/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.ext.rbvi.chimera; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.net.BindException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import ext.edu.ucsf.rbvi.strucviz2.ChimeraManager; import ext.edu.ucsf.rbvi.strucviz2.ChimeraModel; import ext.edu.ucsf.rbvi.strucviz2.StructureManager; import ext.edu.ucsf.rbvi.strucviz2.StructureManager.ModelType; import jalview.api.AlignmentViewPanel; import jalview.api.structures.JalviewStructureDisplayI; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultMatchI; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultsI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.gui.StructureViewer.ViewerType; import jalview.httpserver.AbstractRequestHandler; import jalview.io.DataSourceType; import jalview.structure.AtomSpec; import jalview.structure.AtomSpecModel; import jalview.structure.StructureCommand; import jalview.structure.StructureCommandI; import jalview.structure.StructureSelectionManager; import jalview.structures.models.AAStructureBindingModel; public abstract class JalviewChimeraBinding extends AAStructureBindingModel { public static final String CHIMERA_SESSION_EXTENSION = ".py"; public static final String CHIMERA_FEATURE_GROUP = "Chimera"; /* * Object through which we talk to Chimera */ private ChimeraManager chimeraManager; /* * Object which listens to Chimera notifications */ private AbstractRequestHandler chimeraListener; /* * Map of ChimeraModel objects keyed by PDB full local file name */ protected Map> chimeraMaps = new LinkedHashMap<>(); String lastHighlightCommand; private Thread chimeraMonitor; /** * Open a PDB structure file in Chimera and set up mappings from Jalview. * * We check if the PDB model id is already loaded in Chimera, if so don't reopen * it. This is the case if Chimera has opened a saved session file. * * @param pe * @return */ public boolean openFile(PDBEntry pe) { String file = pe.getFile(); try { List modelsToMap = new ArrayList<>(); List oldList = chimeraManager.getModelList(); boolean alreadyOpen = false; /* * If Chimera already has this model, don't reopen it, but do remap it. */ for (ChimeraModel open : oldList) { if (open.getModelName().equals(pe.getId())) { alreadyOpen = true; modelsToMap.add(open); } } /* * If Chimera doesn't yet have this model, ask it to open it, and retrieve * the model name(s) added by Chimera. */ if (!alreadyOpen) { chimeraManager.openModel(file, pe.getId(), ModelType.PDB_MODEL); addChimeraModel(pe, modelsToMap); } chimeraMaps.put(file, modelsToMap); if (getSsm() != null) { getSsm().addStructureViewerListener(this); } return true; } catch (Exception q) { log("Exception when trying to open model " + file + "\n" + q.toString()); q.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /** * Adds the ChimeraModel corresponding to the given PDBEntry, based on model * name matching PDB id * * @param pe * @param modelsToMap */ protected void addChimeraModel(PDBEntry pe, List modelsToMap) { /* * Chimera: query for actual models and find the one with * matching model name - already set in viewer.openModel() */ List newList = chimeraManager.getModelList(); // JAL-1728 newList.removeAll(oldList) does not work for (ChimeraModel cm : newList) { if (cm.getModelName().equals(pe.getId())) { modelsToMap.add(cm); } } } /** * Constructor * * @param ssm * @param pdbentry * @param sequenceIs * @param protocol */ public JalviewChimeraBinding(StructureSelectionManager ssm, PDBEntry[] pdbentry, SequenceI[][] sequenceIs, DataSourceType protocol) { super(ssm, pdbentry, sequenceIs, protocol); chimeraManager = new ChimeraManager(new StructureManager(true)); chimeraManager.setChimeraX(ViewerType.CHIMERAX.equals(getViewerType())); setStructureCommands(new ChimeraCommands()); } @Override protected ViewerType getViewerType() { return ViewerType.CHIMERA; } /** * Starts a thread that waits for the Chimera process to finish, so that we can * then close the associated resources. This avoids leaving orphaned Chimera * viewer panels in Jalview if the user closes Chimera. */ protected void startChimeraProcessMonitor() { final Process p = chimeraManager.getChimeraProcess(); chimeraMonitor = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { p.waitFor(); JalviewStructureDisplayI display = getViewer(); if (display != null) { display.closeViewer(false); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // exit thread if Chimera Viewer is closed in Jalview } } }); chimeraMonitor.start(); } /** * Start a dedicated HttpServer to listen for Chimera notifications, and tell it * to start listening */ public void startChimeraListener() { try { chimeraListener = new ChimeraListener(this); chimeraManager.startListening(chimeraListener.getUri()); } catch (BindException e) { System.err.println( "Failed to start Chimera listener: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Close down the Jalview viewer and listener, and (optionally) the associated * Chimera window. */ @Override public void closeViewer(boolean closeChimera) { super.closeViewer(closeChimera); if (closeChimera) { chimeraManager.exitChimera(); } if (this.chimeraListener != null) { chimeraListener.shutdown(); chimeraListener = null; } chimeraManager = null; if (chimeraMonitor != null) { chimeraMonitor.interrupt(); } } /** * Helper method to construct model spec in Chimera format: *
  • #0 (#1 etc) for a PDB file with no sub-models
  • *
  • #0.1 (#1.1 etc) for a PDB file with sub-models
  • *
      * Note for now we only ever choose the first of multiple models. This * corresponds to the hard-coded Jmol equivalent (compare {1.1}). Refactor in * future if there is a need to select specific sub-models. * * @param pdbfnum * @return */ protected String getModelSpec(int pdbfnum) { if (pdbfnum < 0 || pdbfnum >= getPdbCount()) { return "#" + pdbfnum; // temp hack for ChimeraX } /* * For now, the test for having sub-models is whether multiple Chimera * models are mapped for the PDB file; the models are returned as a response * to the Chimera command 'list models type molecule', see * ChimeraManager.getModelList(). */ List maps = chimeraMaps.get(getStructureFiles()[pdbfnum]); boolean hasSubModels = maps != null && maps.size() > 1; return "#" + String.valueOf(pdbfnum) + (hasSubModels ? ".1" : ""); } /** * Launch Chimera, unless an instance linked to this object is already * running. Returns true if Chimera is successfully launched, or already * running, else false. * * @return */ public boolean launchChimera() { if (chimeraManager.isChimeraLaunched()) { return true; } boolean launched = chimeraManager.launchChimera(getChimeraPaths()); if (launched) { startChimeraProcessMonitor(); } else { log("Failed to launch Chimera!"); } return launched; } /** * Returns a list of candidate paths to the Chimera program executable * * @return */ protected List getChimeraPaths() { return StructureManager.getChimeraPaths(false); } /** * Answers true if the Chimera process is still running, false if ended or not * started. * * @return */ @Override public boolean isViewerRunning() { return chimeraManager.isChimeraLaunched(); } /** * Send a command to Chimera, and optionally log and return any responses. * * @param command * @param getResponse */ @Override public List executeCommand(final StructureCommandI command, boolean getResponse) { if (chimeraManager == null || command == null) { // ? thread running after viewer shut down return null; } List reply = null; // trim command or it may never find a match in the replyLog!! String cmd = command.getCommand().trim(); List lastReply = chimeraManager .sendChimeraCommand(cmd, getResponse); if (getResponse) { reply = lastReply; Cache.log.debug( "Response from command ('" + cmd + "') was:\n" + lastReply); } return reply; } @Override public synchronized String[] getStructureFiles() { if (chimeraManager == null) { return new String[0]; } return chimeraMaps.keySet() .toArray(modelFileNames = new String[chimeraMaps.size()]); } /** * Construct and send a command to highlight zero, one or more atoms. We do this * by sending an "rlabel" command to show the residue label at that position. */ @Override public void highlightAtoms(List atoms) { if (atoms == null || atoms.size() == 0) { return; } boolean forChimeraX = chimeraManager.isChimeraX(); StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(128); boolean first = true; boolean found = false; for (AtomSpec atom : atoms) { int pdbResNum = atom.getPdbResNum(); String chain = atom.getChain(); String pdbfile = atom.getPdbFile(); List cms = chimeraMaps.get(pdbfile); if (cms != null && !cms.isEmpty()) { if (first) { cmd.append(forChimeraX ? "label #" : "rlabel #"); } else { cmd.append(","); } first = false; if (forChimeraX) { cmd.append(cms.get(0).getModelNumber()) .append("/").append(chain).append(":").append(pdbResNum); } else { cmd.append(cms.get(0).getModelNumber()) .append(":").append(pdbResNum); if (!chain.equals(" ") && !forChimeraX) { cmd.append(".").append(chain); } } found = true; } } String command = cmd.toString(); /* * avoid repeated commands for the same residue */ if (command.equals(lastHighlightCommand)) { return; } /* * unshow the label for the previous residue */ if (lastHighlightCommand != null) { chimeraManager.sendChimeraCommand("~" + lastHighlightCommand, false); } if (found) { chimeraManager.sendChimeraCommand(command, false); } this.lastHighlightCommand = command; } /** * Query Chimera for its current selection, and highlight it on the alignment */ public void highlightChimeraSelection() { /* * Ask Chimera for its current selection */ List selection = chimeraManager.getSelectedResidueSpecs(); /* * Parse model number, residue and chain for each selected position, * formatted as #0:123.A or #1.2:87.B (#model.submodel:residue.chain) */ List atomSpecs = convertStructureResiduesToAlignment( selection); /* * Broadcast the selection (which may be empty, if the user just cleared all * selections) */ getSsm().mouseOverStructure(atomSpecs); } /** * Converts a list of Chimera atomspecs to a list of AtomSpec representing the * corresponding residues (if any) in Jalview * * @param structureSelection * @return */ protected List convertStructureResiduesToAlignment( List structureSelection) { boolean chimeraX = chimeraManager.isChimeraX(); List atomSpecs = new ArrayList<>(); for (String atomSpec : structureSelection) { try { AtomSpec spec = AtomSpec.fromChimeraAtomspec(atomSpec, chimeraX); String pdbfilename = getPdbFileForModel(spec.getModelNumber()); spec.setPdbFile(pdbfilename); atomSpecs.add(spec); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err.println("Failed to parse atomspec: " + atomSpec); } } return atomSpecs; } /** * @param modelId * @return */ protected String getPdbFileForModel(int modelId) { /* * Work out the pdbfilename from the model number */ String pdbfilename = modelFileNames[0]; findfileloop: for (String pdbfile : this.chimeraMaps.keySet()) { for (ChimeraModel cm : chimeraMaps.get(pdbfile)) { if (cm.getModelNumber() == modelId) { pdbfilename = pdbfile; break findfileloop; } } } return pdbfilename; } private void log(String message) { System.err.println("## Chimera log: " + message); } /** * Ask Chimera to open a session file. Returns true if successful, else false. * The filename must have a .py (Chimera) or .cxs (ChimeraX) extension for * this command to work. * * @param filepath * @return */ public boolean openSession(String filepath) { /* * Chimera: https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/current/docs/UsersGuide/midas/open.html * ChimeraX: https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/open.html */ executeCommand(getCommandGenerator().loadFile(filepath), true); // todo: test for failure - how? return true; } /** * Send a 'show' command for all atoms in the currently selected columns * * TODO: pull up to abstract structure viewer interface * * @param vp */ public void highlightSelection(AlignmentViewPanel vp) { List cols = vp.getAlignViewport().getColumnSelection() .getSelected(); AlignmentI alignment = vp.getAlignment(); StructureSelectionManager sm = getSsm(); for (SequenceI seq : alignment.getSequences()) { /* * convert selected columns into sequence positions */ int[] positions = new int[cols.size()]; int i = 0; for (Integer col : cols) { positions[i++] = seq.findPosition(col); } sm.highlightStructure(this, seq, positions); } } /** * Constructs and send commands to Chimera to set attributes on residues for * features visible in Jalview. *

      * The syntax is: setattr r <attName> <attValue> <atomSpec> *

      * For example: setattr r jv_chain "Ferredoxin-1, Chloroplastic" #0:94.A * * @param avp * @return */ public int sendFeaturesToViewer(AlignmentViewPanel avp) { // TODO refactor as required to pull up to an interface Map> featureValues = buildFeaturesMap( avp); List commands = getCommandGenerator() .setAttributes(featureValues); if (commands.size() > 10) { sendCommandsByFile(commands); } else { for (StructureCommandI command : commands) { sendAsynchronousCommand(command, null); } } return commands.size(); } /** * Write commands to a temporary file, and send a command to Chimera to open the * file as a commands script. For use when sending a large number of separate * commands would overload the REST interface mechanism. * * @param commands */ protected void sendCommandsByFile(List commands) { try { File tmp = File.createTempFile("chim", getCommandFileExtension()); tmp.deleteOnExit(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(tmp)); for (StructureCommandI command : commands) { out.println(command.getCommand()); } out.flush(); out.close(); String path = tmp.getAbsolutePath(); StructureCommandI command = getCommandGenerator() .openCommandFile(path); sendAsynchronousCommand(command, null); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Sending commands to Chimera via file failed with " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the file extension required for a file of commands to be read by * the structure viewer * @return */ protected String getCommandFileExtension() { return ".com"; } /** * Get Chimera residues which have the named attribute, find the mapped * positions in the Jalview sequence(s), and set as sequence features * * @param attName * @param alignmentPanel */ public void copyStructureAttributesToFeatures(String attName, AlignmentViewPanel alignmentPanel) { // todo pull up to AAStructureBindingModel (and interface?) /* * ask Chimera to list residues with the attribute, reporting its value */ // this alternative command // list residues spec ':*/attName' attr attName // doesn't report 'None' values (which is good), but // fails for 'average.bfactor' (which is bad): String cmd = "list residues attr '" + attName + "'"; List residues = executeCommand(new StructureCommand(cmd), true); boolean featureAdded = createFeaturesForAttributes(attName, residues); if (featureAdded) { alignmentPanel.getFeatureRenderer().featuresAdded(); } } /** * Create features in Jalview for the given attribute name and structure * residues. * *

         * The residue list should be 0, 1 or more reply lines of the format: 
         *     residue id #0:5.A isHelix -155.000836316 index 5 
         * or 
         *     residue id #0:6.A isHelix None
      * * @param attName * @param residues * @return */ protected boolean createFeaturesForAttributes(String attName, List residues) { boolean featureAdded = false; String featureGroup = getViewerFeatureGroup(); boolean chimeraX = chimeraManager.isChimeraX(); for (String residue : residues) { AtomSpec spec = null; String[] tokens = residue.split(" "); if (tokens.length < 5) { continue; } String atomSpec = tokens[2]; String attValue = tokens[4]; /* * ignore 'None' (e.g. for phi) or 'False' (e.g. for isHelix) */ if ("None".equalsIgnoreCase(attValue) || "False".equalsIgnoreCase(attValue)) { continue; } try { spec = AtomSpec.fromChimeraAtomspec(atomSpec, chimeraX); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err.println("Problem parsing atomspec " + atomSpec); continue; } String chainId = spec.getChain(); String description = attValue; float score = Float.NaN; try { score = Float.valueOf(attValue); description = chainId; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // was not a float value } String pdbFile = getPdbFileForModel(spec.getModelNumber()); spec.setPdbFile(pdbFile); List atoms = Collections.singletonList(spec); /* * locate the mapped position in the alignment (if any) */ SearchResultsI sr = getSsm() .findAlignmentPositionsForStructurePositions(atoms); /* * expect one matched alignment position, or none * (if the structure position is not mapped) */ for (SearchResultMatchI m : sr.getResults()) { SequenceI seq = m.getSequence(); int start = m.getStart(); int end = m.getEnd(); SequenceFeature sf = new SequenceFeature(attName, description, start, end, score, featureGroup); // todo: should SequenceFeature have an explicit property for chain? // note: repeating the action shouldn't duplicate features featureAdded |= seq.addSequenceFeature(sf); } } return featureAdded; } /** * Answers the feature group name to apply to features created in Jalview from * Chimera attributes * * @return */ protected String getViewerFeatureGroup() { // todo pull up to interface return CHIMERA_FEATURE_GROUP; } @Override public String getModelIdForFile(String pdbFile) { List foundModels = chimeraMaps.get(pdbFile); if (foundModels != null && !foundModels.isEmpty()) { return String.valueOf(foundModels.get(0).getModelNumber()); } return ""; } /** * Answers a (possibly empty) list of attribute names in Chimera[X], excluding * any which were added from Jalview * * @return */ public List getChimeraAttributes() { List atts = chimeraManager.getAttrList(); Iterator it = atts.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (it.next().startsWith(ChimeraCommands.NAMESPACE_PREFIX)) { /* * attribute added from Jalview - exclude it */ it.remove(); } } return atts; } /** * Returns the file extension to use for a saved viewer session file (.py) * * @return */ @Override public String getSessionFileExtension() { return CHIMERA_SESSION_EXTENSION; } @Override public String getHelpURL() { return "https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/UsersGuide"; } }