package jalview.gui; import java.awt.*; import jalview.analysis.*; import jalview.analysis.NJTree; import jalview.datamodel.*; import jalview.schemes.*; import java.util.*; public class AlignViewport { int startRes; int endRes; int startSeq; int endSeq; boolean showFullId = false; boolean showText=true; boolean showColourText=false; boolean showBoxes=true; boolean wrapAlignment=false; boolean renderGaps = true; boolean showSequenceFeatures = false; boolean showAnnotation = true; boolean colourAppliesToAllGroups = true; ColourSchemeI globalColourScheme = null; boolean conservationColourSelected = false; boolean abovePIDThreshold = false; SequenceGroup selectionGroup = new SequenceGroup(); RendererI renderer = new SequenceRenderer(this); int charHeight; int charWidth; int chunkWidth; int chunkHeight; Font font = new Font("SansSerif",Font.PLAIN,10); AlignmentI alignment; ColumnSelection colSel = new ColumnSelection(); int threshold; int increment; NJTree currentTree = null; boolean scaleAboveWrapped = false; boolean scaleLeftWrapped = true; boolean scaleRightWrapped = true; public AlignViewport(AlignmentI al, boolean showText, boolean showBoxes, boolean wrapAlignment) { this.startRes = 0; this.endRes = al.getWidth()-1; this.startSeq = 0; this.endSeq = al.getHeight()-1; this.showText = showText; this.showBoxes = showBoxes; this.wrapAlignment = wrapAlignment; setAlignment(al); setFont( font ); } public void showSequenceFeatures(boolean b) { showSequenceFeatures = b; } AlignmentAnnotation consensus; AlignmentAnnotation conservation; public void updateConservation() { Annotation [] annotations = new Annotation[alignment.getWidth()]; Conservation cons = new jalview.analysis.Conservation("All", jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties.propHash, 3, alignment.getSequences(), 0, alignment.getWidth()); cons.calculate(); cons.verdict(false, 100); cons.findQuality(); String sequence = cons.getConsSequence().getSequence(); float minR,minG,minB, maxR,maxG,maxB; minR = 0.3f; minG = 0f; minB = 0f; maxR = 1.0f-minR; maxG=0.9f-minG; maxB=0f-minB; // scalable range for colouring float min = cons.qualityRange[0].floatValue(); float max = cons.qualityRange[1].floatValue(); for (int i = 0; i < alignment.getWidth(); i++) { float value = 0; try { //value = Integer.parseInt(sequence.charAt(i) + ""); value = ((Double) cons.quality.get(i)).floatValue(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (sequence.charAt(i) == '*') value = 10; } float vprop = value-min; vprop/=max; annotations[i] = new Annotation(sequence.charAt(i) + "", "Conservation graph", ' ', value, new Color(minR+maxR*vprop, minB+maxB*vprop, minB+maxB*vprop)); } if(conservation==null) { conservation = new AlignmentAnnotation("Quality", "Quality of total alignment", annotations, cons.qualityRange[0].floatValue(), cons.qualityRange[1].floatValue(), 1); alignment.addAnnotation(conservation); } else conservation.annotations = annotations; } public void updateConsensus() { Annotation [] annotations = new Annotation[alignment.getWidth()]; Vector cons = alignment.getAAFrequency(); Hashtable hash = null; for (int i = 0; i < alignment.getWidth(); i++) { hash = (Hashtable) cons.elementAt(i); float value = Float.parseFloat(hash.get("maxCount").toString()); value /= Float.parseFloat(hash.get("size").toString()); value *= 100; String maxRes = hash.get("maxResidue")+" "; String mouseOver = hash.get("maxResidue")+" "; if(maxRes.length()>2) { mouseOver = "["+maxRes+"] "; maxRes = "+ "; } mouseOver += (int)value+"%"; annotations[i] = new Annotation(maxRes, mouseOver, ' ', value); } if(consensus==null) { consensus = new AlignmentAnnotation("% Identity", "PID", annotations, 0f, 100f, 1); alignment.addAnnotation(consensus); } else consensus.annotations = annotations; } public String getVisibleConsensus() { return visibleConsensus; } String visibleConsensus; Vector consensusV = new Vector(); public Vector getConsensus(boolean recalculate) { if(recalculate || consensusV.size()<1) { consensusV = alignment.getAAFrequency(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Hashtable hash = null; for (int i = 0; i < consensusV.size(); i++) { hash = (Hashtable) consensusV.elementAt(i); sb.append(hash.get("maxResidue").toString().charAt(0)); } visibleConsensus = sb.toString(); } return consensusV; } public SequenceGroup getSelectionGroup() { return selectionGroup; } public void setSelectionGroup(SequenceGroup sg) { selectionGroup = sg; } public boolean getConservationSelected() { return conservationColourSelected; } public void setConservationSelected(boolean b) { conservationColourSelected = b; } public boolean getAbovePIDThreshold() { return abovePIDThreshold; } public void setAbovePIDThreshold(boolean b) { abovePIDThreshold = b; } public int getStartRes() { return startRes; } public int getEndRes() { return endRes; } public int getStartSeq() { return startSeq; } public void setGlobalColourScheme(ColourSchemeI cs) { globalColourScheme = cs; } public ColourSchemeI getGlobalColourScheme() { return globalColourScheme; } public void setStartRes(int res) { this.startRes = res; } public void setStartSeq(int seq) { this.startSeq = seq; } public void setEndRes(int res) { if (res > alignment.getWidth()-1) { System.out.println(" Corrected res from " + res + " to maximum " + (alignment.getWidth()-1)); res = alignment.getWidth() -1; } if (res < 0) { res = 0; } this.endRes = res; } public void setEndSeq(int seq) { if (seq > alignment.getHeight()) { seq = alignment.getHeight(); } if (seq < 0) { seq = 0; } this.endSeq = seq; } public int getEndSeq() { return endSeq; } public void setFont(Font f) { font = f; javax.swing.JFrame temp = new javax.swing.JFrame(); temp.addNotify(); java.awt.FontMetrics fm = temp.getGraphics().getFontMetrics(font); setCharHeight(fm.getHeight()); setCharWidth(fm.charWidth('M')); } public Font getFont() { return font; } public void setCharWidth(int w) { this.charWidth = w; } public int getCharWidth() { return charWidth; } public void setCharHeight(int h) { this.charHeight = h; } public int getCharHeight() { return charHeight; } public void setChunkWidth(int w) { this.chunkWidth = w; } public int getChunkWidth() { return chunkWidth; } public void setChunkHeight(int h) { this.chunkHeight = h; } public int getChunkHeight() { return chunkHeight; } public AlignmentI getAlignment() { return alignment; } public void setAlignment(AlignmentI align) { this.alignment = align; } public void setWrapAlignment(boolean state) { wrapAlignment = state; } public void setShowText(boolean state) { showText = state; } public void setRenderGaps(boolean state){ renderGaps = state; if(renderer instanceof SequenceRenderer) { SequenceRenderer sr = (SequenceRenderer)renderer; sr.renderGaps(state); } } public boolean getColourText() { return showColourText; } public void setColourText(boolean state) { showColourText = state; } public void setShowBoxes(boolean state) { showBoxes = state; } public boolean getWrapAlignment() { return wrapAlignment; } public boolean getShowText() { return showText; } public boolean getShowBoxes() { return showBoxes; } public char getGapCharacter() { return getAlignment().getGapCharacter(); } public void setGapCharacter(char gap) { if (getAlignment() != null) { getAlignment().setGapCharacter(gap); } } public void setThreshold(int thresh) { threshold = thresh; } public int getThreshold() { return threshold; } public void setIncrement(int inc) { increment = inc; } public int getIncrement() { return increment; } public int getIndex(int y) { int y1 = 0; int starty = getStartSeq(); int endy = getEndSeq(); for (int i = starty; i <= endy; i++) { if (i < alignment.getHeight() && alignment.getSequenceAt(i) != null) { int y2 = y1 + getCharHeight(); if (y>=y1 && y <=y2) { return i; } y1 = y2; } else { return -1; } } return -1; } public ColumnSelection getColumnSelection() { return colSel; } public void resetSeqLimits(int height) { setEndSeq(height/getCharHeight()); } public void setCurrentTree(NJTree tree) { currentTree = tree; } public NJTree getCurrentTree() { return currentTree; } public void setRenderer(RendererI rend) { this.renderer = rend; } public RendererI getRenderer() { return renderer; } public void setColourAppliesToAllGroups(boolean b) { colourAppliesToAllGroups = b; } public boolean getColourAppliesToAllGroups() {return colourAppliesToAllGroups; } public boolean getShowFullId() { return showFullId; } public void setShowFullId(boolean b) { showFullId = b; } public boolean getShowAnnotation() { return showAnnotation; } public void setShowAnnotation(boolean b) { showAnnotation = b; } public boolean getScaleAboveWrapped() { return scaleAboveWrapped;} public boolean getScaleLeftWrapped() { return scaleLeftWrapped; } public boolean getScaleRightWrapped() { return scaleRightWrapped; } public void setScaleAboveWrapped(boolean b) { scaleAboveWrapped = b; } public void setScaleLeftWrapped(boolean b) { scaleLeftWrapped = b; } public void setScaleRightWrapped(boolean b) { scaleRightWrapped = b; } }