* Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
* Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
* This file is part of Jalview.
* Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Jalview. If not, see .
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
package jalview.datamodel;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Vector;
import jalview.util.Comparison;
import jalview.util.MapList;
public class Mapping
* An iterator that serves the aligned codon positions (with their protein
* products).
* @author gmcarstairs
public class AlignedCodonIterator implements Iterator
* The gap character used in the aligned sequence
private final char gap;
* The characters of the aligned sequence e.g. "-cGT-ACgTG-"
private final SequenceI alignedSeq;
* the sequence start residue
private int start;
* Next position (base 0) in the aligned sequence
private int alignedColumn = 0;
* Count of bases up to and including alignedColumn position
private int alignedBases = 0;
* [start, end] from ranges (base 1)
private Iterator fromRanges;
* [start, end] to ranges (base 1)
private Iterator toRanges;
* The current [start, end] (base 1) from range
private int[] currentFromRange = null;
* The current [start, end] (base 1) to range
private int[] currentToRange = null;
* The next 'from' position (base 1) to process
private int fromPosition = 0;
* The next 'to' position (base 1) to process
private int toPosition = 0;
* Constructor
* @param seq
* the aligned sequence
* @param gapChar
public AlignedCodonIterator(SequenceI seq, char gapChar)
this.alignedSeq = seq;
this.start = seq.getStart();
this.gap = gapChar;
fromRanges = map.getFromRanges().iterator();
toRanges = map.getToRanges().iterator();
if (fromRanges.hasNext())
currentFromRange = fromRanges.next();
fromPosition = currentFromRange[0];
if (toRanges.hasNext())
currentToRange = toRanges.next();
toPosition = currentToRange[0];
* Returns true unless we have already traversed the whole mapping.
public boolean hasNext()
if (fromRanges.hasNext())
return true;
if (currentFromRange == null || fromPosition >= currentFromRange[1])
return false;
return true;
* Returns the next codon's aligned positions, and translated value.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* if hasNext() would have returned false
* @throws IncompleteCodonException
* if not enough mapped bases are left to make up a codon
public AlignedCodon next() throws IncompleteCodonException
if (!hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
int[] codon = getNextCodon();
int[] alignedCodon = getAlignedCodon(codon);
String peptide = getPeptide();
int peptideCol = toPosition - 1 - Mapping.this.to.getStart();
return new AlignedCodon(alignedCodon[0], alignedCodon[1],
alignedCodon[2], peptide, peptideCol);
* Retrieve the translation as the 'mapped to' position in the mapped to
* sequence.
* @return
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* if the 'toRange' is exhausted (nothing to map to)
private String getPeptide()
// TODO should ideally handle toRatio other than 1 as well...
// i.e. code like getNextCodon()
if (toPosition <= currentToRange[1])
SequenceI seq = Mapping.this.to;
char pep = seq.getCharAt(toPosition - seq.getStart());
return String.valueOf(pep);
if (!toRanges.hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException(
"Ran out of peptide at position " + toPosition);
currentToRange = toRanges.next();
toPosition = currentToRange[0];
return getPeptide();
* Get the (base 1) dataset positions for the next codon in the mapping.
* @throws IncompleteCodonException
* if less than 3 remaining bases are mapped
private int[] getNextCodon()
int[] codon = new int[3];
int codonbase = 0;
while (codonbase < 3)
if (fromPosition <= currentFromRange[1])
* Add next position from the current start-end range
codon[codonbase++] = fromPosition++;
* Move to the next range - if there is one
if (!fromRanges.hasNext())
throw new IncompleteCodonException();
currentFromRange = fromRanges.next();
fromPosition = currentFromRange[0];
return codon;
* Get the aligned column positions (base 0) for the given sequence
* positions (base 1), by counting ungapped characters in the aligned
* sequence.
* @param codon
* @return
private int[] getAlignedCodon(int[] codon)
int[] aligned = new int[codon.length];
for (int i = 0; i < codon.length; i++)
aligned[i] = getAlignedColumn(codon[i]);
return aligned;
* Get the aligned column position (base 0) for the given sequence position
* (base 1).
* @param sequencePos
* @return
private int getAlignedColumn(int sequencePos)
* allow for offset e.g. treat pos 8 as 2 if sequence starts at 7
int truePos = sequencePos - (start - 1);
int length = alignedSeq.getLength();
while (alignedBases < truePos && alignedColumn < length)
char c = alignedSeq.getCharAt(alignedColumn++);
if (c != gap && !Comparison.isGap(c))
return alignedColumn - 1;
public void remove()
// ignore
* Contains the start-end pairs mapping from the associated sequence to the
* sequence in the database coordinate system. It also takes care of step
* difference between coordinate systems.
MapList map = null;
* The sequence that map maps the associated sequence to (if any).
SequenceI to = null;
* optional sequence id for the 'from' ranges
private String mappedFromId;
public Mapping(MapList map)
this.map = map;
public Mapping(SequenceI to, MapList map)
this.to = to;
* create a new mapping from
* @param to
* the sequence being mapped
* @param exon
* int[] {start,end,start,end} series on associated sequence
* @param is
* int[] {start,end,...} ranges on the reference frame being mapped
* to
* @param i
* step size on associated sequence
* @param j
* step size on mapped frame
public Mapping(SequenceI to, int[] exon, int[] is, int i, int j)
this(to, new MapList(exon, is, i, j));
* create a duplicate (and independent) mapping object with the same reference
* to any SequenceI being mapped to.
* @param map2
public Mapping(Mapping map2)
if (map2 != this && map2 != null)
if (map2.map != null)
map = new MapList(map2.map);
to = map2.to;
mappedFromId = map2.mappedFromId;
* @return the map
public MapList getMap()
return map;
* @param map
* the map to set
public void setMap(MapList map)
this.map = map;
* Equals that compares both the to references and MapList mappings.
* @param o
* @return
* @see MapList#equals
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (o == null || !(o instanceof Mapping))
return false;
Mapping other = (Mapping) o;
if (other == this)
return true;
if (other.to != to)
return false;
if ((map != null && other.map == null)
|| (map == null && other.map != null))
return false;
if ((map == null && other.map == null) || map.equals(other.map))
return true;
return false;
* Returns a hashCode made from the sequence and maplist
public int hashCode()
int hashCode = (this.to == null ? 1 : this.to.hashCode());
if (this.map != null)
hashCode = hashCode * 31 + this.map.hashCode();
return hashCode;
* get the 'initial' position in the associated sequence for a position in the
* mapped reference frame
* @param mpos
* @return
public int getPosition(int mpos)
if (map != null)
int[] mp = map.shiftTo(mpos);
if (mp != null)
return mp[0];
return mpos;
* width of mapped unit in associated sequence
public int getWidth()
if (map != null)
return map.getFromRatio();
return 1;
* width of unit in mapped reference frame
* @return
public int getMappedWidth()
if (map != null)
return map.getToRatio();
return 1;
* get mapped position in the associated reference frame for position pos in
* the associated sequence.
* @param pos
* @return
public int getMappedPosition(int pos)
if (map != null)
int[] mp = map.shiftFrom(pos);
if (mp != null)
return mp[0];
return pos;
public int[] getMappedWord(int pos)
if (map != null)
int[] mp = map.shiftFrom(pos);
if (mp != null)
return new int[] { mp[0], mp[0] + mp[2] * (map.getToRatio() - 1) };
return null;
* locates the region of feature f in the associated sequence's reference
* frame
* @param f
* @return one or more features corresponding to f
public SequenceFeature[] locateFeature(SequenceFeature f)
if (true)
{ // f.getBegin()!=f.getEnd()) {
if (map != null)
int[] frange = map.locateInFrom(f.getBegin(), f.getEnd());
if (frange == null)
// JBPNote - this isprobably not the right thing to doJBPHack
return null;
SequenceFeature[] vf = new SequenceFeature[frange.length / 2];
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < frange.length; i += 2, v++)
vf[v] = new SequenceFeature(f, frange[i], frange[i + 1],
f.getFeatureGroup(), f.getScore());
if (frange.length > 2)
vf[v].setDescription(f.getDescription() + "\nPart " + (v + 1));
return vf;
// give up and just return the feature.
return new SequenceFeature[] { f };
* return a series of contigs on the associated sequence corresponding to the
* from,to interval on the mapped reference frame
* @param from
* @param to
* @return int[] { from_i, to_i for i=1 to n contiguous regions in the
* associated sequence}
public int[] locateRange(int from, int to)
if (map != null)
if (from <= to)
from = (map.getToLowest() < from) ? from : map.getToLowest();
to = (map.getToHighest() > to) ? to : map.getToHighest();
if (from > to)
return null;
from = (map.getToHighest() > from) ? from : map.getToHighest();
to = (map.getToLowest() < to) ? to : map.getToLowest();
if (from < to)
return null;
return map.locateInFrom(from, to);
return new int[] { from, to };
* return a series of mapped contigs mapped from a range on the associated
* sequence
* @param from
* @param to
* @return
public int[] locateMappedRange(int from, int to)
if (map != null)
if (from <= to)
from = (map.getFromLowest() < from) ? from : map.getFromLowest();
to = (map.getFromHighest() > to) ? to : map.getFromHighest();
if (from > to)
return null;
from = (map.getFromHighest() > from) ? from : map.getFromHighest();
to = (map.getFromLowest() < to) ? to : map.getFromLowest();
if (from < to)
return null;
return map.locateInTo(from, to);
return new int[] { from, to };
* return a new mapping object with a maplist modifed to only map the visible
* regions defined by viscontigs.
* @param viscontigs
* @return
public Mapping intersectVisContigs(int[] viscontigs)
Mapping copy = new Mapping(this);
if (map != null)
int vpos = 0;
int apos = 0;
Vector toRange = new Vector();
Vector fromRange = new Vector();
for (int vc = 0; vc < viscontigs.length; vc += 2)
// find a mapped range in this visible region
int[] mpr = locateMappedRange(1 + viscontigs[vc],
viscontigs[vc + 1] - 1);
if (mpr != null)
for (int m = 0; m < mpr.length; m += 2)
toRange.addElement(new int[] { mpr[m], mpr[m + 1] });
int[] xpos = locateRange(mpr[m], mpr[m + 1]);
for (int x = 0; x < xpos.length; x += 2)
fromRange.addElement(new int[] { xpos[x], xpos[x + 1] });
int[] from = new int[fromRange.size() * 2];
int[] to = new int[toRange.size() * 2];
int[] r;
for (int f = 0, fSize = fromRange.size(); f < fSize; f++)
r = (int[]) fromRange.elementAt(f);
from[f * 2] = r[0];
from[f * 2 + 1] = r[1];
for (int f = 0, fSize = toRange.size(); f < fSize; f++)
r = (int[]) toRange.elementAt(f);
to[f * 2] = r[0];
to[f * 2 + 1] = r[1];
new MapList(from, to, map.getFromRatio(), map.getToRatio()));
return copy;
* get the sequence being mapped to - if any
* @return null or a dataset sequence
public SequenceI getTo()
return to;
* set the dataset sequence being mapped to if any
* @param tto
public void setTo(SequenceI tto)
to = tto;
* Returns an iterator which can serve up the aligned codon column positions
* and their corresponding peptide products
* @param seq
* an aligned (i.e. possibly gapped) sequence
* @param gapChar
* @return
public Iterator getCodonIterator(SequenceI seq,
char gapChar)
return new AlignedCodonIterator(seq, gapChar);
* Readable representation for debugging only, not guaranteed not to change
public String toString()
return String.format("%s %s", this.map.toString(),
this.to == null ? "" : this.to.getName());
* Returns the identifier for the 'from' range sequence, or null if not set
* @return
public String getMappedFromId()
return mappedFromId;
* Sets the identifier for the 'from' range sequence
public void setMappedFromId(String mappedFromId)
this.mappedFromId = mappedFromId;