/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.datamodel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; /** * This class manages the collection of hidden columns associated with an * alignment. To iterate over the collection, or over visible columns/regions, * use an iterator obtained from one of: * * - getBoundedIterator: iterates over the hidden regions, within some bounds, * returning *absolute* positions * * - getBoundedStartIterator: iterates over the start positions of hidden * regions, within some bounds, returning *visible* positions * * - getVisContigsIterator: iterates over visible regions in a range, returning * *absolute* positions * * - getVisibleColsIterator: iterates over the visible *columns* * * For performance reasons, provide bounds where possible. Note that column * numbering begins at 0 throughout this class. * * @author kmourao */ /* Implementation notes: * * Methods which change the hiddenColumns collection should use a writeLock to * prevent other threads accessing the hiddenColumns collection while changes * are being made. They should also reset the hidden columns cursor, and either * update the hidden columns count, or set it to 0 (so that it will later be * updated when needed). * * * Methods which only need read access to the hidden columns collection should * use a readLock to prevent other threads changing the hidden columns * collection while it is in use. */ public class HiddenColumns { private static final int HASH_MULTIPLIER = 31; private static final ReentrantReadWriteLock LOCK = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); /* * Cursor which tracks the last used hidden columns region, and the number * of hidden columns up to (but not including) that region. */ private HiddenColumnsCursor cursor = new HiddenColumnsCursor(); /* * cache of the number of hidden columns */ private int numColumns = 0; /* * list of hidden column [start, end] ranges; the list is maintained in * ascending start column order */ private List hiddenColumns = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Constructor */ public HiddenColumns() { } /** * Copy constructor * * @param copy * the HiddenColumns object to copy from */ public HiddenColumns(HiddenColumns copy) { this(copy, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0); } /** * Copy constructor within bounds and with offset. Copies hidden column * regions fully contained between start and end, and offsets positions by * subtracting offset. * * @param copy * HiddenColumns instance to copy from * @param start * lower bound to copy from * @param end * upper bound to copy to * @param offset * offset to subtract from each region boundary position * */ public HiddenColumns(HiddenColumns copy, int start, int end, int offset) { try { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); if (copy != null) { numColumns = 0; Iterator it = copy.getBoundedIterator(start, end); while (it.hasNext()) { int[] region = it.next(); // still need to check boundaries because iterator returns // all overlapping regions and we need contained regions if (region[0] >= start && region[1] <= end) { hiddenColumns.add( new int[] { region[0] - offset, region[1] - offset }); numColumns += region[1] - region[0] + 1; } } cursor = new HiddenColumnsCursor(hiddenColumns); } } finally { LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Adds the specified column range to the hidden columns collection * * @param start * start of range to add (absolute position in alignment) * @param end * end of range to add (absolute position in alignment) */ public void hideColumns(int start, int end) { try { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); int previndex = 0; int prevHiddenCount = 0; int regionindex = 0; if (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { // set up cursor reset values HiddenCursorPosition cursorPos = cursor.findRegionForColumn(start); regionindex = cursorPos.getRegionIndex(); if (regionindex > 0) { // get previous index and hidden count for updating the cursor later previndex = regionindex - 1; int[] prevRegion = hiddenColumns.get(previndex); prevHiddenCount = cursorPos.getHiddenSoFar() - (prevRegion[1] - prevRegion[0] + 1); } } /* * new range follows everything else; check first to avoid looping over whole hiddenColumns collection */ if (hiddenColumns.isEmpty() || start > hiddenColumns.get(hiddenColumns.size() - 1)[1]) { hiddenColumns.add(new int[] { start, end }); } else { /* * traverse existing hidden ranges and insert / amend / append as * appropriate */ boolean added = false; if (regionindex > 0) { added = insertRangeAtRegion(regionindex - 1, start, end); } if (!added && regionindex < hiddenColumns.size()) { insertRangeAtRegion(regionindex, start, end); } } // reset the cursor to just before our insertion point: this saves // a lot of reprocessing in large alignments cursor = new HiddenColumnsCursor(hiddenColumns, previndex, prevHiddenCount); // reset the number of columns so they will be recounted numColumns = 0; } finally { LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Insert [start, range] at the region at index i in hiddenColumns, if * feasible * * @param i * index to insert at * @param start * start of range to insert * @param end * end of range to insert * @return true if range was successfully inserted */ private boolean insertRangeAtRegion(int i, int start, int end) { boolean added = false; int[] region = hiddenColumns.get(i); if (end < region[0] - 1) { /* * insert discontiguous preceding range */ hiddenColumns.add(i, new int[] { start, end }); added = true; } else if (end <= region[1]) { /* * new range overlaps existing, or is contiguous preceding it - adjust * start column */ region[0] = Math.min(region[0], start); added = true; } else if (start <= region[1] + 1) { /* * new range overlaps existing, or is contiguous following it - adjust * start and end columns */ region[0] = Math.min(region[0], start); region[1] = Math.max(region[1], end); /* * also update or remove any subsequent ranges * that are overlapped */ while (i < hiddenColumns.size() - 1) { int[] nextRegion = hiddenColumns.get(i + 1); if (nextRegion[0] > end + 1) { /* * gap to next hidden range - no more to update */ break; } region[1] = Math.max(nextRegion[1], end); // in theory hiddenColumns.subList(i + 1, i + 2).clear() is faster than // hiddenColumns.remove(i+1) but benchmarking results a bit ambivalent hiddenColumns.remove(i + 1); } added = true; } return added; } /** * hide a list of ranges * * @param ranges */ public void hideList(List ranges) { try { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); for (int[] r : ranges) { hideColumns(r[0], r[1]); } cursor = new HiddenColumnsCursor(hiddenColumns); numColumns = 0; } finally { LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Unhides, and adds to the selection list, all hidden columns */ public void revealAllHiddenColumns(ColumnSelection sel) { try { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); for (int[] region : hiddenColumns) { for (int j = region[0]; j < region[1] + 1; j++) { sel.addElement(j); } } hiddenColumns.clear(); cursor = new HiddenColumnsCursor(hiddenColumns); numColumns = 0; } finally { LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Reveals, and marks as selected, the hidden column range with the given * start column * * @param start * the start column to look for * @param sel * the column selection to add the hidden column range to */ public void revealHiddenColumns(int start, ColumnSelection sel) { try { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); if (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { int regionIndex = cursor.findRegionForColumn(start) .getRegionIndex(); if (regionIndex != -1 && regionIndex != hiddenColumns.size()) { // regionIndex is the region which either contains start // or lies to the right of start int[] region = hiddenColumns.get(regionIndex); if (start == region[0]) { for (int j = region[0]; j < region[1] + 1; j++) { sel.addElement(j); } int colsToRemove = region[1] - region[0] + 1; hiddenColumns.remove(regionIndex); if (hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { numColumns = 0; } else { numColumns -= colsToRemove; } cursor.updateForDeletedRegion(hiddenColumns); } } } } finally { LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Output regions data as a string. String is in the format: * reg0[0]reg0[1]reg1[0]reg1[1] ... regn[1] * * @param delimiter * string to delimit regions * @param betweenstring * to put between start and end region values * @return regions formatted according to delimiter and between strings */ public String regionsToString(String delimiter, String between) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); StringBuilder regionBuilder = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (int[] range : hiddenColumns) { if (!first) { regionBuilder.append(delimiter); } else { first = false; } regionBuilder.append(range[0]).append(between).append(range[1]); } return regionBuilder.toString(); } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Find the number of hidden columns * * @return number of hidden columns */ public int getSize() { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); if (numColumns == 0) { // numColumns is out of date, so recalculate int size = 0; for (int[] range : hiddenColumns) { size += range[1] - range[0] + 1; } numColumns = size; } return numColumns; } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Get the number of distinct hidden regions * * @return number of regions */ public int getNumberOfRegions() { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); return hiddenColumns.size(); } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); if (!(obj instanceof HiddenColumns)) { return false; } HiddenColumns that = (HiddenColumns) obj; /* * check hidden columns are either both null, or match */ if (that.hiddenColumns.size() != this.hiddenColumns.size()) { return false; } Iterator it = this.iterator(); Iterator thatit = that.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (!(Arrays.equals(it.next(), thatit.next()))) { return false; } } return true; } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Return absolute column index for a visible column index * * @param column * int column index in alignment view (count from zero) * @return alignment column index for column */ public int visibleToAbsoluteColumn(int column) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); int result = column; if (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { result += cursor.findRegionForVisColumn(column).getHiddenSoFar(); } return result; } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Use this method to find out where a column will appear in the visible * alignment when hidden columns exist. If the column is not visible, then the * index of the next visible column on the left will be returned (or 0 if * there is no visible column on the left) * * @param hiddenColumn * the column index in the full alignment including hidden columns * @return the position of the column in the visible alignment */ public int absoluteToVisibleColumn(int hiddenColumn) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); int result = hiddenColumn; if (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { HiddenCursorPosition cursorPos = cursor .findRegionForColumn(hiddenColumn); int index = cursorPos.getRegionIndex(); int hiddenBeforeCol = cursorPos.getHiddenSoFar(); // just subtract hidden cols count - this works fine if column is // visible result = hiddenColumn - hiddenBeforeCol; // now check in case column is hidden - it will be in the returned // hidden region if (index < hiddenColumns.size()) { int[] region = hiddenColumns.get(index); if (hiddenColumn >= region[0] && hiddenColumn <= region[1]) { // actually col is hidden, return region[0]-1 // unless region[0]==0 in which case return 0 if (region[0] == 0) { result = 0; } else { result = region[0] - 1 - hiddenBeforeCol; } } } } return result; // return the shifted position after removing hidden // columns. } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Find the visible column which is a given visible number of columns to the * left (negative visibleDistance) or right (positive visibleDistance) of * startColumn. If startColumn is not visible, we use the visible column at * the left boundary of the hidden region containing startColumn. * * @param visibleDistance * the number of visible columns to offset by (left offset = negative * value; right offset = positive value) * @param startColumn * the position of the column to start from (absolute position) * @return the position of the column which is away * (absolute position) */ public int offsetByVisibleColumns(int visibleDistance, int startColumn) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); int start = absoluteToVisibleColumn(startColumn); return visibleToAbsoluteColumn(start + visibleDistance); } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * This method returns the rightmost limit of a region of an alignment with * hidden columns. In otherwords, the next hidden column. * * @param alPos * the absolute (visible) alignmentPosition to find the next hidden * column for * @return the index of the next hidden column, or alPos if there is no next * hidden column */ public int getNextHiddenBoundary(boolean left, int alPos) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); if (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { int index = cursor.findRegionForColumn(alPos).getRegionIndex(); if (left && index > 0) { int[] region = hiddenColumns.get(index - 1); return region[1]; } else if (!left && index < hiddenColumns.size()) { int[] region = hiddenColumns.get(index); if (alPos < region[0]) { return region[0]; } else if ((alPos <= region[1]) && (index + 1 < hiddenColumns.size())) { // alPos is within a hidden region, return the next one // if there is one region = hiddenColumns.get(index + 1); return region[0]; } } } return alPos; } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Answers if a column in the alignment is visible * * @param column * absolute position of column in the alignment * @return true if column is visible */ public boolean isVisible(int column) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); int regionindex = cursor.findRegionForColumn(column).getRegionIndex(); if (regionindex > -1 && regionindex < hiddenColumns.size()) { int[] region = hiddenColumns.get(regionindex); // already know that column <= region[1] as cursor returns containing // region or region to right if (column >= region[0]) { return false; } } return true; } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * * @return true if there are columns hidden */ public boolean hasHiddenColumns() { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); // we don't use getSize()>0 here because it has to iterate over // the full hiddenColumns collection and so will be much slower return (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()); } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * * @return true if there is more than one hidden column region */ public boolean hasMultiHiddenColumnRegions() { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); return !hiddenColumns.isEmpty() && hiddenColumns.size() > 1; } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Returns a hashCode built from hidden column ranges */ @Override public int hashCode() { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); int hashCode = 1; for (int[] hidden : hiddenColumns) { hashCode = HASH_MULTIPLIER * hashCode + hidden[0]; hashCode = HASH_MULTIPLIER * hashCode + hidden[1]; } return hashCode; } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Hide columns corresponding to the marked bits * * @param inserts * - columns mapped to bits starting from zero */ public void hideColumns(BitSet inserts) { try { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); for (int firstSet = inserts .nextSetBit(0), lastSet = 0; firstSet >= 0; firstSet = inserts .nextSetBit(lastSet)) { lastSet = inserts.nextClearBit(firstSet); hideColumns(firstSet, lastSet - 1); } cursor = new HiddenColumnsCursor(hiddenColumns); numColumns = 0; } finally { LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Hide columns corresponding to the marked bits, within the range * [start,end]. Entries in tohide which are outside [start,end] are ignored. * * @param tohide * columns mapped to bits starting from zero * @param start * start of range to hide columns within * @param end * end of range to hide columns within */ public void hideColumns(BitSet tohide, int start, int end) { clearHiddenColumnsInRange(start, end); // make sure only bits between start and end are set if (!tohide.isEmpty()) { tohide.clear(0, start); tohide.clear(Math.min(end + 1, tohide.length() + 1), tohide.length() + 1); } hideColumns(tohide); } /** * Make all columns in the range [start,end] visible * * @param start * start of range to show columns * @param end * end of range to show columns */ private void clearHiddenColumnsInRange(int start, int end) { try { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); if (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { HiddenCursorPosition pos = cursor.findRegionForColumn(start); int index = pos.getRegionIndex(); int startindex = index; // first index in hiddenColumns to remove if (index != -1 && index != hiddenColumns.size()) { // regionIndex is the region which either contains start // or lies to the right of start int[] region = hiddenColumns.get(index); if (region[0] < start && region[1] >= start) { // region contains start, truncate so that it ends just before start region[1] = start - 1; startindex++; } } pos = cursor.findRegionForColumn(end); index = pos.getRegionIndex(); int endindex = index - 1; // last index in hiddenColumns to remove if (index != -1 && index != hiddenColumns.size()) { // regionIndex is the region which either contains end // or lies to the right of end int[] region = hiddenColumns.get(index); if (region[0] <= end && region[1] > end) { // region contains end, truncate so that it starts just after end region[0] = end + 1; } } hiddenColumns.subList(startindex, endindex + 1).clear(); cursor = new HiddenColumnsCursor(hiddenColumns); numColumns = 0; } } finally { LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * * @param updates * BitSet where hidden columns will be marked */ protected void andNot(BitSet updates) { try { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); BitSet hiddenBitSet = new BitSet(); for (int[] range : hiddenColumns) { hiddenBitSet.set(range[0], range[1] + 1); } hiddenBitSet.andNot(updates); hiddenColumns.clear(); hideColumns(hiddenBitSet); } finally { LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Calculate the visible start and end index of an alignment. * * @param width * full alignment width * @return integer array where: int[0] = startIndex, and int[1] = endIndex */ public int[] getVisibleStartAndEndIndex(int width) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); int firstVisible = 0; int lastVisible = width - 1; if (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { // first visible col with index 0, convert to absolute index firstVisible = visibleToAbsoluteColumn(0); // last visible column is either immediately to left of // last hidden region, or is just the last column in the alignment int[] lastregion = hiddenColumns.get(hiddenColumns.size() - 1); if (lastregion[1] == width - 1) { // last region is at very end of alignment // last visible column immediately precedes it lastVisible = lastregion[0] - 1; } } return new int[] { firstVisible, lastVisible }; } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Finds the hidden region (if any) which starts or ends at res * * @param res * visible residue position, unadjusted for hidden columns * @return region as [start,end] or null if no matching region is found. If * res is adjacent to two regions, returns the left region. */ public int[] getRegionWithEdgeAtRes(int res) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); int adjres = visibleToAbsoluteColumn(res); int[] reveal = null; if (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { // look for a region ending just before adjres int regionindex = cursor.findRegionForColumn(adjres - 1) .getRegionIndex(); if (regionindex < hiddenColumns.size() && hiddenColumns.get(regionindex)[1] == adjres - 1) { reveal = hiddenColumns.get(regionindex); } // check if the region ends just after adjres else if (regionindex < hiddenColumns.size() && hiddenColumns.get(regionindex)[0] == adjres + 1) { reveal = hiddenColumns.get(regionindex); } } return reveal; } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Return an iterator over the hidden regions */ public Iterator iterator() { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); return new HiddenColsIterator(hiddenColumns); } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Return a bounded iterator over the hidden regions * * @param start * position to start from (inclusive, absolute column position) * @param end * position to end at (inclusive, absolute column position) * @return */ public Iterator getBoundedIterator(int start, int end) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); return new HiddenColsIterator(start, end, hiddenColumns); } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Return a bounded iterator over the *visible* start positions of hidden * regions * * @param start * position to start from (inclusive, visible column position) * @param end * position to end at (inclusive, visible column position) */ public Iterator getBoundedStartIterator(int start, int end) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); // get absolute position of column in alignment int absoluteStart = visibleToAbsoluteColumn(start); // Get cursor position and supply it to the iterator: // Since we want visible region start, we look for a cursor for the // (absoluteStart-1), then if absoluteStart is the start of a visible // region we'll get the cursor pointing to the region before, which is // what we want HiddenCursorPosition pos = cursor .findRegionForColumn(absoluteStart - 1); return new BoundedStartRegionIterator(pos, start, end, hiddenColumns); } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * Return an iterator over visible *columns* (not regions) between the given * start and end boundaries * * @param start * first column (inclusive) * @param end * last column (inclusive) */ public Iterator getVisibleColsIterator(int start, int end) { try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); return new VisibleColsIterator(start, end, hiddenColumns); } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } /** * return an iterator over visible segments between the given start and end * boundaries * * @param start * first column, inclusive from 0 * @param end * last column - not inclusive * @param useVisibleCoords * if true, start and end are visible column positions, not absolute * positions* */ public VisibleContigsIterator getVisContigsIterator(int start, int end, boolean useVisibleCoords) { int adjstart = start; int adjend = end; if (useVisibleCoords) { adjstart = visibleToAbsoluteColumn(start); adjend = visibleToAbsoluteColumn(end); } try { LOCK.readLock().lock(); return new VisibleContigsIterator(adjstart, adjend, hiddenColumns); } finally { LOCK.readLock().unlock(); } } }