* Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
* Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
* This file is part of Jalview.
* Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Jalview. If not, see .
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
package jalview.bin;
import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry;
import jalview.gui.UserDefinedColours;
import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeLoader;
import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemes;
import jalview.schemes.UserColourScheme;
import jalview.structure.StructureImportSettings;
import jalview.urls.IdOrgSettings;
import jalview.util.ColorUtils;
import jalview.util.Platform;
import jalview.ws.sifts.SiftsSettings;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout;
* Stores and retrieves Jalview Application Properties Lists and fields within
* list entries are separated by '|' symbols unless otherwise stated (|) clauses
* are alternative values for a tag.
* Current properties include:
* logs.Axis.Level - one of the stringified Levels for log4j controlling the
* logging level for axis (used for web services)
logs.Castor.Level - one of the stringified Levels for log4j controlling
* the logging level for castor (used for serialization)
FONT_NAME java font name for alignment text display
FONT_SIZE size of displayed alignment text
FONT_STYLE style of font displayed (sequence labels are always
* italic)
GAP_SYMBOL character to treat as gap symbol (usually -,.,' ')
LAST_DIRECTORY last directory for browsing alignment
USER_DEFINED_COLOURS list of user defined colour scheme files
SHOW_FULL_ID show id with '/start-end' numbers appended
SHOW_IDENTITY show percentage identity annotation
SHOW_QUALITY show alignment quality annotation
SHOW_ANNOTATIONS show alignment annotation rows
SHOW_CONSERVATION show alignment conservation annotation
SHOW_AUTOCALC_ABOVE true to show autocalculated annotations above
* sequence annotations
CENTRE_COLUMN_LABELS centre the labels at each column in a displayed
* annotation row
DEFAULT_COLOUR default colour scheme to apply for a new alignment
DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT file format used to save
STARTUP_FILE file loaded on startup (may be a fully qualified url)
SHOW_STARTUP_FILE flag to control loading of startup file
VERSION the version of the jalview build
BUILD_DATE date of this build
LATEST_VERSION the latest jalview version advertised on the
* www.jalview.org
PIR_MODELLER boolean indicating if PIR files are written with MODELLER
* descriptions
* suffix to file
RECENT_URL list of recently retrieved URLs
RECENT_FILE list of recently opened files
USE_PROXY flag for whether a http proxy is to be used
PROXY_SERVER the proxy
NOQUESTIONNAIRES true to prevent jalview from checking the questionnaire
* service
QUESTIONNAIRE last questionnaire:responder id string from questionnaire
* service
USAGESTATS (false - user prompted) Enable google analytics tracker for
* collecting usage statistics
DAS_LOCAL_SOURCE list of local das sources
SHOW_OVERVIEW boolean for overview window display
ANTI_ALIAS boolean for smooth fonts
AUTO_CALC_CONSENSUS boolean for automatic recalculation of consensus
PAD_GAPS boolean
ID_ITALICS boolean
EPS_RENDERING (Prompt each time|Lineart|Text) default for EPS rendering
* style check
SORT_ALIGNMENT (No sort|Id|Pairwise Identity)
SEQUENCE_LINKS list of name|URL pairs for opening a url with
STORED_LINKS list of name|url pairs which user has entered but are not
* currently used
DEFAULT_LINK name of single url to be used when user double clicks a
* sequence id (must be in SEQUENCE_LINKS or STORED_LINKS)
GROUP_LINKS list of name|URL[|<separator>] tuples - see
* jalview.utils.GroupURLLink for more info
DAS_REGISTRY_URL the registry to query
DAS_ACTIVE_SOURCE list of active sources
SHOW_MEMUSAGE boolean show memory usage and warning indicator on desktop
* (false)
VERSION_CHECK (true) check for the latest release version from
* www.jalview.org (or the alias given by the www.jalview.org property)
SHOW_NPFEATS_TOOLTIP (true) show non-positional features in the Sequence
* ID tooltip
SHOW_DBREFS_TOOLTIP (true) show Database Cross References in the Sequence
* ID tooltip
SHOW_UNCONSERVED (false) only render unconserved residues - conserved
* displayed as '.'
SORT_BY_TREE (false) sort the current alignment view according to the
* order of a newly displayed tree
DBFETCH_USEPICR (false) use PICR to recover valid DB references from
* sequence ID strings before attempting retrieval from any datasource
SHOW_GROUP_CONSENSUS (false) Show consensus annotation for groups in the
* alignment.
SHOW_GROUP_CONSERVATION (false) Show conservation annotation for groups
* in the alignment.
SHOW_CONSENSUS_HISTOGRAM (false) Show consensus annotation row's
* histogram.
SHOW_CONSENSUS_LOGO (false) Show consensus annotation row's sequence
* logo.
NORMALISE_CONSENSUS_LOGO (false) Show consensus annotation row's sequence
* logo normalised to row height rather than histogram height.
FOLLOW_SELECTIONS (true) Controls whether a new alignment view should
* respond to selections made in other alignments containing the same sequences.
JWS2HOSTURLS comma-separated list of URLs to try for JABAWS services
SHOW_WSDISCOVERY_ERRORS (true) Controls if the web service URL discovery
* warning dialog box is displayed.
ANNOTATIONCOLOUR_MIN (orange) Shade used for minimum value of annotation
* when shading by annotation
ANNOTATIONCOLOUR_MAX (red) Shade used for maximum value of annotation
* when shading by annotation
www.jalview.org (http://www.jalview.org) a property enabling all HTTP
* requests to be redirected to a mirror of http://www.jalview.org
FIGURE_AUTOIDWIDTH (false) Expand the left hand column of an exported
* alignment figure to accommodate even the longest sequence ID or annotation
* label.
FIGURE_FIXEDIDWIDTH Specifies the width to use for the left-hand column
* when exporting an alignment as a figure (setting FIGURE_AUTOIDWIDTH to true
* will override this).
STRUCT_FROM_PDB (false) derive secondary structure annotation from PDB
* record
USE_RNAVIEW (false) use RNAViewer to derive secondary structure
ADD_SS_ANN (false) add secondary structure annotation to alignment
* display
ADD_TEMPFACT_ANN (false) add Temperature Factor annotation to alignment
* display
STRUCTURE_DISPLAY choose from JMOL (default) or CHIMERA for 3D structure
* display
CHIMERA_PATH specify full path to Chimera program (if non-standard)
ID_ORG_HOSTURL location of jalview service providing identifiers.org urls
* Deprecated settings:
* *
DISCOVERY_START - Boolean - controls if discovery services are queried on
* startup (JWS1 services only)
DISCOVERY_URLS - comma separated list of Discovery Service endpoints.
* (JWS1 services only)
SHOW_JWS1_SERVICES (true) enable or disable the original Jalview 2
* services in the desktop GUI
ENABLE_RSBS_EDITOR (false for 2.7 release) enable or disable RSBS editing
* panel in web service preferences
* @author $author$
* @version $Revision$
public class Cache
* property giving log4j level for CASTOR loggers
public static final String CASTORLOGLEVEL = "logs.Castor.level";
* property giving log4j level for AXIS loggers
public static final String AXISLOGLEVEL = "logs.Axis.level";
* property giving log4j level for Jalview Log
public static final String JALVIEWLOGLEVEL = "logs.Jalview.level";
public static final String DAS_LOCAL_SOURCE = "DAS_LOCAL_SOURCE";
public static final String DAS_REGISTRY_URL = "DAS_REGISTRY_URL";
public static final String DAS_ACTIVE_SOURCE = "DAS_ACTIVE_SOURCE";
* Sifts settings
public static final String DEFAULT_SIFTS_DOWNLOAD_DIR = System
.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar
+ ".sifts_downloads" + File.separatorChar;
private final static String DEFAULT_CACHE_THRESHOLD_IN_DAYS = "2";
private final static String DEFAULT_FAIL_SAFE_PID_THRESHOLD = "30";
* Identifiers.org download settings
private static final String ID_ORG_FILE = System.getProperty("user.home")
+ File.separatorChar + ".identifiers.org.ids.json";
* Allowed values are PDB or mmCIF
private final static String PDB_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT = PDBEntry.Type.MMCIF
private final static String DEFAULT_PDB_FILE_PARSER = StructureImportSettings.StructureParser.JMOL_PARSER
* a date formatter using a fixed (rather than the user's) locale;
* this ensures that date properties can be written and re-read successfully
* even if the user changes their locale setting
private static final DateFormat date_format = SimpleDateFormat
SimpleDateFormat.MEDIUM, Locale.UK);
* Initialises the Jalview Application Log
public static Logger log;
/** Jalview Properties */
public static Properties applicationProperties = new Properties()
// override results in properties output in alphabetical order
public synchronized Enumeration