* Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
* Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
* This file is part of Jalview.
* Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Jalview. If not, see .
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
package jalview.datamodel;
import jalview.util.MessageManager;
import jalview.util.ShiftList;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Transient object compactly representing a 'view' of an alignment - with
* discontinuities marked. Extended in Jalview 2.7 to optionally record sequence
* groups and specific selected regions on the alignment.
public class AlignmentView
private SeqCigar[] sequences = null;
private int[] contigs = null;
private int width = 0;
private int firstCol = 0;
* one or more ScGroup objects, which are referenced by each seqCigar's group
* membership
private List scGroups = null;
private boolean isNa = false;
* false if the view concerns peptides
* @return
public boolean isNa()
return isNa;
* Group defined over SeqCigars. Unlike AlignmentI associated groups, each
* SequenceGroup hold just the essential properties for the group, but no
* references to the sequences involved. SeqCigars hold references to the
* seuqenceGroup entities themselves.
private class ScGroup
public List seqs;
public SequenceGroup sg;
seqs = new ArrayList();
* @param seq
* @return true if seq was not a member before and was added to group
public boolean add(SeqCigar seq)
if (!seq.isMemberOf(this))
return true;
return false;
* @param seq
* @return true if seq was a member and was removed from group
public boolean remove(SeqCigar seq)
if (seq.removeGroupMembership(this))
return true;
return false;
public int size()
return seqs.size();
* vector of selected seqCigars. This vector is also referenced by each
* seqCigar contained in it.
private ScGroup selected;
* Construct an alignmentView from a live jalview alignment view. Note -
* hidden rows will be excluded from alignmentView Note: JAL-1179
* @param alignment
* - alignment as referenced by an AlignViewport
* @param columnSelection
* -
* @param selection
* @param hasHiddenColumns
* - mark the hidden columns in columnSelection as hidden in the view
* @param selectedRegionOnly
* - when set, only include the selected region in the view,
* otherwise just mark the selected region on the constructed view.
* @param recordGroups
* - when set, any groups on the given alignment will be marked on
* the view
public AlignmentView(AlignmentI alignment, HiddenColumns hidden,
SequenceGroup selection, boolean hasHiddenColumns,
boolean selectedRegionOnly, boolean recordGroups)
// refactored from AlignViewport.getAlignmentView(selectedOnly);
this(new jalview.datamodel.CigarArray(alignment,
(hasHiddenColumns ? hidden : null),
(selectedRegionOnly ? selection : null)),
(selectedRegionOnly && selection != null)
? selection.getStartRes()
: 0);
isNa = alignment.isNucleotide();
// walk down SeqCigar array and Alignment Array - optionally restricted by
// selected region.
// test group membership for each sequence in each group, store membership
// and record non-empty groups in group list.
// record / sub-select selected region on the alignment view
SequenceI[] selseqs;
if (selection != null && selection.getSize() > 0)
List sel = selection.getSequences(null);
this.selected = new ScGroup();
selseqs = selection.getSequencesInOrder(alignment,
selseqs = alignment.getSequencesArray();
List> seqsets = new ArrayList>();
// get the alignment's group list and make a copy
List grps = new ArrayList();
List gg = alignment.getGroups();
ScGroup[] sgrps = null;
boolean addedgps[] = null;
if (grps != null)
if (selection != null && selectedRegionOnly)
// trim annotation to the region being stored.
// strip out any groups that do not actually intersect with the
// visible and selected region
int ssel = selection.getStartRes(), esel = selection.getEndRes();
List isg = new ArrayList();
for (SequenceGroup sg : grps)
if (!(sg.getStartRes() > esel || sg.getEndRes() < ssel))
// adjust bounds of new group, if necessary.
if (sg.getStartRes() < ssel)
if (sg.getEndRes() > esel)
sg.setStartRes(sg.getStartRes() - ssel + 1);
sg.setEndRes(sg.getEndRes() - ssel + 1);
grps = isg;
sgrps = new ScGroup[grps.size()];
addedgps = new boolean[grps.size()];
for (int g = 0; g < sgrps.length; g++)
SequenceGroup sg = grps.get(g);
sgrps[g] = new ScGroup();
sgrps[g].sg = new SequenceGroup(sg);
addedgps[g] = false;
// can't set entry 0 in an empty list
// seqsets.set(g, sg.getSequences(null));
// seqsets now contains vectors (should be sets) for each group, so we can
// track when we've done with the group
int csi = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < selseqs.length; i++)
if (selseqs[i] != null)
if (selection != null && selection.getSize() > 0
&& !selectedRegionOnly)
if (seqsets != null)
for (int sg = 0; sg < sgrps.length; sg++)
if ((seqsets.get(sg)).contains(selseqs[i]))
sgrps[sg].sg.deleteSequence(selseqs[i], false);
if (!addedgps[sg])
if (scGroups == null)
scGroups = new ArrayList();
addedgps[sg] = true;
// finally, delete the remaining sequences (if any) not selected
for (int sg = 0; sg < sgrps.length; sg++)
SequenceI[] sqs = sgrps[sg].sg.getSequencesAsArray(null);
for (int si = 0; si < sqs.length; si++)
sgrps[sg].sg.deleteSequence(sqs[si], false);
sgrps[sg] = null;
* construct an alignmentView from a SeqCigarArray. Errors are thrown if the
* seqcigararray.isSeqCigarArray() flag is not set.
public AlignmentView(CigarArray seqcigararray)
if (!seqcigararray.isSeqCigarArray())
throw new Error(
"Implementation Error - can only make an alignment view from a CigarArray of sequences.");
// contigs = seqcigararray.applyDeletions();
contigs = seqcigararray.getDeletedRegions();
sequences = seqcigararray.getSeqCigarArray();
width = seqcigararray.getWidth(); // visible width
* Create an alignmentView where the first column corresponds with the
* 'firstcol' column of some reference alignment
* @param sdata
* @param firstcol
public AlignmentView(CigarArray sdata, int firstcol)
firstCol = firstcol;
public void setSequences(SeqCigar[] sequences)
this.sequences = sequences;
public void setContigs(int[] contigs)
this.contigs = contigs;
public SeqCigar[] getSequences()
return sequences;
* @see CigarArray.getDeletedRegions
* @return int[] { vis_start, sym_start, length }
public int[] getContigs()
return contigs;
* get the full alignment and a columnselection object marking the hidden
* regions
* @param gapCharacter
* char
* @return Object[] { SequenceI[], ColumnSelection}
public Object[] getAlignmentAndHiddenColumns(char gapCharacter)
HiddenColumns hidden = new HiddenColumns();
return new Object[] { SeqCigar.createAlignmentSequences(sequences,
gapCharacter, hidden, contigs),
hidden };
* return the visible alignment corresponding to this view. Sequences in this
* alignment are edited versions of the parent sequences - where hidden
* regions have been removed. NOTE: the sequence data in this alignment is not
* complete!
* @param c
* @return
public AlignmentI getVisibleAlignment(char c)
SequenceI[] aln = getVisibleSeqs(c);
AlignmentI vcal = new Alignment(aln);
addPrunedGroupsInOrder(vcal, -1, -1, true);
return vcal;
* add groups from view to the given alignment
* @param vcal
* @param gstart
* -1 or 0 to width-1
* @param gend
* -1 or gstart to width-1
* @param viscontigs
* - true if vcal is alignment of the visible regions of the view
* (e.g. as returned from getVisibleAlignment)
private void addPrunedGroupsInOrder(AlignmentI vcal, int gstart, int gend,
boolean viscontigs)
boolean r = false;
if (gstart > -1 && gstart <= gend)
r = true;
SequenceI[] aln = vcal.getSequencesArray();
* prune any groups to the visible coordinates of the alignment.
int nvg = (scGroups != null) ? scGroups.size() : 0;
if (nvg > 0)
SequenceGroup[] nsg = new SequenceGroup[nvg];
for (int g = 0; g < nvg; g++)
SequenceGroup sg = scGroups.get(g).sg;
if (r)
if (sg.getStartRes() > gend || sg.getEndRes() < gstart)
// Skip this group
nsg[g] = null;
// clone group properties
nsg[g] = new SequenceGroup(sg);
// may need to shift/trim start and end ?
if (r && !viscontigs)
// Not fully tested code - routine not yet called with
// viscontigs==false
if (nsg[g].getStartRes() < gstart)
nsg[g].setStartRes(nsg[g].getStartRes() - gstart);
nsg[g].setEndRes(nsg[g].getEndRes() - gstart);
if (nsg[g].getEndRes() > (gend - gstart))
nsg[g].setEndRes(gend - gstart);
if (viscontigs)
// prune groups to cover just the visible positions between
// gstart/gend.
if (contigs != null)
int p = 0;
ShiftList prune = new ShiftList();
if (r)
// adjust for start of alignment within visible window.
prune.addShift(gstart, -gstart); //
for (int h = 0; h < contigs.length; h += 3)
prune.addShift(p + contigs[h + 1],
contigs[h + 2] - contigs[h + 1]);
p = contigs[h + 1] + contigs[h + 2];
for (int g = 0; g < nsg.length; g++)
if (nsg[g] != null)
int s = nsg[g].getStartRes(), t = nsg[g].getEndRes();
int w = 1 + t - s;
if (r)
if (s < gstart)
s = gstart;
if (t > gend)
t = gend;
s = prune.shift(s);
t = prune.shift(t);
for (int nsq = 0; nsq < aln.length; nsq++)
for (int g = 0; g < nvg; g++)
if (nsg[g] != null
&& sequences[nsq].isMemberOf(scGroups.get(g)))
nsg[g].addSequence(aln[nsq], false);
for (int g = 0; g < nvg; g++)
if (nsg[g] != null && nsg[g].getSize() > 0)
nsg[g] = null;
* generate sequence array corresponding to the visible parts of the
* alignment.
* @param c
* gap character to use to recreate the alignment
* @return
private SequenceI[] getVisibleSeqs(char c)
SequenceI[] aln = new SequenceI[sequences.length];
for (int i = 0, j = sequences.length; i < j; i++)
aln[i] = sequences[i].getSeq(c);
// Remove hidden regions from sequence
aln[i].setSequence(getASequenceString(c, i));
return aln;
* creates new alignment objects for all contiguous visible segments
* @param c
* @param start
* @param end
* @param regionOfInterest
* specify which sequences to include (or null to include all
* sequences)
* @return AlignmentI[] - all alignments where each sequence is a subsequence
* constructed from visible contig regions of view
public AlignmentI[] getVisibleContigAlignments(char c)
int nvc = 0;
int[] vcontigs = getVisibleContigs();
SequenceI[][] contigviews = getVisibleContigs(c);
AlignmentI[] vcals = new AlignmentI[contigviews.length];
for (nvc = 0; nvc < contigviews.length; nvc++)
vcals[nvc] = new Alignment(contigviews[nvc]);
if (scGroups != null && scGroups.size() > 0)
addPrunedGroupsInOrder(vcals[nvc], vcontigs[nvc * 2],
vcontigs[nvc * 2 + 1], true);
return vcals;
* build a string excluding hidden regions from a particular sequence in the
* view
* @param c
* @param n
* @return
private String getASequenceString(char c, int n)
String sqn;
String fullseq = sequences[n].getSequenceString(c);
if (contigs != null)
sqn = "";
int p = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < contigs.length; h += 3)
sqn += fullseq.substring(p, contigs[h + 1]);
p = contigs[h + 1] + contigs[h + 2];
sqn += fullseq.substring(p);
sqn = fullseq;
return sqn;
* get an array of visible sequence strings for a view on an alignment using
* the given gap character uses getASequenceString
* @param c
* char
* @return String[]
public String[] getSequenceStrings(char c)
String[] seqs = new String[sequences.length];
for (int n = 0; n < sequences.length; n++)
seqs[n] = getASequenceString(c, n);
return seqs;
* @return visible number of columns in alignment view
public int getWidth()
return width;
protected void setWidth(int width)
this.width = width;
* get the contiguous subalignments in an alignment view.
* @param gapCharacter
* char
* @return SequenceI[][]
public SequenceI[][] getVisibleContigs(char gapCharacter)
SequenceI[][] smsa;
int njobs = 1;
if (sequences == null || width <= 0)
return null;
if (contigs != null && contigs.length > 0)
int start = 0;
njobs = 0;
int fwidth = width;
for (int contig = 0; contig < contigs.length; contig += 3)
if ((contigs[contig + 1] - start) > 0)
fwidth += contigs[contig + 2]; // end up with full region width
// (including hidden regions)
start = contigs[contig + 1] + contigs[contig + 2];
if (start < fwidth)
smsa = new SequenceI[njobs][];
start = 0;
int j = 0;
for (int contig = 0; contig < contigs.length; contig += 3)
if (contigs[contig + 1] - start > 0)
SequenceI mseq[] = new SequenceI[sequences.length];
for (int s = 0; s < mseq.length; s++)
mseq[s] = sequences[s].getSeq(gapCharacter)
.getSubSequence(start, contigs[contig + 1]);
smsa[j] = mseq;
start = contigs[contig + 1] + contigs[contig + 2];
if (start < fwidth)
SequenceI mseq[] = new SequenceI[sequences.length];
for (int s = 0; s < mseq.length; s++)
mseq[s] = sequences[s].getSeq(gapCharacter).getSubSequence(start,
fwidth + 1);
smsa[j] = mseq;
smsa = new SequenceI[1][];
smsa[0] = new SequenceI[sequences.length];
for (int s = 0; s < sequences.length; s++)
smsa[0][s] = sequences[s].getSeq(gapCharacter);
return smsa;
* return full msa and hidden regions with visible blocks replaced with new
* sub alignments
* @param nvismsa
* SequenceI[][]
* @param orders
* AlignmentOrder[] corresponding to each SequenceI[] block.
* @return Object[]
public Object[] getUpdatedView(SequenceI[][] nvismsa,
AlignmentOrder[] orders, char gapCharacter)
if (sequences == null || width <= 0)
throw new Error(MessageManager
if (nvismsa == null)
throw new Error(
"nvismsa==null. use getAlignmentAndColumnSelection() instead.");
if (contigs != null && contigs.length > 0)
SequenceI[] alignment = new SequenceI[sequences.length];
// ColumnSelection columnselection = new ColumnSelection();
HiddenColumns hidden = new HiddenColumns();
if (contigs != null && contigs.length > 0)
int start = 0;
int nwidth = 0;
int owidth = width;
int j = 0;
for (int contig = 0; contig < contigs.length; contig += 3)
owidth += contigs[contig + 2]; // recover final column width
if (contigs[contig + 1] - start > 0)
int swidth = 0; // subalignment width
if (nvismsa[j] != null)
SequenceI mseq[] = nvismsa[j];
AlignmentOrder order = (orders == null) ? null : orders[j];
if (mseq.length != sequences.length)
throw new Error(MessageManager.formatMessage(
new String[]
{ Integer.valueOf(j).toString(),
.toString() }));
swidth = mseq[0].getLength(); // JBPNote: could ensure padded
// here.
for (int s = 0; s < mseq.length; s++)
if (alignment[s] == null)
alignment[s] = mseq[s];
+ mseq[s].getSequenceAsString());
if (mseq[s].getStart() <= mseq[s].getEnd())
if (order != null)
order.updateSequence(mseq[s], alignment[s]);
// recover original alignment block or place gaps
if (true)
// recover input data
for (int s = 0; s < sequences.length; s++)
SequenceI oseq = sequences[s].getSeq(gapCharacter)
.getSubSequence(start, contigs[contig + 1]);
if (swidth < oseq.getLength())
swidth = oseq.getLength();
if (alignment[s] == null)
alignment[s] = oseq;
+ oseq.getSequenceAsString());
if (oseq.getEnd() >= oseq.getStart())
nwidth += swidth;
// advance to begining of visible region
start = contigs[contig + 1] + contigs[contig + 2];
// add hidden segment to right of next region
for (int s = 0; s < sequences.length; s++)
SequenceI hseq = sequences[s].getSeq(gapCharacter)
.getSubSequence(contigs[contig + 1], start);
if (alignment[s] == null)
alignment[s] = hseq;
+ hseq.getSequenceAsString());
if (hseq.getEnd() >= hseq.getStart())
// mark hidden segment as hidden in the new alignment
hidden.hideColumns(nwidth, nwidth + contigs[contig + 2] - 1);
nwidth += contigs[contig + 2];
// Do final segment - if it exists
if (j < nvismsa.length)
int swidth = 0;
if (nvismsa[j] != null)
SequenceI mseq[] = nvismsa[j];
AlignmentOrder order = (orders != null) ? orders[j] : null;
swidth = mseq[0].getLength();
for (int s = 0; s < mseq.length; s++)
if (alignment[s] == null)
alignment[s] = mseq[s];
+ mseq[s].getSequenceAsString());
if (mseq[s].getEnd() >= mseq[s].getStart())
if (order != null)
order.updateSequence(mseq[s], alignment[s]);
if (start < owidth)
// recover input data or place gaps
if (true)
// recover input data
for (int s = 0; s < sequences.length; s++)
SequenceI oseq = sequences[s].getSeq(gapCharacter)
.getSubSequence(start, owidth + 1);
if (swidth < oseq.getLength())
swidth = oseq.getLength();
if (alignment[s] == null)
alignment[s] = oseq;
+ oseq.getSequenceAsString());
if (oseq.getEnd() >= oseq.getStart())
nwidth += swidth;
// place gaps.
throw new Error(MessageManager
return new Object[] { alignment, hidden };
if (nvismsa.length != 1)
throw new Error(MessageManager.formatMessage(
new String[]
{ Integer.valueOf(nvismsa.length).toString() }));
if (nvismsa[0] != null)
return new Object[] { nvismsa[0], new HiddenColumns() };
return getAlignmentAndHiddenColumns(gapCharacter);
* returns simple array of start end positions of visible range on alignment.
* vis_start and vis_end are inclusive - use
* SequenceI.getSubSequence(vis_start, vis_end+1) to recover visible sequence
* from underlying alignment.
* @return int[] { start_i, end_i } for 1 0)
int start = 0;
int nvis = 0;
int fwidth = width;
for (int contig = 0; contig < contigs.length; contig += 3)
if ((contigs[contig + 1] - start) > 0)
fwidth += contigs[contig + 2]; // end up with full region width
// (including hidden regions)
start = contigs[contig + 1] + contigs[contig + 2];
if (start < fwidth)
int viscontigs[] = new int[nvis * 2];
nvis = 0;
start = 0;
for (int contig = 0; contig < contigs.length; contig += 3)
if ((contigs[contig + 1] - start) > 0)
viscontigs[nvis] = start;
viscontigs[nvis + 1] = contigs[contig + 1] - 1; // end is inclusive
nvis += 2;
start = contigs[contig + 1] + contigs[contig + 2];
if (start < fwidth)
viscontigs[nvis] = start;
viscontigs[nvis + 1] = fwidth - 1; // end is inclusive
nvis += 2;
return viscontigs;
return new int[] { 0, width - 1 };
* @return position of first visible column of AlignmentView within its
* parent's alignment reference frame
public int getAlignmentOrigin()
return firstCol;
* compute a deletion map for the current view according to the given
* gap/match map
* @param gapMap
* (as returned from SequenceI.gapMap())
* @return int[] {intersection of visible regions with gapMap)
public int[] getVisibleContigMapFor(int[] gapMap)
int[] delMap = null;
int[] viscontigs = getVisibleContigs();
int spos = 0;
int i = 0;
if (viscontigs != null)
// viscontigs maps from a subset of the gapMap to the gapMap, so it will
// always be equal to or shorter than gapMap
delMap = new int[gapMap.length];
for (int contig = 0; contig < viscontigs.length; contig += 2)
while (spos < gapMap.length && gapMap[spos] < viscontigs[contig])
while (spos < gapMap.length
&& gapMap[spos] <= viscontigs[contig + 1])
delMap[i++] = spos++;
int tmap[] = new int[i];
System.arraycopy(delMap, 0, tmap, 0, i);
delMap = tmap;
return delMap;
* apply the getSeq(gc) method to each sequence cigar, and return the array of
* edited sequences, optionally with hidden regions removed.
* @param gc
* gap character to use for insertions
* @param delete
* remove hidden regions from sequences. Note: currently implemented
* in a memory inefficient way - space needed is 2*result set for
* deletion
* @return SequenceI[]
public SequenceI[] getEditedSequences(char gc, boolean delete)
SeqCigar[] msf = getSequences();
SequenceI[] aln = new SequenceI[msf.length];
for (int i = 0, j = msf.length; i < j; i++)
aln[i] = msf[i].getSeq(gc);
if (delete)
String[] sqs = getSequenceStrings(gc);
for (int i = 0; i < sqs.length; i++)
sqs[i] = null;
return aln;
public static void summariseAlignmentView(AlignmentView view,
PrintStream os)
os.print("View has " + view.sequences.length + " of which ");
if (view.selected == null)
os.print(" " + view.selected.size());
os.println(" are selected.");
os.print("View is " + view.getWidth() + " columns wide");
int viswid = 0;
int[] contigs = view.getContigs();
if (contigs != null)
viswid = view.width;
for (int i = 0; i < contigs.length; i += 3)
viswid += contigs[i + 2];
os.println("with " + viswid + " visible columns spread over "
+ contigs.length / 3 + " regions.");
viswid = view.width;
if (view.scGroups != null)
os.println("There are " + view.scGroups.size()
+ " groups defined on the view.");
for (int g = 0; g < view.scGroups.size(); g++)
ScGroup sgr = view.scGroups.get(g);
os.println("Group " + g + ": Name = " + sgr.sg.getName()
+ " Contains " + sgr.seqs.size() + " Seqs.");
os.println("This group runs from " + sgr.sg.getStartRes() + " to "
+ sgr.sg.getEndRes());
for (int s = 0; s < sgr.seqs.size(); s++)
// JBPnote this should be a unit test for ScGroup
if (!sgr.seqs.get(s).isMemberOf(sgr))
os.println("** WARNING: sequence " + sgr.seqs.get(s).toString()
+ " is not marked as member of group.");
AlignmentI visal = view.getVisibleAlignment('-');
if (visal != null)
os.println("Vis. alignment is " + visal.getWidth()
+ " wide and has " + visal.getHeight() + " seqs.");
if (visal.getGroups() != null && visal.getGroups().size() > 0)
int i = 1;
for (SequenceGroup sg : visal.getGroups())
os.println("Group " + (i++) + " begins at column "
+ sg.getStartRes() + " and ends at " + sg.getEndRes());
public static void testSelectionViews(AlignmentI alignment,
HiddenColumns hidden, SequenceGroup selection)
System.out.println("Testing standard view creation:\n");
AlignmentView view = null;
"View with no hidden columns, no limit to selection, no groups to be collected:");
view = new AlignmentView(alignment, hidden, selection, false, false,
summariseAlignmentView(view, System.out);
} catch (Exception e)
"Failed to generate alignment with selection but no groups marked.");
"View with no hidden columns, no limit to selection, and all groups to be collected:");
view = new AlignmentView(alignment, hidden, selection, false, false,
summariseAlignmentView(view, System.out);
} catch (Exception e)
"Failed to generate alignment with selection marked but no groups marked.");
"View with no hidden columns, limited to selection and no groups to be collected:");
view = new AlignmentView(alignment, hidden, selection, false, true,
summariseAlignmentView(view, System.out);
} catch (Exception e)
"Failed to generate alignment with selection restricted but no groups marked.");
"View with no hidden columns, limited to selection, and all groups to be collected:");
view = new AlignmentView(alignment, hidden, selection, false, true,
summariseAlignmentView(view, System.out);
} catch (Exception e)
"Failed to generate alignment with selection restricted and groups marked.");
"View *with* hidden columns, no limit to selection, no groups to be collected:");
view = new AlignmentView(alignment, hidden, selection, true, false,
summariseAlignmentView(view, System.out);
} catch (Exception e)
"Failed to generate alignment with selection but no groups marked.");
"View *with* hidden columns, no limit to selection, and all groups to be collected:");
view = new AlignmentView(alignment, hidden, selection, true, false,
summariseAlignmentView(view, System.out);
} catch (Exception e)
"Failed to generate alignment with selection marked but no groups marked.");
"View *with* hidden columns, limited to selection and no groups to be collected:");
view = new AlignmentView(alignment, hidden, selection, true, true,
summariseAlignmentView(view, System.out);
} catch (Exception e)
"Failed to generate alignment with selection restricted but no groups marked.");
"View *with* hidden columns, limited to selection, and all groups to be collected:");
view = new AlignmentView(alignment, hidden, selection, true, true,
summariseAlignmentView(view, System.out);
} catch (Exception e)
"Failed to generate alignment with selection restricted and groups marked.");