/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.bin; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.net.Authenticator; import java.net.PasswordAuthentication; import java.net.URL; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.swing.LookAndFeel; import javax.swing.UIManager; import jalview.analytics.Plausible; import jalview.bin.argparser.Arg; import jalview.bin.argparser.ArgParser; import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry; import jalview.gui.Preferences; import jalview.gui.UserDefinedColours; import jalview.log.JLoggerLog4j; import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeLoader; import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemes; import jalview.schemes.UserColourScheme; import jalview.structure.StructureImportSettings; import jalview.urls.IdOrgSettings; import jalview.util.ChannelProperties; import jalview.util.ColorUtils; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import jalview.util.Platform; import jalview.ws.sifts.SiftsSettings; /** * Stores and retrieves Jalview Application Properties Lists and fields within * list entries are separated by '|' symbols unless otherwise stated (|) clauses * are alternative values for a tag.
* Current properties include: * * Deprecated settings: * * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class Cache { /** * property giving log4j level for CASTOR loggers */ public static final String CASTORLOGLEVEL = "logs.Castor.level"; /** * property giving log4j level for AXIS loggers */ public static final String AXISLOGLEVEL = "logs.Axis.level"; /** * property giving log4j level for Jalview Log */ public static final String JALVIEWLOGLEVEL = "logs.Jalview.level"; // for tests public static final String BOOTSTRAP_TEST = "BOOTSTRAP_TEST"; /** * Sifts settings */ public static final String DEFAULT_SIFTS_DOWNLOAD_DIR = System .getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + ".sifts_downloads" + File.separatorChar; private final static String DEFAULT_CACHE_THRESHOLD_IN_DAYS = "2"; private final static String DEFAULT_FAIL_SAFE_PID_THRESHOLD = "30"; /** * Identifiers.org download settings */ private static final String ID_ORG_FILE = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + ".identifiers.org.ids.json"; /** * Allowed values are PDB or mmCIF */ private final static String PDB_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT = PDBEntry.Type.MMCIF .toString(); private final static String DEFAULT_PDB_FILE_PARSER = StructureImportSettings.StructureParser.JMOL_PARSER .toString(); /* * a date formatter using a fixed (rather than the user's) locale; * this ensures that date properties can be written and re-read successfully * even if the user changes their locale setting */ private static final DateFormat date_format = SimpleDateFormat .getDateTimeInstance(SimpleDateFormat.MEDIUM, SimpleDateFormat.MEDIUM, Locale.UK); /** * Initialises the Jalview Application Log */ public final static String JALVIEW_LOGGER_NAME = "JalviewLogger"; // save the proxy properties set at startup public final static String[] startupProxyProperties = { System.getProperty("http.proxyHost"), System.getProperty("http.proxyPort"), System.getProperty("https.proxyHost"), System.getProperty("https.proxyPort"), System.getProperty("http.proxyUser"), System.getProperty("http.proxyPassword"), System.getProperty("https.proxyUser"), System.getProperty("https.proxyPassword"), System.getProperty("http.nonProxyHosts") }; public final static String PROXYTYPE_NONE = "none"; // "false" and "true" for backward compatibility public final static String PROXYTYPE_SYSTEM = "false"; public final static String PROXYTYPE_CUSTOM = "true"; // in-memory only storage of proxy password, safer to use char array public static char[] proxyAuthPassword = null; /** * Session properties, set by command line, try not to affect stored * properties! */ private static Map sessionProperties = new HashMap<>(); private static boolean bypassSessionProperties = false; public static void enableSessionProperties() { bypassSessionProperties = false; } public static void disableSessionProperties() { bypassSessionProperties = true; } /** Jalview Properties */ public static Properties applicationProperties = new Properties() { // override results in properties output in alphabetical order @Override public synchronized Enumeration keys() { return Collections.enumeration(new TreeSet<>(super.keySet())); } }; /* build Properties (not all saved to .jalview_properties) */ public static Properties buildProperties = new Properties(); /** Default file is ~/.jalview_properties */ static String propertiesFile; private static final String fallbackPropertiesFile = ".jalview_properties"; private static boolean propsAreReadOnly = Platform.isJS(); public static boolean isPropsAreReadOnly() { return propsAreReadOnly; } public static void setPropsAreReadOnly(boolean propsAreReadOnly) { Cache.propsAreReadOnly = propsAreReadOnly; } private final static String JS_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "jalview_"; /** * Loads properties from the given properties file. Any existing properties * are first cleared. */ public static void loadProperties(String propsFile) { propertiesFile = propsFile; String releasePropertiesFile = null; boolean defaultProperties = false; if (propsFile == null && !propsAreReadOnly) { String channelPrefsFilename = ChannelProperties .getProperty("preferences.filename"); String releasePrefsFilename = fallbackPropertiesFile; propertiesFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + channelPrefsFilename; releasePropertiesFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + releasePrefsFilename; defaultProperties = true; } else { // don't corrupt the file we've been given. propsAreReadOnly = true; } if (propertiesFile == null) { // BH 2019 Platform.readInfoProperties(JS_PROPERTY_PREFIX, applicationProperties); } else { try { InputStream fis; try { // props file provided as URL fis = new URL(propertiesFile).openStream(); if (!Jalview.quiet()) { jalview.bin.Console.outPrintln( "Loading jalview properties from : " + propertiesFile); jalview.bin.Console.outPrintln( "Disabling Jalview writing to user's local properties file."); } propsAreReadOnly = true; } catch (Exception ex) { fis = null; } if (fis == null) { String readPropertiesFile = propertiesFile; // if we're using the usual properties file and the channel properties // file doesn't exist, read .jalview_properties // (but we'll still save to the channel properties file). if (defaultProperties && (!new File(propertiesFile).exists()) && (new File(releasePropertiesFile).exists())) { readPropertiesFile = releasePropertiesFile; } fis = new FileInputStream(readPropertiesFile); } applicationProperties.clear(); applicationProperties.load(fis); // remove any old build properties deleteBuildProperties(); fis.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!Jalview.quiet()) jalview.bin.Console .outPrintln("Error reading properties file: " + ex); } } /* TO BE REPLACED WITH PROXY_TYPE SETTINGS if (getDefault("USE_PROXY", false)) { String proxyServer = getDefault("PROXY_SERVER", ""), proxyPort = getDefault("PROXY_PORT", "8080"); } */ // PROXY TYPE settings (now three options "none", "false", "true", but using // backward compatible strings) String proxyType = getDefault("USE_PROXY", PROXYTYPE_SYSTEM); // default to upgrading old settings switch (proxyType) { case PROXYTYPE_NONE: clearProxyProperties(); break; case PROXYTYPE_SYSTEM: // use system settings resetProxyProperties(); break; case PROXYTYPE_CUSTOM: // use specified proxy settings String httpHost = getDefault("PROXY_SERVER", ""); String httpPort = getDefault("PROXY_PORT", "8080"); String httpsHost = getDefault("PROXY_SERVER_HTTPS", httpHost); String httpsPort = getDefault("PROXY_PORT_HTTPS", httpPort); String httpUser = getDefault("PROXY_AUTH_USER", null); // https.proxyUser and https.proxyPassword are not able to be // independently set in Preferences yet (or http.nonProxyHosts) String httpsUser = getDefault("PROXY_AUTH_USER_HTTPS", httpUser); setProxyProperties(httpHost, httpPort, httpsHost, httpsPort, httpUser, proxyAuthPassword, httpsUser, proxyAuthPassword, "localhost"); break; default: String message = "Incorrect PROXY_TYPE - should be 'none' (clear proxy properties), 'false' (system settings), 'true' (custom settings): " + proxyType; Console.warn(message); } // LOAD THE AUTHORS FROM THE authors.props file String authorDetails = resolveResourceURLFor("/authors.props"); try { if (authorDetails != null) { URL localJarFileURL = new URL(authorDetails); InputStream in = localJarFileURL.openStream(); applicationProperties.load(in); in.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!Jalview.quiet()) jalview.bin.Console .outPrintln("Error reading author details: " + ex); authorDetails = null; } if (authorDetails == null) { applicationProperties.remove("AUTHORS"); applicationProperties.remove("AUTHORFNAMES"); applicationProperties.remove("YEAR"); } loadBuildProperties(false); SiftsSettings .setMapWithSifts(Cache.getDefault("MAP_WITH_SIFTS", false)); SiftsSettings.setSiftDownloadDirectory(Cache .getDefault("sifts_download_dir", DEFAULT_SIFTS_DOWNLOAD_DIR)); SiftsSettings.setFailSafePIDThreshold( Cache.getDefault("sifts_fail_safe_pid_threshold", DEFAULT_FAIL_SAFE_PID_THRESHOLD)); SiftsSettings.setCacheThresholdInDays( Cache.getDefault("sifts_cache_threshold_in_days", DEFAULT_CACHE_THRESHOLD_IN_DAYS)); IdOrgSettings.setUrl(getDefault("ID_ORG_HOSTURL", "https://www.jalview.org/services/identifiers")); IdOrgSettings.setDownloadLocation(ID_ORG_FILE); StructureImportSettings.setDefaultStructureFileFormat( Cache.getDefault("PDB_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT", PDB_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT)); StructureImportSettings .setDefaultPDBFileParser(DEFAULT_PDB_FILE_PARSER); // StructureImportSettings // .setDefaultPDBFileParser(Cache.getDefault( // "DEFAULT_PDB_FILE_PARSER", DEFAULT_PDB_FILE_PARSER)); String jnlpVersion = System.getProperty("jalview.version"); // jnlpVersion will be null if a latest version check for the channel needs // to be done // Dont do this check if running in headless mode if (jnlpVersion == null && getDefault("VERSION_CHECK", true) && (System.getProperty("java.awt.headless") == null || System .getProperty("java.awt.headless").equals("false"))) { class VersionChecker extends Thread { @Override public void run() { String remoteBuildPropertiesUrl = Cache .getAppbaseBuildProperties(); String orgtimeout = System .getProperty("sun.net.client.defaultConnectTimeout"); if (orgtimeout == null) { orgtimeout = "30"; Console.debug("Setting default net timeout to " + orgtimeout + " seconds."); } String remoteVersion = null; if (remoteBuildPropertiesUrl.startsWith("http")) { try { System.setProperty("sun.net.client.defaultConnectTimeout", "5000"); URL url = new URL(remoteBuildPropertiesUrl); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); Properties remoteBuildProperties = new Properties(); remoteBuildProperties.load(in); remoteVersion = remoteBuildProperties.getProperty("VERSION"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!Jalview.quiet()) { jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln( "Non-fatal exception when checking version at " + remoteBuildPropertiesUrl + ":"); jalview.bin.Console.printStackTrace(ex); } remoteVersion = getProperty("VERSION"); } } System.setProperty("sun.net.client.defaultConnectTimeout", orgtimeout); setProperty("LATEST_VERSION", remoteVersion); } } VersionChecker vc = new VersionChecker(); vc.start(); } else { if (jnlpVersion != null) { setProperty("LATEST_VERSION", jnlpVersion); } else { applicationProperties.remove("LATEST_VERSION"); } } // LOAD USERDEFINED COLOURS Cache.initUserColourSchemes(getProperty("USER_DEFINED_COLOURS")); jalview.io.PIRFile.useModellerOutput = Cache.getDefault("PIR_MODELLER", false); } /** * construct a resource URL for the given absolute resource pathname * * @param resourcePath * @return */ private static String resolveResourceURLFor(String resourcePath) { String url = null; if (Platform.isJS() || !Cache.class.getProtectionDomain() .getCodeSource().getLocation().toString().endsWith(".jar")) { try { url = Cache.class.getResource(resourcePath).toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln("Failed to resolve resource " + resourcePath + ": " + ex.getMessage()); } } else { url = "jar:".concat(Cache.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource() .getLocation().toString().concat("!" + resourcePath)); } return url; } public static void loadBuildProperties(boolean reportVersion) { String codeInstallation = getProperty("INSTALLATION"); boolean printVersion = codeInstallation == null; /* * read build properties - from the Jalview jar for a Java distribution, * or from codebase file in test or JalviewJS context */ try { String buildDetails = resolveResourceURLFor("/.build_properties"); URL localJarFileURL = new URL(buildDetails); InputStream in = localJarFileURL.openStream(); buildProperties.load(in); in.close(); if (buildProperties.getProperty("BUILD_DATE", null) != null) { applicationProperties.put("BUILD_DATE", buildProperties.getProperty("BUILD_DATE")); } if (buildProperties.getProperty("INSTALLATION", null) != null) { applicationProperties.put("INSTALLATION", buildProperties.getProperty("INSTALLATION")); } if (buildProperties.getProperty("VERSION", null) != null) { applicationProperties.put("VERSION", buildProperties.getProperty("VERSION")); } if (buildProperties.getProperty("JAVA_COMPILE_VERSION", null) != null) { applicationProperties.put("JAVA_COMPILE_VERSION", buildProperties.getProperty("JAVA_COMPILE_VERSION")); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!Jalview.quiet()) jalview.bin.Console .outPrintln("Error reading build details: " + ex); applicationProperties.remove("VERSION"); } String codeVersion = getProperty("VERSION"); codeInstallation = getProperty("INSTALLATION"); if (codeVersion == null) { // THIS SHOULD ONLY BE THE CASE WHEN TESTING!! codeVersion = "Test"; codeInstallation = ""; } else { codeInstallation = " (" + codeInstallation + ")"; } setProperty("VERSION", codeVersion); new BuildDetails(codeVersion, null, codeInstallation); if (printVersion && reportVersion) { jalview.bin.Console .outPrintln(ChannelProperties.getProperty("app_name") + " version: " + codeVersion + codeInstallation); } } private static void deleteBuildProperties() { applicationProperties.remove("LATEST_VERSION"); applicationProperties.remove("VERSION"); applicationProperties.remove("AUTHORS"); applicationProperties.remove("AUTHORFNAMES"); applicationProperties.remove("YEAR"); applicationProperties.remove("BUILD_DATE"); applicationProperties.remove("INSTALLATION"); } /** * Gets Jalview application property of given key. Returns null if key not * found * * @param key * Name of property * * @return Property value */ public static String getProperty(String key) { return getProperty(key, false); } public static String getProperty(String key, boolean skipSessionProperties) { String prop = null; if (!(skipSessionProperties || bypassSessionProperties)) { prop = getSessionProperty(key); } if (prop == null) { prop = applicationProperties.getProperty(key); } if (prop == null && Platform.isJS()) { prop = applicationProperties.getProperty(Platform.getUniqueAppletID() + "_" + JS_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key); } return prop; } /** * These methods are used when checking if the saved preference is different * to the default setting */ public static boolean getDefault(String property, boolean def) { String string = getProperty(property); if (string != null) { def = Boolean.valueOf(string).booleanValue(); } return def; } public static int getDefault(String property, int def) { String string = getProperty(property); if (string != null) { try { def = Integer.parseInt(string); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (!Jalview.quiet()) jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln("Error parsing int property '" + property + "' with value '" + string + "'"); } } return def; } public static float getDefault(String property, float def) { String string = getProperty(property); if (string != null) { try { def = Float.parseFloat(string); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (!Jalview.quiet()) jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln("Error parsing float property '" + property + "' with value '" + string + "'"); } } return def; } /** * Answers the value of the given property, or the supplied default value if * the property is not set */ public static String getDefault(String property, String def) { String value = getProperty(property); return value == null ? def : value; } /** * Stores property in the file "HOME_DIR/.jalview_properties" * * @param key * Name of object * @param obj * String value of property * * @return previous value of property (or null) */ public static Object setProperty(String key, String obj) { Object oldValue = null; try { oldValue = applicationProperties.setProperty(key, obj); if (propertiesFile != null && !propsAreReadOnly // don't rewrite if new value is same as old value && !((obj == null && oldValue == null) || (obj != null && obj.equals(oldValue)))) { // reset the session property too if (sessionProperties.containsKey(key)) { sessionProperties.remove(key); } FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(propertiesFile); applicationProperties.store(out, "---JalviewX Properties File---"); out.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!Jalview.quiet()) jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln( "Error setting property: " + key + " " + obj + "\n" + ex); } return oldValue; } /** * remove the specified property from the jalview properties file * * @param string */ public static void removeProperty(String string) { applicationProperties.remove(string); saveProperties(); } /** * save the properties to the jalview properties path */ public static void saveProperties() { if (!propsAreReadOnly) { try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(propertiesFile); applicationProperties.store(out, "---JalviewX Properties File---"); out.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!Jalview.quiet()) jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln("Error saving properties: " + ex); } } } /** * internal vamsas class discovery state */ private static int vamsasJarsArePresent = -1; /** * Searches for vamsas client classes on class path. * * @return true if vamsas client is present on classpath */ public static boolean vamsasJarsPresent() { if (vamsasJarsArePresent == -1) { try { if (jalview.jbgui.GDesktop.class.getClassLoader() .loadClass("uk.ac.vamsas.client.VorbaId") != null) { Console.debug( "Found Vamsas Classes (uk.ac..vamsas.client.VorbaId can be loaded)"); vamsasJarsArePresent = 1; JLoggerLog4j lvclient = JLoggerLog4j.getLogger("uk.ac.vamsas", Console.getCachedLogLevel("logs.Vamsas.Level")); JLoggerLog4j.addAppender(lvclient, Console.log, JALVIEW_LOGGER_NAME); // Tell the user that debug is enabled lvclient.debug(ChannelProperties.getProperty("app_name") + " Vamsas Client Debugging Output Follows."); } } catch (Exception e) { vamsasJarsArePresent = 0; Console.debug("Vamsas Classes are not present"); } } return (vamsasJarsArePresent > 0); } /** * internal vamsas class discovery state */ private static int groovyJarsArePresent = -1; /** * Searches for vamsas client classes on class path. * * @return true if vamsas client is present on classpath */ public static boolean groovyJarsPresent() { if (groovyJarsArePresent == -1) { try { if (Cache.class.getClassLoader() .loadClass("groovy.lang.GroovyObject") != null) { Console.debug( "Found Groovy (groovy.lang.GroovyObject can be loaded)"); groovyJarsArePresent = 1; JLoggerLog4j lgclient = JLoggerLog4j.getLogger("groovy", Console.getCachedLogLevel("logs.Groovy.Level")); JLoggerLog4j.addAppender(lgclient, Console.log, JALVIEW_LOGGER_NAME); // Tell the user that debug is enabled lgclient.debug(ChannelProperties.getProperty("app_name") + " Groovy Client Debugging Output Follows."); } } catch (Error e) { groovyJarsArePresent = 0; Console.debug("Groovy Classes are not present", e); } catch (Exception e) { groovyJarsArePresent = 0; Console.debug("Groovy Classes are not present"); } } return (groovyJarsArePresent > 0); } /** * Initialise the tracker if it is not done already. */ public static void initAnalytics() { Plausible.setEnabled(true); String appName = ChannelProperties.getProperty("app_name") + " Desktop"; String version = Cache.getProperty("VERSION") + "_" + Cache.getDefault("BUILD_DATE", "unknown"); String path; /* we don't want to encode ':' as "%3A" for backward compatibility with the UA setup try { path = "/" + String.join("/", URLEncoder.encode(appName, "UTF-8"), URLEncoder.encode(version, "UTF-8"), URLEncoder.encode(APPLICATION_STARTED, "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { */ List pathParts = new ArrayList<>(); pathParts.add(appName); pathParts.add(version); pathParts.add(APPLICATION_STARTED); path = ("/" + String.join("/", pathParts)).replace(' ', '+'); /* } */ Plausible plausible = Plausible.getInstance(); // This will send a new "application_launch" event with parameters // including the old-style "path", the channel name and version plausible.sendEvent("application_launch", path, true); } private static final String APPLICATION_STARTED = "Application Started"; /** * get the user's default colour if available * * @param property * @param defcolour * @return */ public static Color getDefaultColour(String property, Color defcolour) { String colprop = getProperty(property); if (colprop == null) { return defcolour; } Color col = ColorUtils.parseColourString(colprop); if (col == null) { Console.warn("Couldn't parse '" + colprop + "' as a colour for " + property); } return (col == null) ? defcolour : col; } /** * store a colour as a Jalview user default property * * @param property * @param colour */ public static void setColourProperty(String property, Color colour) { setProperty(property, jalview.util.Format.getHexString(colour)); } /** * Stores a formatted date in a jalview property, using a fixed locale. * * @param propertyName * @param date * @return the formatted date string */ public static String setDateProperty(String propertyName, Date date) { String formatted = date_format.format(date); setProperty(propertyName, formatted); return formatted; } /** * Reads a date stored in a Jalview property, parses it (using a fixed locale * format) and returns as a Date, or null if parsing fails * * @param propertyName * @return * */ public static Date getDateProperty(String propertyName) { String val = getProperty(propertyName); if (val != null) { try { return date_format.parse(val); } catch (Exception ex) { jalview.bin.Console .errPrintln("Invalid or corrupt date in property '" + propertyName + "' : value was '" + val + "'"); } } return null; } /** * get and parse a property as an integer. send any parsing problems to * System.err * * @param property * @return null or Integer */ public static Integer getIntegerProperty(String property) { String val = getProperty(property); if (val != null && (val = val.trim()).length() > 0) { try { return Integer.valueOf(val); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln("Invalid integer in property '" + property + "' (value was '" + val + "')"); } } return null; } /** * Set the specified value, or remove it if null or empty. Does not save the * properties file. * * @param propName * @param value */ public static void setOrRemove(String propName, String value) { if (propName == null) { return; } if (value == null || value.trim().length() < 1) { Cache.applicationProperties.remove(propName); } else { Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty(propName, value); } } /** * Loads in user colour schemes from files. * * @param files * a '|'-delimited list of file paths */ public static void initUserColourSchemes(String files) { if (files == null || files.length() == 0) { return; } // In case colours can't be loaded, we'll remove them // from the default list here. StringBuffer coloursFound = new StringBuffer(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(files, "|"); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { String file = st.nextToken(); try { UserColourScheme ucs = ColourSchemeLoader.loadColourScheme(file); if (ucs != null) { if (coloursFound.length() > 0) { coloursFound.append("|"); } coloursFound.append(file); ColourSchemes.getInstance().registerColourScheme(ucs); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!Jalview.quiet()) jalview.bin.Console .outPrintln("Error loading User ColourFile\n" + ex); } } if (!files.equals(coloursFound.toString())) { if (coloursFound.toString().length() > 1) { setProperty(UserDefinedColours.USER_DEFINED_COLOURS, coloursFound.toString()); } else { applicationProperties .remove(UserDefinedColours.USER_DEFINED_COLOURS); } } } /** * Initial logging information helper for various versions output * * @param prefix * @param value * @param defaultValue */ private static void appendIfNotNull(StringBuilder sb, String prefix, String value, String suffix, String defaultValue) { if (value == null && defaultValue == null) { return; } if (prefix != null) sb.append(prefix); sb.append(value == null ? defaultValue : value); if (suffix != null) sb.append(suffix); } /** * * @return Jalview version, build details and JVM platform version for console */ public static String getVersionDetailsForConsole() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(ChannelProperties.getProperty("app_name")) .append(" Version: "); sb.append(Cache.getDefault("VERSION", "TEST")); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(ChannelProperties.getProperty("app_name")) .append(" Installation: "); sb.append(Cache.getDefault("INSTALLATION", "unknown")); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Build Date: "); sb.append(Cache.getDefault("BUILD_DATE", "unknown")); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Java version: "); sb.append(System.getProperty("java.version")); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Java platform: "); sb.append(System.getProperty("os.arch")); sb.append(" "); sb.append(System.getProperty("os.name")); sb.append(" "); sb.append(System.getProperty("os.version")); sb.append("\n"); appendIfNotNull(sb, "Install4j version: ", System.getProperty("sys.install4jVersion"), "\n", null); appendIfNotNull(sb, "Install4j template version: ", System.getProperty("installer_template_version"), "\n", null); appendIfNotNull(sb, "Launcher version: ", System.getProperty("launcher_version"), "\n", null); LookAndFeel laf = UIManager.getLookAndFeel(); String lafName = laf == null ? "Not obtained" : laf.getName(); String lafClass = laf == null ? "unknown" : laf.getClass().getName(); sb.append("LookAndFeel: "); sb.append(lafName); sb.append(" ("); sb.append(lafClass); sb.append(")\n"); appendIfNotNull(sb, "Channel: ", ChannelProperties.getProperty("channel"), "\n", null); if (Console.isDebugEnabled() || !"release".equals(ChannelProperties.getProperty("channel"))) { appendIfNotNull(sb, "Getdown appdir: ", System.getProperty("getdowninstanceappdir"), "\n", null); appendIfNotNull(sb, "Getdown appbase: ", System.getProperty("getdowninstanceappbase"), "\n", null); appendIfNotNull(sb, "Java home: ", System.getProperty("java.home"), "\n", "unknown"); appendIfNotNull(sb, "Preferences file: ", propertiesFile, "\n", "unknown"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * * @return build details as reported in splashscreen */ public static String getBuildDetailsForSplash() { // consider returning more human friendly info // eg 'built from Source' or update channel return Cache.getDefault("INSTALLATION", "unknown"); } public static String getStackTraceString(Throwable t) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); t.printStackTrace(pw); return sw.toString(); } // proxy properties methods public static void clearProxyProperties() { setProxyProperties(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } public static void resetProxyProperties() { setProxyProperties(startupProxyProperties[0], startupProxyProperties[1], startupProxyProperties[2], startupProxyProperties[3], startupProxyProperties[4], startupProxyProperties[5] == null ? null : startupProxyProperties[5].toCharArray(), startupProxyProperties[6], startupProxyProperties[7] == null ? null : startupProxyProperties[7].toCharArray(), startupProxyProperties[8]); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Setting proxy properties to: http.proxyHost=") .append(startupProxyProperties[0]).append(", http.proxyPort=") .append(startupProxyProperties[1]) .append(startupProxyProperties[4] != null && !startupProxyProperties[4].isEmpty() ? " [" + startupProxyProperties[4] + "]" : "") .append(", https.proxyHost=").append(startupProxyProperties[2]) .append(", https.proxyPort=").append(startupProxyProperties[3]) .append(startupProxyProperties[6] != null && !startupProxyProperties[6].isEmpty() ? " [" + startupProxyProperties[6] + "]" : ""); Console.debug(sb.toString()); } public static void setProxyPropertiesFromPreferences() { setProxyPropertiesFromPreferences(Cache.PROXYTYPE_SYSTEM); } public static void setProxyPropertiesFromPreferences( String previousProxyType) { String proxyType = Cache.getDefault("USE_PROXY", Cache.PROXYTYPE_SYSTEM); if (previousProxyType != null && !proxyType.equals(Cache.PROXYTYPE_CUSTOM) // always apply // customProxy && proxyType.equals(previousProxyType)) { // no change return; } switch (proxyType) { case Cache.PROXYTYPE_NONE: if (!previousProxyType.equals(proxyType)) { Console.info("Setting no proxy settings"); Cache.setProxyProperties(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } break; case Cache.PROXYTYPE_CUSTOM: // always re-set a custom proxy -- it might have changed, particularly // password Console.info("Setting custom proxy settings"); boolean proxyAuthSet = Cache.getDefault("PROXY_AUTH", false); Cache.setProxyProperties(Cache.getDefault("PROXY_SERVER", null), Cache.getDefault("PROXY_PORT", null), Cache.getDefault("PROXY_SERVER_HTTPS", null), Cache.getDefault("PROXY_PORT_HTTPS", null), proxyAuthSet ? Cache.getDefault("PROXY_AUTH_USERNAME", "") : null, proxyAuthSet ? Cache.proxyAuthPassword : null, proxyAuthSet ? Cache.getDefault("PROXY_AUTH_USERNAME", "") : null, proxyAuthSet ? Cache.proxyAuthPassword : null, "localhost"); break; default: // system proxy settings by default Console.info("Setting system proxy settings"); Cache.resetProxyProperties(); } } public static void setProxyProperties(String httpHost, String httpPort, String httpsHost, String httpsPort, String httpUser, char[] httpPassword, String httpsUser, char[] httpsPassword, String nonProxyHosts) { setOrClearSystemProperty("http.proxyHost", httpHost); setOrClearSystemProperty("http.proxyPort", httpPort); setOrClearSystemProperty("https.proxyHost", httpsHost); setOrClearSystemProperty("https.proxyPort", httpsPort); setOrClearSystemProperty("http.proxyUser", httpUser); setOrClearSystemProperty("https.proxyUser", httpsUser); // note: passwords for http.proxyPassword and https.proxyPassword are sent // via the Authenticator, properties do not need to be set // are we using a custom proxy (password prompt might be required)? boolean customProxySet = getDefault("USE_PROXY", PROXYTYPE_SYSTEM) .equals(PROXYTYPE_CUSTOM); /* * A bug in Java means the AuthCache does not get reset, so once it has working credentials, * it never asks for more, so changing the Authenticator has no effect (as getPasswordAuthentication() * is not re-called). * This could lead to password leak to a hostile proxy server, so I'm putting in a hack to clear * the AuthCache. * see https://www.generacodice.com/en/articolo/154918/Reset-the-Authenticator-credentials * ... * Turns out this is only accessible in Java 8, and not in Java 9 onwards, so commenting out */ /* try { sun.net.www.protocol.http.AuthCacheValue .setAuthCache(new sun.net.www.protocol.http.AuthCacheImpl()); } catch (Throwable t) { Cache.error(t.getMessage()); Cache.debug(getStackTraceString(t)); } */ if (httpUser != null || httpsUser != null) { try { char[] displayHttpPw = new char[httpPassword == null ? 0 : httpPassword.length]; Arrays.fill(displayHttpPw, '*'); Console.debug( "CACHE Proxy: setting new Authenticator with httpUser='" + httpUser + "' httpPassword='" + displayHttpPw + "'"); if (!Platform.isJS()) /* * * java.net.Authenticator not implemented in SwingJS yet * * @j2sIgnore * */ { Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { if (getRequestorType() == RequestorType.PROXY) { String protocol = getRequestingProtocol(); boolean needProxyPasswordSet = false; if (customProxySet && // we have a username but no password for the scheme being // requested (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("http") && (httpUser != null && httpUser.length() > 0 && (httpPassword == null || httpPassword.length == 0))) || (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("https") && (httpsUser != null && httpsUser.length() > 0 && (httpsPassword == null || httpsPassword.length == 0)))) { // open Preferences -> Connections String message = MessageManager .getString("label.proxy_password_required"); Preferences.openPreferences( Preferences.TabRef.CONNECTIONS_TAB, message); Preferences.getInstance() .proxyAuthPasswordCheckHighlight(true, true); } else { try { if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("http") && getRequestingHost() .equalsIgnoreCase(httpHost) && getRequestingPort() == Integer .valueOf(httpPort)) { Console.debug( "AUTHENTICATOR returning PasswordAuthentication(\"" + httpUser + "\", '" + new String(displayHttpPw) + "')"); return new PasswordAuthentication(httpUser, httpPassword); } if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("https") && getRequestingHost() .equalsIgnoreCase(httpsHost) && getRequestingPort() == Integer .valueOf(httpsPort)) { char[] displayHttpsPw = new char[httpPassword.length]; Arrays.fill(displayHttpsPw, '*'); Console.debug( "AUTHENTICATOR returning PasswordAuthentication(\"" + httpsUser + "\", '" + displayHttpsPw + "'"); return new PasswordAuthentication(httpsUser, httpsPassword); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Console.error("Problem with proxy port values [http:" + httpPort + ", https:" + httpsPort + "]"); } Console.debug( "AUTHENTICATOR after trying to get PasswordAuthentication"); } } // non proxy request Console.debug("AUTHENTICATOR returning null"); return null; } }); } // end of j2sIgnore for java.net.Authenticator // required to re-enable basic authentication (should be okay for a // local proxy) Console.debug( "AUTHENTICATOR setting property 'jdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes' to \"\""); System.setProperty("jdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes", ""); } catch (SecurityException e) { Console.error("Could not set default Authenticator"); Console.debug(getStackTraceString(e)); } } else { // reset the Authenticator to protect http.proxyUser and // http.proxyPassword Just In Case /* as noted above, due to bug in java this doesn't work if the sun.net.www.protocol.http.AuthCache * has working credentials. No workaround for Java 11. */ if (!Platform.isJS()) /* * * java.net.Authenticator not implemented in SwingJS yet * * @j2sIgnore * */ { Console.debug( "AUTHENTICATOR setting default Authenticator to null"); Authenticator.setDefault(null); } } // nonProxyHosts not currently configurable in Preferences Console.debug( "AUTHENTICATOR setting property 'http.nonProxyHosts' to \"" + nonProxyHosts + "\""); setOrClearSystemProperty("http.nonProxyHosts", nonProxyHosts); } public static void setOrClearSystemProperty(String key, char[] value) { setOrClearSystemProperty(key, (value == null) ? null : new String(value)); } public static void setOrClearSystemProperty(String key, String value) { if (key == null) { return; } if (value == null) { System.clearProperty(key); } else { System.setProperty(key, value); } } /** * Getdown appbase methods */ private static final String releaseAppbase; private static String getdownAppbase; private static String getdownDistDir; static { if (!Platform.isJS()) { Float specversion = Float .parseFloat(System.getProperty("java.specification.version")); releaseAppbase = (specversion < 9) ? "https://www.jalview.org/getdown/release/1.8" : "https://www.jalview.org/getdown/release/11"; } else { // this value currenly made up, can be changed to URL that will be // "https://www.jalview.org/jalview-js/swingjs/j2s/build_properties" releaseAppbase = "https://www.jalview.org/jalview-js"; getdownAppbase = releaseAppbase; getdownDistDir = "/swingjs/j2s"; } } // look for properties (passed in by getdown) otherwise default to release private static void setGetdownAppbase() { if (getdownAppbase != null) { return; } String appbase = System.getProperty("getdownappbase"); String distDir = System.getProperty("getdowndistdir"); if (appbase == null) { appbase = buildProperties.getProperty("GETDOWNAPPBASE"); distDir = buildProperties.getProperty("GETDOWNAPPDISTDIR"); } if (appbase == null) { appbase = releaseAppbase; distDir = "release"; } if (appbase.endsWith("/")) { appbase = appbase.substring(0, appbase.length() - 1); } if (distDir == null) { distDir = appbase.equals(releaseAppbase) ? "release" : "alt"; } getdownAppbase = appbase; getdownDistDir = distDir; } public static String getGetdownAppbase() { setGetdownAppbase(); return getdownAppbase; } public static String getAppbaseBuildProperties() { String appbase = getGetdownAppbase(); return appbase + "/" + getdownDistDir + "/build_properties"; } private static final Collection bootstrapProperties = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList(JALVIEWLOGLEVEL, BOOTSTRAP_TEST)); public static final String PDB_CHAIN_NAME = "PDB_CHAIN_NAME"; public static Properties bootstrapProperties(String filename) { Properties bootstrapProps = new Properties(); File file = null; if (filename != null) { file = new File(filename); } if (file == null || !file.exists()) { if (file != null) { jalview.bin.Console .errPrintln("Could not load bootstrap preferences file '" + file.getPath() + "'"); } String channelPrefsFilename = ChannelProperties .getProperty("preferences.filename"); String propertiesFilename = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + channelPrefsFilename; jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln( "Using default properties file '" + propertiesFilename + "'"); file = new File(propertiesFilename); } if (file == null || !file.exists()) { String releasePrefsFilename = fallbackPropertiesFile; String releasePropertiesFilename = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + releasePrefsFilename; jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln("Falling back to properties file '" + releasePropertiesFilename + "'"); file = new File(releasePropertiesFilename); } if (!file.exists()) { jalview.bin.Console .errPrintln("Could not load bootstrap preferences file '" + file.getPath() + "'"); return null; } try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file.getAbsoluteFile()); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(in); for (String prop : bootstrapProperties) { if (props.containsKey(prop)) bootstrapProps.put(prop, props.getProperty(prop)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { jalview.bin.Console .errPrintln("Could not find bootstrap preferences file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); } catch (IOException e) { jalview.bin.Console.errPrintln( "IOException when loading bootstrap preferences file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); } return bootstrapProps; } public static void setSessionProperty(String key, String val) { if (key != null) { sessionProperties.put(key, val); } } public static String getSessionProperty(String key) { return key == null ? null : sessionProperties.get(key); } public static boolean getArgCacheDefault(Arg a, String pref, boolean def) { ArgParser ap = Jalview.getInstance().getArgParser(); return ap.isSet(a) ? ap.getBoolean(a) : getDefault(pref, def); } }