/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.ext.rbvi.chimera; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import jalview.api.AlignViewportI; import jalview.api.AlignmentViewPanel; import jalview.api.FeatureRenderer; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.MappedFeatures; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.gui.Desktop; import jalview.structure.AtomSpecModel; import jalview.structure.StructureCommand; import jalview.structure.StructureCommandI; import jalview.structure.StructureCommandsBase; import jalview.structure.StructureMapping; import jalview.structure.StructureSelectionManager; import jalview.util.ColorUtils; /** * Routines for generating Chimera commands for Jalview/Chimera binding * * @author JimP * */ public class ChimeraCommands extends StructureCommandsBase { private static final StructureCommand SHOW_BACKBONE = new StructureCommand( "~display all;~ribbon;chain @CA|P"); public static final String NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "jv_"; private static final StructureCommandI COLOUR_BY_CHARGE = new StructureCommand( "color white;color red ::ASP,GLU;color blue ::LYS,ARG;color yellow ::CYS"); private static final StructureCommandI COLOUR_BY_CHAIN = new StructureCommand( "rainbow chain"); // Chimera clause to exclude alternate locations in atom selection private static final String NO_ALTLOCS = "&~@.B-Z&~@.2-9"; @Override public StructureCommandI getColourCommand(String atomSpec, Color colour) { // https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/current/docs/UsersGuide/midas/color.html String colourCode = getColourString(colour); return new StructureCommand("color " + colourCode + " " + atomSpec); } /** * Returns a colour formatted suitable for use in viewer command syntax * * @param colour * @return */ protected String getColourString(Color colour) { return ColorUtils.toTkCode(colour); } /** * Constructs and returns Chimera commands to set attributes on residues * corresponding to features in Jalview. Attribute names are the Jalview feature * type, with a "jv_" prefix. * * @param ssm * @param files * @param seqs * @param viewPanel * @return */ @Override public List setAttributesForFeatures( StructureSelectionManager ssm, String[] files, SequenceI[][] seqs, AlignmentViewPanel viewPanel) { Map> featureMap = buildFeaturesMap( ssm, files, seqs, viewPanel); return setAttributes(featureMap); } /** *
   * Helper method to build a map of 
   *   { featureType, { feature value, AtomSpecModel } }
* * @param ssm * @param files * @param seqs * @param viewPanel * @return */ protected Map> buildFeaturesMap( StructureSelectionManager ssm, String[] files, SequenceI[][] seqs, AlignmentViewPanel viewPanel) { Map> theMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); FeatureRenderer fr = viewPanel.getFeatureRenderer(); if (fr == null) { return theMap; } AlignViewportI viewport = viewPanel.getAlignViewport(); List visibleFeatures = fr.getDisplayedFeatureTypes(); /* * if alignment is showing features from complement, we also transfer * these features to the corresponding mapped structure residues */ boolean showLinkedFeatures = viewport.isShowComplementFeatures(); List complementFeatures = new ArrayList<>(); FeatureRenderer complementRenderer = null; if (showLinkedFeatures) { AlignViewportI comp = fr.getViewport().getCodingComplement(); if (comp != null) { complementRenderer = Desktop.getAlignFrameFor(comp) .getFeatureRenderer(); complementFeatures = complementRenderer.getDisplayedFeatureTypes(); } } if (visibleFeatures.isEmpty() && complementFeatures.isEmpty()) { return theMap; } AlignmentI alignment = viewPanel.getAlignment(); for (int pdbfnum = 0; pdbfnum < files.length; pdbfnum++) { final int modelNumber = pdbfnum + getModelStartNo(); String modelId = String.valueOf(modelNumber); StructureMapping[] mapping = ssm.getMapping(files[pdbfnum]); if (mapping == null || mapping.length < 1) { continue; } for (int seqNo = 0; seqNo < seqs[pdbfnum].length; seqNo++) { for (int m = 0; m < mapping.length; m++) { final SequenceI seq = seqs[pdbfnum][seqNo]; int sp = alignment.findIndex(seq); StructureMapping structureMapping = mapping[m]; if (structureMapping.getSequence() == seq && sp > -1) { /* * found a sequence with a mapping to a structure; * now scan its features */ if (!visibleFeatures.isEmpty()) { scanSequenceFeatures(visibleFeatures, structureMapping, seq, theMap, modelId); } if (showLinkedFeatures) { scanComplementFeatures(complementRenderer, structureMapping, seq, theMap, modelId); } } } } } return theMap; } /** * Scans visible features in mapped positions of the CDS/peptide complement, and * adds any found to the map of attribute values/structure positions * * @param complementRenderer * @param structureMapping * @param seq * @param theMap * @param modelNumber */ protected static void scanComplementFeatures( FeatureRenderer complementRenderer, StructureMapping structureMapping, SequenceI seq, Map> theMap, String modelNumber) { /* * for each sequence residue mapped to a structure position... */ for (int seqPos : structureMapping.getMapping().keySet()) { /* * find visible complementary features at mapped position(s) */ MappedFeatures mf = complementRenderer .findComplementFeaturesAtResidue(seq, seqPos); if (mf != null) { for (SequenceFeature sf : mf.features) { String type = sf.getType(); /* * Don't copy features which originated from Chimera */ if (JalviewChimeraBinding.CHIMERA_FEATURE_GROUP .equals(sf.getFeatureGroup())) { continue; } /* * record feature 'value' (score/description/type) as at the * corresponding structure position */ List mappedRanges = structureMapping .getPDBResNumRanges(seqPos, seqPos); if (!mappedRanges.isEmpty()) { String value = sf.getDescription(); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = type; } float score = sf.getScore(); if (score != 0f && !Float.isNaN(score)) { value = Float.toString(score); } Map featureValues = theMap.get(type); if (featureValues == null) { featureValues = new HashMap<>(); theMap.put(type, featureValues); } for (int[] range : mappedRanges) { addAtomSpecRange(featureValues, value, modelNumber, range[0], range[1], structureMapping.getChain()); } } } } } } /** * Inspect features on the sequence; for each feature that is visible, * determine its mapped ranges in the structure (if any) according to the * given mapping, and add them to the map. * * @param visibleFeatures * @param mapping * @param seq * @param theMap * @param modelId */ protected static void scanSequenceFeatures(List visibleFeatures, StructureMapping mapping, SequenceI seq, Map> theMap, String modelId) { List sfs = seq.getFeatures().getPositionalFeatures( visibleFeatures.toArray(new String[visibleFeatures.size()])); for (SequenceFeature sf : sfs) { String type = sf.getType(); /* * Don't copy features which originated from Chimera */ if (JalviewChimeraBinding.CHIMERA_FEATURE_GROUP .equals(sf.getFeatureGroup())) { continue; } List mappedRanges = mapping.getPDBResNumRanges(sf.getBegin(), sf.getEnd()); if (!mappedRanges.isEmpty()) { String value = sf.getDescription(); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = type; } float score = sf.getScore(); if (score != 0f && !Float.isNaN(score)) { value = Float.toString(score); } Map featureValues = theMap.get(type); if (featureValues == null) { featureValues = new HashMap<>(); theMap.put(type, featureValues); } for (int[] range : mappedRanges) { addAtomSpecRange(featureValues, value, modelId, range[0], range[1], mapping.getChain()); } } } } /** * Traverse the map of features/values/models/chains/positions to construct a * list of 'setattr' commands (one per distinct feature type and value). *

* The format of each command is * *

setattr r " " #modelnumber:range.chain * e.g. setattr r jv_chain <value> #0:2.B,4.B,9-12.B|#1:1.A,2-6.A,... *
* * @param featureMap * @return */ protected List setAttributes( Map> featureMap) { List commands = new ArrayList<>(); for (String featureType : featureMap.keySet()) { String attributeName = makeAttributeName(featureType); /* * clear down existing attributes for this feature */ // 'problem' - sets attribute to None on all residues - overkill? // commands.add("~setattr r " + attributeName + " :*"); Map values = featureMap.get(featureType); for (Object value : values.keySet()) { /* * for each distinct value recorded for this feature type, * add a command to set the attribute on the mapped residues * Put values in single quotes, encoding any embedded single quotes */ AtomSpecModel atomSpecModel = values.get(value); String featureValue = value.toString(); featureValue = featureValue.replaceAll("\\'", "'"); StructureCommandI cmd = setAttribute(attributeName, featureValue, atomSpecModel); commands.add(cmd); } } return commands; } /** * Returns a viewer command to set the given residue attribute value on * residues specified by the AtomSpecModel, for example * *
   * setatr res jv_chain 'primary' #1:12-34,48-55.B
* * @param attributeName * @param attributeValue * @param atomSpecModel * @return */ protected StructureCommandI setAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue, AtomSpecModel atomSpecModel) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append("setattr res ").append(attributeName).append(" '") .append(attributeValue).append("' "); sb.append(getAtomSpec(atomSpecModel, false)); return new StructureCommand(sb.toString()); } /** * Makes a prefixed and valid Chimera attribute name. A jv_ prefix is applied * for a 'Jalview' namespace, and any non-alphanumeric character is converted * to an underscore. * * @param featureType * @return * @see https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/current/docs/UsersGuide/midas/setattr.html */ protected static String makeAttributeName(String featureType) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (featureType != null) { for (char c : featureType.toCharArray()) { sb.append(Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) ? c : '_'); } } String attName = NAMESPACE_PREFIX + sb.toString(); /* * Chimera treats an attribute name ending in 'color' as colour-valued; * Jalview doesn't, so prevent this by appending an underscore */ if (attName.toUpperCase().endsWith("COLOR")) { attName += "_"; } return attName; } @Override public StructureCommandI colourByChain() { return COLOUR_BY_CHAIN; } @Override public List colourByCharge() { return Arrays.asList(COLOUR_BY_CHARGE); } @Override public String getResidueSpec(String residue) { return "::" + residue; } @Override public StructureCommandI setBackgroundColour(Color col) { // https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/current/docs/UsersGuide/midas/set.html#bgcolor return new StructureCommand("set bgColor " + ColorUtils.toTkCode(col)); } @Override public StructureCommandI focusView() { // https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/current/docs/UsersGuide/midas/focus.html return new StructureCommand("focus"); } @Override public List showChains(List toShow) { /* * Construct a chimera command like * * ~display #*;~ribbon #*;ribbon :.A,:.B */ StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(64); boolean first = true; for (String chain : toShow) { String[] tokens = chain.split(":"); if (tokens.length == 2) { String showChainCmd = tokens[0] + ":." + tokens[1]; if (!first) { cmd.append(","); } cmd.append(showChainCmd); first = false; } } /* * could append ";focus" to this command to resize the display to fill the * window, but it looks more helpful not to (easier to relate chains to the * whole) */ final String command = "~display #*; ~ribbon #*; ribbon :" + cmd.toString(); return Arrays.asList(new StructureCommand(command)); } @Override public List superposeStructures(AtomSpecModel ref, AtomSpecModel spec) { /* * Form Chimera match command to match spec to ref * (the first set of atoms are moved on to the second) * * match #1:1-30.B,81-100.B@CA #0:21-40.A,61-90.A@CA * * @see https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/UsersGuide/midas/match.html */ StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(); String atomSpecAlphaOnly = getAtomSpec(spec, true); String refSpecAlphaOnly = getAtomSpec(ref, true); cmd.append("match ").append(atomSpecAlphaOnly).append(" ").append(refSpecAlphaOnly); /* * show superposed residues as ribbon */ String atomSpec = getAtomSpec(spec, false); String refSpec = getAtomSpec(ref, false); cmd.append("; ribbon "); cmd.append(atomSpec).append("|").append(refSpec).append("; focus"); return Arrays.asList(new StructureCommand(cmd.toString())); } @Override public StructureCommandI openCommandFile(String path) { // https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/current/docs/UsersGuide/filetypes.html return new StructureCommand("open cmd:" + path); } @Override public StructureCommandI saveSession(String filepath) { // https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/current/docs/UsersGuide/midas/save.html return new StructureCommand("save " + filepath); } /** * Returns the range(s) modelled by {@code atomSpec} formatted as a Chimera * atomspec string, e.g. * *
   * #0:15.A,28.A,54.A,70-72.A|#1:2.A,6.A,11.A,13-14.A
* * where *
  • #0 is a model number
  • *
  • 15 or 70-72 is a residue number, or range of residue numbers
  • *
  • .A is a chain identifier
  • *
  • residue ranges are separated by comma
  • *
  • atomspecs for distinct models are separated by | (or)
  • *
* *
   * @param model
   * @param alphaOnly
   * @return
   * @see https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/current/docs/UsersGuide/midas/frameatom_spec.html
  public String getAtomSpec(AtomSpecModel atomSpec, boolean alphaOnly)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
    boolean firstModel = true;
    for (String model : atomSpec.getModels())
      if (!firstModel)
      firstModel = false;
      appendModel(sb, model, atomSpec, alphaOnly);
    return sb.toString();

   * A helper method to append an atomSpec string for atoms in the given model
   * @param sb
   * @param model
   * @param atomSpec
   * @param alphaOnly
  protected void appendModel(StringBuilder sb, String model,
          AtomSpecModel atomSpec, boolean alphaOnly)

    boolean firstPositionForModel = true;

    for (String chain : atomSpec.getChains(model))
      chain = " ".equals(chain) ? chain : chain.trim();

      List rangeList = atomSpec.getRanges(model, chain);
      for (int[] range : rangeList)
        appendRange(sb, range[0], range[1], chain, firstPositionForModel,
        firstPositionForModel = false;
    if (alphaOnly)
       * restrict to alpha carbon, no alternative locations
       * (needed to ensuring matching atom counts for superposition)
      // TODO @P instead if RNA - add nucleotide flag to AtomSpecModel?

  public List showBackbone()
    return Arrays.asList(SHOW_BACKBONE);

  public StructureCommandI loadFile(String file)
    return new StructureCommand("open " + file);

   * Overrides the default method to concatenate colour commands into one
  public List colourBySequence(
          Map colourMap)
    List commands = new ArrayList<>();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(colourMap.size() * 20);
    boolean first = true;
    for (Object key : colourMap.keySet())
      Color colour = (Color) key;
      final AtomSpecModel colourData = colourMap.get(colour);
      StructureCommandI command = getColourCommand(colourData, colour);
      if (!first)
      first = false;

    commands.add(new StructureCommand(sb.toString()));
    return commands;
