/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.bin; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import jalview.analysis.AlignmentUtils; import jalview.api.structures.JalviewStructureDisplayI; import jalview.bin.Jalview.ExitCode; import jalview.bin.argparser.Arg; import jalview.bin.argparser.ArgParser; import jalview.bin.argparser.ArgValue; import jalview.bin.argparser.ArgValuesMap; import jalview.bin.argparser.SubVals; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.datamodel.annotations.AlphaFoldAnnotationRowBuilder; import jalview.gui.AlignFrame; import jalview.gui.AlignmentPanel; import jalview.gui.AppJmol; import jalview.gui.Desktop; import jalview.gui.Preferences; import jalview.gui.StructureChooser; import jalview.gui.StructureViewer; import jalview.gui.StructureViewer.ViewerType; import jalview.io.AppletFormatAdapter; import jalview.io.BackupFiles; import jalview.io.BioJsHTMLOutput; import jalview.io.DataSourceType; import jalview.io.FileFormat; import jalview.io.FileFormatException; import jalview.io.FileFormatI; import jalview.io.FileFormats; import jalview.io.FileLoader; import jalview.io.HtmlSvgOutput; import jalview.io.IdentifyFile; import jalview.io.NewickFile; import jalview.io.exceptions.ImageOutputException; import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeI; import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeProperty; import jalview.structure.StructureCommandI; import jalview.structure.StructureImportSettings.TFType; import jalview.structure.StructureSelectionManager; import jalview.util.ColorUtils; import jalview.util.FileUtils; import jalview.util.HttpUtils; import jalview.util.ImageMaker; import jalview.util.ImageMaker.TYPE; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import jalview.util.Platform; import jalview.util.StringUtils; import jalview.util.imagemaker.BitmapImageSizing; public class Commands { Desktop desktop; private boolean headless; private ArgParser argParser; private Map afMap; private Map> svMap; private boolean commandArgsProvided = false; private boolean argsWereParsed = false; private List errors = new ArrayList<>(); public Commands(ArgParser argparser, boolean headless) { this(Desktop.instance, argparser, headless); } public Commands(Desktop d, ArgParser argparser, boolean h) { argParser = argparser; headless = h; desktop = d; afMap = new HashMap<>(); } protected boolean processArgs() { if (argParser == null) { return true; } boolean theseArgsWereParsed = false; if (argParser != null && argParser.getLinkedIds() != null) { for (String id : argParser.getLinkedIds()) { ArgValuesMap avm = argParser.getLinkedArgs(id); theseArgsWereParsed = true; boolean processLinkedOkay = processLinked(id); theseArgsWereParsed &= processLinkedOkay; processGroovyScript(id); // wait around until alignFrame isn't busy AlignFrame af = afMap.get(id); while (af != null && af.getViewport().isCalcInProgress()) { try { Thread.sleep(25); } catch (Exception q) { } ; } theseArgsWereParsed &= processImages(id); if (processLinkedOkay) { theseArgsWereParsed &= processOutput(id); } // close ap if (avm.getBoolean(Arg.CLOSE)) { af = afMap.get(id); if (af != null) { af.closeMenuItem_actionPerformed(true); } } } } // report errors - if any String errorsRaised = errorsToString(); if (errorsRaised.trim().length() > 0) { Console.warn( "The following errors and warnings occurred whilst processing files:\n" + errorsRaised); } // gui errors reported in Jalview if (argParser.getBoolean(Arg.QUIT)) { Jalview.exit("Exiting due to " + Arg.QUIT.argString() + " argument.", ExitCode.OK); return true; } // carry on with jalview.bin.Jalview argsWereParsed = theseArgsWereParsed; return argsWereParsed; } public boolean commandArgsProvided() { return commandArgsProvided; } public boolean argsWereParsed() { return argsWereParsed; } protected boolean processLinked(String id) { boolean theseArgsWereParsed = false; ArgValuesMap avm = argParser.getLinkedArgs(id); if (avm == null) { return true; } Boolean isError = Boolean.valueOf(false); // set wrap, showSSAnnotations, showAnnotations and hideTFrows scope here so // it can be applied after structures are opened boolean wrap = false; boolean showSSAnnotations = false; boolean showAnnotations = false; boolean hideTFrows = false; AlignFrame af = null; if (avm.containsArg(Arg.APPEND) || avm.containsArg(Arg.OPEN)) { commandArgsProvided = true; final long progress = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean first = true; boolean progressBarSet = false; // Combine the APPEND and OPEN files into one list, along with whether it // was APPEND or OPEN List openAvList = new ArrayList<>(); openAvList.addAll(avm.getArgValueList(Arg.OPEN)); openAvList.addAll(avm.getArgValueList(Arg.APPEND)); // sort avlist based on av.getArgIndex() Collections.sort(openAvList); for (ArgValue av : openAvList) { Arg a = av.getArg(); SubVals sv = av.getSubVals(); String openFile = av.getValue(); if (openFile == null) continue; theseArgsWereParsed = true; if (first) { first = false; if (!headless && desktop != null) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { desktop.setProgressBar( MessageManager.getString( "status.processing_commandline_args"), progress); } }); progressBarSet = true; } } if (!Platform.isJS()) /** * ignore in JavaScript -- can't just file existence - could load it? * * @j2sIgnore */ { if (!HttpUtils.startsWithHttpOrHttps(openFile)) { if (!(new File(openFile)).exists()) { addError("Can't find file '" + openFile + "'"); isError = true; continue; } } } DataSourceType protocol = AppletFormatAdapter .checkProtocol(openFile); FileFormatI format = null; try { format = new IdentifyFile().identify(openFile, protocol); } catch (FileNotFoundException e0) { addError((protocol == DataSourceType.URL ? "File at URL" : "File") + " '" + openFile + "' not found"); } catch (FileFormatException e1) { addError("Unknown file format for '" + openFile + "'"); isError = true; continue; } af = afMap.get(id); // When to open a new AlignFrame if (af == null || "true".equals(av.getSubVal("new")) || a == Arg.OPEN || format == FileFormat.Jalview) { if (a == Arg.OPEN) { Jalview.testoutput(argParser, Arg.OPEN, "examples/uniref50.fa", openFile); } Console.debug( "Opening '" + openFile + "' in new alignment frame"); FileLoader fileLoader = new FileLoader(!headless); boolean xception = false; try { af = fileLoader.LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(openFile, protocol, format); } catch (Throwable thr) { xception = true; addError("Couldn't open '" + openFile + "' as " + format + " " + thr.getLocalizedMessage() + " (Enable debug for full stack trace)"); isError = true; Console.debug("Exception when opening '" + openFile + "'", thr); } finally { if (af == null && !xception) { addInfo("Ignoring '" + openFile + "' - no alignment data found."); continue; } } // colour alignment String colour = null; if (avm.containsArg(Arg.COLOUR) || !(format == FileFormat.Jalview)) { colour = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref(av, Arg.COLOUR, sv, null, "DEFAULT_COLOUR_PROT", null); } if (colour != null) { this.colourAlignFrame(af, colour); } // Change alignment frame title String title = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref(av, Arg.TITLE, sv, null, null, null); if (title != null) { af.setTitle(title); Jalview.testoutput(argParser, Arg.TITLE, "test title", title); } // Add features String featuresfile = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(av, Arg.FEATURES, sv); if (featuresfile != null) { af.parseFeaturesFile(featuresfile, AppletFormatAdapter.checkProtocol(featuresfile)); Jalview.testoutput(argParser, Arg.FEATURES, "examples/testdata/plantfdx.features", featuresfile); } // Add annotations from file String annotationsfile = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(av, Arg.ANNOTATIONS, sv); if (annotationsfile != null) { af.loadJalviewDataFile(annotationsfile, null, null, null); Jalview.testoutput(argParser, Arg.ANNOTATIONS, "examples/testdata/plantfdx.annotations", annotationsfile); } // Set or clear the sortbytree flag boolean sortbytree = avm.getBoolFromSubValOrArg(Arg.SORTBYTREE, sv); if (sortbytree) { af.getViewport().setSortByTree(true); Jalview.testoutput(argParser, Arg.SORTBYTREE); } // Load tree from file String treefile = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(av, Arg.TREE, sv); if (treefile != null) { try { NewickFile nf = new NewickFile(treefile, AppletFormatAdapter.checkProtocol(treefile)); af.getViewport().setCurrentTree( af.showNewickTree(nf, treefile).getTree()); Jalview.testoutput(argParser, Arg.TREE, "examples/testdata/uniref50_test_tree", treefile); } catch (IOException e) { addError("Couldn't add tree " + treefile, e); isError = true; } } // Show secondary structure annotations? showSSAnnotations = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref( Arg.SHOWSSANNOTATIONS, av.getSubVals(), null, "STRUCT_FROM_PDB", true); // Show sequence annotations? showAnnotations = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref(Arg.SHOWANNOTATIONS, av.getSubVals(), null, "SHOW_ANNOTATIONS", true); // hide the Temperature Factor row? hideTFrows = (avm.getBoolean(Arg.NOTEMPFAC)); // showSSAnnotations, showAnnotations, hideTFrows used after opening // structure // wrap alignment? do this last for formatting reasons wrap = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref(Arg.WRAP, sv, null, "WRAP_ALIGNMENT", false); // af.setWrapFormat(wrap) is applied after structures are opened for // annotation reasons // store the AlignFrame for this id afMap.put(id, af); // is it its own structure file? if (format.isStructureFile()) { StructureSelectionManager ssm = StructureSelectionManager .getStructureSelectionManager(Desktop.instance); SequenceI seq = af.alignPanel.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(0); ssm.computeMapping(false, new SequenceI[] { seq }, null, openFile, DataSourceType.FILE, null, null, null, false); } } else { Console.debug( "Opening '" + openFile + "' in existing alignment frame"); DataSourceType dst = HttpUtils.startsWithHttpOrHttps(openFile) ? DataSourceType.URL : DataSourceType.FILE; FileLoader fileLoader = new FileLoader(!headless); fileLoader.LoadFile(af.getCurrentView(), openFile, dst, null, false); } Console.debug("Command " + Arg.APPEND + " executed successfully!"); } if (first) // first=true means nothing opened { if (headless) { Jalview.exit("Could not open any files in headless mode", ExitCode.NO_FILES); } else { Console.info("No more files to open"); } } if (progressBarSet && desktop != null) desktop.setProgressBar(null, progress); } // open the structure (from same PDB file or given PDBfile) if (!avm.getBoolean(Arg.NOSTRUCTURE)) { if (af == null) { af = afMap.get(id); } if (avm.containsArg(Arg.STRUCTURE)) { commandArgsProvided = true; for (ArgValue structureAv : avm.getArgValueList(Arg.STRUCTURE)) { argParser.setStructureFilename(null); String val = structureAv.getValue(); SubVals subVals = structureAv.getSubVals(); int argIndex = structureAv.getArgIndex(); SequenceI seq = getSpecifiedSequence(af, avm, structureAv); if (seq == null) { // Could not find sequence from subId, let's assume the first // sequence in the alignframe AlignmentI al = af.getCurrentView().getAlignment(); seq = al.getSequenceAt(0); } if (seq == null) { addWarn("Could not find sequence for argument " + Arg.STRUCTURE.argString() + "=" + val); continue; } String structureFilename = null; File structureFile = null; if (subVals.getContent() != null && subVals.getContent().length() != 0) { structureFilename = subVals.getContent(); Console.debug("Using structure file (from argument) '" + structureFilename + "'"); structureFile = new File(structureFilename); } /* THIS DOESN'T WORK */ else if (seq.getAllPDBEntries() != null && seq.getAllPDBEntries().size() > 0) { structureFile = new File( seq.getAllPDBEntries().elementAt(0).getFile()); if (structureFile != null) { Console.debug("Using structure file (from sequence) '" + structureFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); } structureFilename = structureFile.getAbsolutePath(); } if (structureFilename == null || structureFile == null) { addWarn("Not provided structure file with '" + val + "'"); continue; } if (!structureFile.exists()) { addWarn("Structure file '" + structureFile.getAbsoluteFile() + "' not found."); continue; } Console.debug("Using structure file " + structureFile.getAbsolutePath()); argParser.setStructureFilename(structureFilename); // open structure view AlignmentPanel ap = af.alignPanel; if (headless) { Cache.setProperty(Preferences.STRUCTURE_DISPLAY, StructureViewer.ViewerType.JMOL.toString()); } String structureFilepath = structureFile.getAbsolutePath(); // get PAEMATRIX file and label from subvals or Arg.PAEMATRIX String paeFilepath = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPrefWithSubstitutions( argParser, Arg.PAEMATRIX, ArgValuesMap.Position.AFTER, structureAv, subVals, null, null, null); if (paeFilepath != null) { File paeFile = new File(paeFilepath); try { paeFilepath = paeFile.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { paeFilepath = paeFile.getAbsolutePath(); addWarn("Problem with the PAE file path: '" + paeFile.getPath() + "'"); } } // showing annotations from structure file or not boolean ssFromStructure = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref( Arg.SHOWSSANNOTATIONS, subVals, null, "STRUCT_FROM_PDB", true); // get TEMPFAC type from subvals or Arg.TEMPFAC in case user Adds // reference annotations String tftString = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPrefWithSubstitutions( argParser, Arg.TEMPFAC, ArgValuesMap.Position.AFTER, structureAv, subVals, null, null, null); boolean notempfac = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref(Arg.NOTEMPFAC, subVals, null, "ADD_TEMPFACT_ANN", false, true); TFType tft = notempfac ? null : TFType.DEFAULT; if (tftString != null && !notempfac) { // get kind of temperature factor annotation try { tft = TFType.valueOf(tftString.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); Console.debug("Obtained Temperature Factor type of '" + tft + "' for structure '" + structureFilepath + "'"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Just an error message! StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("Cannot set ") .append(Arg.TEMPFAC.argString()).append(" to '") .append(tft) .append("', ignoring. Valid values are: "); Iterator it = Arrays.stream(TFType.values()) .iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { sb.append(it.next().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); if (it.hasNext()) sb.append(", "); } addWarn(sb.toString()); } } String sViewerName = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref( Arg.STRUCTUREVIEWER, ArgValuesMap.Position.AFTER, structureAv, subVals, null, null, "jmol"); ViewerType viewerType = ViewerType.getFromString(sViewerName); // TODO use ssFromStructure StructureViewer structureViewer = StructureChooser .openStructureFileForSequence(null, null, ap, seq, false, structureFilepath, tft, paeFilepath, false, ssFromStructure, false, viewerType); if (structureViewer == null) { if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sViewerName, "none")) { addError("Failed to import and open structure view for file '" + structureFile + "'."); } continue; } try { long tries = 1000; while (structureViewer.isBusy() && tries > 0) { Thread.sleep(25); if (structureViewer.isBusy()) { tries--; Console.debug( "Waiting for viewer for " + structureFilepath); } } if (tries == 0 && structureViewer.isBusy()) { addWarn("Gave up waiting for structure viewer to load file '" + structureFile + "'. Something may have gone wrong."); } } catch (Exception x) { addError("Exception whilst waiting for structure viewer " + structureFilepath, x); isError = true; } // add StructureViewer to svMap list if (svMap == null) { svMap = new HashMap<>(); } if (svMap.get(id) == null) { svMap.put(id, new ArrayList<>()); } svMap.get(id).add(structureViewer); Console.debug( "Successfully opened viewer for " + structureFilepath); if (avm.containsArg(Arg.STRUCTUREIMAGE)) { for (ArgValue structureImageArgValue : avm .getArgValueListFromSubValOrArg(structureAv, Arg.STRUCTUREIMAGE, subVals)) { String structureImageFilename = argParser.makeSubstitutions( structureImageArgValue.getValue(), id, true); if (structureViewer != null && structureImageFilename != null) { SubVals structureImageSubVals = null; structureImageSubVals = structureImageArgValue.getSubVals(); File structureImageFile = new File(structureImageFilename); String width = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg( structureImageArgValue, Arg.WIDTH, structureImageSubVals); String height = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg( structureImageArgValue, Arg.HEIGHT, structureImageSubVals); String scale = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg( structureImageArgValue, Arg.SCALE, structureImageSubVals); String renderer = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg( structureImageArgValue, Arg.TEXTRENDERER, structureImageSubVals); String typeS = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg( structureImageArgValue, Arg.TYPE, structureImageSubVals); if (typeS == null || typeS.length() == 0) { typeS = FileUtils.getExtension(structureImageFile); } TYPE imageType; try { imageType = Enum.valueOf(TYPE.class, typeS.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { addWarn("Do not know image format '" + typeS + "', using PNG"); imageType = TYPE.PNG; } BitmapImageSizing userBis = ImageMaker .parseScaleWidthHeightStrings(scale, width, height); ///// // DON'T TRY TO EXPORT IF VIEWER IS UNSUPPORTED if (viewerType != ViewerType.JMOL) { addWarn("Cannot export image for structure viewer " + viewerType.name() + " yet"); continue; } ///// // Apply the temporary colourscheme to the linked alignment // TODO: enhance for multiple linked alignments. String imageColour = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg( structureImageArgValue, Arg.IMAGECOLOUR, structureImageSubVals); ColourSchemeI originalColourScheme = this .getColourScheme(af); this.colourAlignFrame(af, imageColour); ///// // custom image background colour String bgcolourstring = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg( structureImageArgValue, Arg.BGCOLOUR, structureImageSubVals); Color bgcolour = null; if (bgcolourstring != null && bgcolourstring.length() > 0) { bgcolour = ColorUtils.parseColourString(bgcolourstring); if (bgcolour == null) { Console.warn( "Background colour string '" + bgcolourstring + "' not recognised -- using default"); } } JalviewStructureDisplayI sview = structureViewer .getJalviewStructureDisplay(); File sessionToRestore = null; List extraCommands = new ArrayList<>(); if (extraCommands.size() > 0 || bgcolour != null) { try { sessionToRestore = sview.saveSession(); } catch (Throwable t) { Console.warn( "Unable to save temporary session file before custom structure view export operation."); } } //// // Do temporary ops if (bgcolour != null) { sview.getBinding().setBackgroundColour(bgcolour); } sview.getBinding().executeCommands(extraCommands, false, "Executing Custom Commands"); // and export the view as an image boolean success = this.checksBeforeWritingToFile(avm, subVals, false, structureImageFilename, "structure image", isError); if (!success) { continue; } Console.debug("Rendering image to " + structureImageFile); // // TODO - extend StructureViewer / Binding with makePDBImage so // we can do this with every viewer // try { // We don't expect class cast exception AppJmol jmol = (AppJmol) sview; jmol.makePDBImage(structureImageFile, imageType, renderer, userBis); Console.info("Exported structure image to " + structureImageFile); // RESTORE SESSION AFTER EXPORT IF NEED BE if (sessionToRestore != null) { Console.debug( "Restoring session from " + sessionToRestore); sview.getBinding().restoreSession( sessionToRestore.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (ImageOutputException ioexec) { addError( "Unexpected error when restoring structure viewer session after custom view operations."); isError = true; continue; } finally { try { this.colourAlignFrame(af, originalColourScheme); } catch (Exception t) { addError( "Unexpected error when restoring colourscheme to alignment after temporary change for export.", t); } } } } } argParser.setStructureFilename(null); } } } if (af == null) { af = afMap.get(id); } // many of jalview's format/layout methods are only thread safe on the // swingworker thread. // all these methods should be on the alignViewController so it can // coordinate such details if (headless) { showOrHideAnnotations(af, showSSAnnotations, showAnnotations, hideTFrows); } else { try { AlignFrame _af = af; final boolean _showSSAnnotations = showSSAnnotations; final boolean _showAnnotations = showAnnotations; final boolean _hideTFrows = hideTFrows; SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> { showOrHideAnnotations(_af, _showSSAnnotations, _showAnnotations, _hideTFrows); } ); } catch (Exception x) { Console.warn( "Unexpected exception adjusting annotation row visibility.", x); } } if (wrap) { if (af == null) { af = afMap.get(id); } if (af != null) { af.setWrapFormat(wrap, true); } } /* boolean doShading = avm.getBoolean(Arg.TEMPFAC_SHADING); if (doShading) { AlignFrame af = afMap.get(id); for (AlignmentAnnotation aa : af.alignPanel.getAlignment() .findAnnotation(PDBChain.class.getName().toString())) { AnnotationColourGradient acg = new AnnotationColourGradient(aa, af.alignPanel.av.getGlobalColourScheme(), 0); acg.setSeqAssociated(true); af.changeColour(acg); Console.info("Changed colour " + acg.toString()); } } */ return theseArgsWereParsed && !isError; } private static void showOrHideAnnotations(AlignFrame af, boolean showSSAnnotations, boolean showAnnotations, boolean hideTFrows) { af.setAnnotationsVisibility(showSSAnnotations, true, false); af.setAnnotationsVisibility(showAnnotations, false, true); // show temperature factor annotations? if (hideTFrows) { // do this better (annotation types?) List hideThese = new ArrayList<>(); hideThese.add("Temperature Factor"); hideThese.add(AlphaFoldAnnotationRowBuilder.LABEL); AlignmentUtils.showOrHideSequenceAnnotations( af.getCurrentView().getAlignment(), hideThese, null, false, false); } } protected void processGroovyScript(String id) { ArgValuesMap avm = argParser.getLinkedArgs(id); AlignFrame af = afMap.get(id); if (avm != null && !avm.containsArg(Arg.GROOVY)) { // nothing to do return; } if (af == null) { addWarn("Groovy script does not have an alignment window. Proceeding with caution!"); } if (avm.containsArg(Arg.GROOVY)) { for (ArgValue groovyAv : avm.getArgValueList(Arg.GROOVY)) { String groovyscript = groovyAv.getValue(); if (groovyscript != null) { // Execute the groovy script after we've done all the rendering stuff // and before any images or figures are generated. Console.info("Executing script " + groovyscript); Jalview.getInstance().executeGroovyScript(groovyscript, af); } } } } protected boolean processImages(String id) { ArgValuesMap avm = argParser.getLinkedArgs(id); AlignFrame af = afMap.get(id); if (avm != null && !avm.containsArg(Arg.IMAGE)) { // nothing to do return true; } if (af == null) { addWarn("Do not have an alignment window to create image from (id=" + id + "). Not proceeding."); return false; } Boolean isError = Boolean.valueOf(false); if (avm.containsArg(Arg.IMAGE)) { for (ArgValue imageAv : avm.getArgValueList(Arg.IMAGE)) { String val = imageAv.getValue(); SubVals imageSubVals = imageAv.getSubVals(); String fileName = imageSubVals.getContent(); File file = new File(fileName); String name = af.getName(); String renderer = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(imageAv, Arg.TEXTRENDERER, imageSubVals); if (renderer == null) renderer = "text"; String type = "png"; // default String scale = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(imageAv, Arg.SCALE, imageSubVals); String width = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(imageAv, Arg.WIDTH, imageSubVals); String height = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(imageAv, Arg.HEIGHT, imageSubVals); BitmapImageSizing userBis = ImageMaker .parseScaleWidthHeightStrings(scale, width, height); type = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(imageAv, Arg.TYPE, imageSubVals); if (type == null && fileName != null) { for (String ext : new String[] { "svg", "png", "html", "eps" }) { if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith("." + ext)) { type = ext; } } } // for moment we disable JSON export Cache.setPropsAreReadOnly(true); Cache.setProperty("EXPORT_EMBBED_BIOJSON", "false"); String imageColour = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(imageAv, Arg.IMAGECOLOUR, imageSubVals); ColourSchemeI originalColourScheme = this.getColourScheme(af); this.colourAlignFrame(af, imageColour); Console.info("Writing " + file); boolean success = checksBeforeWritingToFile(avm, imageSubVals, false, fileName, "image", isError); if (!success) { continue; } try { switch (type) { case "svg": Console.debug("Outputting type '" + type + "' to " + fileName); af.createSVG(file, renderer); break; case "png": Console.debug("Outputting type '" + type + "' to " + fileName); af.createPNG(file, null, userBis); break; case "html": Console.debug("Outputting type '" + type + "' to " + fileName); HtmlSvgOutput htmlSVG = new HtmlSvgOutput(af.alignPanel); htmlSVG.exportHTML(fileName, renderer); break; case "biojs": Console.debug( "Outputting BioJS MSA Viwer HTML file: " + fileName); try { BioJsHTMLOutput.refreshVersionInfo( BioJsHTMLOutput.BJS_TEMPLATES_LOCAL_DIRECTORY); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } BioJsHTMLOutput bjs = new BioJsHTMLOutput(af.alignPanel); bjs.exportHTML(fileName); break; case "eps": Console.debug("Outputting EPS file: " + fileName); af.createEPS(file, renderer); break; case "imagemap": Console.debug("Outputting ImageMap file: " + fileName); af.createImageMap(file, name); break; default: addWarn(Arg.IMAGE.argString() + " type '" + type + "' not known. Ignoring"); break; } } catch (Exception ioex) { addError("Unexpected error during export to '" + fileName + "'", ioex); isError = true; } this.colourAlignFrame(af, originalColourScheme); } } return !isError; } protected boolean processOutput(String id) { ArgValuesMap avm = argParser.getLinkedArgs(id); AlignFrame af = afMap.get(id); if (avm != null && !avm.containsArg(Arg.OUTPUT)) { // nothing to do return true; } if (af == null) { addWarn("Do not have an alignment window (id=" + id + "). Not proceeding."); return false; } Boolean isError = Boolean.valueOf(false); if (avm.containsArg(Arg.OUTPUT)) { for (ArgValue av : avm.getArgValueList(Arg.OUTPUT)) { String val = av.getValue(); SubVals subVals = av.getSubVals(); String fileName = subVals.getContent(); boolean stdout = ArgParser.STDOUTFILENAME.equals(fileName); File file = new File(fileName); String name = af.getName(); String format = avm.getValueFromSubValOrArg(av, Arg.FORMAT, subVals); FileFormats ffs = FileFormats.getInstance(); List validFormats = ffs.getWritableFormats(false); FileFormatI ff = null; if (format == null && fileName != null) { FORMAT: for (String fname : validFormats) { FileFormatI tff = ffs.forName(fname); String[] extensions = tff.getExtensions().split(","); for (String ext : extensions) { if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith("." + ext)) { ff = tff; format = ff.getName(); break FORMAT; } } } } if (ff == null && format != null) { ff = ffs.forName(format); } if (ff == null) { if (stdout) { ff = FileFormat.Fasta; } else { StringBuilder validSB = new StringBuilder(); for (String f : validFormats) { if (validSB.length() > 0) validSB.append(", "); validSB.append(f); FileFormatI tff = ffs.forName(f); validSB.append(" ("); validSB.append(tff.getExtensions()); validSB.append(")"); } addError("No valid format specified for " + Arg.OUTPUT.argString() + ". Valid formats are " + validSB.toString() + "."); continue; } } boolean success = checksBeforeWritingToFile(avm, subVals, true, fileName, ff.getName(), isError); if (!success) { continue; } boolean backups = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref(Arg.BACKUPS, subVals, null, Platform.isHeadless() ? null : BackupFiles.ENABLED, !Platform.isHeadless()); Console.info("Writing " + fileName); af.saveAlignment(fileName, ff, stdout, backups); if (af.isSaveAlignmentSuccessful()) { Console.debug("Written alignment '" + name + "' in " + ff.getName() + " format to '" + file + "'"); } else { addError("Error writing file '" + file + "' in " + ff.getName() + " format!"); isError = true; continue; } } } return !isError; } private SequenceI getSpecifiedSequence(AlignFrame af, ArgValuesMap avm, ArgValue av) { SubVals subVals = av.getSubVals(); ArgValue idAv = avm.getClosestNextArgValueOfArg(av, Arg.SEQID, true); SequenceI seq = null; if (subVals == null && idAv == null) return null; if (af == null || af.getCurrentView() == null) { return null; } AlignmentI al = af.getCurrentView().getAlignment(); if (al == null) { return null; } if (subVals != null) { if (subVals.has(Arg.SEQID.getName())) { seq = al.findName(subVals.get(Arg.SEQID.getName())); } else if (-1 < subVals.getIndex() && subVals.getIndex() < al.getSequences().size()) { seq = al.getSequenceAt(subVals.getIndex()); } } if (seq == null && idAv != null) { seq = al.findName(idAv.getValue()); } return seq; } public AlignFrame[] getAlignFrames() { AlignFrame[] afs = null; if (afMap != null) { afs = (AlignFrame[]) afMap.values().toArray(); } return afs; } public List getStructureViewers() { List svs = null; if (svMap != null) { for (List svList : svMap.values()) { if (svs == null) { svs = new ArrayList<>(); } svs.addAll(svList); } } return svs; } private void colourAlignFrame(AlignFrame af, String colour) { // use string "none" to remove colour scheme if (colour != null && "" != colour) { ColourSchemeI cs = ColourSchemeProperty.getColourScheme( af.getViewport(), af.getViewport().getAlignment(), colour); if (cs == null && !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(colour, "none")) { addWarn("Couldn't parse '" + colour + "' as a colourscheme."); } else { Jalview.testoutput(argParser, Arg.COLOUR, "zappo", colour); colourAlignFrame(af, cs); } } } private void colourAlignFrame(AlignFrame af, ColourSchemeI cs) { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Note that cs == null removes colour scheme from af af.changeColour(cs); } }); } catch (Exception x) { Console.trace("Interrupted whilst waiting for colorAlignFrame action", x); } } private ColourSchemeI getColourScheme(AlignFrame af) { return af.getViewport().getGlobalColourScheme(); } private void addInfo(String errorMessage) { Console.info(errorMessage); errors.add(errorMessage); } private void addWarn(String errorMessage) { Console.warn(errorMessage); errors.add(errorMessage); } private void addError(String errorMessage) { addError(errorMessage, null); } private void addError(String errorMessage, Exception e) { Console.error(errorMessage, e); errors.add(errorMessage); } private boolean checksBeforeWritingToFile(ArgValuesMap avm, SubVals subVal, boolean includeBackups, String filename, String adjective, Boolean isError) { File file = new File(filename); boolean overwrite = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref(Arg.OVERWRITE, subVal, null, "OVERWRITE_OUTPUT", false); boolean stdout = false; boolean backups = false; if (includeBackups) { stdout = ArgParser.STDOUTFILENAME.equals(filename); // backups. Use the Arg.BACKUPS or subval "backups" setting first, // otherwise if headless assume false, if not headless use the user // preference with default true. backups = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref(Arg.BACKUPS, subVal, null, Platform.isHeadless() ? null : BackupFiles.ENABLED, !Platform.isHeadless()); } if (file.exists() && !(overwrite || backups || stdout)) { addWarn("Won't overwrite file '" + filename + "' without " + Arg.OVERWRITE.argString() + (includeBackups ? " or " + Arg.BACKUPS.argString() : "") + " set"); return false; } boolean mkdirs = avm.getFromSubValArgOrPref(Arg.MKDIRS, subVal, null, "MKDIRS_OUTPUT", false); if (!FileUtils.checkParentDir(file, mkdirs)) { addError("Directory '" + FileUtils.getParentDir(file).getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist for " + adjective + " file '" + filename + "'." + (mkdirs ? "" : " Try using " + Arg.MKDIRS.argString())); isError = true; return false; } return true; } public List getErrors() { return errors; } public String errorsToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String error : errors) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append("\n"); sb.append("- " + error); } return sb.toString(); } }