/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.ext.ensembl; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.bin.Jalview; import jalview.util.StringUtils; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.ProtocolException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; /** * Base class for Ensembl REST service clients * * @author gmcarstairs */ abstract class EnsemblRestClient extends EnsemblSequenceFetcher { static { Cache.addJ2SDirectDatabaseCall("http://rest.ensembl"); Cache.addJ2SDirectDatabaseCall("https://rest.ensembl"); } private static final int DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes private static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds private static final int MAX_RETRIES = 3; private static final int HTTP_OK = 200; private static final int HTTP_OVERLOAD = 429; /* * update these constants when Jalview has been checked / updated for * changes to Ensembl REST API (ref JAL-2105) * @see https://github.com/Ensembl/ensembl-rest/wiki/Change-log * @see http://rest.ensembl.org/info/rest?content-type=application/json */ private static final String LATEST_ENSEMBLGENOMES_REST_VERSION = "7.0"; private static final String LATEST_ENSEMBL_REST_VERSION = "7.0"; private static final String REST_CHANGE_LOG = "https://github.com/Ensembl/ensembl-rest/wiki/Change-log"; private static Map domainData; private final static long AVAILABILITY_RETEST_INTERVAL = 10000L; // 10 seconds private final static long VERSION_RETEST_INTERVAL = 1000L * 3600; // 1 hr protected static final String CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = "?content-type=application/json"; static { domainData = new HashMap<>(); domainData.put(DEFAULT_ENSEMBL_BASEURL, new EnsemblData(DEFAULT_ENSEMBL_BASEURL, LATEST_ENSEMBL_REST_VERSION)); domainData.put(DEFAULT_ENSEMBL_GENOMES_BASEURL, new EnsemblData( DEFAULT_ENSEMBL_GENOMES_BASEURL, LATEST_ENSEMBLGENOMES_REST_VERSION)); } protected volatile boolean inProgress = false; /** * Default constructor to use rest.ensembl.org */ public EnsemblRestClient() { super(); /* * initialise domain info lazily */ if (!domainData.containsKey(ensemblDomain)) { domainData.put(ensemblDomain, new EnsemblData(ensemblDomain, LATEST_ENSEMBL_REST_VERSION)); } if (!domainData.containsKey(ensemblGenomesDomain)) { domainData.put(ensemblGenomesDomain, new EnsemblData( ensemblGenomesDomain, LATEST_ENSEMBLGENOMES_REST_VERSION)); } } /** * Constructor given the target domain to fetch data from * * @param d */ public EnsemblRestClient(String d) { setDomain(d); } @Override public boolean queryInProgress() { return inProgress; } @Override public StringBuffer getRawRecords() { return null; } /** * Returns the URL for the client http request * * @param ids * @return * @throws MalformedURLException */ protected abstract URL getUrl(List ids) throws MalformedURLException; /** * Returns true if client uses GET method, false if it uses POST * * @return */ protected abstract boolean useGetRequest(); /** * Returns the desired value for the Content-Type request header. Default is * application/json, override if required to vary this. * * @return * @see https://github.com/Ensembl/ensembl-rest/wiki/HTTP-Headers */ protected String getRequestMimeType() { return "application/json"; } /** * Return the desired value for the Accept request header. Default is * application/json, override if required to vary this. * * @return * @see https://github.com/Ensembl/ensembl-rest/wiki/HTTP-Headers */ protected String getResponseMimeType() { return "application/json"; } /** * Checks Ensembl's REST 'ping' endpoint, and returns true if response * indicates available, else false * * @see http://rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/ping * @return */ boolean checkEnsembl() { BufferedReader br = null; String pingUrl = getDomain() + "/info/ping" + CONTENT_TYPE_JSON; try { // note this format works for both ensembl and ensemblgenomes // info/ping.json works for ensembl only (March 2016) URL ping = new URL(pingUrl); /* * expect {"ping":1} if ok * if ping takes more than 2 seconds to respond, treat as if unavailable */ br = getHttpResponse(ping, null, 2 * 1000); if (br == null) { // error reponse status return false; } JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); JSONObject val = (JSONObject) jp.parse(br); String pingString = val.get("ping").toString(); return pingString != null; } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println( "Error connecting to " + pingUrl + ": " + t.getMessage()); } finally { if (br != null) { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } return false; } /** * Returns a reader to a (Json) response from the Ensembl sequence endpoint. * If the request failed the return value may be null. * * @param ids * @return * @throws IOException */ protected BufferedReader getSequenceReader(List ids) throws IOException { URL url = getUrl(ids); BufferedReader reader = getHttpResponse(url, ids); return reader; } /** * Gets a reader to the HTTP response, using the default read timeout of 5 * minutes * * @param url * @param ids * @return * @throws IOException */ protected BufferedReader getHttpResponse(URL url, List ids) throws IOException { return getHttpResponse(url, ids, DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT); } /** * Sends the HTTP request and gets the response as a reader. Returns null if * the HTTP response code was not 200. * * @param url * @param ids * written as Json POST body if more than one * @param readTimeout * in milliseconds * @return * @throws IOException */ protected BufferedReader getHttpResponse(URL url, List ids, int readTimeout) throws IOException { int retriesLeft = MAX_RETRIES; HttpURLConnection connection = null; int responseCode = 0; while (retriesLeft > 0) { connection = tryConnection(url, ids, readTimeout); responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == HTTP_OVERLOAD) // 429 { retriesLeft--; checkRetryAfter(connection); } else { retriesLeft = 0; } } if (responseCode != HTTP_OK) // 200 { /* * note: a GET request for an invalid id returns an error code e.g. 415 * but POST request returns 200 and an empty Fasta response */ System.err.println("Response code " + responseCode + " for " + url); return null; } InputStream response = connection.getInputStream(); // System.out.println(getClass().getName() + " took " // + (System.currentTimeMillis() - now) + "ms to fetch"); BufferedReader reader = null; reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response, "UTF-8")); return reader; } /** * @param url * @param ids * @param readTimeout * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ProtocolException */ protected HttpURLConnection tryConnection(URL url, List ids, int readTimeout) throws IOException, ProtocolException { // System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + " " + url); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); /* * POST method allows multiple queries in one request; it is supported for * sequence queries, but not for overlap */ boolean multipleIds = ids != null && ids.size() > 1; connection.setRequestMethod( multipleIds ? HttpMethod.POST : HttpMethod.GET); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", getRequestMimeType()); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", getResponseMimeType()); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.setDoOutput(multipleIds); connection.setUseCaches(false); connection.setConnectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS); connection.setReadTimeout(readTimeout); if (multipleIds) { writePostBody(connection, ids); } return connection; } /** * Inspects response headers for a 'retry-after' directive, and waits for the * directed period (if less than 10 seconds) * * @see https://github.com/Ensembl/ensembl-rest/wiki/Rate-Limits * @param connection */ void checkRetryAfter(HttpURLConnection connection) { String retryDelay = connection.getHeaderField("Retry-After"); // to test: // retryDelay = "5"; if (retryDelay != null) { try { int retrySecs = Integer.valueOf(retryDelay); if (retrySecs > 0 && retrySecs < 10) { System.err .println("Ensembl REST service rate limit exceeded, waiting " + retryDelay + " seconds before retrying"); Thread.sleep(1000 * retrySecs); } } catch (NumberFormatException | InterruptedException e) { System.err.println("Error handling Retry-After: " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Rechecks if Ensembl is responding, unless the last check was successful and * the retest interval has not yet elapsed. Returns true if Ensembl is up, * else false. Also retrieves and saves the current version of Ensembl data * and REST services at intervals. * * @return */ protected boolean isEnsemblAvailable() { EnsemblData info = domainData.get(getDomain()); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); /* * recheck if Ensembl is up if it was down, or the recheck period has elapsed */ boolean retestAvailability = (now - info.lastAvailableCheckTime) > AVAILABILITY_RETEST_INTERVAL; if (!info.restAvailable || retestAvailability) { info.restAvailable = checkEnsembl(); info.lastAvailableCheckTime = now; } /* * refetch Ensembl versions if the recheck period has elapsed */ boolean refetchVersion = (now - info.lastVersionCheckTime) > VERSION_RETEST_INTERVAL; if (refetchVersion) { checkEnsemblRestVersion(); checkEnsemblDataVersion(); info.lastVersionCheckTime = now; } return info.restAvailable; } /** * Constructs, writes and flushes the POST body of the request, containing the * query ids in JSON format * * @param connection * @param ids * @throws IOException */ protected void writePostBody(HttpURLConnection connection, List ids) throws IOException { boolean first; StringBuilder postBody = new StringBuilder(64); postBody.append("{\"ids\":["); first = true; for (String id : ids) { if (!first) { postBody.append(","); } first = false; postBody.append("\""); postBody.append(id.trim()); postBody.append("\""); } postBody.append("]}"); byte[] thepostbody = postBody.toString().getBytes(); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(thepostbody.length)); DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream( connection.getOutputStream()); wr.write(thepostbody); wr.flush(); wr.close(); } /** * Fetches and checks Ensembl's REST version number * * @return */ private void checkEnsemblRestVersion() { EnsemblData info = domainData.get(getDomain()); JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); URL url = null; try { url = new URL(getDomain() + "/info/rest" + CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); BufferedReader br = getHttpResponse(url, null); if (br == null) { return; } JSONObject val = (JSONObject) jp.parse(br); String version = val.get("release").toString(); String majorVersion = version.substring(0, version.indexOf(".")); String expected = info.expectedRestVersion; String expectedMajorVersion = expected.substring(0, expected.indexOf(".")); info.restMajorVersionMismatch = false; try { /* * if actual REST major version is ahead of what we expect, * record this in case we want to warn the user */ if (Float.valueOf(majorVersion) > Float .valueOf(expectedMajorVersion)) { info.restMajorVersionMismatch = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("Error in REST version: " + e.toString()); } /* * check if REST version is later than what Jalview has tested against, * if so warn; we don't worry if it is earlier (this indicates Jalview has * been tested in advance against the next pending REST version) */ boolean laterVersion = StringUtils.compareVersions(version, expected) == 1; if (laterVersion) { System.err.println(String.format( "EnsemblRestClient expected %s REST version %s but found %s, see %s", getDbSource(), expected, version, REST_CHANGE_LOG)); } info.restVersion = version; } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println( "Error checking Ensembl REST version: " + t.getMessage()); } } public boolean isRestMajorVersionMismatch() { return domainData.get(getDomain()).restMajorVersionMismatch; } /** * Fetches and checks Ensembl's data version number * * @return */ private void checkEnsemblDataVersion() { JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); URL url = null; BufferedReader br = null; try { url = new URL(getDomain() + "/info/data" + CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); br = getHttpResponse(url, null); if (br != null) { JSONObject val = (JSONObject) jp.parse(br); JSONArray versions = (JSONArray) val.get("releases"); domainData.get(getDomain()).dataVersion = versions.get(0) .toString(); } } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println( "Error checking Ensembl data version: " + t.getMessage()); } finally { if (br != null) { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } } public String getEnsemblDataVersion() { return domainData.get(getDomain()).dataVersion; } @Override public String getDbVersion() { return getEnsemblDataVersion(); } }