/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.fts.service.pdb; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.fts.api.FTSData; import jalview.fts.api.FTSDataColumnI; import jalview.fts.api.FTSRestClientI; import jalview.fts.core.FTSRestClient; import jalview.fts.core.FTSRestRequest; import jalview.fts.core.FTSRestResponse; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig; /** * A rest client for querying the Search endpoint of the PDB API * * @author tcnofoegbu * */ public class PDBFTSRestClient extends FTSRestClient { private static FTSRestClientI instance = null; public static final String PDB_SEARCH_ENDPOINT = "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/search/pdb/select?"; protected PDBFTSRestClient() { } /** * Takes a PDBRestRequest object and returns a response upon execution * * @param pdbRestRequest * the PDBRestRequest instance to be processed * @return the pdbResponse object for the given request * @throws Exception */ @Override public FTSRestResponse executeRequest(FTSRestRequest pdbRestRequest) throws Exception { try { ClientConfig clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig(); Client client = Client.create(clientConfig); String wantedFields = getDataColumnsFieldsAsCommaDelimitedString(pdbRestRequest .getWantedFields()); int responseSize = (pdbRestRequest.getResponseSize() == 0) ? getDefaultResponsePageSize() : pdbRestRequest.getResponseSize(); String sortParam = null; if (pdbRestRequest.getFieldToSortBy() == null || pdbRestRequest.getFieldToSortBy().trim().isEmpty()) { sortParam = ""; } else { if (pdbRestRequest.getFieldToSortBy() .equalsIgnoreCase("Resolution")) { sortParam = pdbRestRequest.getFieldToSortBy() + (pdbRestRequest.isAscending() ? " asc" : " desc"); } else { sortParam = pdbRestRequest.getFieldToSortBy() + (pdbRestRequest.isAscending() ? " desc" : " asc"); } } String facetPivot = (pdbRestRequest.getFacetPivot() == null || pdbRestRequest .getFacetPivot().isEmpty()) ? "" : pdbRestRequest .getFacetPivot(); String facetPivotMinCount = String.valueOf(pdbRestRequest .getFacetPivotMinCount()); String query = pdbRestRequest.getFieldToSearchBy() + pdbRestRequest.getSearchTerm() + (pdbRestRequest.isAllowEmptySeq() ? "" : " AND molecule_sequence:['' TO *]") + (pdbRestRequest.isAllowUnpublishedEntries() ? "" : " AND status:REL"); // Build request parameters for the REST Request WebResource webResource = null; if (pdbRestRequest.isFacet()) { webResource = client.resource(PDB_SEARCH_ENDPOINT) .queryParam("wt", "json").queryParam("fl", wantedFields) .queryParam("rows", String.valueOf(responseSize)) .queryParam("q", query) .queryParam("sort", sortParam).queryParam("facet", "true") .queryParam("facet.pivot", facetPivot) .queryParam("facet.pivot.mincount", facetPivotMinCount); } else { webResource = client.resource(PDB_SEARCH_ENDPOINT) .queryParam("wt", "json").queryParam("fl", wantedFields) .queryParam("rows", String.valueOf(responseSize)) .queryParam("q", query) .queryParam("sort", sortParam); } // Execute the REST request ClientResponse clientResponse = webResource.accept( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(ClientResponse.class); // Get the JSON string from the response object String responseString = clientResponse.getEntity(String.class); // System.out.println("query >>>>>>> " + pdbRestRequest.toString()); // Check the response status and report exception if one occurs if (clientResponse.getStatus() != 200) { String errorMessage = ""; if (clientResponse.getStatus() == 400) { errorMessage = parseJsonExceptionString(responseString); throw new Exception(errorMessage); } else { errorMessage = getMessageByHTTPStatusCode(clientResponse .getStatus()); throw new Exception(errorMessage); } } // Make redundant objects eligible for garbage collection to conserve // memory clientResponse = null; client = null; // Process the response and return the result to the caller. return parsePDBJsonResponse(responseString, pdbRestRequest); } catch (Exception e) { String exceptionMsg = e.getMessage(); if (exceptionMsg.contains("SocketException")) { // No internet connection throw new Exception( MessageManager .getString("exception.unable_to_detect_internet_connection")); } else if (exceptionMsg.contains("UnknownHostException")) { // The server 'www.ebi.ac.uk' is unreachable throw new Exception( MessageManager .getString("exception.pdb_server_unreachable")); } else { throw e; } } } public String getMessageByHTTPStatusCode(int code) { String message = ""; switch (code) { case 410: message = MessageManager .getString("exception.pdb_rest_service_no_longer_available"); break; case 403: case 404: message = MessageManager.getString("exception.resource_not_be_found"); break; case 408: case 409: case 500: case 501: case 502: case 503: case 504: case 505: message = MessageManager.getString("exception.pdb_server_error"); break; default: break; } return message; } /** * Process error response from PDB server if/when one occurs. * * @param jsonResponse * the JSON string containing error message from the server * @return the processed error message from the JSON string */ public static String parseJsonExceptionString(String jsonErrorResponse) { StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder( "\n============= PDB Rest Client RunTime error =============\n"); try { JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(jsonErrorResponse); JSONObject errorResponse = (JSONObject) jsonObj.get("error"); JSONObject responseHeader = (JSONObject) jsonObj .get("responseHeader"); JSONObject paramsObj = (JSONObject) responseHeader.get("params"); String status = responseHeader.get("status").toString(); String message = errorResponse.get("msg").toString(); String query = paramsObj.get("q").toString(); String fl = paramsObj.get("fl").toString(); errorMessage.append("Status: ").append(status).append("\n"); errorMessage.append("Message: ").append(message).append("\n"); errorMessage.append("query: ").append(query).append("\n"); errorMessage.append("fl: ").append(fl).append("\n"); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return errorMessage.toString(); } /** * Parses the JSON response string from PDB REST API. The response is dynamic * hence, only fields specifically requested for in the 'wantedFields' * parameter is fetched/processed * * @param pdbJsonResponseString * the JSON string to be parsed * @param pdbRestRequest * the request object which contains parameters used to process the * JSON string * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static FTSRestResponse parsePDBJsonResponse( String pdbJsonResponseString, FTSRestRequest pdbRestRequest) { FTSRestResponse searchResult = new FTSRestResponse(); List result = null; try { JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) jsonParser .parse(pdbJsonResponseString); JSONObject pdbResponse = (JSONObject) jsonObj.get("response"); String queryTime = ((JSONObject) jsonObj.get("responseHeader")).get( "QTime").toString(); int numFound = Integer .valueOf(pdbResponse.get("numFound").toString()); if (numFound > 0) { result = new ArrayList(); JSONArray docs = (JSONArray) pdbResponse.get("docs"); for (Iterator docIter = docs.iterator(); docIter .hasNext();) { JSONObject doc = docIter.next(); result.add(getFTSData(doc, pdbRestRequest)); } searchResult.setNumberOfItemsFound(numFound); searchResult.setResponseTime(queryTime); searchResult.setSearchSummary(result); } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return searchResult; } public static FTSData getFTSData(JSONObject pdbJsonDoc, FTSRestRequest request) { String primaryKey = null; Object[] summaryRowData; SequenceI associatedSequence; Collection diplayFields = request.getWantedFields(); SequenceI associatedSeq = request.getAssociatedSequence(); int colCounter = 0; summaryRowData = new Object[(associatedSeq != null) ? diplayFields .size() + 1 : diplayFields.size()]; if (associatedSeq != null) { associatedSequence = associatedSeq; summaryRowData[0] = associatedSequence; colCounter = 1; } for (FTSDataColumnI field : diplayFields) { String fieldData = (pdbJsonDoc.get(field.getCode()) == null) ? "" : pdbJsonDoc.get(field.getCode()).toString(); if (field.isPrimaryKeyColumn()) { primaryKey = fieldData; summaryRowData[colCounter++] = primaryKey; } else if (fieldData == null || fieldData.isEmpty()) { summaryRowData[colCounter++] = null; } else { try { summaryRowData[colCounter++] = (field.getDataColumnClass() == Integer.class) ? Integer .valueOf(fieldData) : (field.getDataColumnClass() == Double.class) ? Double .valueOf(fieldData) : fieldData; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("offending value:" + fieldData); } } } final String primaryKey1 = primaryKey; final Object[] summaryRowData1 = summaryRowData; return new FTSData() { @Override public Object[] getSummaryData() { return summaryRowData1; } @Override public Object getPrimaryKey() { return primaryKey1; } /** * Returns a string representation of this object; */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder summaryFieldValues = new StringBuilder(); for (Object summaryField : summaryRowData1) { summaryFieldValues.append( summaryField == null ? " " : summaryField.toString()) .append("\t"); } return summaryFieldValues.toString(); } /** * Returns hash code value for this object */ @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(primaryKey1, this.toString()); } }; } @Override public String getColumnDataConfigFileName() { return getResourceFile("fts/pdb_data_columns.conf"); } public static FTSRestClientI getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new PDBFTSRestClient(); } return instance; } }