/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.7) * Copyright (C) 2011 J Procter, AM Waterhouse, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jalview. If not, see . */ package jalview.gui; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import jalview.datamodel.*; import jalview.io.*; /** * * GUI dialog for exporting features or alignment annotations depending upon * which method is called. * * @author AMW * */ public class AnnotationExporter extends JPanel { JInternalFrame frame; AlignmentPanel ap; boolean features = true; AlignmentAnnotation[] annotations; Vector sequenceGroups; Hashtable alignmentProperties; public AnnotationExporter() { try { jbInit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } frame = new JInternalFrame(); frame.setContentPane(this); frame.setLayer(JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER); Desktop.addInternalFrame(frame, "", frame.getPreferredSize().width, frame.getPreferredSize().height); } public void exportFeatures(AlignmentPanel ap) { this.ap = ap; features = true; CSVFormat.setVisible(false); frame.setTitle("Export Features"); } public void exportAnnotations(AlignmentPanel ap, AlignmentAnnotation[] annotations, Vector sequenceGroups, Hashtable alProperties) { this.ap = ap; features = false; GFFFormat.setVisible(false); CSVFormat.setVisible(true); this.annotations = annotations; this.sequenceGroups = sequenceGroups; this.alignmentProperties = alProperties; frame.setTitle("Export Annotations"); } public void toFile_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JalviewFileChooser chooser = new JalviewFileChooser( jalview.bin.Cache.getProperty("LAST_DIRECTORY")); chooser.setFileView(new JalviewFileView()); chooser.setDialogTitle(features ? "Save Features to File" : "Save Annotation to File"); chooser.setToolTipText("Save"); int value = chooser.showSaveDialog(this); if (value == JalviewFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { String text = "No features found on alignment"; if (features) { if (GFFFormat.isSelected()) { text = new FeaturesFile().printGFFFormat(ap.av.alignment .getDataset().getSequencesArray(), getDisplayedFeatureCols(), true, ap.av.isShowNpFeats());// ap.av.featuresDisplayed//); } else { text = new FeaturesFile().printJalviewFormat(ap.av.alignment .getDataset().getSequencesArray(), getDisplayedFeatureCols(), true, ap.av.isShowNpFeats()); // ap.av.featuresDisplayed); } } else { if (CSVFormat.isSelected()) { text = new AnnotationFile().printCSVAnnotations(annotations); } else { text = new AnnotationFile().printAnnotations(annotations, sequenceGroups, alignmentProperties); } } try { java.io.PrintWriter out = new java.io.PrintWriter( new java.io.FileWriter(chooser.getSelectedFile())); out.print(text); out.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } close_actionPerformed(null); } public void toTextbox_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String text = "No features found on alignment"; if (features) { if (GFFFormat.isSelected()) { text = new FeaturesFile().printGFFFormat(ap.av.alignment .getDataset().getSequencesArray(), getDisplayedFeatureCols(), true, ap.av.isShowNpFeats()); } else { text = new FeaturesFile().printJalviewFormat(ap.av.alignment .getDataset().getSequencesArray(), getDisplayedFeatureCols(), true, ap.av.isShowNpFeats()); } } else if (!features) { if (CSVFormat.isSelected()) { text = new AnnotationFile().printCSVAnnotations(annotations); } else { text = new AnnotationFile().printAnnotations(annotations, sequenceGroups, alignmentProperties); } } CutAndPasteTransfer cap = new CutAndPasteTransfer(); try { cap.setText(text); Desktop.addInternalFrame(cap, (features ? "Features for - " : "Annotations for - ") + ap.alignFrame.getTitle(), 600, 500); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) { new OOMWarning("generating " + (features ? "Features for - " : "Annotations for - ") + ap.alignFrame.getTitle(), oom); cap.dispose(); } close_actionPerformed(null); } private Hashtable getDisplayedFeatureCols() { Hashtable fcols = new Hashtable(); if (ap.av.featuresDisplayed == null) { return fcols; } Enumeration en = ap.av.featuresDisplayed.keys(); FeatureRenderer fr = ap.seqPanel.seqCanvas.getFeatureRenderer(); // consider // higher // level // method ? while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Object col = en.nextElement(); fcols.put(col, fr.featureColours.get(col)); } return fcols; } public void close_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { frame.setClosed(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException ex) { } } private void jbInit() throws Exception { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); toFile.setText("to File"); toFile.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { toFile_actionPerformed(e); } }); toTextbox.setText("to Textbox"); toTextbox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { toTextbox_actionPerformed(e); } }); close.setText("Close"); close.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { close_actionPerformed(e); } }); jalviewFormat.setOpaque(false); jalviewFormat.setSelected(true); jalviewFormat.setText("Jalview"); GFFFormat.setOpaque(false); GFFFormat.setText("GFF"); CSVFormat.setOpaque(false); CSVFormat.setText("CSV(Spreadsheet)"); jLabel1.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.TRAILING); jLabel1.setText("Format: "); this.setBackground(Color.white); jPanel3.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); jPanel3.setOpaque(false); jPanel1.setOpaque(false); jPanel1.add(toFile); jPanel1.add(toTextbox); jPanel1.add(close); jPanel3.add(jLabel1); jPanel3.add(jalviewFormat); jPanel3.add(GFFFormat); jPanel3.add(CSVFormat); buttonGroup.add(jalviewFormat); buttonGroup.add(GFFFormat); buttonGroup.add(CSVFormat); this.add(jPanel3, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(jPanel1, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel(); JButton toFile = new JButton(); JButton toTextbox = new JButton(); JButton close = new JButton(); ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); JRadioButton jalviewFormat = new JRadioButton(); JRadioButton GFFFormat = new JRadioButton(); JRadioButton CSVFormat = new JRadioButton(); JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel(); JPanel jPanel3 = new JPanel(); FlowLayout flowLayout1 = new FlowLayout(); }