package jalview.bin.argparser; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import jalview.bin.argparser.Arg.Opt; import jalview.util.FileUtils; /** * Helper class to allow easy extraction of information about specific argument * values (without having to check for null etc all the time) */ public class ArgValuesMap { protected Map m; private String linkedId; protected ArgValuesMap(String linkedId) { this.linkedId = linkedId; this.newMap(); } protected ArgValuesMap(String linkedId, Map map) { this.linkedId = linkedId; this.m = map; } public String getLinkedId() { return linkedId; } private Map getMap() { return m; } private void newMap() { m = new HashMap(); } private void newArg(Arg a) { if (m == null) newMap(); if (!containsArg(a)) m.put(a, new ArgValues(a)); } public ArgValues getArgValues(Arg a) { return m == null ? null : m.get(a); } public ArgValues getOrCreateArgValues(Arg a) { ArgValues avs = m.get(a); if (avs == null) newArg(a); return getArgValues(a); } public List getArgValueList(Arg a) { ArgValues avs = getArgValues(a); return avs == null ? new ArrayList<>() : avs.getArgValueList(); } public ArgValue getArgValue(Arg a) { List vals = getArgValueList(a); return (vals == null || vals.size() == 0) ? null : vals.get(0); } public String getValue(Arg a) { ArgValue av = getArgValue(a); return av == null ? null : av.getValue(); } public boolean containsArg(Arg a) { if (m == null || !m.containsKey(a)) return false; return a.hasOption(Opt.STRING) ? getArgValue(a) != null : true; } public boolean hasValue(Arg a, String val) { if (m == null || !m.containsKey(a)) return false; for (ArgValue av : getArgValueList(a)) { String avVal = av.getValue(); if ((val == null && avVal == null) || (val != null && val.equals(avVal))) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean getBoolean(Arg a) { ArgValues av = getArgValues(a); return av == null ? false : av.getBoolean(); } public Set getArgKeys() { return m.keySet(); } public ArgValue getClosestPreviousArgValueOfArg(ArgValue thisAv, Arg a) { ArgValue closestAv = null; int thisArgIndex = thisAv.getArgIndex(); ArgValues compareAvs = this.getArgValues(a); int closestPreviousIndex = -1; for (ArgValue av : compareAvs.getArgValueList()) { int argIndex = av.getArgIndex(); if (argIndex < thisArgIndex && argIndex > closestPreviousIndex) { closestPreviousIndex = argIndex; closestAv = av; } } return closestAv; } public ArgValue getClosestNextArgValueOfArg(ArgValue thisAv, Arg a) { // this looks for the *next* arg that *might* be referring back to // a thisAv. Such an arg would have no subValues (if it does it should // specify an id in the subValues so wouldn't need to be guessed). ArgValue closestAv = null; int thisArgIndex = thisAv.getArgIndex(); if (!containsArg(a)) return null; ArgValues compareAvs = this.getArgValues(a); int closestNextIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (ArgValue av : compareAvs.getArgValueList()) { int argIndex = av.getArgIndex(); if (argIndex > thisArgIndex && argIndex < closestNextIndex) { closestNextIndex = argIndex; closestAv = av; } } return closestAv; } public ArgValue[] getArgValuesReferringTo(String key, String value, Arg a) { // this looks for the *next* arg that *might* be referring back to // a thisAv. Such an arg would have no subValues (if it does it should // specify an id in the subValues so wouldn't need to be guessed). List avList = new ArrayList<>(); Arg[] args = a == null ? (Arg[]) this.getMap().keySet().toArray() : new Arg[] { a }; for (Arg keyArg : args) { for (ArgValue av : this.getArgValueList(keyArg)) { } } return (ArgValue[]) avList.toArray(); } public boolean hasId(Arg a, String id) { ArgValues avs = this.getArgValues(a); return avs == null ? false : avs.hasId(id); } public ArgValue getId(Arg a, String id) { ArgValues avs = this.getArgValues(a); return avs == null ? null : avs.getId(id); } /* * This method returns the basename of the first --append or --open value. * Used primarily for substitutions in output filenames. */ public String getBasename() { return getDirBasenameOrExtension(false, false); } /* * This method returns the basename of the first --append or --open value. * Used primarily for substitutions in output filenames. */ public String getExtension() { return getDirBasenameOrExtension(false, true); } /* * This method returns the dirname of the first --append or --open value. * Used primarily for substitutions in output filenames. */ public String getDirname() { return getDirBasenameOrExtension(true, false); } public String getDirBasenameOrExtension(boolean dirname, boolean extension) { String filename = null; String appendVal = getValue(Arg.APPEND); String openVal = getValue(Arg.OPEN); if (appendVal != null) filename = appendVal; if (filename == null && openVal != null) filename = openVal; if (filename == null) return null; File file = new File(filename); if (dirname) { return FileUtils.getDirname(file); } return extension ? FileUtils.getExtension(file) : FileUtils.getBasename(file); } /* * Checks if there is an Arg with Opt */ public boolean hasArgWithOption(Opt o) { for (Arg a : getArgKeys()) { if (a.hasOption(o)) return true; } return false; } }