/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.4) * Copyright (C) 2008 AM Waterhouse, J Procter, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package jalview.datamodel; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import jalview.analysis.*; import jalview.schemes.*; /** * Collects a set contiguous ranges on a set of sequences * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class SequenceGroup { String groupName; String description; Conservation conserve; Vector aaFrequency; boolean displayBoxes = true; boolean displayText = true; boolean colourText = false; /** * group members */ private Vector sequences = new Vector(); /** * representative sequence for this group (if any) */ private SequenceI seqrep = null; int width = -1; /** * Colourscheme applied to group if any */ public ColourSchemeI cs; int startRes = 0; int endRes = 0; public Color outlineColour = Color.black; public Color idColour = null; public int thresholdTextColour = 0; public Color textColour = Color.black; public Color textColour2 = Color.white; /** * Creates a new SequenceGroup object. */ public SequenceGroup() { groupName = "JGroup:" + this.hashCode(); } /** * Creates a new SequenceGroup object. * * @param sequences * @param groupName * @param scheme * @param displayBoxes * @param displayText * @param colourText * @param start * first column of group * @param end * last column of group */ public SequenceGroup(Vector sequences, String groupName, ColourSchemeI scheme, boolean displayBoxes, boolean displayText, boolean colourText, int start, int end) { this.sequences = sequences; this.groupName = groupName; this.displayBoxes = displayBoxes; this.displayText = displayText; this.colourText = colourText; this.cs = scheme; startRes = start; endRes = end; recalcConservation(); } /** * copy constructor * @param seqsel */ public SequenceGroup(SequenceGroup seqsel) { if (seqsel!=null) { sequences=new Vector(); Enumeration sq = seqsel.sequences.elements(); while (sq.hasMoreElements()) { sequences.addElement(sq.nextElement()); }; groupName = new String(seqsel.groupName); displayBoxes = seqsel.displayBoxes; displayText = seqsel.displayText; colourText = seqsel.colourText; startRes = seqsel.startRes; endRes = seqsel.endRes; cs =seqsel.cs; if (seqsel.description!=null) description = new String(seqsel.description); groupName = new String(seqsel.groupName); hidecols = seqsel.hidecols; hidereps = seqsel.hidereps; idColour = seqsel.idColour; outlineColour = seqsel.outlineColour; seqrep = seqsel.seqrep; textColour = seqsel.textColour; textColour2 = seqsel.textColour2; thresholdTextColour = seqsel.thresholdTextColour; width = seqsel.width; if (seqsel.conserve!=null) { recalcConservation(); // safer than // aaFrequency = (Vector) seqsel.aaFrequency.clone(); // ?? } } } public SequenceI[] getSelectionAsNewSequences(AlignmentI align) { int iSize = sequences.size(); SequenceI[] seqs = new SequenceI[iSize]; SequenceI[] inorder = getSequencesInOrder(align); for (int i = 0, ipos = 0; i < inorder.length; i++) { SequenceI seq = inorder[i]; seqs[ipos] = seq.getSubSequence(startRes, endRes + 1); if (seqs[ipos] != null) { seqs[ipos].setDescription(seq.getDescription()); seqs[ipos].setDBRef(seq.getDBRef()); seqs[ipos].setSequenceFeatures(seq.getSequenceFeatures()); if (seq.getDatasetSequence() != null) { seqs[ipos].setDatasetSequence(seq.getDatasetSequence()); } if (seq.getAnnotation() != null) { AlignmentAnnotation[] alann = align.getAlignmentAnnotation(); // Only copy annotation that is either a score or referenced by the // alignment's annotation vector for (int a = 0; a < seq.getAnnotation().length; a++) { AlignmentAnnotation tocopy = seq.getAnnotation()[a]; if (alann != null) { boolean found = false; for (int pos = 0; pos < alann.length; pos++) { if (alann[pos] == tocopy) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) continue; } AlignmentAnnotation newannot = new AlignmentAnnotation(seq .getAnnotation()[a]); newannot.restrict(startRes, endRes); newannot.setSequenceRef(seqs[ipos]); newannot.adjustForAlignment(); seqs[ipos].addAlignmentAnnotation(newannot); } } ipos++; } else { iSize--; } } if (iSize != inorder.length) { SequenceI[] nseqs = new SequenceI[iSize]; System.arraycopy(seqs, 0, nseqs, 0, iSize); seqs = nseqs; } return seqs; } /** * If sequence ends in gaps, the end residue can be correctly calculated here * * @param seq * SequenceI * @return int */ public int findEndRes(SequenceI seq) { int eres = 0; char ch; for (int j = 0; j < endRes + 1 && j < seq.getLength(); j++) { ch = seq.getCharAt(j); if (!jalview.util.Comparison.isGap((ch))) { eres++; } } if (eres > 0) { eres += seq.getStart() - 1; } return eres; } public Vector getSequences(Hashtable hiddenReps) { if (hiddenReps == null) { return sequences; } else { Vector allSequences = new Vector(); SequenceI seq, seq2; for (int i = 0; i < sequences.size(); i++) { seq = (SequenceI) sequences.elementAt(i); allSequences.addElement(seq); if (hiddenReps.containsKey(seq)) { SequenceGroup hsg = (SequenceGroup) hiddenReps.get(seq); for (int h = 0; h < hsg.getSize(); h++) { seq2 = hsg.getSequenceAt(h); if (seq2 != seq && !allSequences.contains(seq2)) { allSequences.addElement(seq2); } } } } return allSequences; } } public SequenceI[] getSequencesAsArray(Hashtable hiddenReps) { Vector tmp = getSequences(hiddenReps); if (tmp == null) { return null; } SequenceI[] result = new SequenceI[tmp.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = (SequenceI) tmp.elementAt(i); } return result; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param col * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public boolean adjustForRemoveLeft(int col) { // return value is true if the group still exists if (startRes >= col) { startRes = startRes - col; } if (endRes >= col) { endRes = endRes - col; if (startRes > endRes) { startRes = 0; } } else { // must delete this group!! return false; } return true; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param col * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public boolean adjustForRemoveRight(int col) { if (startRes > col) { // delete this group return false; } if (endRes >= col) { endRes = col; } return true; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public String getName() { return groupName; } public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param name * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setName(String name) { groupName = name; } public void setDescription(String desc) { description = desc; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public Conservation getConservation() { return conserve; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param c * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setConservation(Conservation c) { conserve = c; } /** * Add s to this sequence group * * @param s * alignment sequence to be added * @param recalc * true means Group's conservation should be recalculated */ public void addSequence(SequenceI s, boolean recalc) { if (s != null && !sequences.contains(s)) { sequences.addElement(s); } if (recalc) { recalcConservation(); } } /** * calculate residue conservation for group */ public void recalcConservation() { if (cs == null) { return; } try { cs.setConsensus(AAFrequency .calculate(sequences, startRes, endRes + 1)); if (cs instanceof ClustalxColourScheme) { ((ClustalxColourScheme) cs).resetClustalX(sequences, getWidth()); } if (cs.conservationApplied()) { Conservation c = new Conservation(groupName, ResidueProperties.propHash, 3, sequences, startRes, endRes + 1); c.calculate(); c.verdict(false, 25); cs.setConservation(c); if (cs instanceof ClustalxColourScheme) { ((ClustalxColourScheme) cs).resetClustalX(sequences, getWidth()); } } } catch (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError err) { // TODO: catch OOM System.out.println("Out of memory loading groups: " + err); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param s * DOCUMENT ME! * @param recalc * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void addOrRemove(SequenceI s, boolean recalc) { if (sequences.contains(s)) { deleteSequence(s, recalc); } else { addSequence(s, recalc); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param s * DOCUMENT ME! * @param recalc * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void deleteSequence(SequenceI s, boolean recalc) { sequences.removeElement(s); if (recalc) { recalcConservation(); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public int getStartRes() { return startRes; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public int getEndRes() { return endRes; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param i * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setStartRes(int i) { startRes = i; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param i * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setEndRes(int i) { endRes = i; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public int getSize() { return sequences.size(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param i * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public SequenceI getSequenceAt(int i) { return (SequenceI) sequences.elementAt(i); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param state * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setColourText(boolean state) { colourText = state; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public boolean getColourText() { return colourText; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param state * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setDisplayText(boolean state) { displayText = state; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public boolean getDisplayText() { return displayText; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param state * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setDisplayBoxes(boolean state) { displayBoxes = state; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public boolean getDisplayBoxes() { return displayBoxes; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public int getWidth() { // MC This needs to get reset when characters are inserted and deleted if (sequences.size() > 0) { width = ((SequenceI) sequences.elementAt(0)).getLength(); } for (int i = 1; i < sequences.size(); i++) { SequenceI seq = (SequenceI) sequences.elementAt(i); if (seq.getLength() > width) { width = seq.getLength(); } } return width; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param c * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setOutlineColour(Color c) { outlineColour = c; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public Color getOutlineColour() { return outlineColour; } /** * * returns the sequences in the group ordered by the ordering given by al * * @param al * Alignment * @return SequenceI[] */ public SequenceI[] getSequencesInOrder(AlignmentI al) { int sSize = sequences.size(); int alHeight = al.getHeight(); SequenceI[] seqs = new SequenceI[sSize]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < alHeight && index < sSize; i++) { if (sequences.contains(al.getSequenceAt(i))) { seqs[index++] = al.getSequenceAt(i); } } return seqs; } /** * @return the idColour */ public Color getIdColour() { return idColour; } /** * @param idColour * the idColour to set */ public void setIdColour(Color idColour) { this.idColour = idColour; } /** * @return the representative sequence for this group */ public SequenceI getSeqrep() { return seqrep; } /** * set the representative sequence for this group. * Note - this affects the interpretation of the Hidereps attribute. * @param seqrep the seqrep to set (null means no sequence representative) */ public void setSeqrep(SequenceI seqrep) { this.seqrep = seqrep; } /** * * @return true if group has a sequence representative */ public boolean hasSeqrep() { return seqrep != null; } /** * visibility of rows or represented rows covered by group */ private boolean hidereps=false; /** * set visibility of sequences covered by (if no sequence representative is defined) * or represented by this group. * @param visibility */ public void setHidereps(boolean visibility) { hidereps = visibility; } /** * * @return true if sequences represented (or covered) by this group should be hidden */ public boolean isHidereps() { return hidereps; } /** * visibility of columns intersecting this group */ private boolean hidecols=false; /** * set intended visibility of columns covered by this group * @param visibility */ public void setHideCols(boolean visibility) { hidecols = visibility; } /** * * @return true if columns covered by group should be hidden */ public boolean isHideCols() { return hidecols; } /** * create a new sequence group from the intersection of this group * with an alignment Hashtable of hidden representatives * * @param alignment (may not be null) * @param hashtable (may be null) * @return new group containing sequences common to this group and alignment */ public SequenceGroup intersect(AlignmentI alignment, Hashtable hashtable) { SequenceGroup sgroup = new SequenceGroup(this); Enumeration en = getSequences(hashtable).elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { SequenceI elem = (SequenceI) en.nextElement(); if (alignment.getSequences().contains(elem)) { sgroup.addSequence(elem, false); } } return sgroup; } }