/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ /* * 2022-07-20 bsoares * See https://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-4036 * The new Uniprot API is not dissimilar to the old one, but has some important changes. * Some group names have changed slightly, some old groups have gone and there are quite a few new groups. * * Most changes are mappings of old column ids to new field ids. There are a handful of old * columns not mapped to new fields, and new fields without an old column. * [aside: not all possible columns were listed in the resources/fts/uniprot_data_columns.txt file. * These were presumably additions after the file was created] * For existing/mapped fields, the same preferences found in the resource file have been migrated to * the new file with the new field name, id and group. * * The new mapped groups and files are stored and read from resources/fts/uniprot_data_columns-2022.txt. * * There is now no "sort" query string parameter. * * See https://www.uniprot.org/help/api_queries * * SIGNIFICANT CHANGE: Pagination is no longer performed using a record offset, but with a "cursor" * query string parameter that is not really a cursor. The value is an opaque string that is passed (or * rather a whole URL is passed) in the "Link" header of the HTTP response of the previous page. * Where such a link is passed it is put into the cursors ArrayList. * There are @Overridden methods in UniprotFTSPanel. */ package jalview.fts.service.uniprot; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.bin.Console; import jalview.fts.api.FTSData; import jalview.fts.api.FTSDataColumnI; import jalview.fts.core.FTSRestClient; import jalview.fts.core.FTSRestRequest; import jalview.fts.core.FTSRestResponse; import jalview.util.ChannelProperties; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import jalview.util.Platform; public class UniProtFTSRestClient extends FTSRestClient { private static final String DEFAULT_UNIPROT_DOMAIN = "https://rest.uniprot.org"; private static final String USER_AGENT = ChannelProperties .getProperty("app_name", "Jalview") + " " + Cache.getDefault("VERSION", "Unknown") + " " + MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass() + " help@jalview.org"; static { Platform.addJ2SDirectDatabaseCall(DEFAULT_UNIPROT_DOMAIN); } private static UniProtFTSRestClient instance = null; public final String uniprotSearchEndpoint; public UniProtFTSRestClient() { super(); this.clearCursors(); uniprotSearchEndpoint = Cache.getDefault("UNIPROT_2022_DOMAIN", DEFAULT_UNIPROT_DOMAIN) + "/uniprotkb/search"; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public FTSRestResponse executeRequest(FTSRestRequest uniprotRestRequest) throws Exception { return executeRequest(uniprotRestRequest, null); } public FTSRestResponse executeRequest(FTSRestRequest uniprotRestRequest, String cursor) throws Exception { try { String wantedFields = getDataColumnsFieldsAsCommaDelimitedString( uniprotRestRequest.getWantedFields()); int responseSize = (uniprotRestRequest.getResponseSize() == 0) ? getDefaultResponsePageSize() : uniprotRestRequest.getResponseSize(); int offSet = uniprotRestRequest.getOffSet(); String query; if (isAdvancedQuery(uniprotRestRequest.getSearchTerm())) { query = uniprotRestRequest.getSearchTerm(); } else { query = uniprotRestRequest.getFieldToSearchBy().equalsIgnoreCase( "Search All") ? uniprotRestRequest.getSearchTerm() // + " or mnemonic:" // + uniprotRestRequest.getSearchTerm() : uniprotRestRequest.getFieldToSearchBy() + ":" + uniprotRestRequest.getSearchTerm(); } // BH 2018 the trick here is to coerce the classes in Javascript to be // different from the ones in Java yet still allow this to be correct for // Java Client client; Class clientResponseClass; if (Platform.isJS()) { // JavaScript only -- coerce types to Java types for Java client = (Client) (Object) new jalview.javascript.web.Client(); clientResponseClass = (Class) (Object) jalview.javascript.web.ClientResponse.class; } else /** * Java only * * @j2sIgnore */ { // Java only client = Client.create(new DefaultClientConfig()); clientResponseClass = ClientResponse.class; } WebResource webResource = null; webResource = client.resource(uniprotSearchEndpoint) .queryParam("format", "tsv") .queryParam("fields", wantedFields) .queryParam("size", String.valueOf(responseSize)) /* 2022 new api has no "sort" * .queryParam("sort", "score") */ .queryParam("query", query); if (offSet != 0 && cursor != null && cursor.length() > 0) // 2022 new api does not do pagination with an offset, it requires a // "cursor" parameter with a key (given for the next page). // (see https://www.uniprot.org/help/pagination) { webResource = webResource.queryParam("cursor", cursor); } Console.debug( "Uniprot FTS Request: " + webResource.getURI().toString()); // Execute the REST request WebResource.Builder wrBuilder = webResource .accept(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN); if (!Platform.isJS()) /** * Java only * * @j2sIgnore */ { wrBuilder.header("User-Agent", USER_AGENT); } ClientResponse clientResponse = wrBuilder.get(clientResponseClass); if (!Platform.isJS()) /** * Java only * * @j2sIgnore */ { if (clientResponse.getHeaders().containsKey("Link")) { // extract the URL from the 'Link: ; ref="stuff"' header String linkHeader = clientResponse.getHeaders().get("Link") .get(0); if (linkHeader.indexOf("<") > -1) { String temp = linkHeader.substring(linkHeader.indexOf("<") + 1); if (temp.indexOf(">") > -1) { String nextUrl = temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf(">")); // then get the cursor value from the query string parameters String nextCursor = getQueryParam("cursor", nextUrl); setCursor(cursorPage + 1, nextCursor); } } } } String uniProtTabDelimittedResponseString = clientResponse .getEntity(String.class); // Make redundant objects eligible for garbage collection to conserve // memory // System.out.println(">>>>> response : " // + uniProtTabDelimittedResponseString); if (clientResponse.getStatus() != 200) { String errorMessage = getMessageByHTTPStatusCode( clientResponse.getStatus(), "Uniprot"); throw new Exception(errorMessage); } // new Uniprot API is not including a "X-Total-Results" header when there // are 0 results List resultsHeaders = clientResponse.getHeaders() .get("X-Total-Results"); int xTotalResults = 0; if (Platform.isJS()) { xTotalResults = 1; } else if (resultsHeaders != null && resultsHeaders.size() >= 1) { xTotalResults = Integer.valueOf(resultsHeaders.get(0)); } clientResponse = null; client = null; return parseUniprotResponse(uniProtTabDelimittedResponseString, uniprotRestRequest, xTotalResults); } catch (Exception e) { Console.warn("Problem with the query: " + e.getMessage()); Console.debug("Exception stacktrace:", e); String exceptionMsg = e.getMessage(); if (exceptionMsg.contains("SocketException")) { // No internet connection throw new Exception(MessageManager.getString( "exception.unable_to_detect_internet_connection")); } else if (exceptionMsg.contains("UnknownHostException")) { // The server 'http://www.uniprot.org' is unreachable throw new Exception(MessageManager.formatMessage( "exception.fts_server_unreachable", "Uniprot")); } else { throw e; } } } public boolean isAdvancedQuery(String query) { if (query.contains(" AND ") || query.contains(" OR ") || query.contains(" NOT ") || query.contains(" ! ") || query.contains(" || ") || query.contains(" && ") || query.contains(":") || query.contains("-")) { return true; } return false; } public FTSRestResponse parseUniprotResponse( String uniProtTabDelimittedResponseString, FTSRestRequest uniprotRestRequest, int xTotalResults) { FTSRestResponse searchResult = new FTSRestResponse(); List result = null; if (uniProtTabDelimittedResponseString == null || uniProtTabDelimittedResponseString.trim().isEmpty()) { searchResult.setNumberOfItemsFound(0); return searchResult; } String[] foundDataRow = uniProtTabDelimittedResponseString.split("\n"); if (foundDataRow != null && foundDataRow.length > 0) { result = new ArrayList<>(); boolean firstRow = true; for (String dataRow : foundDataRow) { // The first data row is usually the header data. This should be // filtered out from the rest of the data See: JAL-2485 if (firstRow) { firstRow = false; continue; } // System.out.println(dataRow); result.add(getFTSData(dataRow, uniprotRestRequest)); } searchResult.setNumberOfItemsFound(xTotalResults); searchResult.setSearchSummary(result); } return searchResult; } // /** // * Takes a collection of FTSDataColumnI and converts its 'code' values into // a // * tab delimited string. // * // * @param dataColumnFields // * the collection of FTSDataColumnI to process // * @return the generated comma delimited string from the supplied // * FTSDataColumnI collection // */ // private String getDataColumnsFieldsAsTabDelimitedString( // Collection dataColumnFields) // { // String result = ""; // if (dataColumnFields != null && !dataColumnFields.isEmpty()) // { // StringBuilder returnedFields = new StringBuilder(); // for (FTSDataColumnI field : dataColumnFields) // { // if (field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Uniprot Id")) // { // returnedFields.append("\t").append("Entry"); // } // else // { // returnedFields.append("\t").append(field.getName()); // } // } // returnedFields.deleteCharAt(0); // result = returnedFields.toString(); // } // return result; // } public static FTSData getFTSData(String tabDelimittedDataStr, FTSRestRequest request) { String primaryKey = null; Object[] summaryRowData; Collection diplayFields = request.getWantedFields(); int colCounter = 0; summaryRowData = new Object[diplayFields.size()]; String[] columns = tabDelimittedDataStr.split("\t"); for (FTSDataColumnI field : diplayFields) { try { String fieldData = columns[colCounter]; if (field.isPrimaryKeyColumn()) { primaryKey = fieldData; summaryRowData[colCounter++] = primaryKey; } else if (fieldData == null || fieldData.isEmpty()) { summaryRowData[colCounter++] = null; } else { try { summaryRowData[colCounter++] = (field.getDataType() .getDataTypeClass() == Integer.class) ? Integer.valueOf(fieldData.replace(",", "")) : (field.getDataType() .getDataTypeClass() == Double.class) ? Double.valueOf(fieldData) : fieldData; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("offending value:" + fieldData); } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } final String primaryKey1 = primaryKey; final Object[] summaryRowData1 = summaryRowData; return new FTSData() { @Override public Object[] getSummaryData() { return summaryRowData1; } @Override public Object getPrimaryKey() { return primaryKey1; } /** * Returns a string representation of this object; */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder summaryFieldValues = new StringBuilder(); for (Object summaryField : summaryRowData1) { summaryFieldValues.append( summaryField == null ? " " : summaryField.toString()) .append("\t"); } return summaryFieldValues.toString(); } /** * Returns hash code value for this object */ @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(primaryKey1, this.toString()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { return this.toString().equals(that.toString()); } }; } public static UniProtFTSRestClient getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new UniProtFTSRestClient(); } return instance; } @Override public String getColumnDataConfigFileName() { return "/fts/uniprot_data_columns-2022.txt"; } /* 2022-07-20 bsoares * used for the new API "cursor" pagination. See https://www.uniprot.org/help/pagination */ private ArrayList cursors; private int cursorPage = 0; protected int getCursorPage() { return cursorPage; } protected void setCursorPage(int i) { cursorPage = i; } protected void setPrevCursorPage() { if (cursorPage > 0) cursorPage--; } protected void setNextCursorPage() { cursorPage++; } protected void clearCursors() { cursors = new ArrayList(10); } protected String getCursor(int i) { return cursors.get(i); } protected String getNextCursor() { if (cursors.size() < cursorPage + 2) return null; return cursors.get(cursorPage + 1); } protected String getPrevCursor() { if (cursorPage == 0) return null; return cursors.get(cursorPage - 1); } protected void setCursor(int i, String c) { cursors.ensureCapacity(i + 1); while (cursors.size() <= i) { cursors.add(null); } cursors.set(i, c); Console.debug( "Set UniprotFRSRestClient cursors[" + i + "] to '" + c + "'"); // cursors.add(c); } public static String getQueryParam(String param, String u) { if (param == null || u == null) return null; try { URL url = new URL(u); String[] kevs = url.getQuery().split("&"); for (int j = 0; j < kevs.length; j++) { String[] kev = kevs[j].split("=", 2); if (param.equals(kev[0])) { return kev[1]; } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Console.warn("Could not obtain next page 'cursor' value from 'u"); } return null; } }