/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * * Created on 15.04.2004 * @author Andreas Prlic * */ package jalview.biojava.dasobert.dasregistry; /** a Bean to be returned via SOAP. It takes care of the DAS - coordinate Systems * @author Andreas Prlic */ public class DasCoordinateSystem { String name; String category; String organism_name; int ncbi_tax_id ; String uniqueId ; String version; String testCode; public DasCoordinateSystem () { uniqueId = ""; name = ""; category =""; organism_name = ""; ncbi_tax_id = 0; version = ""; testCode = ""; } public boolean equals(DasCoordinateSystem other){ boolean match = true; System.out.println("comparing " + this.toString() + " to " + other.toString()); // URI has piority if ( (! uniqueId.equals("")) && ( uniqueId.equals( other.getUniqueId()))) return true; if ( ncbi_tax_id != other.getNCBITaxId()) { System.out.println("mismatch in ncbi tax id " + ncbi_tax_id + " != " + other.getNCBITaxId()); match = false; } if ( ! version.equals(other.getVersion() )){ System.out.println("mismatch in version"); match = false; } if ( ! category.equals(other.getCategory()) ) { System.out.println("mismatch in category"); match = false; } if ( ! name.equals(other.getName())) { System.out.println("mismatch in name"); match = false; } System.out.println(" match: " + match); return match; } public Object clone() { DasCoordinateSystem d = new DasCoordinateSystem(); d.setTestCode(testCode); d.setCategory(category); d.setName(name); d.setNCBITaxId(ncbi_tax_id); d.setUniqueId(getUniqueId()); d.setOrganismName(getOrganismName()); d.setVersion(getVersion()); return d; } public String getTestCode() { return testCode; } public void setTestCode(String testCode) { if ( testCode == null) testCode = ""; this.testCode = testCode; } public void setUniqueId(String id) { uniqueId = id ; } public String getUniqueId() { return uniqueId; } public void setName(String n) { name = n; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setCategory(String c) { category = c;} public String getCategory() { return category;} public void setOrganismName(String t) { organism_name =t;} public String getOrganismName() { return organism_name;} public void setNCBITaxId(int id) { ncbi_tax_id = id;} public int getNCBITaxId(){ return ncbi_tax_id ;} public String getVersion() { return version; } public void setVersion(String version) { if ( version == null) version = ""; this.version = version; } public String toString() { String nam = name; if ( ! version.equals("")) nam += "_" + version; if ( organism_name.equals("") ) return nam+","+category ; else return nam+","+category+"," + organism_name ; } public static DasCoordinateSystem fromString(String rawString) { String[] spl = rawString.split(","); DasCoordinateSystem dcs = new DasCoordinateSystem(); if ( spl.length == 2 ) { dcs.setName(spl[0]); dcs.setCategory(spl[1]); } if ( spl.length == 3 ) { dcs.setName(spl[0]); dcs.setCategory(spl[1]); dcs.setOrganismName(spl[2]); } return dcs; } }