint(); ap.repaint(); } } /** * scroll to the given row/column - or nearest visible location * * @param row * @param column */ public void scrollTo(int row, int column) { row = row < 0 ? ap.av.startSeq : row; column = column < 0 ? ap.av.startRes : column; ap.scrollTo(column, column, row, true, true); } /** * scroll to the given row - or nearest visible location * * @param row */ public void scrollToRow(int row) { row = row < 0 ? ap.av.startSeq : row; ap.scrollTo(ap.av.startRes, ap.av.startRes, row, true, true); } /** * scroll to the given column - or nearest visible location * * @param column */ public void scrollToColumn(int column) { column = column < 0 ? ap.av.startRes : column; ap.scrollTo(column, column, ap.av.startSeq, true, true); } }