/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer * Copyright (C) 2005 AM Waterhouse, J Procter, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package jalview.datamodel; import java.util.*; /** Data structure to hold and manipulate a multiple sequence alignment */ public interface AlignmentI { /** * Calculates the number of sequences in an alignment * * @return Number of sequences in alignment */ public int getHeight(); /** * Calculates the maximum width of the alignment, including gaps. * * @return Greatest sequence length within alignment. */ public int getWidth(); /** * Calculates the longest sequence Id of the alignment * * @return Number of characters in longest sequence Id. */ public int getMaxIdLength(); /** * Calculates if this set of sequences is all the same length * * @return true if all sequences in alignment are the same length */ public boolean isAligned(); /** * Gets sequences as a Vector * * @return All sequences in alignment. */ public Vector getSequences(); /** * Find a specific sequence in this alignment. * * @param i Index of required sequence. * * @return SequenceI at given index. */ public SequenceI getSequenceAt(int i); /** * Add a new sequence to this alignment. * * @param seq New sequence will be added at end of alignment. */ public void addSequence(SequenceI seq); /** * Used to set a particular index of the alignment with the given sequence. * * @param i Index of sequence to be updated. * @param seq New sequence to be inserted. */ public void setSequenceAt(int i, SequenceI seq); /** * Deletes a sequence from the alignment. * * @param s Sequence to be deleted. */ public void deleteSequence(SequenceI s); /** * Deletes a sequence from the alignment. * * @param i Index of sequence to be deleted. */ public void deleteSequence(int i); /** * Deletes all residues in every sequence of alignment within given columns. * * @param start Start index of columns to delete. * @param end End index to columns to delete. */ public void deleteColumns(int start, int end); /** * Deletes all residues in every sequence of alignment within given columns. * * @param seq1 Index of first sequence to delete columns from. * @param seq2 Index of last sequence to delete columns from. * @param start Start index of columns to delete. * @param end End index of columns to delete. */ public void deleteColumns(int seq1, int seq2, int start, int end); /** * Finds sequence in alignment using sequence name as query. * * @param name Id of sequence to search for. * * @return Sequence matching query, if found. If not found returns null. */ public SequenceI findName(String name); /** * Finds sequence in alignment using full displayId as query. * * @param name displayId, ie NAME/25-100 * * @return Sequence matching query, if found. If not found returns null. */ public SequenceI findbyDisplayId(String name); /** * Finds index of a given sequence in the alignment. * * @param s Sequence to look for. * * @return Index of sequence within the alignment. */ public int findIndex(SequenceI s); /** * All sequences will be cut from beginning to given index. * * @param i Remove all residues in sequences up to this column. */ public void trimLeft(int i); /** * All sequences will be cut from given index. * * @param i Remove all residues in sequences beyond this column. */ public void trimRight(int i); /** * Removes all columns containing entirely gap characters. */ public void removeGaps(); /** * Removes redundant sequences from alignment. * * @param threshold Remove all sequences above the given threshold. * @param sel Set of sequences which will have redundant sequences removed from. * * @return All sequences below redundancy threshold. */ public Vector removeRedundancy(float threshold, Vector sel); /** * Finds group that sequence at index i in alignment is part of. * * @param i Index in alignment. * * @return First group found for sequence at position i. WARNING : * Sequences may be members of several groups. This method is incomplete. */ public SequenceGroup findGroup(int i); /** * Finds group that given sequence is part of. * * @param s Sequence in alignment. * * @return First group found for sequence. WARNING : * Sequences may be members of several groups. This method is incomplete. */ public SequenceGroup findGroup(SequenceI s); /** * Finds all groups that a given sequence is part of. * * @param s Sequence in alignment. * * @return All groups containing given sequence. */ public SequenceGroup[] findAllGroups(SequenceI s); /** * Adds a new SequenceGroup to this alignment. * * @param sg New group to be added. */ public void addGroup(SequenceGroup sg); /** * Deletes a specific SequenceGroup * * @param g Group will be deleted from alignment. */ public void deleteGroup(SequenceGroup g); /** * Get all the groups associated with this alignment. * * @return All groups as a Vector. */ public Vector getGroups(); /** * Deletes all groups from this alignment. */ public void deleteAllGroups(); /** * Adds a super group. A SuperGroup is a group of groups. * * @param sg Adds a new SuperGroup to alignment */ public void addSuperGroup(SuperGroup sg); /** * Removes SuperGroup from alignment. * * @param sg This SuperGroup will be deleted from alignment. */ public void removeSuperGroup(SuperGroup sg); /** * Finds any SuperGroup that a given SequenceGroup may be part of. * * @param sg SequenceGroup to search for. * * @return SuperGroup that contains the given SequenceGroup. */ public SuperGroup getSuperGroup(SequenceGroup sg); /** * Adds a new AlignmentAnnotation to this alignment */ public void addAnnotation(AlignmentAnnotation aa); /** * Deletes a specific AlignmentAnnotation from the alignment. * * @param aa DOCUMENT ME! */ public void deleteAnnotation(AlignmentAnnotation aa); /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public AlignmentAnnotation[] getAlignmentAnnotation(); /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param gc DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setGapCharacter(char gc); /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public char getGapCharacter(); /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public Vector getAAFrequency(); /** * Returns true if alignment is nucleotide sequence * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public boolean isNucleotide(); /** * Set true if the alignment is a nucleotide sequence * * @return */ public void setNucleotide(boolean b); public Alignment getDataset(); public void setDataset(Alignment dataset); public Provenance getProvenance(); public void setProvenance(Provenance prov); }