/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.ext.jmol; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.io.FileParse; import jalview.io.StructureFile; import jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties; import jalview.structure.StructureImportSettings; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javajs.awt.Dimension; import org.jmol.api.JmolStatusListener; import org.jmol.api.JmolViewer; import org.jmol.c.CBK; import org.jmol.c.STR; import org.jmol.modelset.ModelSet; import org.jmol.viewer.Viewer; import MCview.Atom; import MCview.PDBChain; import MCview.Residue; /** * Import and process files with Jmol for file like PDB, mmCIF * * @author jprocter * */ public class JmolParser extends StructureFile implements JmolStatusListener { Viewer viewer = null; public JmolParser(boolean addAlignmentAnnotations, boolean predictSecStr, boolean externalSecStr, String inFile, String type) throws IOException { super(inFile, type); } public JmolParser(boolean addAlignmentAnnotations, boolean predictSecStr, boolean externalSecStr, FileParse fp) throws IOException { super(fp); } public JmolParser() { } /** * Calls the Jmol library to parse the PDB/mmCIF file, and then inspects the * resulting object model to generate Jalview-style sequences, with secondary * structure annotation added where available (i.e. where it has been computed * by Jmol using DSSP). * * @see jalview.io.AlignFile#parse() */ @Override public void parse() throws IOException { setChains(new Vector()); Viewer jmolModel = getJmolData(); jmolModel.openReader(getDataName(), getDataName(), getReader()); waitForScript(jmolModel); /* * Convert one or more Jmol Model objects to Jalview sequences */ if (jmolModel.ms.mc > 0) { transformJmolModelToJalview(jmolModel.ms); } } /** * create a headless jmol instance for dataprocessing * * @return */ private Viewer getJmolData() { if (viewer == null) { try { viewer = (Viewer) JmolViewer.allocateViewer(null, null, null, null, null, "-x -o -n", this); // ensure the 'new' (DSSP) not 'old' (Ramachandran) SS method is used viewer.setBooleanProperty("defaultStructureDSSP", true); } catch (ClassCastException x) { throw new Error(MessageManager.formatMessage( "error.jmol_version_not_compatible_with_jalview_version", new String[] { JmolViewer.getJmolVersion() }), x); } } return viewer; } public void transformJmolModelToJalview(ModelSet ms) throws IOException { try { String lastID = ""; List rna = new ArrayList(); List prot = new ArrayList(); PDBChain tmpchain; String pdbId = (String) ms.getInfo(0, "title"); setId(pdbId); List significantAtoms = convertSignificantAtoms(ms); for (Atom tmpatom : significantAtoms) { try { tmpchain = findChain(tmpatom.chain); if (tmpatom.resNumIns.trim().equals(lastID)) { // phosphorylated protein - seen both CA and P.. continue; } tmpchain.atoms.addElement(tmpatom); } catch (Exception e) { tmpchain = new PDBChain(pdbId, tmpatom.chain); getChains().add(tmpchain); tmpchain.atoms.addElement(tmpatom); } lastID = tmpatom.resNumIns.trim(); } xferSettings(); makeResidueList(); makeCaBondList(); if (getId() == null) { setId(safeName(getDataName())); } for (PDBChain chain : getChains()) { SequenceI chainseq = postProcessChain(chain); if (isRNA(chainseq)) { rna.add(chainseq); } else { prot.add(chainseq); } if (StructureImportSettings.isProcessSecondaryStructure()) { createAnnotation(chainseq, chain, ms.at); } } } catch (OutOfMemoryError er) { System.out .println("OUT OF MEMORY LOADING TRANSFORMING JMOL MODEL TO JALVIEW MODEL"); throw new IOException( MessageManager .getString("exception.outofmemory_loading_mmcif_file")); } } private List convertSignificantAtoms(ModelSet ms) { List significantAtoms = new ArrayList(); HashMap chainTerMap = new HashMap(); org.jmol.modelset.Atom prevAtom = null; for (org.jmol.modelset.Atom atom : ms.at) { if (atom.getAtomName().equalsIgnoreCase("CA") || atom.getAtomName().equalsIgnoreCase("P")) { if (!atomValidated(atom, prevAtom, chainTerMap)) { continue; } Atom curAtom = new Atom(atom.x, atom.y, atom.z); curAtom.atomIndex = atom.getIndex(); curAtom.chain = atom.getChainIDStr(); curAtom.insCode = atom.group.getInsertionCode() == '\000' ? ' ' : atom.group.getInsertionCode(); curAtom.name = atom.getAtomName(); curAtom.number = atom.getAtomNumber(); curAtom.resName = atom.getGroup3(true); curAtom.resNumber = atom.getResno(); curAtom.occupancy = ms.occupancies != null ? ms.occupancies[atom .getIndex()] : Float.valueOf(atom.getOccupancy100()); curAtom.resNumIns = ("" + curAtom.resNumber + curAtom.insCode) .trim(); curAtom.tfactor = atom.getBfactor100() / 100f; curAtom.type = 0; // significantAtoms.add(curAtom); // ignore atoms from subsequent models if (!significantAtoms.contains(curAtom)) { significantAtoms.add(curAtom); } prevAtom = atom; } } return significantAtoms; } private boolean atomValidated(org.jmol.modelset.Atom curAtom, org.jmol.modelset.Atom prevAtom, HashMap chainTerMap) { // System.out.println("Atom: " + curAtom.getAtomNumber() // + " Last atom index " + curAtom.group.lastAtomIndex); if (chainTerMap == null || prevAtom == null) { return true; } String curAtomChId = curAtom.getChainIDStr(); String prevAtomChId = prevAtom.getChainIDStr(); // new chain encoutered if (!prevAtomChId.equals(curAtomChId)) { // On chain switch add previous chain termination to xTerMap if not exists if (!chainTerMap.containsKey(prevAtomChId)) { chainTerMap.put(prevAtomChId, prevAtom); } // if current atom belongs to an already terminated chain and the resNum // diff < 5 then mark as valid and update termination Atom if (chainTerMap.containsKey(curAtomChId)) { if ((curAtom.getResno() - chainTerMap.get(curAtomChId).getResno()) < 5) { chainTerMap.put(curAtomChId, curAtom); return true; } return false; } } // atom with previously terminated chain encountered else if (chainTerMap.containsKey(curAtomChId)) { if ((curAtom.getResno() - chainTerMap.get(curAtomChId).getResno()) < 5) { chainTerMap.put(curAtomChId, curAtom); return true; } return false; } // HETATM with resNum jump > 2 return !(curAtom.isHetero() && ((curAtom.getResno() - prevAtom .getResno()) > 2)); } private void createAnnotation(SequenceI sequence, PDBChain chain, org.jmol.modelset.Atom[] jmolAtoms) { char[] secstr = new char[sequence.getLength()]; char[] secstrcode = new char[sequence.getLength()]; // Ensure Residue size equals Seq size if (chain.residues.size() != sequence.getLength()) { return; } int annotIndex = 0; for (Residue residue : chain.residues) { Atom repAtom = residue.getAtoms().get(0); STR proteinStructureSubType = jmolAtoms[repAtom.atomIndex].group .getProteinStructureSubType(); setSecondaryStructure(proteinStructureSubType, annotIndex, secstr, secstrcode); ++annotIndex; } addSecondaryStructureAnnotation(chain.pdbid, sequence, secstr, secstrcode, chain.id, sequence.getStart()); } /** * Helper method that adds an AlignmentAnnotation for secondary structure to * the sequence, provided at least one secondary structure prediction has been * made * * @param modelTitle * @param seq * @param secstr * @param secstrcode * @param chainId * @param firstResNum * @return */ protected void addSecondaryStructureAnnotation(String modelTitle, SequenceI sq, char[] secstr, char[] secstrcode, String chainId, int firstResNum) { char[] seq = sq.getSequence(); boolean ssFound = false; Annotation asecstr[] = new Annotation[seq.length + firstResNum - 1]; for (int p = 0; p < seq.length; p++) { if (secstr[p] >= 'A' && secstr[p] <= 'z') { try { asecstr[p] = new Annotation(String.valueOf(secstr[p]), null, secstrcode[p], Float.NaN); ssFound = true; } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (ssFound) { String mt = modelTitle == null ? getDataName() : modelTitle; mt += chainId; AlignmentAnnotation ann = new AlignmentAnnotation( "Secondary Structure", "Secondary Structure for " + mt, asecstr); ann.belowAlignment = true; ann.visible = true; ann.autoCalculated = false; ann.setCalcId(getClass().getName()); ann.adjustForAlignment(); ann.validateRangeAndDisplay(); annotations.add(ann); sq.addAlignmentAnnotation(ann); } } private void waitForScript(Viewer jmd) { while (jmd.isScriptExecuting()) { try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException x) { } } } /** * Convert Jmol's secondary structure code to Jalview's, and stored it in the * secondary structure arrays at the given sequence position * * @param proteinStructureSubType * @param pos * @param secstr * @param secstrcode */ protected void setSecondaryStructure(STR proteinStructureSubType, int pos, char[] secstr, char[] secstrcode) { switch (proteinStructureSubType) { case HELIX310: secstr[pos] = '3'; break; case HELIX: case HELIXALPHA: secstr[pos] = 'H'; break; case HELIXPI: secstr[pos] = 'P'; break; case SHEET: secstr[pos] = 'E'; break; default: secstr[pos] = 0; } switch (proteinStructureSubType) { case HELIX310: case HELIXALPHA: case HELIXPI: case HELIX: secstrcode[pos] = 'H'; break; case SHEET: secstrcode[pos] = 'E'; break; default: secstrcode[pos] = 0; } } /** * Convert any non-standard peptide codes to their standard code table * equivalent. (Initial version only does Selenomethionine MSE->MET.) * * @param threeLetterCode * @param seq * @param pos */ protected void replaceNonCanonicalResidue(String threeLetterCode, char[] seq, int pos) { String canonical = ResidueProperties .getCanonicalAminoAcid(threeLetterCode); if (canonical != null && !canonical.equalsIgnoreCase(threeLetterCode)) { seq[pos] = ResidueProperties.getSingleCharacterCode(canonical); } } /** * Not implemented - returns null */ @Override public String print() { return null; } /** * Not implemented */ @Override public void setCallbackFunction(String callbackType, String callbackFunction) { } @Override public void notifyCallback(CBK cbType, Object[] data) { String strInfo = (data == null || data[1] == null ? null : data[1] .toString()); switch (cbType) { case ECHO: sendConsoleEcho(strInfo); break; case SCRIPT: notifyScriptTermination((String) data[2], ((Integer) data[3]).intValue()); break; case MEASURE: String mystatus = (String) data[3]; if (mystatus.indexOf("Picked") >= 0 || mystatus.indexOf("Sequence") >= 0) { // Picking mode sendConsoleMessage(strInfo); } else if (mystatus.indexOf("Completed") >= 0) { sendConsoleEcho(strInfo.substring(strInfo.lastIndexOf(",") + 2, strInfo.length() - 1)); } break; case MESSAGE: sendConsoleMessage(data == null ? null : strInfo); break; case PICK: sendConsoleMessage(strInfo); break; default: break; } } String lastConsoleEcho = ""; private void sendConsoleEcho(String string) { lastConsoleEcho += string; lastConsoleEcho += "\n"; } String lastConsoleMessage = ""; private void sendConsoleMessage(String string) { lastConsoleMessage += string; lastConsoleMessage += "\n"; } int lastScriptTermination = -1; String lastScriptMessage = ""; private void notifyScriptTermination(String string, int intValue) { lastScriptMessage += string; lastScriptMessage += "\n"; lastScriptTermination = intValue; } @Override public boolean notifyEnabled(CBK callbackPick) { switch (callbackPick) { case MESSAGE: case SCRIPT: case ECHO: case LOADSTRUCT: case ERROR: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Not implemented - returns null */ @Override public String eval(String strEval) { return null; } /** * Not implemented - returns null */ @Override public float[][] functionXY(String functionName, int x, int y) { return null; } /** * Not implemented - returns null */ @Override public float[][][] functionXYZ(String functionName, int nx, int ny, int nz) { return null; } /** * Not implemented - returns null */ @Override public String createImage(String fileName, String imageType, Object text_or_bytes, int quality) { return null; } /** * Not implemented - returns null */ @Override public Map getRegistryInfo() { return null; } /** * Not implemented */ @Override public void showUrl(String url) { } /** * Not implemented - returns null */ @Override public Dimension resizeInnerPanel(String data) { return null; } @Override public Map getJSpecViewProperty(String arg0) { return null; } public boolean isPredictSecondaryStructure() { return predictSecondaryStructure; } public void setPredictSecondaryStructure(boolean predictSecondaryStructure) { this.predictSecondaryStructure = predictSecondaryStructure; } public boolean isVisibleChainAnnotation() { return visibleChainAnnotation; } public void setVisibleChainAnnotation(boolean visibleChainAnnotation) { this.visibleChainAnnotation = visibleChainAnnotation; } }