/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.gui; import jalview.api.AlignmentViewPanel; import jalview.api.FeatureColourI; import jalview.datamodel.GraphLine; import jalview.datamodel.features.FeatureAttributes; import jalview.datamodel.features.FeatureAttributes.Datatype; import jalview.datamodel.features.FeatureMatcher; import jalview.datamodel.features.FeatureMatcherI; import jalview.datamodel.features.FeatureMatcherSet; import jalview.datamodel.features.FeatureMatcherSetI; import jalview.gui.JalviewColourChooser.ColourChooserListener; import jalview.schemes.FeatureColour; import jalview.util.ColorUtils; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import jalview.util.matcher.Condition; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.FocusAdapter; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JSlider; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; /** * A dialog where the user can configure colour scheme, and any filters, for one * feature type *

* (Was FeatureColourChooser prior to Jalview 1.11, renamed with the addition of * filter options) */ public class FeatureTypeSettings extends JalviewDialog { private final static String LABEL_18N = MessageManager .getString("label.label"); private final static String SCORE_18N = MessageManager .getString("label.score"); private static final int RADIO_WIDTH = 130; private static final String COLON = ":"; private static final int MAX_TOOLTIP_LENGTH = 50; private static final int NO_COLOUR_OPTION = 0; private static final int MIN_COLOUR_OPTION = 1; private static final int MAX_COLOUR_OPTION = 2; private static final int ABOVE_THRESHOLD_OPTION = 1; private static final int BELOW_THRESHOLD_OPTION = 2; private static final DecimalFormat DECFMT_2_2 = new DecimalFormat( "##.##"); /* * FeatureRenderer holds colour scheme and filters for feature types */ private final FeatureRenderer fr; // todo refactor to allow interface type here /* * the view panel to update when settings change */ final AlignmentViewPanel ap; private final String featureType; /* * the colour and filters to reset to on Cancel */ private final FeatureColourI originalColour; private final FeatureMatcherSetI originalFilter; /* * set flag to true when setting values programmatically, * to avoid invocation of action handlers */ boolean adjusting = false; /* * minimum of the value range for graduated colour * (may be for feature score or for a numeric attribute) */ private float min; /* * maximum of the value range for graduated colour */ private float max; /* * scale factor for conversion between absolute min-max and slider */ float scaleFactor; /* * radio button group, to select what to colour by: * simple colour, by category (text), or graduated */ JRadioButton simpleColour = new JRadioButton(); JRadioButton byCategory = new JRadioButton(); JRadioButton graduatedColour = new JRadioButton(); JPanel singleColour = new JPanel(); JPanel minColour = new JPanel(); JPanel maxColour = new JPanel(); private JComboBox threshold = new JComboBox<>(); JSlider slider = new JSlider(); JTextField thresholdValue = new JTextField(20); private JCheckBox thresholdIsMin = new JCheckBox(); private GraphLine threshline; private ActionListener featureSettings = null; private ActionListener changeColourAction; /* * choice of option for 'colour for no value' */ private JComboBox noValueCombo; /* * choice of what to colour by text (Label or attribute) */ private JComboBox colourByTextCombo; /* * choice of what to colour by range (Score or attribute) */ private JComboBox colourByRangeCombo; private JRadioButton andFilters; private JRadioButton orFilters; /* * filters for the currently selected feature type */ List filters; private JPanel chooseFiltersPanel; // for alternative 2 tabs layout (Colour, Filters) // private JTabbedPane tabbedPane; /** * Constructor * * @param frender * @param theType */ public FeatureTypeSettings(FeatureRenderer frender, String theType) { this(frender, false, theType); } /** * Constructor, with option to make a blocking dialog (has to complete in the * AWT event queue thread). Currently this option is always set to false. * * @param frender * @param blocking * @param theType */ FeatureTypeSettings(FeatureRenderer frender, boolean blocking, String theType) { this.fr = frender; this.featureType = theType; ap = fr.ap; originalFilter = fr.getFeatureFilter(theType); originalColour = fr.getFeatureColours().get(theType); adjusting = true; try { initialise(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return; } updateColoursTab(); updateFiltersTab(); adjusting = false; colourChanged(false); String title = MessageManager .formatMessage("label.display_settings_for", new String[] { theType }); initDialogFrame(this, true, blocking, title, 500, 500); waitForInput(); } /** * Configures the widgets on the Colours tab according to the current feature * colour scheme */ private void updateColoursTab() { FeatureColourI fc = fr.getFeatureColours().get(featureType); /* * suppress action handling while updating values programmatically */ adjusting = true; try { /* * single colour */ if (fc.isSimpleColour()) { simpleColour.setSelected(true); singleColour.setBackground(fc.getColour()); singleColour.setForeground(fc.getColour()); } /* * colour by text (Label or attribute text) */ if (fc.isColourByLabel()) { byCategory.setSelected(true); colourByTextCombo.setEnabled(colourByTextCombo.getItemCount() > 1); if (fc.isColourByAttribute()) { String[] attributeName = fc.getAttributeName(); colourByTextCombo.setSelectedItem( FeatureMatcher.toAttributeDisplayName(attributeName)); } else { colourByTextCombo.setSelectedItem(LABEL_18N); } } else { colourByTextCombo.setEnabled(false); } if (!fc.isGraduatedColour()) { colourByRangeCombo.setEnabled(false); minColour.setEnabled(false); maxColour.setEnabled(false); noValueCombo.setEnabled(false); threshold.setEnabled(false); slider.setEnabled(false); thresholdValue.setEnabled(false); thresholdIsMin.setEnabled(false); return; } /* * Graduated colour, by score or attribute value range */ graduatedColour.setSelected(true); updateColourMinMax(); // ensure min, max are set colourByRangeCombo.setEnabled(colourByRangeCombo.getItemCount() > 1); minColour.setEnabled(true); maxColour.setEnabled(true); noValueCombo.setEnabled(true); threshold.setEnabled(true); minColour.setBackground(fc.getMinColour()); maxColour.setBackground(fc.getMaxColour()); if (fc.isColourByAttribute()) { String[] attributeName = fc.getAttributeName(); colourByRangeCombo.setSelectedItem( FeatureMatcher.toAttributeDisplayName(attributeName)); } else { colourByRangeCombo.setSelectedItem(SCORE_18N); } Color noColour = fc.getNoColour(); if (noColour == null) { noValueCombo.setSelectedIndex(NO_COLOUR_OPTION); } else if (noColour.equals(fc.getMinColour())) { noValueCombo.setSelectedIndex(MIN_COLOUR_OPTION); } else if (noColour.equals(fc.getMaxColour())) { noValueCombo.setSelectedIndex(MAX_COLOUR_OPTION); } /* * update min-max scaling if there is a range to work with, * else disable the widgets (this shouldn't happen if only * valid options are offered in the combo box) */ scaleFactor = (max == min) ? 1f : 100f / (max - min); float range = (max - min) * scaleFactor; slider.setMinimum((int) (min * scaleFactor)); slider.setMaximum((int) (max * scaleFactor)); slider.setMajorTickSpacing((int) (range / 10f)); threshline = new GraphLine((max - min) / 2f, "Threshold", Color.black); threshline.value = fc.getThreshold(); if (fc.hasThreshold()) { threshold.setSelectedIndex( fc.isAboveThreshold() ? ABOVE_THRESHOLD_OPTION : BELOW_THRESHOLD_OPTION); slider.setEnabled(true); slider.setValue((int) (fc.getThreshold() * scaleFactor)); thresholdValue.setText(String.valueOf(getRoundedSliderValue())); thresholdValue.setEnabled(true); thresholdIsMin.setEnabled(true); } else { slider.setEnabled(false); thresholdValue.setEnabled(false); thresholdIsMin.setEnabled(false); } thresholdIsMin.setSelected(!fc.isAutoScaled()); } finally { adjusting = false; } } /** * Configures the initial layout */ private void initialise() { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); // this.add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); /* * an ActionListener that applies colour changes */ changeColourAction = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { colourChanged(true); } }; /* * first panel/tab: colour options */ JPanel coloursPanel = initialiseColoursPanel(); // tabbedPane.addTab(MessageManager.getString("action.colour"), // coloursPanel); this.add(coloursPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); /* * second panel/tab: filter options */ JPanel filtersPanel = initialiseFiltersPanel(); // tabbedPane.addTab(MessageManager.getString("label.filters"), // filtersPanel); this.add(filtersPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel okCancelPanel = initialiseOkCancelPanel(); this.add(okCancelPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } /** * Updates the min-max range if Colour By selected item is Score, or an * attribute, with a min-max range */ protected void updateColourMinMax() { if (!graduatedColour.isSelected()) { return; } String colourBy = (String) colourByRangeCombo.getSelectedItem(); float[] minMax = getMinMax(colourBy); if (minMax != null) { min = minMax[0]; max = minMax[1]; } } /** * Retrieves the min-max range: *

* * @param attName * @return */ private float[] getMinMax(String attName) { float[] minMax = null; if (SCORE_18N.equals(attName)) { minMax = fr.getMinMax().get(featureType)[0]; } else { // colour by attribute range minMax = FeatureAttributes.getInstance().getMinMax(featureType, FeatureMatcher.fromAttributeDisplayName(attName)); } return minMax; } /** * Lay out fields for graduated colour (by score or attribute value) * * @return */ private JPanel initialiseGraduatedColourPanel() { JPanel graduatedColourPanel = new JPanel(); graduatedColourPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(graduatedColourPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JvSwingUtils.createTitledBorder(graduatedColourPanel, MessageManager.getString("label.graduated_colour"), true); graduatedColourPanel.setBackground(Color.white); /* * first row: graduated colour radio button, score/attribute drop-down */ JPanel graduatedChoicePanel = new JPanel( new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); graduatedChoicePanel.setBackground(Color.white); graduatedColour = new JRadioButton( MessageManager.getString("label.by_range_of") + COLON); graduatedColour.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(RADIO_WIDTH, 20)); graduatedColour.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (graduatedColour.isSelected()) { colourChanged(true); } } }); graduatedChoicePanel.add(graduatedColour); List attNames = FeatureAttributes.getInstance() .getAttributes(featureType); colourByRangeCombo = populateAttributesDropdown(attNames, true, false); colourByRangeCombo.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { colourChanged(true); } }); /* * disable graduated colour option if no range found */ graduatedColour.setEnabled(colourByRangeCombo.getItemCount() > 0); graduatedChoicePanel.add(colourByRangeCombo); graduatedColourPanel.add(graduatedChoicePanel); /* * second row - min/max/no colours */ JPanel colourRangePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); colourRangePanel.setBackground(Color.white); graduatedColourPanel.add(colourRangePanel); minColour.setFont(JvSwingUtils.getLabelFont()); minColour.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.black)); minColour.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 20)); minColour.setToolTipText(MessageManager.getString("label.min_colour")); minColour.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (minColour.isEnabled()) { showColourChooser(minColour, "label.select_colour_minimum_value"); } } }); maxColour.setFont(JvSwingUtils.getLabelFont()); maxColour.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.black)); maxColour.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 20)); maxColour.setToolTipText(MessageManager.getString("label.max_colour")); maxColour.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (maxColour.isEnabled()) { showColourChooser(maxColour, "label.select_colour_maximum_value"); } } }); maxColour.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.black)); /* * default max colour to current colour (if a plain colour), * or to Black if colour by label; make min colour a pale * version of max colour */ FeatureColourI fc = fr.getFeatureColours().get(featureType); Color bg = fc.isSimpleColour() ? fc.getColour() : Color.BLACK; maxColour.setBackground(bg); minColour.setBackground(ColorUtils.bleachColour(bg, 0.9f)); noValueCombo = new JComboBox<>(); noValueCombo.addItem(MessageManager.getString("label.no_colour")); noValueCombo.addItem(MessageManager.getString("label.min_colour")); noValueCombo.addItem(MessageManager.getString("label.max_colour")); noValueCombo.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { colourChanged(true); } }); JLabel minText = new JLabel( MessageManager.getString("label.min_value") + COLON); minText.setFont(JvSwingUtils.getLabelFont()); JLabel maxText = new JLabel( MessageManager.getString("label.max_value") + COLON); maxText.setFont(JvSwingUtils.getLabelFont()); JLabel noText = new JLabel( MessageManager.getString("label.no_value") + COLON); noText.setFont(JvSwingUtils.getLabelFont()); colourRangePanel.add(minText); colourRangePanel.add(minColour); colourRangePanel.add(maxText); colourRangePanel.add(maxColour); colourRangePanel.add(noText); colourRangePanel.add(noValueCombo); /* * third row - threshold options and value */ JPanel thresholdPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); thresholdPanel.setBackground(Color.white); graduatedColourPanel.add(thresholdPanel); threshold.addActionListener(changeColourAction); threshold.setToolTipText(MessageManager .getString("label.threshold_feature_display_by_score")); threshold.addItem(MessageManager .getString("label.threshold_feature_no_threshold")); // index 0 threshold.addItem(MessageManager .getString("label.threshold_feature_above_threshold")); // index 1 threshold.addItem(MessageManager .getString("label.threshold_feature_below_threshold")); // index 2 thresholdValue.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { thresholdValue_actionPerformed(); } }); thresholdValue.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { thresholdValue_actionPerformed(); } }); slider.setPaintLabels(false); slider.setPaintTicks(true); slider.setBackground(Color.white); slider.setEnabled(false); slider.setOpaque(false); slider.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 32)); slider.setToolTipText( MessageManager.getString("label.adjust_threshold")); slider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) { if (!adjusting) { thresholdValue .setText(String.valueOf(slider.getValue() / scaleFactor)); sliderValueChanged(); } } }); slider.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { /* * only update Overview and/or structure colouring * when threshold slider drag ends (mouse up) */ if (ap != null) { ap.paintAlignment(true, true); } } }); thresholdValue.setEnabled(false); thresholdValue.setColumns(7); thresholdPanel.add(threshold); thresholdPanel.add(slider); thresholdPanel.add(thresholdValue); thresholdIsMin.setBackground(Color.white); thresholdIsMin .setText(MessageManager.getString("label.threshold_minmax")); thresholdIsMin.setToolTipText(MessageManager .getString("label.toggle_absolute_relative_display_threshold")); thresholdIsMin.addActionListener(changeColourAction); thresholdPanel.add(thresholdIsMin); return graduatedColourPanel; } /** * Lay out OK and Cancel buttons * * @return */ private JPanel initialiseOkCancelPanel() { JPanel okCancelPanel = new JPanel(); // okCancelPanel.setBackground(Color.white); okCancelPanel.add(ok); okCancelPanel.add(cancel); return okCancelPanel; } /** * Lay out Colour options panel, containing * * * @return */ private JPanel initialiseColoursPanel() { JPanel colourByPanel = new JPanel(); colourByPanel.setBackground(Color.white); colourByPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(colourByPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JvSwingUtils.createTitledBorder(colourByPanel, MessageManager.getString("action.colour"), true); /* * simple colour radio button and colour picker */ JPanel simpleColourPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); simpleColourPanel.setBackground(Color.white); // JvSwingUtils.createTitledBorder(simpleColourPanel, // MessageManager.getString("label.simple"), true); colourByPanel.add(simpleColourPanel); simpleColour = new JRadioButton( MessageManager.getString("label.simple_colour")); simpleColour.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(RADIO_WIDTH, 20)); simpleColour.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (simpleColour.isSelected() && !adjusting) { showColourChooser(singleColour, "label.select_colour"); } } }); singleColour.setFont(JvSwingUtils.getLabelFont()); singleColour.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.black)); singleColour.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 20)); singleColour.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (simpleColour.isSelected()) { showColourChooser(singleColour, "label.select_colour"); } } }); simpleColourPanel.add(simpleColour); // radio button simpleColourPanel.add(singleColour); // colour picker button /* * colour by text (category) radio button and drop-down choice list */ JPanel byTextPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); byTextPanel.setBackground(Color.white); JvSwingUtils.createTitledBorder(byTextPanel, MessageManager.getString("label.colour_by_text"), true); colourByPanel.add(byTextPanel); byCategory = new JRadioButton( MessageManager.getString("label.by_text_of") + COLON); byCategory.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(RADIO_WIDTH, 20)); byCategory.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (byCategory.isSelected()) { colourChanged(true); } } }); byTextPanel.add(byCategory); List attNames = FeatureAttributes.getInstance() .getAttributes(featureType); colourByTextCombo = populateAttributesDropdown(attNames, false, true); colourByTextCombo.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { colourChanged(true); } }); byTextPanel.add(colourByTextCombo); /* * graduated colour panel */ JPanel graduatedColourPanel = initialiseGraduatedColourPanel(); colourByPanel.add(graduatedColourPanel); /* * 3 radio buttons select between simple colour, * by category (text), or graduated */ ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); bg.add(simpleColour); bg.add(byCategory); bg.add(graduatedColour); return colourByPanel; } /** * Shows a colour chooser dialog, and if a selection is made, updates the * colour of the given panel * * @param colourPanel * the panel whose background colour is being picked * @param key * message bundle key for the dialog title */ void showColourChooser(JPanel colourPanel, String key) { ColourChooserListener listener = new ColourChooserListener() { @Override public void colourSelected(Color col) { colourPanel.setBackground(col); colourPanel.setForeground(col); colourPanel.repaint(); colourChanged(true); } }; JalviewColourChooser.showColourChooser(this, MessageManager.getString(key), colourPanel.getBackground(), listener); } /** * Constructs and sets the selected colour options as the colour for the feature * type, and repaints the alignment, and optionally the Overview and/or * structure viewer if open * * @param updateStructsAndOverview */ void colourChanged(boolean updateStructsAndOverview) { if (adjusting) { /* * ignore action handlers while setting values programmatically */ return; } /* * ensure min-max range is for the latest choice of * 'graduated colour by' */ updateColourMinMax(); FeatureColourI acg = makeColourFromInputs(); /* * save the colour, and repaint stuff */ fr.setColour(featureType, acg); ap.paintAlignment(updateStructsAndOverview, updateStructsAndOverview); updateColoursTab(); } /** * Converts the input values into an instance of FeatureColour * * @return */ private FeatureColourI makeColourFromInputs() { /* * easiest case - a single colour */ if (simpleColour.isSelected()) { return new FeatureColour(singleColour.getBackground()); } /* * next easiest case - colour by Label, or attribute text */ if (byCategory.isSelected()) { Color c = this.getBackground(); FeatureColourI fc = new FeatureColour(c, c, null, 0f, 0f); fc.setColourByLabel(true); String byWhat = (String) colourByTextCombo.getSelectedItem(); if (!LABEL_18N.equals(byWhat)) { fc.setAttributeName( FeatureMatcher.fromAttributeDisplayName(byWhat)); } return fc; } /* * remaining case - graduated colour by score, or attribute value */ Color noColour = null; if (noValueCombo.getSelectedIndex() == MIN_COLOUR_OPTION) { noColour = minColour.getBackground(); } else if (noValueCombo.getSelectedIndex() == MAX_COLOUR_OPTION) { noColour = maxColour.getBackground(); } float thresh = 0f; try { thresh = Float.valueOf(thresholdValue.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // invalid inputs are already handled on entry } /* * min-max range is to (or from) threshold value if * 'threshold is min/max' is selected */ float minValue = min; float maxValue = max; int thresholdOption = threshold.getSelectedIndex(); if (thresholdIsMin.isSelected() && thresholdOption == ABOVE_THRESHOLD_OPTION) { minValue = thresh; } if (thresholdIsMin.isSelected() && thresholdOption == BELOW_THRESHOLD_OPTION) { maxValue = thresh; } /* * make the graduated colour */ FeatureColourI fc = new FeatureColour(minColour.getBackground(), maxColour.getBackground(), noColour, minValue, maxValue); /* * set attribute to colour by if selected */ String byWhat = (String) colourByRangeCombo.getSelectedItem(); if (!SCORE_18N.equals(byWhat)) { fc.setAttributeName(FeatureMatcher.fromAttributeDisplayName(byWhat)); } /* * set threshold options and 'autoscaled' which is * false if 'threshold is min/max' is selected * else true (colour range is on actual range of values) */ fc.setThreshold(thresh); fc.setAutoScaled(!thresholdIsMin.isSelected()); fc.setAboveThreshold(thresholdOption == ABOVE_THRESHOLD_OPTION); fc.setBelowThreshold(thresholdOption == BELOW_THRESHOLD_OPTION); if (threshline == null) { /* * todo not yet implemented: visual indication of feature threshold */ threshline = new GraphLine((max - min) / 2f, "Threshold", Color.black); } return fc; } @Override protected void raiseClosed() { if (this.featureSettings != null) { featureSettings.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, "CLOSED")); } } /** * Action on OK is just to dismiss the dialog - any changes have already been * applied */ @Override public void okPressed() { } /** * Action on Cancel is to restore colour scheme and filters as they were when * the dialog was opened */ @Override public void cancelPressed() { fr.setColour(featureType, originalColour); fr.setFeatureFilter(featureType, originalFilter); ap.paintAlignment(true, true); } /** * Action on text entry of a threshold value */ protected void thresholdValue_actionPerformed() { try { adjusting = true; float f = Float.parseFloat(thresholdValue.getText()); slider.setValue((int) (f * scaleFactor)); threshline.value = f; thresholdValue.setBackground(Color.white); // ok /* * force repaint of any Overview window or structure */ ap.paintAlignment(true, true); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { thresholdValue.setBackground(Color.red); // not ok } finally { adjusting = false; } } /** * Action on change of threshold slider value. This may be done interactively * (by moving the slider), or programmatically (to update the slider after * manual input of a threshold value). */ protected void sliderValueChanged() { threshline.value = getRoundedSliderValue(); /* * repaint alignment, but not Overview or structure, * to avoid overload while dragging the slider */ colourChanged(false); } /** * Converts the slider value to its absolute value by dividing by the * scaleFactor. Rounding errors are squashed by forcing min/max of slider range * to the actual min/max of feature score range * * @return */ private float getRoundedSliderValue() { int value = slider.getValue(); float f = value == slider.getMaximum() ? max : (value == slider.getMinimum() ? min : value / scaleFactor); return f; } void addActionListener(ActionListener listener) { if (featureSettings != null) { System.err.println( "IMPLEMENTATION ISSUE: overwriting action listener for FeatureColourChooser"); } featureSettings = listener; } /** * A helper method to build the drop-down choice of attributes for a feature. If * 'withRange' is true, then Score, and any attributes with a min-max range, are * added. If 'withText' is true, Label and any known attributes are added. This * allows 'categorical numerical' attributes e.g. codon position to be coloured * by text. *

* Where metadata is available with a description for an attribute, that is * added as a tooltip. *

* Attribute names may be 'simple' e.g. "AC" or 'compound' e.g. {"CSQ", * "Allele"}. Compound names are rendered for display as (e.g.) CSQ:Allele. *

* This method does not add any ActionListener to the JComboBox. * * @param attNames * @param withRange * @param withText */ protected JComboBox populateAttributesDropdown( List attNames, boolean withRange, boolean withText) { List displayAtts = new ArrayList<>(); List tooltips = new ArrayList<>(); if (withText) { displayAtts.add(LABEL_18N); tooltips.add(MessageManager.getString("label.description")); } if (withRange) { float[][] minMax = fr.getMinMax().get(featureType); if (minMax != null && minMax[0][0] != minMax[0][1]) { displayAtts.add(SCORE_18N); tooltips.add(SCORE_18N); } } FeatureAttributes fa = FeatureAttributes.getInstance(); for (String[] attName : attNames) { float[] minMax = fa.getMinMax(featureType, attName); boolean hasRange = minMax != null && minMax[0] != minMax[1]; if (!withText && !hasRange) { continue; } displayAtts.add(FeatureMatcher.toAttributeDisplayName(attName)); String desc = fa.getDescription(featureType, attName); if (desc != null && desc.length() > MAX_TOOLTIP_LENGTH) { desc = desc.substring(0, MAX_TOOLTIP_LENGTH) + "..."; } tooltips.add(desc == null ? "" : desc); } JComboBox attCombo = JvSwingUtils .buildComboWithTooltips(displayAtts, tooltips); return attCombo; } /** * Populates initial layout of the feature attribute filters panel */ private JPanel initialiseFiltersPanel() { filters = new ArrayList<>(); JPanel filtersPanel = new JPanel(); filtersPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(filtersPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); filtersPanel.setBackground(Color.white); JvSwingUtils.createTitledBorder(filtersPanel, MessageManager.getString("label.filters"), true); JPanel andOrPanel = initialiseAndOrPanel(); filtersPanel.add(andOrPanel); /* * panel with filters - populated by refreshFiltersDisplay, * which also sets the layout manager */ chooseFiltersPanel = new JPanel(); chooseFiltersPanel.setBackground(Color.white); filtersPanel.add(chooseFiltersPanel); return filtersPanel; } /** * Lays out the panel with radio buttons to AND or OR filter conditions * * @return */ private JPanel initialiseAndOrPanel() { JPanel andOrPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); andOrPanel.setBackground(Color.white); andFilters = new JRadioButton(MessageManager.getString("label.and")); orFilters = new JRadioButton(MessageManager.getString("label.or")); ActionListener actionListener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { filtersChanged(); } }; andFilters.addActionListener(actionListener); orFilters.addActionListener(actionListener); ButtonGroup andOr = new ButtonGroup(); andOr.add(andFilters); andOr.add(orFilters); andFilters.setSelected(true); andOrPanel.add( new JLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.join_conditions"))); andOrPanel.add(andFilters); andOrPanel.add(orFilters); return andOrPanel; } /** * Refreshes the display to show any filters currently configured for the * selected feature type (editable, with 'remove' option), plus one extra row * for adding a condition. This should be called after a filter has been * removed, added or amended. */ private void updateFiltersTab() { /* * clear the panel and list of filter conditions */ chooseFiltersPanel.removeAll(); filters.clear(); /* * look up attributes known for feature type */ List attNames = FeatureAttributes.getInstance() .getAttributes(featureType); /* * if this feature type has filters set, load them first */ FeatureMatcherSetI featureFilters = fr.getFeatureFilter(featureType); if (featureFilters != null) { if (!featureFilters.isAnded()) { orFilters.setSelected(true); } // avoid use of lambda expression to keep SwingJS happy // featureFilters.getMatchers().forEach(item -> filters.add(item)); for (FeatureMatcherI matcher : featureFilters.getMatchers()) { filters.add(matcher); } } /* * and an empty filter for the user to populate (add) */ filters.add(FeatureMatcher.NULL_MATCHER); /* * use GridLayout to 'justify' rows to the top of the panel, until * there are too many to fit in, then fall back on BoxLayout */ if (filters.size() <= 5) { chooseFiltersPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 1)); } else { chooseFiltersPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(chooseFiltersPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); } /* * render the conditions in rows, each in its own JPanel */ int filterIndex = 0; for (FeatureMatcherI filter : filters) { JPanel row = addFilter(filter, attNames, filterIndex); chooseFiltersPanel.add(row); filterIndex++; } this.validate(); this.repaint(); } /** * A helper method that constructs a row (panel) with one filter condition: *

  • a drop-down list of Label, Score and attribute names to choose from
  • *
  • a drop-down list of conditions to choose from
  • *
  • a text field for input of a match pattern
  • *
  • optionally, a 'remove' button
  • *
* The filter values are set as defaults for the input fields. The 'remove' * button is added unless the pattern is empty (incomplete filter condition). *

* Action handlers on these fields provide for *

  • validate pattern field - should be numeric if condition is numeric
  • *
  • save filters and refresh display on any (valid) change
  • *
  • remove filter and refresh on 'Remove'
  • *
  • update conditions list on change of Label/Score/Attribute
  • *
  • refresh value field tooltip with min-max range on change of * attribute
  • *
* * @param filter * @param attNames * @param filterIndex * @return */ protected JPanel addFilter(FeatureMatcherI filter, List attNames, int filterIndex) { String[] attName = filter.getAttribute(); Condition cond = filter.getMatcher().getCondition(); String pattern = filter.getMatcher().getPattern(); JPanel filterRow = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); filterRow.setBackground(Color.white); /* * drop-down choice of attribute, with description as a tooltip * if we can obtain it */ JComboBox attCombo = populateAttributesDropdown(attNames, true, true); String filterBy = setSelectedAttribute(attCombo, filter); JComboBox condCombo = new JComboBox<>(); JTextField patternField = new JTextField(8); patternField.setText(pattern); /* * action handlers that validate and (if valid) apply changes */ ActionListener actionListener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (validateFilter(patternField, condCombo)) { if (updateFilter(attCombo, condCombo, patternField, filterIndex)) { filtersChanged(); } } } }; ItemListener itemListener = new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { actionListener.actionPerformed(null); } }; if (filter == FeatureMatcher.NULL_MATCHER) // the 'add a condition' row { attCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); } else { attCombo.setSelectedItem( FeatureMatcher.toAttributeDisplayName(attName)); } attCombo.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { /* * on change of attribute, refresh the conditions list to * ensure it is appropriate for the attribute datatype */ populateConditions((String) attCombo.getSelectedItem(), (Condition) condCombo.getSelectedItem(), condCombo, patternField); actionListener.actionPerformed(null); } }); filterRow.add(attCombo); /* * drop-down choice of test condition */ populateConditions(filterBy, cond, condCombo, patternField); condCombo.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 20)); condCombo.addItemListener(itemListener); filterRow.add(condCombo); /* * pattern to match against */ patternField.addActionListener(actionListener); patternField.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { actionListener.actionPerformed(null); } }); filterRow.add(patternField); /* * disable pattern field for condition 'Present / NotPresent' */ Condition selectedCondition = (Condition) condCombo.getSelectedItem(); patternField.setEnabled(selectedCondition.needsAPattern()); /* * if a numeric condition is selected, show the value range * as a tooltip on the value input field */ setNumericHints(filterBy, selectedCondition, patternField); /* * add remove button if filter is populated (non-empty pattern) */ if (!patternField.isEnabled() || (pattern != null && pattern.trim().length() > 0)) { JButton removeCondition = new JButton("\u2717"); // Dingbats cursive x removeCondition.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(23, 17)); removeCondition .setToolTipText(MessageManager.getString("label.delete_row")); removeCondition.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { filters.remove(filterIndex); filtersChanged(); } }); filterRow.add(removeCondition); } return filterRow; } /** * Sets the selected item in the Label/Score/Attribute drop-down to match the * filter * * @param attCombo * @param filter */ private String setSelectedAttribute(JComboBox attCombo, FeatureMatcherI filter) { String item = null; if (filter.isByScore()) { item = SCORE_18N; } else if (filter.isByLabel()) { item = LABEL_18N; } else { item = FeatureMatcher.toAttributeDisplayName(filter.getAttribute()); } attCombo.setSelectedItem(item); return item; } /** * If a numeric comparison condition is selected, retrieves the min-max range * for the value (score or attribute), and sets it as a tooltip on the value * field. If the field is currently empty, then pre-populates it with *
  • the minimum value, if condition is > or >=
  • *
  • the maximum value, if condition is < or <=
  • *
* * @param attName * @param selectedCondition * @param patternField */ private void setNumericHints(String attName, Condition selectedCondition, JTextField patternField) { patternField.setToolTipText(""); if (selectedCondition.isNumeric()) { float[] minMax = getMinMax(attName); if (minMax != null) { String minFormatted = DECFMT_2_2.format(minMax[0]); String maxFormatted = DECFMT_2_2.format(minMax[1]); String tip = String.format("(%s - %s)", minFormatted, maxFormatted); patternField.setToolTipText(tip); if (patternField.getText().isEmpty()) { if (selectedCondition == Condition.GE || selectedCondition == Condition.GT) { patternField.setText(minFormatted); } else { if (selectedCondition == Condition.LE || selectedCondition == Condition.LT) { patternField.setText(maxFormatted); } } } } } } /** * Populates the drop-down list of comparison conditions for the given attribute * name. The conditions added depend on the datatype of the attribute values. * The supplied condition is set as the selected item in the list, provided it * is in the list. If the pattern is now invalid (non-numeric pattern for a * numeric condition), it is cleared. * * @param attName * @param cond * @param condCombo * @param patternField */ void populateConditions(String attName, Condition cond, JComboBox condCombo, JTextField patternField) { Datatype type = FeatureAttributes.getInstance().getDatatype(featureType, FeatureMatcher.fromAttributeDisplayName(attName)); if (LABEL_18N.equals(attName)) { type = Datatype.Character; } else if (SCORE_18N.equals(attName)) { type = Datatype.Number; } /* * remove itemListener before starting */ ItemListener listener = condCombo.getItemListeners()[0]; condCombo.removeItemListener(listener); boolean condIsValid = false; condCombo.removeAllItems(); for (Condition c : Condition.values()) { if ((c.isNumeric() && type == Datatype.Number) || (!c.isNumeric() && type != Datatype.Number)) { condCombo.addItem(c); if (c == cond) { condIsValid = true; } } } /* * set the selected condition (does nothing if not in the list) */ if (condIsValid) { condCombo.setSelectedItem(cond); } else { condCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); } /* * clear pattern if it is now invalid for condition */ if (((Condition) condCombo.getSelectedItem()).isNumeric()) { try { String pattern = patternField.getText().trim(); if (pattern.length() > 0) { Float.valueOf(pattern); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { patternField.setText(""); } } /* * restore the listener */ condCombo.addItemListener(listener); } /** * Answers true unless a numeric condition has been selected with a non-numeric * value. Sets the value field to RED with a tooltip if in error. *

* If the pattern is expected but is empty, this method returns false, but does * not mark the field as invalid. This supports selecting an attribute for a new * condition before a match pattern has been entered. * * @param value * @param condCombo */ protected boolean validateFilter(JTextField value, JComboBox condCombo) { if (value == null || condCombo == null) { return true; // fields not populated } Condition cond = (Condition) condCombo.getSelectedItem(); if (!cond.needsAPattern()) { return true; } value.setBackground(Color.white); value.setToolTipText(""); String v1 = value.getText().trim(); if (v1.length() == 0) { // return false; } if (cond.isNumeric() && v1.length() > 0) { try { Float.valueOf(v1); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { value.setBackground(Color.red); value.setToolTipText( MessageManager.getString("label.numeric_required")); return false; } } return true; } /** * Constructs a filter condition from the given input fields, and replaces the * condition at filterIndex with the new one. Does nothing if the pattern field * is blank (unless the match condition is one that doesn't require a pattern, * e.g. 'Is present'). Answers true if the filter was updated, else false. *

* This method may update the tooltip on the filter value field to show the * value range, if a numeric condition is selected. This ensures the tooltip is * updated when a numeric valued attribute is chosen on the last 'add a filter' * row. * * @param attCombo * @param condCombo * @param valueField * @param filterIndex */ protected boolean updateFilter(JComboBox attCombo, JComboBox condCombo, JTextField valueField, int filterIndex) { String attName = (String) attCombo.getSelectedItem(); Condition cond = (Condition) condCombo.getSelectedItem(); String pattern = valueField.getText().trim(); setNumericHints(attName, cond, valueField); if (pattern.length() == 0 && cond.needsAPattern()) { valueField.setEnabled(true); // ensure pattern field is enabled! return false; } /* * Construct a matcher that operates on Label, Score, * or named attribute */ FeatureMatcherI km = null; if (LABEL_18N.equals(attName)) { km = FeatureMatcher.byLabel(cond, pattern); } else if (SCORE_18N.equals(attName)) { km = FeatureMatcher.byScore(cond, pattern); } else { km = FeatureMatcher.byAttribute(cond, pattern, FeatureMatcher.fromAttributeDisplayName(attName)); } filters.set(filterIndex, km); return true; } /** * Makes the dialog visible, at the Feature Colour tab or at the Filters tab * * @param coloursTab */ public void showTab(boolean coloursTab) { setVisible(true); // tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(coloursTab ? 0 : 1); } /** * Action on any change to feature filtering, namely *

  • change of selected attribute
  • *
  • change of selected condition
  • *
  • change of match pattern
  • *
  • removal of a condition
  • *
* The inputs are parsed into a combined filter and this is set for the feature * type, and the alignment redrawn. */ protected void filtersChanged() { /* * update the filter conditions for the feature type */ boolean anded = andFilters.isSelected(); FeatureMatcherSetI combined = new FeatureMatcherSet(); for (FeatureMatcherI filter : filters) { String pattern = filter.getMatcher().getPattern(); Condition condition = filter.getMatcher().getCondition(); if (pattern.trim().length() > 0 || !condition.needsAPattern()) { if (anded) { combined.and(filter); } else { combined.or(filter); } } } /* * save the filter conditions in the FeatureRenderer * (note this might now be an empty filter with no conditions) */ fr.setFeatureFilter(featureType, combined.isEmpty() ? null : combined); ap.paintAlignment(true, true); updateFiltersTab(); } }