/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.8.2) * Copyright (C) 2014 The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.gui; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import javax.swing.*; import jalview.datamodel.*; import jalview.schemes.GraduatedColor; import jalview.util.MessageManager; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class FeatureRenderer implements jalview.api.FeatureRenderer { AlignmentPanel ap; AlignViewport av; Color resBoxColour; /** * global transparency for feature */ float transparency = 1.0f; FontMetrics fm; int charOffset; Map featureColours = new ConcurrentHashMap(); // A higher level for grouping features of a // particular type Map featureGroups = new ConcurrentHashMap(); // This is actually an Integer held in the hashtable, // Retrieved using the key feature type Object currentColour; String[] renderOrder; PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); Vector allfeatures; /** * Creates a new FeatureRenderer object. * * @param av * DOCUMENT ME! */ public FeatureRenderer(AlignmentPanel ap) { this.ap = ap; this.av = ap.av; if (ap != null && ap.seqPanel != null && ap.seqPanel.seqCanvas != null && ap.seqPanel.seqCanvas.fr != null) { transferSettings(ap.seqPanel.seqCanvas.fr); } } public class FeatureRendererSettings implements Cloneable { String[] renderOrder; Map featureGroups; Map featureColours; float transparency; Map featureOrder; public FeatureRendererSettings(String[] renderOrder, Hashtable featureGroups, Hashtable featureColours, float transparency, Hashtable featureOrder) { super(); this.renderOrder = renderOrder; this.featureGroups = featureGroups; this.featureColours = featureColours; this.transparency = transparency; this.featureOrder = featureOrder; } /** * create an independent instance of the feature renderer settings * * @param fr */ public FeatureRendererSettings(FeatureRenderer fr) { renderOrder = null; featureGroups = new ConcurrentHashMap(); featureColours = new ConcurrentHashMap(); featureOrder = new ConcurrentHashMap(); if (fr.renderOrder != null) { this.renderOrder = new String[fr.renderOrder.length]; System.arraycopy(fr.renderOrder, 0, renderOrder, 0, fr.renderOrder.length); } if (fr.featureGroups != null) { this.featureGroups = new ConcurrentHashMap(fr.featureGroups); } if (fr.featureColours != null) { this.featureColours = new ConcurrentHashMap(fr.featureColours); } Iterator en = fr.featureColours.keySet().iterator(); while (en.hasNext()) { Object next = en.next(); Object val = featureColours.get(next); if (val instanceof GraduatedColor) { featureColours .put(next, new GraduatedColor((GraduatedColor) val)); } } this.transparency = fr.transparency; if (fr.featureOrder != null) { this.featureOrder = new ConcurrentHashMap(fr.featureOrder); } } } public FeatureRendererSettings getSettings() { return new FeatureRendererSettings(this); } public void transferSettings(FeatureRendererSettings fr) { this.renderOrder = fr.renderOrder; this.featureGroups = fr.featureGroups; this.featureColours = fr.featureColours; this.transparency = fr.transparency; this.featureOrder = fr.featureOrder; } /** * update from another feature renderer * * @param fr * settings to copy */ public void transferSettings(FeatureRenderer fr) { FeatureRendererSettings frs = new FeatureRendererSettings(fr); this.renderOrder = frs.renderOrder; this.featureGroups = frs.featureGroups; this.featureColours = frs.featureColours; this.transparency = frs.transparency; this.featureOrder = frs.featureOrder; if (av != null && av != fr.av) { // copy over the displayed feature settings if (fr.av != null) { if (fr.av.getFeaturesDisplayed() != null) { // update display settings if (av.getFeaturesDisplayed() == null) { av.setFeaturesDisplayed(new Hashtable(fr.av.getFeaturesDisplayed())); } else { av.getFeaturesDisplayed().clear(); Enumeration en = fr.av.getFeaturesDisplayed().keys(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { av.getFeaturesDisplayed().put(en.nextElement(), Boolean.TRUE); } } } } } } BufferedImage offscreenImage; boolean offscreenRender = false; public Color findFeatureColour(Color initialCol, SequenceI seq, int res) { return new Color(findFeatureColour(initialCol.getRGB(), seq, res)); } /** * This is used by the Molecule Viewer and Overview to get the accurate * colourof the rendered sequence */ public synchronized int findFeatureColour(int initialCol, SequenceI seq, int column) { if (!av.showSequenceFeatures) { return initialCol; } if (seq != lastSeq) { lastSeq = seq; sequenceFeatures = lastSeq.getDatasetSequence().getSequenceFeatures(); if (sequenceFeatures != null) { sfSize = sequenceFeatures.length; } } if (sequenceFeatures != lastSeq.getDatasetSequence() .getSequenceFeatures()) { sequenceFeatures = lastSeq.getDatasetSequence().getSequenceFeatures(); if (sequenceFeatures != null) { sfSize = sequenceFeatures.length; } } if (sequenceFeatures == null || sfSize == 0) { return initialCol; } if (jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(lastSeq.getCharAt(column))) { return Color.white.getRGB(); } // Only bother making an offscreen image if transparency is applied if (transparency != 1.0f && offscreenImage == null) { offscreenImage = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); } currentColour = null; // TODO: non-threadsafe - each rendering thread needs its own instance of // the feature renderer - or this should be synchronized. offscreenRender = true; if (offscreenImage != null) { offscreenImage.setRGB(0, 0, initialCol); drawSequence(offscreenImage.getGraphics(), lastSeq, column, column, 0); return offscreenImage.getRGB(0, 0); } else { drawSequence(null, lastSeq, lastSeq.findPosition(column), -1, -1); if (currentColour == null) { return initialCol; } else { return ((Integer) currentColour).intValue(); } } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param g * DOCUMENT ME! * @param seq * DOCUMENT ME! * @param sg * DOCUMENT ME! * @param start * DOCUMENT ME! * @param end * DOCUMENT ME! * @param x1 * DOCUMENT ME! * @param y1 * DOCUMENT ME! * @param width * DOCUMENT ME! * @param height * DOCUMENT ME! */ // String type; // SequenceFeature sf; SequenceI lastSeq; SequenceFeature[] sequenceFeatures; int sfSize, sfindex, spos, epos; /** * show scores as heights */ protected boolean varyHeight = false; synchronized public void drawSequence(Graphics g, SequenceI seq, int start, int end, int y1) { if (seq.getDatasetSequence().getSequenceFeatures() == null || seq.getDatasetSequence().getSequenceFeatures().length == 0) { return; } if (g != null) { fm = g.getFontMetrics(); } if (av.getFeaturesDisplayed() == null || renderOrder == null || newFeatureAdded) { findAllFeatures(); if (av.getFeaturesDisplayed().size() < 1) { return; } sequenceFeatures = seq.getDatasetSequence().getSequenceFeatures(); } if (lastSeq == null || seq != lastSeq || seq.getDatasetSequence().getSequenceFeatures() != sequenceFeatures) { lastSeq = seq; sequenceFeatures = seq.getDatasetSequence().getSequenceFeatures(); } if (transparency != 1 && g != null) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, transparency)); } if (!offscreenRender) { spos = lastSeq.findPosition(start); epos = lastSeq.findPosition(end); } sfSize = sequenceFeatures.length; String type; for (int renderIndex = 0; renderIndex < renderOrder.length; renderIndex++) { type = renderOrder[renderIndex]; if (type == null || !av.getFeaturesDisplayed().containsKey(type)) { continue; } // loop through all features in sequence to find // current feature to render for (sfindex = 0; sfindex < sfSize; sfindex++) { if (!sequenceFeatures[sfindex].type.equals(type)) { continue; } if (featureGroups != null && sequenceFeatures[sfindex].featureGroup != null && sequenceFeatures[sfindex].featureGroup.length() != 0 && featureGroups .containsKey(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].featureGroup) && !((Boolean) featureGroups .get(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].featureGroup)) .booleanValue()) { continue; } if (!offscreenRender && (sequenceFeatures[sfindex].getBegin() > epos || sequenceFeatures[sfindex] .getEnd() < spos)) { continue; } if (offscreenRender && offscreenImage == null) { if (sequenceFeatures[sfindex].begin <= start && sequenceFeatures[sfindex].end >= start) { // this is passed out to the overview and other sequence renderers // (e.g. molecule viewer) to get displayed colour for rendered // sequence currentColour = new Integer( getColour(sequenceFeatures[sfindex]).getRGB()); // used to be retreived from av.featuresDisplayed // currentColour = av.featuresDisplayed // .get(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].type); } } else if (sequenceFeatures[sfindex].type.equals("disulfide bond")) { renderFeature(g, seq, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].begin) - 1, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].begin) - 1, getColour(sequenceFeatures[sfindex]) // new Color(((Integer) av.featuresDisplayed // .get(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].type)).intValue()) , start, end, y1); renderFeature(g, seq, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].end) - 1, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].end) - 1, getColour(sequenceFeatures[sfindex]) // new Color(((Integer) av.featuresDisplayed // .get(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].type)).intValue()) , start, end, y1); } else if (showFeature(sequenceFeatures[sfindex])) { if (av.showSeqFeaturesHeight && sequenceFeatures[sfindex].score != Float.NaN) { renderScoreFeature(g, seq, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].begin) - 1, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].end) - 1, getColour(sequenceFeatures[sfindex]), start, end, y1, normaliseScore(sequenceFeatures[sfindex])); } else { renderFeature(g, seq, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].begin) - 1, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeatures[sfindex].end) - 1, getColour(sequenceFeatures[sfindex]), start, end, y1); } } } } if (transparency != 1.0f && g != null) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f)); } } Hashtable minmax = new Hashtable(); /** * normalise a score against the max/min bounds for the feature type. * * @param sequenceFeature * @return byte[] { signed, normalised signed (-127 to 127) or unsigned * (0-255) value. */ private final byte[] normaliseScore(SequenceFeature sequenceFeature) { float[] mm = ((float[][]) minmax.get(sequenceFeature.type))[0]; final byte[] r = new byte[] { 0, (byte) 255 }; if (mm != null) { if (r[0] != 0 || mm[0] < 0.0) { r[0] = 1; r[1] = (byte) ((int) 128.0 + 127.0 * (sequenceFeature.score / mm[1])); } else { r[1] = (byte) ((int) 255.0 * (sequenceFeature.score / mm[1])); } } return r; } char s; int i; void renderFeature(Graphics g, SequenceI seq, int fstart, int fend, Color featureColour, int start, int end, int y1) { if (((fstart <= end) && (fend >= start))) { if (fstart < start) { // fix for if the feature we have starts before the sequence start, fstart = start; // but the feature end is still valid!! } if (fend >= end) { fend = end; } int pady = (y1 + av.charHeight) - av.charHeight / 5; for (i = fstart; i <= fend; i++) { s = seq.getCharAt(i); if (jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(s)) { continue; } g.setColor(featureColour); g.fillRect((i - start) * av.charWidth, y1, av.charWidth, av.charHeight); if (offscreenRender || !av.validCharWidth) { continue; } g.setColor(Color.white); charOffset = (av.charWidth - fm.charWidth(s)) / 2; g.drawString(String.valueOf(s), charOffset + (av.charWidth * (i - start)), pady); } } } void renderScoreFeature(Graphics g, SequenceI seq, int fstart, int fend, Color featureColour, int start, int end, int y1, byte[] bs) { if (((fstart <= end) && (fend >= start))) { if (fstart < start) { // fix for if the feature we have starts before the sequence start, fstart = start; // but the feature end is still valid!! } if (fend >= end) { fend = end; } int pady = (y1 + av.charHeight) - av.charHeight / 5; int ystrt = 0, yend = av.charHeight; if (bs[0] != 0) { // signed - zero is always middle of residue line. if (bs[1] < 128) { yend = av.charHeight * (128 - bs[1]) / 512; ystrt = av.charHeight - yend / 2; } else { ystrt = av.charHeight / 2; yend = av.charHeight * (bs[1] - 128) / 512; } } else { yend = av.charHeight * bs[1] / 255; ystrt = av.charHeight - yend; } for (i = fstart; i <= fend; i++) { s = seq.getCharAt(i); if (jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(s)) { continue; } g.setColor(featureColour); int x = (i - start) * av.charWidth; g.drawRect(x, y1, av.charWidth, av.charHeight); g.fillRect(x, y1 + ystrt, av.charWidth, yend); if (offscreenRender || !av.validCharWidth) { continue; } g.setColor(Color.black); charOffset = (av.charWidth - fm.charWidth(s)) / 2; g.drawString(String.valueOf(s), charOffset + (av.charWidth * (i - start)), pady); } } } boolean newFeatureAdded = false; /** * Called when alignment in associated view has new/modified features to * discover and display. * */ public void featuresAdded() { lastSeq = null; findAllFeatures(); } boolean findingFeatures = false; /** * search the alignment for all new features, give them a colour and display * them. Then fires a PropertyChangeEvent on the changeSupport object. * */ void findAllFeatures() { synchronized (firing) { if (firing.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) { firing = Boolean.TRUE; findAllFeatures(true); // add all new features as visible changeSupport.firePropertyChange("changeSupport", null, null); firing = Boolean.FALSE; } } } /** * Searches alignment for all features and updates colours * * @param newMadeVisible * if true newly added feature types will be rendered immediatly */ synchronized void findAllFeatures(boolean newMadeVisible) { newFeatureAdded = false; if (findingFeatures) { newFeatureAdded = true; return; } findingFeatures = true; if (av.getFeaturesDisplayed() == null) { av.setFeaturesDisplayed(new Hashtable()); } allfeatures = new Vector(); Vector oldfeatures = new Vector(); if (renderOrder != null) { for (int i = 0; i < renderOrder.length; i++) { if (renderOrder[i] != null) { oldfeatures.addElement(renderOrder[i]); } } } if (minmax == null) { minmax = new Hashtable(); } AlignmentI alignment = av.getAlignment(); for (int i = 0; i < alignment.getHeight(); i++) { SequenceFeature[] features = alignment.getSequenceAt(i) .getDatasetSequence().getSequenceFeatures(); if (features == null) { continue; } int index = 0; while (index < features.length) { if (!av.getFeaturesDisplayed().containsKey(features[index].getType())) { if (featureGroups.containsKey(features[index].getType())) { boolean visible = ((Boolean) featureGroups .get(features[index].featureGroup)).booleanValue(); if (!visible) { index++; continue; } } if (!(features[index].begin == 0 && features[index].end == 0)) { // If beginning and end are 0, the feature is for the whole sequence // and we don't want to render the feature in the normal way if (newMadeVisible && !oldfeatures.contains(features[index].getType())) { // this is a new feature type on the alignment. Mark it for // display. av.getFeaturesDisplayed().put(features[index].getType(), new Integer(getColour(features[index].getType()) .getRGB())); setOrder(features[index].getType(), 0); } } } if (!allfeatures.contains(features[index].getType())) { allfeatures.addElement(features[index].getType()); } if (features[index].score != Float.NaN) { int nonpos = features[index].getBegin() >= 1 ? 0 : 1; float[][] mm = (float[][]) minmax.get(features[index].getType()); if (mm == null) { mm = new float[][] { null, null }; minmax.put(features[index].getType(), mm); } if (mm[nonpos] == null) { mm[nonpos] = new float[] { features[index].score, features[index].score }; } else { if (mm[nonpos][0] > features[index].score) { mm[nonpos][0] = features[index].score; } if (mm[nonpos][1] < features[index].score) { mm[nonpos][1] = features[index].score; } } } index++; } } updateRenderOrder(allfeatures); findingFeatures = false; } protected Boolean firing = Boolean.FALSE; /** * replaces the current renderOrder with the unordered features in * allfeatures. The ordering of any types in both renderOrder and allfeatures * is preserved, and all new feature types are rendered on top of the existing * types, in the order given by getOrder or the order given in allFeatures. * Note. this operates directly on the featureOrder hash for efficiency. TODO: * eliminate the float storage for computing/recalling the persistent ordering * New Cability: updates min/max for colourscheme range if its dynamic * * @param allFeatures */ private void updateRenderOrder(Vector allFeatures) { Vector allfeatures = new Vector(allFeatures); String[] oldRender = renderOrder; renderOrder = new String[allfeatures.size()]; Object mmrange, fc = null; boolean initOrders = (featureOrder == null); int opos = 0; if (oldRender != null && oldRender.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < oldRender.length; j++) { if (oldRender[j] != null) { if (initOrders) { setOrder(oldRender[j], (1 - (1 + (float) j) / (float) oldRender.length)); } if (allfeatures.contains(oldRender[j])) { renderOrder[opos++] = oldRender[j]; // existing features always // appear below new features allfeatures.removeElement(oldRender[j]); if (minmax != null) { mmrange = minmax.get(oldRender[j]); if (mmrange != null) { fc = featureColours.get(oldRender[j]); if (fc != null && fc instanceof GraduatedColor && ((GraduatedColor) fc).isAutoScale()) { ((GraduatedColor) fc).updateBounds( ((float[][]) mmrange)[0][0], ((float[][]) mmrange)[0][1]); } } } } } } } if (allfeatures.size() == 0) { // no new features - leave order unchanged. return; } int i = allfeatures.size() - 1; int iSize = i; boolean sort = false; String[] newf = new String[allfeatures.size()]; float[] sortOrder = new float[allfeatures.size()]; Enumeration en = allfeatures.elements(); // sort remaining elements while (en.hasMoreElements()) { newf[i] = en.nextElement().toString(); if (minmax != null) { // update from new features minmax if necessary mmrange = minmax.get(newf[i]); if (mmrange != null) { fc = featureColours.get(newf[i]); if (fc != null && fc instanceof GraduatedColor && ((GraduatedColor) fc).isAutoScale()) { ((GraduatedColor) fc).updateBounds(((float[][]) mmrange)[0][0], ((float[][]) mmrange)[0][1]); } } } if (initOrders || !featureOrder.containsKey(newf[i])) { int denom = initOrders ? allfeatures.size() : featureOrder.size(); // new unordered feature - compute persistent ordering at head of // existing features. setOrder(newf[i], i / (float) denom); } // set order from newly found feature from persisted ordering. sortOrder[i] = 2 - ((Float) featureOrder.get(newf[i])).floatValue(); if (i < iSize) { // only sort if we need to sort = sort || sortOrder[i] > sortOrder[i + 1]; } i--; } if (iSize > 1 && sort) { jalview.util.QuickSort.sort(sortOrder, newf); } sortOrder = null; System.arraycopy(newf, 0, renderOrder, opos, newf.length); } /** * get a feature style object for the given type string. Creates a * java.awt.Color for a featureType with no existing colourscheme. TODO: * replace return type with object implementing standard abstract colour/style * interface * * @param featureType * @return java.awt.Color or GraduatedColor */ public Object getFeatureStyle(String featureType) { Object fc = featureColours.get(featureType); if (fc == null) { jalview.schemes.UserColourScheme ucs = new jalview.schemes.UserColourScheme(); Color col = ucs.createColourFromName(featureType); featureColours.put(featureType, fc = col); } return fc; } /** * return a nominal colour for this feature * * @param featureType * @return standard color, or maximum colour for graduated colourscheme */ public Color getColour(String featureType) { Object fc = getFeatureStyle(featureType); if (fc instanceof Color) { return (Color) fc; } else { if (fc instanceof GraduatedColor) { return ((GraduatedColor) fc).getMaxColor(); } } throw new Error(MessageManager.formatMessage("error.implementation_error_unrecognised_render_object_for_features_type", new String[]{fc.getClass().toString(),featureType})); } /** * calculate the render colour for a specific feature using current feature * settings. * * @param feature * @return render colour for the given feature */ public Color getColour(SequenceFeature feature) { Object fc = getFeatureStyle(feature.getType()); if (fc instanceof Color) { return (Color) fc; } else { if (fc instanceof GraduatedColor) { return ((GraduatedColor) fc).findColor(feature); } } throw new Error(MessageManager.formatMessage("error.implementation_error_unrecognised_render_object_for_features_type", new String[]{fc.getClass().toString(),feature.getType()})); } private boolean showFeature(SequenceFeature sequenceFeature) { Object fc = getFeatureStyle(sequenceFeature.type); if (fc instanceof GraduatedColor) { return ((GraduatedColor) fc).isColored(sequenceFeature); } else { return true; } } // // ///////////// // // Feature Editing Dialog // // Will be refactored in next release. static String lastFeatureAdded; static String lastFeatureGroupAdded; static String lastDescriptionAdded; Object oldcol, fcol; int featureIndex = 0; boolean amendFeatures(final SequenceI[] sequences, final SequenceFeature[] features, boolean newFeatures, final AlignmentPanel ap) { featureIndex = 0; final JPanel bigPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); final JComboBox overlaps; final JTextField name = new JTextField(25); final JTextField source = new JTextField(25); final JTextArea description = new JTextArea(3, 25); final JSpinner start = new JSpinner(); final JSpinner end = new JSpinner(); start.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 20)); end.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 20)); final FeatureRenderer me = this; final JLabel colour = new JLabel(); colour.setOpaque(true); // colour.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); colour.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(30, 16)); colour.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { FeatureColourChooser fcc = null; public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { if (fcol instanceof Color) { Color col = JColorChooser.showDialog(Desktop.desktop, MessageManager.getString("label.select_feature_colour"), ((Color) fcol)); if (col != null) { fcol = col; updateColourButton(bigPanel, colour, col); } } else { if (fcc == null) { final String type = features[featureIndex].getType(); fcc = new FeatureColourChooser(me, type); fcc.setRequestFocusEnabled(true); fcc.requestFocus(); fcc.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { fcol = fcc.getLastColour(); fcc = null; setColour(type, fcol); updateColourButton(bigPanel, colour, fcol); } }); } } } }); JPanel tmp = new JPanel(); JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3, 1)); // ///////////////////////////////////// // /MULTIPLE FEATURES AT SELECTED RESIDUE if (!newFeatures && features.length > 1) { panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 1)); tmp = new JPanel(); tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.select_feature"))); overlaps = new JComboBox(); for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { overlaps.addItem(features[i].getType() + "/" + features[i].getBegin() + "-" + features[i].getEnd() + " (" + features[i].getFeatureGroup() + ")"); } tmp.add(overlaps); overlaps.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { int index = overlaps.getSelectedIndex(); if (index != -1) { featureIndex = index; name.setText(features[index].getType()); description.setText(features[index].getDescription()); source.setText(features[index].getFeatureGroup()); start.setValue(new Integer(features[index].getBegin())); end.setValue(new Integer(features[index].getEnd())); SearchResults highlight = new SearchResults(); highlight.addResult(sequences[0], features[index].getBegin(), features[index].getEnd()); ap.seqPanel.seqCanvas.highlightSearchResults(highlight); } Object col = getFeatureStyle(name.getText()); if (col == null) { col = new jalview.schemes.UserColourScheme() .createColourFromName(name.getText()); } oldcol = fcol = col; updateColourButton(bigPanel, colour, col); } }); panel.add(tmp); } // //////// // //////////////////////////////////// tmp = new JPanel(); panel.add(tmp); tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.name"), JLabel.RIGHT)); tmp.add(name); tmp = new JPanel(); panel.add(tmp); tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.group") + ":", JLabel.RIGHT)); tmp.add(source); tmp = new JPanel(); panel.add(tmp); tmp.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.colour"), JLabel.RIGHT)); tmp.add(colour); colour.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 15)); colour.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 9)); colour.setForeground(Color.black); colour.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); colour.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); colour.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); colour.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); bigPanel.add(panel, BorderLayout.NORTH); panel = new JPanel(); panel.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.description"), JLabel.RIGHT)); description.setFont(JvSwingUtils.getTextAreaFont()); description.setLineWrap(true); panel.add(new JScrollPane(description)); if (!newFeatures) { bigPanel.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); panel = new JPanel(); panel.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.start"), JLabel.RIGHT)); panel.add(start); panel.add(new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.end"), JLabel.RIGHT)); panel.add(end); bigPanel.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } else { bigPanel.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } if (lastFeatureAdded == null) { if (features[0].type != null) { lastFeatureAdded = features[0].type; } else { lastFeatureAdded = "feature_1"; } } if (lastFeatureGroupAdded == null) { if (features[0].featureGroup != null) { lastFeatureGroupAdded = features[0].featureGroup; } else { lastFeatureGroupAdded = "Jalview"; } } if (newFeatures) { name.setText(lastFeatureAdded); source.setText(lastFeatureGroupAdded); } else { name.setText(features[0].getType()); source.setText(features[0].getFeatureGroup()); } start.setValue(new Integer(features[0].getBegin())); end.setValue(new Integer(features[0].getEnd())); description.setText(features[0].getDescription()); updateColourButton(bigPanel, colour, (oldcol = fcol = getFeatureStyle(name.getText()))); Object[] options; if (!newFeatures) { options = new Object[] { "Amend", "Delete", "Cancel" }; } else { options = new Object[] { "OK", "Cancel" }; } String title = newFeatures ? MessageManager.getString("label.create_new_sequence_features") : MessageManager.formatMessage("label.amend_delete_features", new String[]{sequences[0].getName()}); int reply = JOptionPane.showInternalOptionDialog(Desktop.desktop, bigPanel, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, MessageManager.getString("action.ok")); jalview.io.FeaturesFile ffile = new jalview.io.FeaturesFile(); if (reply == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION && name.getText().length() > 0) { // This ensures that the last sequence // is refreshed and new features are rendered lastSeq = null; lastFeatureAdded = name.getText().trim(); lastFeatureGroupAdded = source.getText().trim(); lastDescriptionAdded = description.getText().replaceAll("\n", " "); // TODO: determine if the null feature group is valid if (lastFeatureGroupAdded.length() < 1) lastFeatureGroupAdded = null; } if (!newFeatures) { SequenceFeature sf = features[featureIndex]; if (reply == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { sequences[0].getDatasetSequence().deleteFeature(sf); } else if (reply == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { sf.type = lastFeatureAdded; sf.featureGroup = lastFeatureGroupAdded; sf.description = lastDescriptionAdded; setColour(sf.type, fcol); av.getFeaturesDisplayed().put(sf.type, getColour(sf.type)); try { sf.begin = ((Integer) start.getValue()).intValue(); sf.end = ((Integer) end.getValue()).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } ffile.parseDescriptionHTML(sf, false); } } else // NEW FEATURES ADDED { if (reply == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION && lastFeatureAdded.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < sequences.length; i++) { features[i].type = lastFeatureAdded; if (lastFeatureGroupAdded != null) features[i].featureGroup = lastFeatureGroupAdded; features[i].description = lastDescriptionAdded; sequences[i].addSequenceFeature(features[i]); ffile.parseDescriptionHTML(features[i], false); } if (av.getFeaturesDisplayed() == null) { av.setFeaturesDisplayed(new Hashtable()); } if (lastFeatureGroupAdded != null) { if (featureGroups == null) featureGroups = new Hashtable(); featureGroups.put(lastFeatureGroupAdded, new Boolean(true)); } setColour(lastFeatureAdded, fcol); av.getFeaturesDisplayed().put(lastFeatureAdded, getColour(lastFeatureAdded)); findAllFeatures(false); ap.paintAlignment(true); return true; } else { return false; } } ap.paintAlignment(true); return true; } /** * update the amend feature button dependent on the given style * * @param bigPanel * @param col * @param col2 */ protected void updateColourButton(JPanel bigPanel, JLabel colour, Object col2) { colour.removeAll(); colour.setIcon(null); colour.setToolTipText(null); colour.setText(""); if (col2 instanceof Color) { colour.setBackground((Color) col2); } else { colour.setBackground(bigPanel.getBackground()); colour.setForeground(Color.black); FeatureSettings.renderGraduatedColor(colour, (GraduatedColor) col2); // colour.setForeground(colour.getBackground()); } } public void setColour(String featureType, Object col) { // overwrite // Color _col = (col instanceof Color) ? ((Color) col) : (col instanceof // GraduatedColor) ? ((GraduatedColor) col).getMaxColor() : null; // Object c = featureColours.get(featureType); // if (c == null || c instanceof Color || (c instanceof GraduatedColor && // !((GraduatedColor)c).getMaxColor().equals(_col))) { featureColours.put(featureType, col); } } public void setTransparency(float value) { transparency = value; } public float getTransparency() { return transparency; } /** * Replace current ordering with new ordering * * @param data * { String(Type), Colour(Type), Boolean(Displayed) } */ public void setFeaturePriority(Object[][] data) { setFeaturePriority(data, true); } /** * * @param data * { String(Type), Colour(Type), Boolean(Displayed) } * @param visibleNew * when true current featureDisplay list will be cleared */ public void setFeaturePriority(Object[][] data, boolean visibleNew) { if (visibleNew) { if (av.getFeaturesDisplayed() != null) { av.getFeaturesDisplayed().clear(); } else { av.setFeaturesDisplayed(new Hashtable()); } } if (data == null) { return; } // The feature table will display high priority // features at the top, but theses are the ones // we need to render last, so invert the data renderOrder = new String[data.length]; if (data.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { String type = data[i][0].toString(); setColour(type, data[i][1]); // todo : typesafety - feature color // interface object if (((Boolean) data[i][2]).booleanValue()) { av.getFeaturesDisplayed().put(type, new Integer(getColour(type) .getRGB())); } renderOrder[data.length - i - 1] = type; } } } Map featureOrder = null; /** * analogous to colour - store a normalized ordering for all feature types in * this rendering context. * * @param type * Feature type string * @param position * normalized priority - 0 means always appears on top, 1 means * always last. */ public float setOrder(String type, float position) { if (featureOrder == null) { featureOrder = new Hashtable(); } featureOrder.put(type, new Float(position)); return position; } /** * get the global priority (0 (top) to 1 (bottom)) * * @param type * @return [0,1] or -1 for a type without a priority */ public float getOrder(String type) { if (featureOrder != null) { if (featureOrder.containsKey(type)) { return ((Float) featureOrder.get(type)).floatValue(); } } return -1; } /** * @param listener * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport#addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) */ public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } /** * @param listener * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport#removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) */ public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } }