/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer * Copyright (C) 2007 AM Waterhouse, J Procter, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package jalview.gui; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.swing.*; import jalview.datamodel.*; import jalview.io.*; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class AnnotationLabels extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ActionListener { static String ADDNEW = "Add New Row"; static String EDITNAME = "Edit Label/Description"; static String HIDE = "Hide This Row"; static String DELETE = "Delete This Row"; static String SHOWALL = "Show All Hidden Rows"; static String OUTPUT_TEXT = "Export Annotation"; static String COPYCONS_SEQ = "Copy Consensus Sequence"; boolean resizePanel = false; Image image; AlignmentPanel ap; AlignViewport av; boolean resizing = false; MouseEvent dragEvent; int oldY; int selectedRow; int scrollOffset = 0; Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 11); /** * Creates a new AnnotationLabels object. * * @param ap DOCUMENT ME! */ public AnnotationLabels(AlignmentPanel ap) { this.ap = ap; av = ap.av; ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().registerComponent(this); java.net.URL url = getClass().getResource("/images/idwidth.gif"); Image temp = null; if (url != null) { temp = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(url); } try { MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(this); mt.addImage(temp, 0); mt.waitForID(0); } catch (Exception ex) { } BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(temp.getHeight(this), temp.getWidth(this), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) bi.getGraphics(); g.rotate(Math.toRadians(90)); g.drawImage(temp, 0, -bi.getWidth(this), this); image = (Image) bi; addMouseListener(this); addMouseMotionListener(this); } public AnnotationLabels(AlignViewport av) { this.av = av; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param y DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setScrollOffset(int y) { scrollOffset = y; repaint(); } void getSelectedRow(int y) { int height = 0; AlignmentAnnotation[] aa = ap.av.alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation(); if (aa != null) { for (int i = 0; i < aa.length; i++) { if (!aa[i].visible) { continue; } height += aa[i].height; if (y < height) { selectedRow = i; break; } } } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param evt DOCUMENT ME! */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { AlignmentAnnotation[] aa = ap.av.alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation(); if (evt.getActionCommand().equals(ADDNEW)) { AlignmentAnnotation newAnnotation = new AlignmentAnnotation(null, null, new Annotation[ap.av.alignment.getWidth()]); if (!editLabelDescription(newAnnotation)) { return; } ap.av.alignment.addAnnotation(newAnnotation); ap.av.alignment.setAnnotationIndex(newAnnotation, 0); } else if (evt.getActionCommand().equals(EDITNAME)) { editLabelDescription(aa[selectedRow]); repaint(); } else if (evt.getActionCommand().equals(HIDE)) { aa[selectedRow].visible = false; if (aa[selectedRow].label.equals("Quality")) { ap.av.quality = null; } } else if (evt.getActionCommand().equals(DELETE)) { ap.av.alignment.deleteAnnotation(aa[selectedRow]); } else if (evt.getActionCommand().equals(SHOWALL)) { for (int i = 0; i < aa.length; i++) { if (!aa[i].visible && aa[i].annotations!=null) { aa[i].visible = true; } } } else if (evt.getActionCommand().equals(OUTPUT_TEXT)) { new AnnotationExporter().exportAnnotations( ap, new AlignmentAnnotation[] {aa[selectedRow]}, null, null ); } else if (evt.getActionCommand().equals(COPYCONS_SEQ)) { SequenceI cons = av.getConsensusSeq(); if (cons != null) { copy_annotseqtoclipboard(cons); } } ap.annotationPanel.adjustPanelHeight(); ap.annotationScroller.validate(); ap.paintAlignment(true); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param e DOCUMENT ME! */ boolean editLabelDescription(AlignmentAnnotation annotation) { EditNameDialog dialog = new EditNameDialog(annotation.label, annotation.description, " Annotation Name ", "Annotation Description ", "Edit Annotation Name/Description"); if (!dialog.accept) { return false; } annotation.label = dialog.getName(); String text = dialog.getDescription(); if (text!=null && text.length() == 0) { text = null; } annotation.description = text; return true; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param evt DOCUMENT ME! */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { getSelectedRow(evt.getY() - scrollOffset); oldY = evt.getY(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param evt DOCUMENT ME! */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { int start = selectedRow; getSelectedRow(evt.getY() - scrollOffset); int end = selectedRow; if (start != end) { //Swap these annotations AlignmentAnnotation startAA = ap.av.alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation()[ start]; AlignmentAnnotation endAA = ap.av.alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation()[end]; ap.av.alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation()[end] = startAA; ap.av.alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation()[start] = endAA; } resizePanel = false; dragEvent = null; repaint(); ap.annotationPanel.repaint(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param evt DOCUMENT ME! */ public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { if (evt.getY() < 10) { resizePanel = true; repaint(); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param evt DOCUMENT ME! */ public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { if (dragEvent == null) { resizePanel = false; repaint(); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param evt DOCUMENT ME! */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) { dragEvent = evt; if (resizePanel) { Dimension d = ap.annotationScroller.getPreferredSize(); int dif = evt.getY() - oldY; dif /= ap.av.charHeight; dif *= ap.av.charHeight; if ( (d.height - dif) > 20) { ap.annotationScroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(d.width, d.height - dif)); d = ap.annotationSpaceFillerHolder.getPreferredSize(); ap.annotationSpaceFillerHolder.setPreferredSize(new Dimension( d.width, d.height - dif)); ap.paintAlignment(true); } ap.addNotify(); } else { repaint(); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param evt DOCUMENT ME! */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { resizePanel = evt.getY() < 10; getSelectedRow(evt.getY() - scrollOffset); if (selectedRow > -1 && ap.av.alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation().length > selectedRow) { AlignmentAnnotation aa = ap.av.alignment. getAlignmentAnnotation()[selectedRow]; StringBuffer desc = new StringBuffer(""); if (aa.description != null && !aa.description.equals("New description")) { desc.append(aa.getDescription(true)); if(aa.hasScore) desc.append("
"); } if(aa.hasScore()) { desc.append("Score: "+aa.score); } if(desc.length()!=6) { desc.append(""); this.setToolTipText(desc.toString()); } else this.setToolTipText(null); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param evt DOCUMENT ME! */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { if (!SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(evt)) { return; } AlignmentAnnotation[] aa = ap.av.alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation(); JPopupMenu pop = new JPopupMenu("Annotations"); JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(ADDNEW); item.addActionListener(this); if ( (aa == null) || (aa.length == 0)) { item = new JMenuItem(SHOWALL); item.addActionListener(this); pop.add(item); pop.show(this, evt.getX(), evt.getY()); return; } pop.add(item); item = new JMenuItem(EDITNAME); item.addActionListener(this); pop.add(item); item = new JMenuItem(HIDE); item.addActionListener(this); pop.add(item); item = new JMenuItem(DELETE); item.addActionListener(this); pop.add(item); item = new JMenuItem(SHOWALL); item.addActionListener(this); pop.add(item); item = new JMenuItem(OUTPUT_TEXT); item.addActionListener(this); pop.add(item); // annotation object should be typed if (selectedRow -1) { int groupSize = 0; for (int gg = 0; gg < aa.length; gg++) { if (aa[gg].graphGroup == aa[i].graphGroup) { groupSize++; } } if (groupSize * (fontHeight + 8) < aa[i].height) { graphExtras = (aa[i].height - (groupSize * (fontHeight + 8))) / 2; } for (int gg = 0; gg < aa.length; gg++) { if (aa[gg].graphGroup == aa[i].graphGroup) { x = width - fm.stringWidth(aa[gg].label) - 3; g.drawString(aa[gg].label, x,y - graphExtras); if (aa[gg].annotations[0] != null) { g.setColor(aa[gg].annotations[0].colour); } g.drawLine(x, y - graphExtras - 3, x + fm.stringWidth(aa[gg].label), y - graphExtras - 3); g.setColor(Color.black); graphExtras += fontHeight + 8; } } } else { g.drawString(aa[i].label, x, y +offset); } } } if (resizePanel) { g.drawImage(image, 2, 0 - scrollOffset, this); } else if (dragEvent != null && aa != null) { g.setColor(Color.lightGray); g.drawString(aa[selectedRow].label, dragEvent.getX(), dragEvent.getY() - scrollOffset); } if ( (aa == null) || (aa.length < 1)) { g.drawString("Right click", 2, 8); g.drawString("to add annotation", 2, 18); } } }