* Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
* Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
* This file is part of Jalview.
* Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Jalview. If not, see .
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
package jalview.ext.pymol;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import jalview.bin.Cache;
import jalview.bin.Console;
import jalview.gui.Preferences;
import jalview.structure.StructureCommandI;
import jalview.util.Platform;
public class PymolManager
private static final int RPC_REPLY_TIMEOUT_MS = 15000;
private static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS = 100;
private static final String POST1 = "";
private static final String POST2 = "";
private static final String POST3 = "";
private Process pymolProcess;
private int pymolXmlRpcPort;
* Returns a list of paths to try for the PyMOL executable. Any user
* preference is placed first, otherwise 'standard' paths depending on the
* operating system.
* @return
public static List getPymolPaths()
return getPymolPaths(System.getProperty("os.name"));
* Returns a list of paths to try for the PyMOL executable. Any user
* preference is placed first, otherwise 'standard' paths depending on the
* operating system.
* @param os
* operating system as reported by environment variable
* {@code os.name}
* @return
protected static List getPymolPaths(String os)
List pathList = new ArrayList<>();
String userPath = Cache.getDefault(Preferences.PYMOL_PATH, null);
if (userPath != null)
* add default installation paths
String pymol = "PyMOL";
if (os.startsWith("Linux"))
pathList.add("/usr/local/pymol/bin/" + pymol);
pathList.add("/usr/local/bin/" + pymol);
pathList.add("/usr/bin/" + pymol);
pathList.add(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/opt/bin/" + pymol);
else if (os.startsWith("Windows"))
for (String root : new String[] {
System.getProperty("user.home")), // default user path
"\\ProgramData", "C:\\ProgramData", // this is the default install
// path "for everyone"
System.getProperty("user.home"), "\\Program Files",
"C:\\Program Files", "\\Program Files (x86)",
"C:\\Program Files (x86)" })
for (String path : new String[] { "Schrodinger\\PyMOL2", "PyMOL" })
for (String binary : new String[] { "PyMOLWinWithConsole.bat",
"Scripts\\pymol.exe", "PyMOLWin.exe" })
pathList.add(String.format("%s\\%s\\%s", root, path, binary));
else if (os.startsWith("Mac"))
pathList.add("/Applications/PyMOL.app/Contents/MacOS/" + pymol);
return pathList;
public boolean isPymolLaunched()
// TODO pull up generic methods for external viewer processes
boolean launched = false;
if (pymolProcess != null)
// if we get here, process has ended
} catch (IllegalThreadStateException e)
// ok - not yet terminated
launched = true;
return launched;
* Sends the command to Pymol; if requested, tries to get and return any
* replies, else returns null
* @param command
* @param getReply
* @return
public List sendCommand(StructureCommandI command,
boolean getReply)
String postBody = getPostRequest(command);
// jalview.bin.Console.outPrintln(postBody);// debug
String rpcUrl = "" + this.pymolXmlRpcPort;
PrintWriter out = null;
BufferedReader in = null;
List result = getReply ? new ArrayList<>() : null;
URL realUrl = new URL(rpcUrl);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) realUrl.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("accept", "*/*");
conn.setRequestProperty("content-type", "text/xml");
out = new PrintWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
int rc = conn.getResponseCode();
if (rc != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK)
String.format("Error status from %s: %d", rpcUrl, rc));
return result;
InputStream inputStream = conn.getInputStream();
if (getReply)
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)
} catch (SocketException e)
// thrown when 'quit' command is sent to PyMol
Console.warn(String.format("Request to %s returned %s", rpcUrl,
} catch (Exception e)
} finally
if (out != null)
if (Console.isTraceEnabled())
Console.trace("Sent: " + command.toString());
if (result != null)
Console.trace("Received: " + result);
return result;
* Builds the body of the XML-RPC format POST request to execute the command
* @param command
* @return
static String getPostRequest(StructureCommandI command)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
if (command.hasParameters())
for (String p : command.getParameters())
* for now assuming all are string - element is optional
* refactor in future if other data types needed
* https://www.tutorialspoint.com/xml-rpc/xml_rpc_data_model.htm
return sb.toString();
public Process launchPymol()
// todo pull up much of this
// Do nothing if already launched
if (isPymolLaunched())
return pymolProcess;
String error = "Error message: ";
for (String pymolPath : getPymolPaths())
// ensure symbolic links are resolved
pymolPath = Paths.get(pymolPath).toRealPath().toString();
File path = new File(pymolPath);
// uncomment the next line to simulate Pymol not installed
// path = new File(pymolPath + "x");
if (!path.canExecute())
error += "File '" + path + "' does not exist.\n";
List args = new ArrayList<>();
// Windows PyMOLWin.exe needs an extra argument
if (Platform.isWin() && pymolPath.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
args.add("-R"); // https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/RPC
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args);
Console.debug("Running PyMOL as " + String.join(" ", pb.command()));
pymolProcess = pb.start();
error = "";
} catch (Exception e)
// Pymol could not be started using this path
error += e.getMessage();
if (pymolProcess != null)
this.pymolXmlRpcPort = getPortNumber();
if (pymolXmlRpcPort > 0)
Console.info("PyMOL XMLRPC started on port " + pymolXmlRpcPort);
error += "Failed to read PyMOL XMLRPC port number";
pymolProcess = null;
return pymolProcess;
private int getPortNumber()
// TODO pull up most of this!
int port = 0;
InputStream readChan = pymolProcess.getInputStream();
BufferedReader lineReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(readChan));
StringBuilder responses = new StringBuilder();
String response = lineReader.readLine();
while (response != null)
responses.append("\n" + response);
// expect: xml-rpc server running on host localhost, port 9123
if (response.contains("xml-rpc"))
String[] tokens = response.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1; i++)
if ("port".equals(tokens[i]))
port = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i + 1]);
if (port > 0)
break; // hack for hanging readLine()
response = lineReader.readLine();
} catch (Exception e)
Console.error("Failed to get REST port number from " + responses
+ ": " + e.getMessage());
// logger.error("Failed to get REST port number from " + responses + ": "
// + e.getMessage());
} finally
} catch (IOException e2)
if (port == 0)
Console.error("Failed to start PyMOL with XMLRPC, response was: "
+ responses);
Console.info("PyMOL started with XMLRPC on port " + port);
return port;